• Title/Summary/Keyword: retail store

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Effects of Patriotism on Product Evaluation: Focused on the Mediating Effects of Consumer Ethnocentrism (애국심이 제품평가에 미치는 영향: 소비자 자민족중심주의의 매개효과를 중심으로)

  • Hong, Sung-Tai;Kang, Dong-Kyoon
    • Journal of Distribution Research
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.71-99
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    • 2010
  • Most of studies on patriotism in the marketing area have focused on ethnocentric tendencies observed in consumption behaviors. On the contrary, there have been few empirical studies on how patriotism in the general sense, indicating affection for, attachment to, and pride in the country, influences consumers' evaluation of domestic and foreign products. Given the current situation that marketing activities appealing to people's patriotism is increasing, this is somewhat surprising. Thus, this study examined empirically how patriotism influences people's evaluation of domestic and foreign products. In addition, we tested whether consumer ethnocentrism works as an intervening variable in the relation between patriotism and product evaluation. The empirical analysis was conducted through a questionnaire survey of undergraduate and graduate students at universities in Seoul. The survey asked about the respondents' patriotism, consumer ethnocentrism, domestic product evaluation, foreign product evaluation, and demographical characteristics. In foreign product evaluation, the respondents were requested to evaluate Chinese and Japanese products. Email was used to send and recover the questionnaires, and 135 replies were used in the analysis. Major findings from the empirical analysis are as follows. First, a significant relationship was observed between patriotism and domestic product evaluation. That is, patriotic participants evaluated domestic products more favorably. On the other hand, no significant relationship was observed between patriotism and foreign product evaluation(See Table 1-1 and 1-2). Next, the effect of patriotism on domestic product evaluation was mediated by consumer ethnocentrism. However, whether the effect of patriotism on domestic product evaluation is mediated by consumer ethnocentrism partially or fully was different according to product(See Table 2-1 and 2-2). Lastly, we tried to analyze the relation between consumer ethnocentrism and product evaluation and comparing the results with findings of previous researches. According to the results, a significant relationship was observed between consumer ethnocentrism and domestic product evaluation but not between consumer ethnocentrism and foreign product evaluation. The meanings of this study are as follows. First, there have been few marketing studies that investigated the relation between patriotism and product evaluation. Thus, this study is meaningful in that it supplemented the limitation of previous research. Second, consumer ethnocentrism was found to mediate the relation between patriotism and domestic product evaluation. Considering the absence of previous research that examined the role of consumer ethnocentrism as an intervening variable, this study is significant in that it expanded the scope of research on consumer ethnocentrism. Third, from the practical aspect, the results of this study suggest that marketing appealing to patriotism is effective in stimulating consumers' purchase and consumption of domestic products. Accordingly, such a marketing strategy is expected to be effective in protecting domestic markets from imported goods and overseas brands and to increase demands for domestic products and brands. However, there is the question of whether the effect of patriotism based marketing strategies in promoting demand for domestic products would persist. That is, this study could not find a significant relation between patriotism and foreign product evaluation, and this means that the increase in patriotism for the home country does not damage people's view to the quality of foreign products negatively. Accordingly, without change in people's perception of foreign products, it is highly likely that the increase in demand for domestic products or brands induced by patriotism elevated at a specific time or situation may not last long. Fourth, the results of this study suggest that the patriotism level may influence consumers' choice behavior toward retailers strongly connected to a specific country or region. That is, consumers with high level patriotism may hesitate or avoid using a retailer associated with some foreign country. Fifth, according to the results of this study, when people's patriotism is stimulated by a specific social situation or event, it can be an opportunity for domestic franchise brands to increase their market performance such as sales and market share and, at the same time, for foreign franchise brands to experience adversities. Therefore, during a period like the Olympic Games or the World Cup when people's sense of belonging or attachment to their country is heightened, domestic franchise brands need to make marketing activities that may lead market opportunities to substantial results and foreign franchise brands to cope with such adversities. Sixth, consumers' brand choice is often made in retail stores. It has been demonstrated by numerous studies that in store stimuli such as point of purchase display can affect consumers' behavior. Considering this, domestic brands facing competition with foreign brands should make continuous efforts to enhance the market performance of their products through developing in store stimuli that can stimulate consumers' patriotism. Finally, based on the major findings of this study, both academic and practical issues were discussed. Suggestions for future studies were provided.

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Importance-Performance and Willingness to Purchase Analyses of Home Meal Replacement Using Eco-Friendly Food Ingredients in Undergraduates according to Gender (성별에 따른 대학생들의 친환경 식재료를 활용한 간편 가정식 구매의향 및 중요도-만족도 분석)

  • Jeong, Young-Gil;Lee, In-Seon
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.44 no.12
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    • pp.1873-1880
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    • 2015
  • The purpose of this study was to survey intention to purchase home meal replacement (HMR) made with eco-friendly food ingredients as well as need for development while analyzing importance and performance of HMR made with eco-friendly ingredients for its commercialization. From September 2014 to March 2015, questionnaires were filled out by respondents. Of the 422 questionnaires that were returned, 412 were used with 10 discarded as incomplete. Regarding reasons behind purchasing HMR, the highest percentages of both males and females answered 'ready to eat'. Almost all respondents spent 'less than 10,000 won' each time they purchased HMR. Regarding place they bought HMR, a higher percentage of respondents answered 'convenience store' and 'discount retail chain store'. In terms of improvements needed for HMR, the highest percentage of males answered 'development of a variety of menus' while the highest percentage of females answered 'change in food ingredients' at 37.7%. For development of HMR made with eco-friendly ingredients, most respondents replied that there is a need for development. Regarding intention for purchasing HMR made with eco-friendly ingredients, 66.7% of males and 73.5% of females answered they have intention to buy. Important performance analysis showed a need to improve performance of 'safety of food ingredients', which was located close to the second quadrant. To improve performance for 'safety of food ingredients', safety must be ensured through use of eco-friendly ingredients, and a systematic process for managing hazardous materials that could arise during the manufacturing process has to be developed.

Monitoring of Food Additives as an Artificial Sweetener on Favorite Foods of Children (어린이 기호식품의 인공감미료 함량 모니터링)

  • Han, Youn-Jeong;Kim, Jun-Hyun;Park, Seung-Young;Oh, Jae-Ho;Jang, Young-Mi;Kim, Mee-Hye
    • Journal of Food Hygiene and Safety
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    • v.25 no.2
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    • pp.185-191
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    • 2010
  • In this study, monitoring of food additives as an artificial sweetener on favorite foods of children, which are deal at retail store and stationery store around eliminatory school, was performed. We analyzed aspartame, potassium acesulfame, sodium saccharin, and cyclamate from candys, biscuits, chocolates and others. Total 604 items as targeted food were collected from the other country; 285 items of candys, 131 items of biscuits, 74 items of chocolates., 114 items of others. Targeted foods were classified by manufacture nation; 308 samples from domestic products, 211 from China, 26 from Indonesia, and 59 items from other nations. Artificial sweeteners were detected from 75 cases of food stuff which were 38 native product, 25 China, 9 Indonesia, and 3 others. The percentage of detected artificial sweeteners was aspartame 7.8% (47 cases), potassium acesulfame 3.0% (18 cases), sodium saccharin 1.8% (11 cases), and cyclamate 2.6% (16 cases). The detected concentration were followed [average(minimum-maximum) mg/kg]; aspartame 817 (21-4,988), potassium acesulfame 192 (24-1,136), sodium saccharin 91 (5-326), and cyclamate 926 (8-4,680). Aspartame was detected mainly on Korea foods, and cyclamate and sodium saccharin were detected from Indonesia food, artificial sweeteners were detected Chinese food, broadly. As a result, 17 cases were violated against regulatory standard of cyclamate, and sodium saccharin. Considering average body weight (36.9 kg) and daily intake of biscuits (15.6 g) for elementary student, ratio of estimated daily intake and acceptable daily intake was 0.86% for aspartame, 0.54% for potassium acesulfame, 0.77% for sodium saccharin, and 3.56% for cyclamate.

A Comparative Analysis of Teukyakmeip and Consignment (특약매입과 콘사인먼트 비교분석)

  • Kim, Dong-Ho;Kim, Sung-Soo;Jung, Myung-Hee;Youn, Myoung-Kil
    • Journal of Distribution Science
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    • v.12 no.4
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    • pp.5-9
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    • 2014
  • Purpose - The purpose of this study was to compare and contrast the applicability and effectiveness of both teukyakmeip contracts of Korea and consignment contracts of the United State to demonstrate the effectiveness and practicability of teukyakmeip in Korea. These are popular contract agreements between large retailers and their suppliers and vendors. In recent years, teukyakmeip was critically examined and scrutinized by the politicians, the media, and the public of Korea. Consequently, this paper focusesheavily on identifying and analyzing different types of contract agreements between large retailers and their suppliers that currently exist in Korea and compares and contrasts those analyzed contract agreements with teukyakmeip. The article also comparesand contrasts teukyakmeip with the consignment agreements of the United States to identify similarities and differences. Research design, data, and methodology - This study is a descriptive study and has used personal interviews to collect and analyze the data. This study also fits the definition of the case study wherein it is entirely focused on investigating a real-life event: analyzing and examining contract agreements in the distribution industry. Both randomly selected management and vendor representatives from the three major department stores, Lotte, Hyundai, and Shinsegae, in Korea were interviewed between July and September 2013. The analysis of the consignment agreement was conducted based on existing secondary data. Results - Although the evidence of the abuse of teukyakmeip and consignment by large retailers from both countries clearly exists, the findings suggestthat both contract agreements would remain as the most relevant and effective legal contracts between large retailers and their suppliers. Based on the comparisonanalysis of teukyakmeip and consignment, both contracts indicated that suppliers are fully responsible for inventory and inventory management. If sales person is necessary for promoting special product, then suppliers are responsible for providing a sales person and their wages under both contracts. However, American department stores, those located outside urban area, tend to use their own employees to perform special product and sales promotion. The retailersare fully responsible for any interior or floor design or redesign of the retail store to accommodate the products from vendors under consignment; however, both suppliers and retailers share the cost of designing and redesigning the interior to accommodate vendors'products under teukyakmeip. Suppliers are responsible for pricing and supplying the quantity of the products under both agreements. Both contracts allow special sales commission as long as vendors agreed. Vendors use this special commissionto introduce their new products or apply market penetration strategy. Conclusions -The findings of this study showed the changing pattern of contract agreements between large retailers and their suppliers from both countries. Furthermore, this study evidently generated policy implications of teukyakmeip which recently became the major social issue in Korea and attracted many policymakers to gain political points by criticizing the teukyakmeip system and the large retailers. The findings of the study would be valuable to policy makers in making appropriate decisions and to large retailers and vendors in making beneficial agreements. The major implication of this study is that teukyakmeip and consignment agreements include very similar or almost identical characteristics, and they are popular among department stores and suppliers. The issue of abolishing teukyakmeip in Korea needs to be examined cautiously because teukyakmeip is the best one available at the moment, and the study suggests that no one benefits from abolishing this system.

Criteria of Evaluating Clothing and Web Service on Internet Shopping Mall Related to Consumer Involvement (인터넷 쇼핑몰 이용자의 소비자 관여에 따른 의류제품 및 웹 서비스 평가기준에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Kyung-Hoon;Park, Jae-Ok
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles
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    • v.30 no.12 s.159
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    • pp.1747-1758
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    • 2006
  • Rapid development of the information technology has influenced on the changes in every sector of human environments. One prominent change in retail market is an increase of electronic stores, which has prompted practical and research interest in the product and store attributes that include consumer to purchase products from the electronic shopping. Therefore many marketers are paying much attention to the criteria of evaluating clothing and web service on internet shopping malls. The purpose of this study is to examine differences of clothing and web service criteria of consumer groups (High-Involvement & High-Ability, Low-Involvement & High-Ability, High-Involvement & Low-Ability, and Low-Involvement & Low-Ability) who are classified into consumer involvement and internet use ability. The subjects of this study were 305 people aged between 19 and 39s, living in Seoul and Gyeonggi-do area, and having experiences in buying products on the internet shopping. Statistical analyses used for this study were the frequency, percentage, factor analysis, ANOVA and Duncan test. The results of this study were as follows: Regarded on the criteria of evaluating clothing, the low different groups had significant differences in the esthetic, the quality performance and the extrinsic criterion. Both HIHA group and HILA group showed the similar results. They considered every criterion of evaluating clothing more important, compared with other groups. Regarded on the criteria of evaluating web service related to the low different groups, there were significant differences in the factors related to the shopping mall reliance, the product, the satisfaction after purchase, and the promotion and policy criterion. Both HIHA group and HILA group showed the similar results as well. They considered every criterion of evaluating web service more important, compared with other groups. In conclusion, HI groups perceive relatively more dangerous factors which can be occurred during internet shopping. Therefore, internet shopping malls need to provide clothing that can satisfy the HI groups as well as make efforts to remove the dangerous factors on the internet.

Relationship between the non-spinning syndrome of silkworm, Bombyx mori and pesticides (누에 미화용 증상과 농약 관련성)

  • Park, Kyung-Hun;Kim, Byung-Seok;Park, Yeon-Ki;Lee, Hee-Dong;Jeong, Mi-Hye;You, Are-Sun;Sohn, Bong-Hee;Kang, Pil-Don;Kyung, Kee-Sung
    • The Korean Journal of Pesticide Science
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    • v.11 no.4
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    • pp.238-245
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    • 2007
  • This survey was performed to elucidate whether pesticide can cause the non-spinning syndrome of silkworm, Bombyx mori in Yecheon and Sangju 2002. We primarily focused to Insect Growth Regulator Pesticides(IGR) used in that areas. In the result of the survey to the retail pesticide store at Yecheon and Sangju, seven pesticides of the total 12 IGR pesticides sold were used during spring sericuitural season. 7 pesticides might effect on silkworm in consideration of possibility of exposure according to the characteristics of used amount, spray drift, volatility and treatment time. Five chitin synthesis inhibitor involving diflubenzuron of 7 IGR pesticides were known as very toxic to silkwork after exposure by skin and feeding but no non-spinning syndrome was observed from several papers. Methoxyfenozide and tebufenozide also has used at sericultural season, but are ecdysone agonist. One of the most feasible suspect of non IGR pesticide, was molinate in consideration of its volatility property and wide spread use in the sericultural area. But it's symptom after exposure of molinate was not the same as the non-spinning syndrome broke out at the sericultural farm in Yecheon and Sangju.

An Exploratory Empirical Study on Shopping Choice in Retail Channels by the Selective Characteristics of Foods (상품 선택 특성에 따른 쇼핑채널 선택에 관한 연구: 식품 MD를 중심으로)

  • Ha, Kwang-Ok;Lee, Jung-Hee
    • The Journal of Small Business Innovation
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.35-46
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    • 2017
  • The purpose of this study is to obtain the implications for establishing a marketing strategy for retailers by analyzing whether the consumer's preference for products (food) is influenced by on-line, off-line, and omni-channel preferences. The research model consisted of the effects of consumers' food selection characteristics on business preference and omni channel preference. The results of analysis based on 477 questionnaires are summarized as follows. First, food purchasing characteristics that utilize the seven characteristics of (1) freshness of food, (2) taste, (3) quality and safety, (4) tasting, (5) food function and information, (6) country of origin, and (7) brand loyalty, has various effects on types of business preference, omni-channel preference. The adopted hypotheses were selected in order of brand loyalty (5 times), freshness (3 times), tasting (3 times), and origin (1 time). The selective attributes on foods are: (1) what kind of brand, (2) how good the freshness is, (3) tasting. (4) The country of origin is to be compressed. Actually consumers seem to utilize only the core selective factors that are appropriate to the characteristics of the distribution channel rather than all of them in the shopping of the food, and there is three characteristics on Convenience Store and only one or two factors in the other types of business. Second, in the analysis of the omni-channel preference analysis, food selection characteristics has been shown to have a limited effect, which is attributed to the fact that the consumer has not yet understood the concept of omni channel. Third, the results of this study suggest that there is a need to reflect the selection characteristics of foods that have diverse influences by business type in the marketing strategies. Because consumers make reasonable consumption to use both on-line and off-line simultaneously, consumers who use Omni Channel focus on quality and safety of food, identify products through tasting, pursue brands that can trust anywhere. Customers who pursue rationality will have a high preference for using Omni Channel. Product choice characteristic has significant effect on omni-channel preference. For a few years, omni-channel strategy of retailers meets with a difficulty. This study make a first attempt to study omni-channel preference changing retailing paradigm.

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A Study on Agrifood Purchase Decision-making and Online Channel Selection according to Consumer Characteristics, Perceived Risks, and Eating Lifestyles (소비자 특성, 지각된 위험, 식생활 라이프스타일에 따른 농식품 구매결정 및 온라인 구매채널 선택에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Myoung-Kwan;Park, Sang-Hyeok;Kim, Yeon-Jong
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.147-159
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    • 2021
  • After the 2020 Corona 19 pandemic, consumers' online consumption is increasing rapidly, and non-store online retail channels are showing high growth. In particular, social media is gaining its status as a social media market where direct transactions take place in the means of promoting companies' brands and products. In this study, changes in consumer behavior after the Corona 19 pandemic are different in choosing online shopping media such as existing online shopping malls and SNS markets that can be classified into open social media and closed social media when purchasing agri-food online. We tried to find out what type of product is preferred in the selection of agri-food products. For this study, demographic characteristics of consumers, perceived risk of consumers, and dietary lifestyle were set as independent variables to investigate the effect on online shopping media type and product selection. The summary of the empirical analysis results is as follows. When consumers purchase agri-food online, there are significant differences in demographic characteristics, consumer perception risks, and detailed factors of dietary lifestyle in selecting shopping channels such as online shopping malls, open social media, and closed social media. Appeared to be. The consumers who choose the open SNS market are higher in men than in women, with lower household income, and higher in consumers seeking health and taste. Consumers who choose the closed SNS market were analyzed as consumers who live in rural areas and have a high degree of risk perception for delivery. Consumers who choose existing online shopping malls have high educational background, high personal income, and high consumers seeking taste and economy. Through this study, we tried to provide practical assistance by providing a basis for judgment to farmers who have difficulty in selecting an online shopping medium suitable for their product characteristics. As a shopping channel for agri-food, social media is not a simple promotional channel, but a direct transaction. It can be differentiated from existing studies in that it is approached as a market that arises.

Statistical Analysis on Non-Household Unit Water Use for Business Categories (비가정용수의 업종별 사용량 원단위 및 통계적 특성 분석)

  • Lee, Doojin;Kim, Juwhan;Kim, Hwasoo
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.29 no.4B
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    • pp.385-396
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    • 2009
  • Non-household unit water use for each type of business are estimated in this study. The business types are subdivided into forty based on nine categories by the national industrial standard classification, such as office, commerce, public bathing, public water use etc. Correlation analysis and analysis of variance (ANOVA) are applied to obtain statistical characteristics between industrial water use data, surveyed in six cities including Nonsan, Seosan and the National Statistical Bureau and site area, employees number etc. for each detailed business area. As the proposed non-household unit water uses are compared with five surveyed data in USA, it is shown that almost of water uses per unit area are less than those in USA. Non-household unit water uses of 25% cumulative probability water use recommended as efficiency benchmarks among surveyed data in Korea are also less than those in USA. Especially, in the case of water use in school, the average and the range are similar results showing water use range between 0.4 and 6.2 ($l/m^2/day$) as liter per capita day per an unit area, also water use range between 11.9 to 64.0 (l/student/day) as liter per capita day per a person. From the result of correlation analysis with internal and exogenous affecting factors on non-household water use, it can be concluded that a unit area is most appropriate factor as a standard of non-household unit water use. In case of water use in educational business, the number of students including staffs is more correlated than site ares with water use for the settled water consumption tendency. Although the increase and decrease of educational institutes, retail/wholesale store and restaurants are shown remarkable by the temperature as a representative factor, low correlations are shown in water use fluctuation in lodging house and hospital.

The Cross-Cultural Study about Effects of Service Quality Dimensions on CS in Korea and China (할인점 서비스품질의 각 차원이 CS에 미치는 영향에 대한 한(韓).중(中)간 비교 문화적 연구)

  • Noh, Eun-Jeong;Seo, Yong-Goo
    • Journal of Global Scholars of Marketing Science
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.23-35
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    • 2009
  • A hypermarket as the one of the most globally standardized retailing format is also the type of store among various types of stores that the most active in expanding into other foreign markets. Recently, as several Korean retailing companies start to penetrate into Chinese market they differentiate themselves with modern facilities and customers service oriented high-end concept. China and Korea as Far East Asian countries share many common values, however precise and careful analysis should be carried out since there may also be critical differences in socio-economic aspects as well as in consumption patterns due to the level of development stages of retail industry among two countries. Even though precise and careful study is crucial on Chinese retailing market and consumers, none of researches and studies on 'how the quality of service dimensional structure is different between Korea and China', and 'what will be the most important and influential service dimensional factors for Chinese consuers compared to the hypermarkets customers in Korea' in order to improve the level of Chinese consumers satisfaction' have been fulfilled At this point of view, this study uses KD-SQS (Rho Eun Jung & Sir Yong Gu, 2008) which is a measure of Korean hypermarkets service quality to set up a hypothesis on Korean and Chinese consumers, and an empirical analysis is conducted. We try to get the answers about how the comparative importance of Service quality dimensions which decides the level of customer satisfaction is different depending on the cultural dimensions and socio-economic factors among two countries, Korea and China. Based upon the results, we try to give a valuable suggestion of what service dimensional factors should be reinforced to improve the level of CS in Chinese retailing market. Hypotheses for this study are as follows : H1. Each dimension of Service Quality significantly affects the level of CS H2. The effect of 'Basic Benefit' in service quality dimensions on the level of CS is greater in China than in Korea H3. The effect of 'Promotion' in service quality dimensions on the level of CS is greater in China than in Korea H4. The effect of 'Physical Aspects'in service quality dimensions on the level of CS is greater in Korea than in China. H5. The effect of 'Personal Interaction' in service quality dimensions on the level of CS is greater in China than in Korea H6. The effect of 'Policy' in service quality dimensions on the level of CS will be greater in Korean than in China H7. The effect of additional convenience in service quality dimensions on the level of CS will be greater in Korean than in China. More than 1,100 data were collected directly from the surveys of Chinese and Korean consumers in order to verify the hypotheses above. In Korea, stores which have floor space of over $9,000m^2$and opened later than year 2000 were selected for the samples, and thus Gayang, Wolgye, Sangbong, Eunpyeong, Suh-Suwon, Gojan stores and their customers were surveyed. In China, notable differences in the income levels and consumer behaviors between cities and regions were considered, and thus the research area was limited to the stores only in Shanghai. 6 stores which have the size of over $6,000m^2$ and opened later than 2000, such as Ruihong, Intu, Mudanjang, Sanrin, Raosimon, and Ranchao stores were selected for the survey. SPSS 12.0 and AMOS 7.0 were used as statistical tools, and exploratory factor analysis, confirmatory factor analysis, and multi-group analysis were conducted. In order to carry out a multi group analysis that decides whether the structure variables which shows the different effects of 6 service dimensions in Korean and Chinese groups is statistically valid, configural invariance, metric invariance, and structural invariance are tested in order. At the results of the tests, 3 out of 7 hypotheses were supported and other 4 hypotheses were denied. According to the study, 4 dimensions (Basic Benefit, Physical Environment, Policy, and additional convenience) were positively correlated with CS in Korea, and 3 dimensions (i.e. basic benefit, policy, additional convenience) were significant in China. However, the significance of the service-dimensions was turned out to be partially different in Korea and China. The Basic Benefit is more influential in deciding the level of CS in china than Korea, however Physical Aspect is more important factor in Korea. 'Policy dimension' did not make significant difference between two countries. In the 'additional convenience dimension', the differences in 'socio-economic factors' than in'cultural background' were considered as more important in Chinese consumers than Korean. Overall, the improvement of Service quality will be crucial factors to increase the level of CS in Chinese market same as Korean market. In addition, more emphases need to be placed on the service qualities of 'Basic Benefit' and 'additional convenience' dimensions in China. In particular, 'low price' and 'product diversity' that constitute 'Basic Benefit' are proved to be comparatively disadvantageous and weak points of Korean companies compared to global players, and thus the prompt strengthening those dimensions would be urgent for Korean retailers. Moreover, additional conveniences such as various tenants and complex service and entertaining area will be more important in China than in Korea. Besides, Applying advanced Korean Hypermaret`s customer policy to Chinese consumers will help to get higher reliability and to differentiate themselves to other competitors. However, as personal interaction, physical aspect, promotions were proved as not significant for the level of CS in China, Korean companies need to reconsider the priority order of resource allocations when they tap into Chinese market.

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