• Title/Summary/Keyword: relevant factors

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The Types and Characteristics of Gift-Purchasing Behavior of Consumers (소비자들의 선물구매행동유형 및 그 특성에 관한 연구)

  • 허경옥;유정임;김종숙
    • Journal of Family Resource Management and Policy Review
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    • v.6 no.2
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    • pp.31-52
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    • 2002
  • This study classified consumers' behaviors of purchasing gifts, divided groups by the types of similar behaviors, and examined impacts of demographic variables, relevant variables in purchasing processes on those behaviors. Findings of this study can be summarized as follows. First, factors explaining consumers' behaviors of purchasing gifts were the tendency of demonstrative purchase, the level of placing values to the meaning of gifts, the level of altruism and rationality in the purchase of gifts, and the tendency of impulsive purchase. On the basis of these five factors, five distinct consumer groups showing similar behaviors of purchasing gifts based on the results of Cluster analysis were identified. Those groups were impulsiveㆍdemonstrative groups, impulsiveㆍnon-sincere groups, indifferent groups, non-impulsiveㆍdemonstrative groups, non-altruistic'ㆍrational groups, sincere groups, and altruisticㆍrational groups. Second, behaviors of purchasing gifts showed significant differences depending on gender, educational levels, occupational types, and women's employment status. Consumers with high education, professional occupation, high income tended to show the demonstrative purchase. Male consumers were not interested in the purchases of gifts and placed high values on the meanings of gifts. In contrast, female consumers showed rational behavior, but revealed the tendency of demonstrative in the purchase of gifts as well. Finally, behaviors of purchasing gifts were also different depending on the method of gathering consumer information, places of purchasing gifts, experiences of ordering paid wrapping gifts and the relevant costs, consumers' evaluations of the purchases of gifts, and degrees of satisfaction after the purchase of gifts. Impulsive'ㆍdemonstrative groups and non-impulsive'ㆍ demonstrative groups preferred departments as places of purchasing gifts and choose ordering paid wrapping gifts but showed dissatisfactions after purchases of gifts. Consumers who belongs to non-altruistic'ㆍrational groups, sincere groups, and altruistic'ㆍ rational groups tended to prefer local stores in their own villages as places of purchasing gifts and did not order paid wrapping gifts while showing high after the purchase of gifts.

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A Methodological Study of Korean In-Depth Accident Study DB (한국형 교통사고심층분석자료 구축방법론에 대한 연구)

  • Youn, Younghan;Lee, S.;Park, G.Y.;Kim, M.;Kim, I.;Kim, S.;Lee, J.
    • Journal of Auto-vehicle Safety Association
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    • v.7 no.2
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    • pp.15-18
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    • 2015
  • The availability of in-depth accident data is a prerequisite for each efficient traffic safety management system. Identification and definition of the relevant problem together with knowledge of the data and parameters describing this problem is essential for its successful solution. Comprehensive, up-to-date, accident data is needed for recognition of the scope of road safety problems and for raising public awareness. Reliable and relevant data enable the identification of the contributory factors of the individual accidents, and an unveiling of the background of the risk behaviour of the road users. It offers the best way to explore the prevention of accidents, and ways to implement measures to reduce accident severity. In this study, reviewing the existing iGlad and GIDAS system, KIDAS data format can be finalized through feasibility evaluation. The progressive approach is proposed to successful settlement of Korea in-depth accident study. As the initial stage of in-depth investigation DB construction, the KIDAS is not repetition of the current police based TAAS. It is essential part of improving vehicle safety and reduction of traffic fatality in Korea. 72 Contributing factors like road and traffic characteristics, vehicle parameters, and information about the people involved in the accident have to be investigated and registered as well in the KIDAS.

Factors affecting the price-reduction rates among the insurance medicines (의료보험약가 인하율에 영향을 미치는 요인)

  • Kim, Hyoung-Joong;Cho, Woo-Hyun;Kim, Han-Joong;Cheon, Byung-Yool
    • Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health
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    • v.25 no.1 s.37
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    • pp.64-72
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    • 1992
  • To provide the information necessary for the insurance medicine management plan, price discount rates among the insurance medicines were studied. A total of 2,107 items of insurance medicine of which prices were discounted via governmental inspections of real transactional process of insurance medicine were analysed. The conclusions are as follows; 1. Among the variables relevant to the characteristics of manufacturers, price discount rates of insurance medicines were statistically significant with production rankings of manufacturers, incorporation year, existence of investments by foreign corporation, existence of a research institute, and enrollment in the exchange. And among the variables relevant to the properties of medicines, the number of enrolled items which have the same components, classification, the date of new enrollment, the sales of items, and the number of raw materials in the items were statistically significant. 2. Stepwise multiple regression was done to identify the factors which affect the price discount rates of insurance medicines. The number of enrolled items which have the same components, production rankings of manufactures, classification number (medicines for function of tissue cells), incorporation year(1940-1949), existence of investments by foreign corporations, classification number (anti-germ medicines), number of raw materials In the items, the sales of items, and medicines whose major objective is not treatment were significant variables and the $R^2$-value for these variables was 21.2%. Considering all of the above results, for management of insurance medicines, it seems important that the real transactional prices of insurance medicines should be identified systematically, focusing on the properties which affect the price discount rates of insurance medicines.

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Multilateral Nuclear Approaches (MNAs), Factors and Issues Lessons from IAEA Study to Regional Cooperation (다자간 원자력 협력: 요소와 현안)

  • Hwang Yong-Soo
    • Proceedings of the Korean Radioactive Waste Society Conference
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    • 2005.06a
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    • pp.56-66
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    • 2005
  • In response to the increasing emphasis being placed on the importance of international cooperation as part of global efforts to cope with growing non proliferation, and security, concerns in the nuclear field, the Director General of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), Mohamed ElBaradei, appointed an international group of experts to consider possible multilateral approaches to the nuclear fuel cycle. The mandate of the Expert Group was three fold: ${\bullet}$ To identify and provide an analysis of issues and options relevant to multilateral approaches to the front and back ends of the nuclear fuel cycle; ${\bullet}$ To provide an overview of the policy, legal, security, economic, institutional and technological incentives and disincentives for cooperation in multilateral arrangements for the front and back ends of the nuclear fuel cycle; and ${\bullet}$ To provide a brief review of the historical and current experiences and analyses relating to multilateral fuel cycle arrangements relevant to the work of the Expert Group. The overall purpose was to assess MNAs in the framework of a double objective: strengthening the international nuclear non proliferation regime and making the peaceful uses of nuclear energy more economical and attractive. The Group identifies options for MNAs - options in terms of policy, institutional and legal factors - for those parts of the nuclear fuel cycle of greatest sensitivity from the point of view of proliferation risk. It also reflects the Groups deliberations on the corresponding benefits and disadvantages (pros and cons) of the various options and approaches. Although the Expert Group was able to agree to forward the resulting report to the Director General, it is important to note that the report does not reflect agreement by all of the experts on any of the options, nor a consensus assessment of their respective value. It is intended only to present options for MNAs, and to reflect on the range of considerations which could impact on the desirability and feasibility of those options.

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Elastic floor response spectra of nonlinear frame structures subjected to forward-directivity pulses of near-fault records

  • Kanee, Ali Reza Taghavee;Kani, Iradj Mahmood Zadeh;Noorzad, Assadollah
    • Earthquakes and Structures
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    • v.5 no.1
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    • pp.49-65
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    • 2013
  • This article presents the statistical characteristics of elastic floor acceleration spectra that represent the peak response demand of non-structural components attached to a nonlinear supporting frame. For this purpose, a set of stiff and flexible general moment resisting frames with periods of 0.3-3.6 sec. are analyzed using forty-nine near-field strong ground motion records. Peak accelerations are derived for each single degree of freedom non-structural component, supported by the above mentioned frames, through a direct-integration time-history analysis. These accelerations are obtained by Floor Acceleration Response Spectrum (FARS) method. They are statistically analyzed in the next step to achieve a better understanding of their height-wise distributions. The factors that affect FARS values are found in the relevant state of the art. Here, they are summarized to evaluate the amplification and/or reduction of FARS values especially when the supporting structures undergo inelastic behavior. The properties of FARS values are studied in three regions: long-period, fundamental-period and short-period. Maximum elastic acceleration response of non-structural component, mounted on inelastic frames, depends on the following factors: inelasticity intensity and modal periods of supporting structure; natural period, damping ratio and location of non-structural component. The FARS values, corresponded to the modal periods of supporting structure, are strongly reduced beyond elastic domain. However, they could be amplified in the transferring period domain between the mentioned modal periods. In the next step, the amplification and/or reduction of FARS values, caused by inelastic behavior of supporting structure, are calculated. A parameter called the response acceleration reduction factor ($R_{acc}$), has been previously used for far-field earthquakes. The feasibility of extending this parameter for near-field motions is focused here, suggested repeatedly in the relevant sources. The nonlinearity of supporting structure is included in ($R_{acc}$) for better estimation of maximum non-structural component absolute acceleration demand, which is ordinarily neglected in the seismic design provisions.

Supply Chain Analysis in Public Works: The Role of Work Climate, Supervision and Organizational Learning

    • The Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business
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    • v.7 no.12
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    • pp.1065-1071
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    • 2020
  • The study aims to analyze the supply chain role of supervision, discipline, work climate, and organizational learning on the performance of community services at the public works. This study took a sample of employees through purposive sampling technique at the Public Works Office and Bina Marga in a regency in East Java. Data through questionnaire was collected through a 5-point Likert scale model. The results show that the application of employee discipline affects the performance of public services, with a contribution of 39.7%, meaning that discipline and organizational learning are implementation factors that have an effect on public service performance. In stepwise regression analysis, the supervisory factor has a correlation with service performance, but it is less relevant, while the work climate is not relevant as a predictor variable to improve public service performance. The study revealed the importance of the supply chain policy of implementing good and clean governance and the enactment of the performance appraisal of the government apparatus established through Good Corporate Governance of the state apparatus. The findings provide a basis to encourage the public sector performance to smooth every step of supply chain management of every government project work, especially in the field of public services.

A Guide on the Use of Factor Analysis in the Assessment of Construct Validity (구성타당도 평가에 있어서 요인분석의 활용)

  • Kang, Hyuncheol
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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    • v.43 no.5
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    • pp.587-594
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    • 2013
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study is to provide researchers with a simplified approach to undertaking exploratory factor analysis for the assessment of construct validity. Methods: All articles published in 2010, 2011, and 2012 in Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing were reviewed and other relevant books and articles were chosen for the review. Results: In this paper, the following were discussed: preliminary analysis process of exploratory factor analysis to examine the sample size, distribution of measured variables, correlation coefficient, and results of KMO measure and Bartlett's test of sphericity. In addition, other areas to be considered in using factor analysis are discussed, including determination of the number of factors, the choice of rotation method or extraction method of the factor structure, and the interpretation of the factor loadings and explained variance. Conclusion: Content validity is the degree to which elements of an assessment instrument are relevant to and representative of the targeted construct for a particular assessment purpose. This measurement is difficult and challenging and takes a lot of time. Factor analysis is considered one of the strongest approaches to establishing construct validity and is the most commonly used method for establishing construct validity measured by an instrument.

Exploration of Smart Work Benefits from the Perspectives of Individual, Firm, and Social Support (개인, 기업, 사회적 지원 관점에서 스마트워크 효용 탐색)

  • Han, Hyun-Soo;Woo, Jeong-Ah
    • Journal of Information Technology Services
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    • v.11 no.2
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    • pp.147-167
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    • 2012
  • In this paper, we attempted to theorize the multi-faceted impacts of smart work on economic activities. In this vein, we adopted socio-economic perspective which includes individual, firm, and social support aspects, and explored the variables related to the quality of life among them. First, smart work patterns are categorized as telework, mobile office, teleconferencing, and social collaboration. And relevant variables are extracted with reference to industrial cases and relevant literatures which investigated economic impacts of digital convergence. Next, with the data collected from experts, following delphi method, validation of variables and explorations of significant factors affecting quality of life were conducted by adopting stepwise regression method. The distinguishing traits of this research are two-folds. The one is the investigation of social support and quality of life aspects of smart work, which has been relatively limited in the digital convergence research field. The other is the comparative analysis of smart work advantages by distinguishing individual and firm aspects separately. The result offers useful insights for socio-economic perspective researches on digital convergence application area.

A Study on the Effective Development of Privately Financed Station Buildings (철도 민자역사의 효율적 개발 방안 연구)

  • Kim Byong-O;Chung Jae-Ho
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Railway
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    • v.9 no.4 s.35
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    • pp.362-370
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    • 2006
  • This study examines the current state of and the problems in privately financed station in Korea, and makes suggestions for improving future development of stations. Problems found in this research are as follows. First. the deployment of resting facilities needs to be planned according to whether the users of privately financed station buildings are electric railway passengers or national railway ones. Second, large scale developments with the object of raising operating revenues should be restrained. Third, there are not sufficient spaces for public benefit such as squares in front of stations. Fourth, the surroundings are congested due to lack of connection to neighboring areas through public transportation. Fifth, the absence of integrated development plans causes many inadequate effects on urban functions and views. Sixth, administrative processes for getting licenses and permits are complicated and relevant authorities are not cooperative. To solve these problems in privately financed station buildings, to contribute to the development of the community and to secure publicness, Many problems are not in station buildings themselves but come from insufficient consideration of relevant factors in constructing the buildings Thus, future development of station buildings and their surrounding areas should be planned in consideration of these problems. We expect that the development of areas surrounding railway stations not only improves railway stations themselves but also leads the environmental reform of urban spaces and activates the local community.

A Study on the Shapes of the Neck and the Shoulder in Dressmaking; young wonen age group (의복원형설계를 위한 성인여성 두.견부의 형태분류 -20대 여성을 중심으로-)

  • 김희숙
    • Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association
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    • v.36 no.12
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    • pp.43-54
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    • 1998
  • From the viewpoint of clothing construction, it is necessary to grasp exactly the shapes of the neck and the shouder, such as the line of the neck base, the neck gradient, the shoulder gradient, the shape of the scapular, and the shape of the breast. In this report, factor analysis was applied to 39 items of neck & shoulder level measurements, including stature, weight, but grith, waist girth, to demonstrate the most relevant measurements for collar and bodice pattern designing, and to classify the neck and shoulder level shapes. The subjects investigated were 126 women of the age 20-29. The main results are follows : 1. For factors of body form were extracted by the factor analysis. The 1st principal component can be interpreted as "size" component, the 2nd-3th principal component is "shape" component relating to neck and shoulder level, and the 4th principal component is "shoulder shape" component. 2. With regard to factor loadings, we were able to extract the most relevant measurements for collar and bodice pattern designing. M16, M22, S26, S30, S34, S35, S36, C37, C38, C39.

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