• 제목/요약/키워드: related organization

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대순진리회의 인간관 (Daesoon Jinrihoe's View of Human Beings)

  • 고병철
    • 대순사상논총
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    • 제28집
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    • pp.1-34
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    • 2017
  • 이 연구의 목적은 한국종교사의 맥락에서 대순진리회의 인간관을 이해하는 데에 있다. 아울러 향후 대순진리회의 인간관을 연구할 때 필요한 과제들을 제시하고자 한다. 여기서 한국종교사의 맥락은 어떤 종교의 인간관이든지 특정한 역사적 흐름 속에서 만들어진다는 시각을 말한다. 이 연구의 주요 내용은, 연구 목적에 따라, 크게 세 가지 부분으로 구성되어 있다. 첫 번째(제2장 선행연구의 접근)는 인간관에 대한 선행연구를 분석하는 부분이다. 여기서는 대순진리회의 인간관에 대한 선행연구를 심리학, 철학, 교육학, 비교 연구로 구분하였다. 이러한 선행연구들을 보면, 인간관에 대한 연구 방식이 심리학적 접근과 경전 해석의 접근으로 시작해서, 철학적 접근, 교육적 접근, 그리고 다른 종교와 비교하는 방식으로 다변화되고 있지만, 앞으로 인간관의 설명 요인들을 좀 더 다양화해서 인간관을 연구할 필요성을 시사하고 있다. 두 번째(제3장 대순진리회의 인간관)는 6개의 요인들을 활용해서 인간관을 설명하는 부분이다. 6개 요인들은 '인간의 기원, 인간을 구성하는 요소, 죽음 이후 인간의 상태, 인간의 현실 인식, 인간 삶의 목표, 목표에 도달하는 방법'이다. 이러한 설명 요인들은 기존의 연구에 비해 인간관을 구체적으로 설명하는 데에 기여하고 있다. 세 번째(제4장 남는 문제)는 인간관 형성 요인들에 비추어봤을 때 앞으로 논의가 필요한 과제들을 추출하는 부분이다. 이 연구에서는 과제를 인간관의 내부 논리를 설명하기 위한 과제, 그리고 인간관 형성 요인들의 배경을 설명하기 위한 과제로 구분하였다. 인간관의 내부 논리와 관련해서는 인간의 기원·출생, 인간의 구성 요소, 사후 심판, 인간의 주체성, 인간이 처한 현실 인식, '선천-후천'의 구도에서 논의가 필요한 부분들을 추출하였다. 그리고 인간관 형성 요인들의 배경과 관련해서 대순진리회와 다른 종교의 연관성에 대한 논의가 필요하다고 지적하였다. 끝으로, 결론 부분에서는 인간관 연구의 활성화를 위해 인간관과 관련된 용어들을 '전경용어사전'에 포함시키는 과제, 교리와 그 쟁점에 대해 논의할 기구를 설치하는 과제 등을 제시하였다. 이 연구가 종교학 연구자들이 한국의 주요 종교인 대순진리회의 인간관을 이해하고 연구하는 데에 기여하기를 기대한다.

국가연구데이터커먼즈 체계 수립을 위한 연구데이터 관리자들의 인식에 관한 연구 (A Study on the Perception of Research Data Managers to Establish a Korea Research Data Commons System)

  • 박성은;이미경;조민희;송사광;김다솔;임형준
    • 정보관리학회지
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    • 제41권1호
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    • pp.465-486
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    • 2024
  • 본 연구는 한국과학기술정보연구원(KISTI)에서 개발하고 있는 국가연구데이터커먼즈(KRDC)를 실제 이용할 국가과학기술연구회(NST) 산하 정부출연연구기관의 연구데이터 관리자를 대상으로 연구데이터를 분석하기 위한 인프라와 서비스의 현황을 파악하고, KRDC 체계 구축과 관련한 연구데이터 관리자들의 인식을 조사하는 것을 목적으로 하였다. 이를 위해 KISTI를 제외한 24개의 정부출연연구기관을 대상으로 설문을 실시하였으며, 설문조사에 응답한 15개 기관 중 후속 인터뷰에 동의한 9개 기관의 연구데이터 관리자를 대상으로 인터뷰를 수행하였다. 설문 결과, 대부분의 기관들이 관련 서비스를 제공하고 있었으며, 연구데이터 활용을 위한 통합 분석 프레임워크의 도입과 외부에 공개된 분석 SW를 사용할 수 있는 체제에 대한 제공 의향 역시 높은 것으로 나타났다. 한편 후속 인터뷰를 통해 각 기관별로 제공하는 분석 서비스의 외부 공개 현황을 파악해보았을 때, 매우 소수의 기관만이 이를 외부에 공개하고 있었다. 이러한 연구 결과를 분석해보면, 프레임워크를 통해 분석 인프라와 서비스가 제공될 경우 활용하고자 하는 수요가 있으나, 각 기관에서 보유하고 있는 분석 자원을 공개 및 공유하기 어렵다는 것을 알 수 있다. KRDC 체계 구축을 위해서는 연구 현장에서의 분석 인프라와 분석 서비스의 공유가 필수적인 만큼 연구 현장에서의 인식 전환, 나아가 제도적 변화가 필요하며, 후속 인터뷰에서 제시된 시스템의 편리성, 보안, 보상체계 등을 잘 고려하는 정책을 수립하기 위해 노력할 필요가 있다.

우리나라 다목적 공연장의 탄생배경에 관한 소고 (A Brief Review of Backgrounds behind "Multi-Purpose Performance Halls" in South Korea)

  • 김경아
    • 공연문화연구
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    • 제41호
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    • pp.5-38
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    • 2020
  • 이 연구는 군사정권의 권력 전개양상에서 드러나는 문화정책이념이 '다목적 공연장'의 개념형성으로 발현되는 과정을 살펴보는데 있다. 한국의 공연장 현황은 우리나라 공연문화와 깊은 관계가 있다. 각 지방자치단체마다 그 지역을 대표하는 문화예술회관(문예회관)을 중심으로 한국의 공연문화와 향유문화가 깊이 자리 잡고 있기 때문이다. 오늘날 문예회관들은 다목적홀로 운영되고 있으며 운영주체는 절대다수 정부와 지방정부 또는 출자출연기관의 재단법인 등 공공영역에서 운영한다. 따라서 정부와 지방정부의 문화예술정책의 대상이며 제도적 측면과 긴밀한 상관관계를 가지게 된다. 박정희 정권은 초헌법적인 유신을 공포하고 우리나라 문화예술법의 시초라고 할 수 있는 「문화예술진흥법」(1972.9)을 제정한다. 이법을 근거로 「문예중흥5개년계획」(1973)을 수립하고 문화시설들을 짓기 시작했다. 전국의 '문화예술'회관, 또는 '문화'회관이 다목적홀로 지어진 데에는 문화예술진흥법의 "문화예술"에 대한 정의를 "문학, 미술, 음악, 연예 및 출판에 관한 사항"으로 명시함으로써 지금의 '다목적'개념의 근거가 된다. 한편, 문화공보부의 조직직제는 "문화와 예술"을 관장함을 명시하고 대중문화와 예술진흥을 구분 짓는 문화행정체계를 갖춘다. 그러나 이시기 대통령의 연설에 나타난 박정희의 화법은 '문화예술=예술'로 인식하고 있다. 예술은 문화에 포함되는 개념이지만 문화예술=예술로 인식함으로써 정치적 시국이나 시행부서에 따라 그 해석을 달리하였고, 이러한 모호성은 예술이 이데올로기적 활용에 정책적으로 동원되는 기제가 된다. 이러한 배경에서 문화예술진흥법에 근거하고 문화공보부의 관장 하에 1978년 다목적 공연장인 세종문화회관이 개관한다. 그러나 제도상의 문화예술=다목적과 설립을 추진했던 정부조직의 문화≠예술, 권력이 인식했던 문화예술=예술은 대중음악의 대관문제를 두고 가치충돌로 표출된다. 1979년 12·12사태로 정권을 장악한 신군부는 민족문화를 앞세운 국풍81을 통해 저항세력을 체제 안으로 끌어들이고자 했다. 정권의 의도는 실패하였고, 저항과 지지의 양축에서 국민적 지지를 확보하는 방안으로 국민의 문화향유 기회확대 정책에 방점을 둔다. 이는 앞 정권의 문화예술에 관한 인식의 전환이며 박정희 정권과의 차별화를 추구한 것이다. 전두환 정권에 있어 앞 정권과의 차별성은 곧 정권의 정당성 확보를 의미하는 것이었고 향유기회의 확대는 문화영역의 분배 차원에서 추진되었다. 따라서 장기적인 안목의 예술발전으로 자리매김 되지 못했고 하드웨어의 상징성으로 정권의 정당성 확보를 실현하려고 하였다. 오늘날 다목적 공연장의 개념은 유신체제하에 만들어진 법체계의 "문화예술"의 정의에 기인한 것이며 이를 근거하여 공공 공연장의 운영목적으로 '다목적'의 개념이 탄생한다. 군사정권을 이은 전두환 정권은 프로시니엄 구조의 다목적 공연장을 정권의 정당성 확보의 수단으로 표출하였고, 전국적으로 재생산 되어 오늘날 한국의 공연문화에 중요한 비중을 차지하고 있다.

항공기(航空機) 사고조사제도(事故調査制度)에 관한 연구(硏究) (A Study on the System of Aircraft Investigation)

  • 김두환
    • 항공우주정책ㆍ법학회지
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    • 제9권
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    • pp.85-143
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    • 1997
  • The main purpose of the investigation of an accident caused by aircraft is to be prevented the sudden and casual accidents caused by wilful misconduct and fault from pilots, air traffic controllers, hijack, trouble of engine and machinery of aircraft, turbulence during the bad weather, collision between birds and aircraft, near miss flight by aircrafts etc. It is not the purpose of this activity to apportion blame or liability for offender of aircraft accidents. Accidents to aircraft, especially those involving the general public and their property, are a matter of great concern to the aviation community. The system of international regulation exists to improve safety and minimize, as far as possible, the risk of accidents but when they do occur there is a web of systems and procedures to investigate and respond to them. I would like to trace the general line of regulation from an international source in the Chicago Convention of 1944. Article 26 of the Convention lays down the basic principle for the investigation of the aircraft accident. Where there has been an accident to an aircraft of a contracting state which occurs in the territory of another contracting state and which involves death or serious injury or indicates serious technical defect in the aircraft or air navigation facilities, the state in which the accident occurs must institute an inquiry into the circumstances of the accident. That inquiry will be in accordance, in so far as its law permits, with the procedure which may be recommended from time to time by the International Civil Aviation Organization ICAO). There are very general provisions but they state two essential principles: first, in certain circumstances there must be an investigation, and second, who is to be responsible for undertaking that investigation. The latter is an important point to establish otherwise there could be at least two states claiming jurisdiction on the inquiry. The Chicago Convention also provides that the state where the aircraft is registered is to be given the opportunity to appoint observers to be present at the inquiry and the state holding the inquiry must communicate the report and findings in the matter to that other state. It is worth noting that the Chicago Convention (Article 25) also makes provision for assisting aircraft in distress. Each contracting state undertakes to provide such measures of assistance to aircraft in distress in its territory as it may find practicable and to permit (subject to control by its own authorities) the owner of the aircraft or authorities of the state in which the aircraft is registered, to provide such measures of assistance as may be necessitated by circumstances. Significantly, the undertaking can only be given by contracting state but the duty to provide assistance is not limited to aircraft registered in another contracting state, but presumably any aircraft in distress in the territory of the contracting state. Finally, the Convention envisages further regulations (normally to be produced under the auspices of ICAO). In this case the Convention provides that each contracting state, when undertaking a search for missing aircraft, will collaborate in co-ordinated measures which may be recommended from time to time pursuant to the Convention. Since 1944 further international regulations relating to safety and investigation of accidents have been made, both pursuant to Chicago Convention and, in particular, through the vehicle of the ICAO which has, for example, set up an accident and reporting system. By requiring the reporting of certain accidents and incidents it is building up an information service for the benefit of member states. However, Chicago Convention provides that each contracting state undertakes collaborate in securing the highest practicable degree of uniformity in regulations, standards, procedures and organization in relation to aircraft, personnel, airways and auxiliary services in all matters in which such uniformity will facilitate and improve air navigation. To this end, ICAO is to adopt and amend from time to time, as may be necessary, international standards and recommended practices and procedures dealing with, among other things, aircraft in distress and investigation of accidents. Standards and Recommended Practices for Aircraft Accident Injuries were first adopted by the ICAO Council on 11 April 1951 pursuant to Article 37 of the Chicago Convention on International Civil Aviation and were designated as Annex 13 to the Convention. The Standards Recommended Practices were based on Recommendations of the Accident Investigation Division at its first Session in February 1946 which were further developed at the Second Session of the Division in February 1947. The 2nd Edition (1966), 3rd Edition, (1973), 4th Edition (1976), 5th Edition (1979), 6th Edition (1981), 7th Edition (1988), 8th Edition (1992) of the Annex 13 (Aircraft Accident and Incident Investigation) of the Chicago Convention was amended eight times by the ICAO Council since 1966. Annex 13 sets out in detail the international standards and recommended practices to be adopted by contracting states in dealing with a serious accident to an aircraft of a contracting state occurring in the territory of another contracting state, known as the state of occurrence. It provides, principally, that the state in which the aircraft is registered is to be given the opportunity to appoint an accredited representative to be present at the inquiry conducted by the state in which the serious aircraft accident occurs. Article 26 of the Chicago Convention does not indicate what the accredited representative is to do but Annex 13 amplifies his rights and duties. In particular, the accredited representative participates in the inquiry by visiting the scene of the accident, examining the wreckage, questioning witnesses, having full access to all relevant evidence, receiving copies of all pertinent documents and making submissions in respect of the various elements of the inquiry. The main shortcomings of the present system for aircraft accident investigation are that some contracting sates are not applying Annex 13 within its express terms, although they are contracting states. Further, and much more important in practice, there are many countries which apply the letter of Annex 13 in such a way as to sterilise its spirit. This appears to be due to a number of causes often found in combination. Firstly, the requirements of the local law and of the local procedures are interpreted and applied so as preclude a more efficient investigation under Annex 13 in favour of a legalistic and sterile interpretation of its terms. Sometimes this results from a distrust of the motives of persons and bodies wishing to participate or from commercial or related to matters of liability and bodies. These may be political, commercial or related to matters of liability and insurance. Secondly, there is said to be a conscious desire to conduct the investigation in some contracting states in such a way as to absolve from any possibility of blame the authorities or nationals, whether manufacturers, operators or air traffic controllers, of the country in which the inquiry is held. The EEC has also had an input into accidents and investigations. In particular, a directive was issued in December 1980 encouraging the uniformity of standards within the EEC by means of joint co-operation of accident investigation. The sharing of and assisting with technical facilities and information was considered an important means of achieving these goals. It has since been proposed that a European accident investigation committee should be set up by the EEC (Council Directive 80/1266 of 1 December 1980). After I would like to introduce the summary of the legislation examples and system for aircraft accidents investigation of the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada, Germany, The Netherlands, Sweden, Swiss, New Zealand and Japan, and I am going to mention the present system, regulations and aviation act for the aircraft accident investigation in Korea. Furthermore I would like to point out the shortcomings of the present system and regulations and aviation act for the aircraft accident investigation and then I will suggest my personal opinion on the new and dramatic innovation on the system for aircraft accident investigation in Korea. I propose that it is necessary and desirable for us to make a new legislation or to revise the existing aviation act in order to establish the standing and independent Committee of Aircraft Accident Investigation under the Korean Government.

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한국 청소년의 약물남용과 비행행위

  • 김성이
    • 한국인구학
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    • 제11권2호
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    • pp.54-66
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    • 1988
  • I. Introduction Since the 1970's drug abuse among young people has increasingly become a social problem in Korea. In the 1980's, drug abuse, especially glue sniffing, has become the cause of many unfortunated incidents resulting in harm to others as well as the abusers themselves. Taking into consideration of the seriousness of this problem, the Republic of Korea National Red Cross initiated a nation-wide research programme, to understand the present situation and to raise the level of public awareness. The goal of this research was to begin a nation - wide campaign against drug abuse. The research team was composed of the Advisary Committee members and the staff of the Youth Department of the Republic of Korea National Red Cross. The data were collected in February 1988 with the collaboration of the staff and volunteers in the local Chapters. The respondents were allocated nation-wide by the quota sampling method. The questionnaires were distributed to the respondents in three groups :2, 700 to junior and senior high school students, 605 to working youths, and 916 to delinquent youths. A total of 4, 221 questionnaires were collected. II. Characteristics of the Respondents The respondents in each group were selected evenly from rural and urban areas. The general characteristics of the respondents can be described as follow: in case of students, the proportions between male and female respondents, and between senior high school and junior high school students were almost evenly distributed. In case of working youths, the proportion of females (80.5%) was higher than those of the students and the delinquents groups. Delinquent youths were defined as those currently being under custody of the centers for juvenile delinquents. Of this number, 38.8% and 68.2% were junior and senior high school drop-outs respectively. The majority of them (92.6%) were male. As for the family background of the respondents, the proportion of those residing in poverty - stricken areas, and the proportion of those from broken families were higher in case of working youths and delinquent youths than those in case of students. III. Present Patterns of Drug Abuse The following summarizes the presents of drug abuse, as tabulated from the results of the survey. 1. Smoking The percentage of youths who smoke was 36% in the student group, 32% m the working youths group, and 94.4% in the delinquent youths group. 2. Alcohol 50.3% of students, 71.6% of working youths, and 93.3% of delinquent youths has experienced drinking alcohol beverages. 3. Tonic: non - alcoholic, caffeinated beverages popular in Korea and Japan The percentage of those who have used tonic at least once was over 90% in all of the three groups. 4. Sedative About 70% of each group has used sedative with the proportion of working youths use higher than those in other groups. 5. Stimulants Those who have used stimulants comprised around 15% in each group. 6. Tranquilizers Somewhat less than 5% of students and working youths, and 28% of delinquent youths, have used tranquilizers. 7. Hypnotics The users of hypnotics amounted to 0.4% of students, 2.6% of working youths and 7.1% of delinquent youths. 8. Marihuana Those who have used marihuana indicated 0.7% of students, 0.8% of working youths, and 13% of delinquent youths. 9. Glue-sniffing The percentage of glue-sniffing was 3.7%, 5% in the students group and in the youths group respectively, but the proportion was unusually high, at 40.7% in the delinquent youths group. From the results of the survey the present situation of drug abuse in Korea can be summarized as follows: 1. A high percentage of Korean youths have experienced smoking cigarettes and drinking alcoholic beverages. 2. Tonics (non - alcoholic, caffeinated beverages), antipyretic analgesics and stimulants quite regularly used. 3. Tranquilizers, hypnotics, marihuana and glue-sniffing are more widely used among delinquent youths than the other youths. From this fact, there exists a correlation between drug abuse and juvenile delinquency. IV. Time-series Analysis of the First Experience of Drug Abuse and Deviant Behaviour The respoundents were asked when they were first exposed to drugs and when they committed deviant acts. By calculating the average age of each experience, the following pattern was found (See Figure 1). Youths are first exposed to drugs by abuse of tonic(non - alcoholic, caffeinated beverages). At the age of 13, they amoke cigarettes, the use of antipyretic analgesics begins at 14 year old, while at the age of 15, they use tranquilizers, and at 16 hynotics. The period of drug abuse which starts from drinking caffeinated beverages and smoking cigarettes and ends in the use of hypnotics takes about three years. During this period, other delinquent behaviours begin to surface, that is, at the age of 13 when smoking cigarettes begins, the delinquent behaviour pattern starts with truancy. Next, they start taking money from others by using physical force. Prior to the age of 15, they are suspended from school, become hostile to adults, begin running away from home, and start using stimulants and alcohol. Soon they become involved even in glue-sniffing and in the use of marihuana. At the age of 15, they begin to see adult videos and carry weapons. Sexual promiscuity and usage of tranquilizers follows the viewing of adult videos. Consequently, by the time they reach the age of 16, they visit drinking establishments, and are picked up by police for committing delinquent acts. And finally, they come to use hypnotic - type drugs. From the above descriptions, drug abuse can be assumed to have a close correlation with delinquent behaviour. V. Social Factors Related to Drug Abuse As for the Korean youths, glue-sniffing is found to he related to aggressive delinquency, in such cases as run - aways, being picked up by the police, and taking money by force. Smoking cigarettes and drinking alcohol is found to be related to seeing adult videos and visiting drinking establishments. Hypnotics and marihuana were found to be representive of drugs which are related to degenerational delinquency, irrespective of social delinquency. The social factors connected with these drug abuse are as follows: 1. Individual factors Male students were more heavily involved in the usage of drug than females. Youths who do not attend church were more likely to be involved in drugs than those who attend. 2. Family factors The youths who were displeased with their mothers smoking and those who thought their parents did not love each other, or those whose parents had used drugs without prescription, were more likely to he drug users. 3. School factors Those youths who found school life boring, were unsuccessful in their studies, spend most of their time with friends, feel their teachers smoke too much, those who had a positive perception of their teachers smoking were likely to he drug users. To sum up, drug abusers depend on the influence of their parents, teachers and peers. IV. Reasons for Drug Abuse Korean students have mainly used drugs to release stress (42.8%), to stay awake (19.7%), and because of the easy accessibility of drugs( 16.6%). Other reasons are due to their ignorance of the side effects of the drugs (3.6%), natural curiosity (4.2%), and to increase strength(3.O%). From the above facts, the major reasons for drug abuse among Korean youths are to release stress and to stay awake in order to prepare exams. Furthermore, since drugs are readily available, we can conclude that drug abuse is caused by the school system(such as entrance exams) in Korea. VII. Conclusion Drug usage among Korean youths are relatively less common than those of western youths. In some cases, such as, glue-sniffing and use of stimulants, the pattern of drug abuse is found. Moreover, early drug abuse is evident, and it has a close connection with deviant behaviour, resulting in juvenile delinquency. Drug abuse cannot be attributed to any one social factor. Specifically, drug abuse depends on parents, peers, teachers and other members of the community, and also is influenced by social institutions such as the entrance exam system. Every person and organization concerned with youth must participate collectively in restraining drug abuse. Finally, it is suggested that social agencial working for youth welfare should make every effort to tackle this serious problem confronted by the Korean youths today.

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국민학교(國民學校) 교과서내(敎科書內)의 보건교육내용(保健敎育內容) 및 그 습득도(習得度) (Contents of Health Education for Pupils and the Perceptibility after Graduation of Primary School)

  • 전보윤;김두희
    • Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health
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    • 제18권1호
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    • pp.99-112
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    • 1985
  • 보건교육(保健敎育)에 관한 상태(狀態)를 파악(把握)하기 위하여 국민학교과정(國民學校過程)을 대상(對象)으로 보건관계(保健關係) 사항(事項)들을 조사(調査)하고 그 과정(過程)을 이수(履修)한 중학교(中學校) 입학직후(入學直後)의 보건지식(保健知識) 수준(水準)을 측정(測定)하였다. 보건지식(保健知識) 측정(測定)은 표준, 동아 수련장에서 선택(選擇)한 문제(問題)로 50개(個) 문항(問項)을 택(擇)한 설문지(設問紙)를 담임교사를 통(通)하여 설문(設問) 하였으며 총(總) 대상학생수(對象學生數)는 도시학생(都市學生) 491명(名) 농촌학생(農村學生) 468명(名), 총(總) 959명(名)으로 1984년(年) 4월(月) 10일(日)부터 5월(月) 10일(日) 사이에 실시(實施)하였다. 국민학교(國民學校) 전(全) 학년(學年), 전(全) 과목(科目)에서의 보건(保健)에 관한 항목(項目)은 총(總) 782건(件)으로 내용적(內容的)으로 분류(分類)해 보면 정신보건(精神保健)과 운동(運動) 및 휴식(休息) 에 관한 건(件)이 가장 많고, 다음으로 환경보건(環境保健), 보건생활(保健生活)이며, 사고(事故), 개인위생(個人衛生), 영양(營養) 및 음식(飮食), 사회의학(社會醫學) 및 보건기구(保健機構), 생리학(生理學) 및 해부학(解剖學), 보학통계(保學統計), 인구문제(人口問題), 질병관리(疾病管理), 식품위생(食品衛生), 학교보건(學校保健), 기생충(寄生蟲) 및 전염병관리(傳染病管理), 우생학(優生學) 및 유전학(遺傳學) 순(順)이었다. 학과목별(學科目別)로 보면 국어(國語)에는 총(總) 114건중(件中) 정신보건(精神保健)이 44.7%, 가장 많이 포함(包含)되고, 산수(算數)에는 총(總) 26건중(件中) 보건통계(保健統計)가 46.4%로, 사회(社會)에는 총(總) 118건중(件中) 환경보건(環境保健)이 23.1%로, 자연(自然)에 있어서는 총(總) 30건중(件中) 생리학(生理學) 및 해부학(解剖學)이 60.1%로, 도덕(道德)에는 총(總) 176건중(件中) 정신보건(精神保健)이 40.3%로, 음악(音樂)에 있어서는 총(總) 23건중(件中)에 정신보건(精神保健), 사고(事故)가 각각(各各) 21.8%씩 차지했고 미술(美術)에는 총(總) 28건중(件中) 운동(運動) 및 휴식(休息)이 42.9%로, 체육(體育)에는 총(總) 201건중(件中) 운동(運動) 및 휴식(休息)이 38.6%로, 실과(實科)에 있어서는 총(總) 61건중(件中) 영양(營養) 및 음식(陰食)이 36.2%로 가장 많이 포함(包含)되어 있었으며 국사(國史)에는 사회의학(社會醫學) 및 보건기구(保健機構) 뿐 다른것은 없었다. 보건사항(保健事項)의 總(總) 건수중(件數中) 과목별(科目別)로 보면 체육(體育) 25.8%, 도덕(道德) 22.5%, 사회(社會) 15.1%, 국어(國語) 14.6%, 실과(實科) 7.8%, 자연(自然) 3.8%, 미술(美術) 3.6%, 산수(算數) 3.3%, 음악(音樂) 2.9%, 국사(國史) 0.6%의 순(順)이었다. 전학년별(全學年別)로는 6학년(學年) 29.1%, 4학년(學年) 21.2%, 5학년(學年) 18.9%, 3학년(學年) 11.6%, 1학년(學年) 11.5%, 2학년(學年)의 7.7%의 순(順)이었다. 보건문제(保健問題)가 관련된 과(課)는 평균(平均) 35.4%이었으며 학년별(學年別)로 보면 4학년(學年), 6학년(學年)이 각각(各各) 38.2%로 최고(最高)였고 2학년(學年)이 29.3%로 최하(最下)였다. 체육(體育)에는 전(全) 과(課)에 포함(包含)되어 있었다. 보건(保健)에 관한 지식습득도(知識習得度)로 보면 도시학생(都市學生)의 평균점수(平均點數)는 56.3점(點)이고 농촌학생(農村學生)의 평균(平均)은 53.9점(點)으로써 두 집단간(集團間)의 지식습득도(知識習得度)에는 유의(有意)한 차(差)가 있었다.

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공기업의 지배구조와 경영성과: CEO와 내부감사인을 중심으로 (Corporate Governance and Managerial Performance in Public Enterprises: Focusing on CEOs and Internal Auditors)

  • 유승원
    • KDI Journal of Economic Policy
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    • 제31권1호
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    • pp.71-103
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    • 2009
  • 공기업을 주축으로 한 공공기관의 지출 규모가 2007년 한국 GDP의 28%에 달하는 등 공공기관이 한국경제에 미치는 영향은 대단히 크다. 그러나 공기업의 방만경영이 오히려 국가경쟁력을 저해하고 있기 때문에 공기업 개혁을 지속적으로 추진해야 한다는 비판의 목소리는 새정부 들어서도 계속되고 있다. 특히, 공기업 CEO 등 임원 선임에 대한 정치적 논란이 국민들의 불신을 초래하고 있다. 본 연구는 공기업 개혁을 위한 여러 방안 중 공기업의 내부지배구조가 공기업 경영성과에 미치는 영향을 분석하였다. 공기업의 민영화 여부와 관계 없이 공기업의 소프트웨어적인 지배구조 개선 문제가 대단히 중요하기 때문이다. 공기업의 지배구조와 경영성과에 대한 선행 연구는 민간기업의 해당 연구에 비해 소수에 불과하다. 선행 연구는 대부분 공기업 CEO의 소위 낙하산 임용이 경영성과에 부정적 영향을 미친다고 비판하였다. 그러나 최근 들어 공기업 CEO의 임용유형과 경영성과 간에는 상관관계가 없다는 반대의 견해도 제시되고 있다. 본 연구는 다음과 같은 점에서 선행 연구와 차별된다. 첫째, 선행 연구는 공기업의 CEO와 경영성과 간의 관계에 초점을 맞추었다. 그러나 본 연구는 CEO뿐만 아니라 공기업 경영에서 핵심적인 역할을 하는 내부감사인과 경영성과 간의 관계도 더불어 분석하였다. 둘째, 선행 연구는 낙하산 인사에 집중하여 CEO의 임용유형과 경영성과 간의 관계를 분석하였으나, 본 연구는 임용유형(독립성)뿐만 아니라 CEO 및 내부감사인의 전문성이 경영성과에 미치는 영향을 함께 분석하였다. 셋째, 선행 연구는 연구자별로 다양한 표본을 선택하여 비재무적인 지표를 중심으로 분석하였다. 반면, 본 연구는 정부가 공식적으로 지정한 공기업과 외부 회계감사를 거친 해당 공기업의 재무제표를 대상으로 분석하여 연구자의 주관성을 배제하였다. 본 연구는 회귀분석모형을 사용하여 공기업 CEO와 내부감사인의 독립성 및 전문성과 당년도 경영성과 간의 상관관계를 분석하였다. 샘플은 정부가 공기업으로 지정한 24개 기관의 2003년부터 2007년까지의 재무정보와 해당 공기업의 이사회 회의록에서 추출한 인사정보를 활용하였다. CEO의 독립성은 CEO가 해당 공기업 출신 인사인지 아닌지로 파악하였고, 내부감사인의 독립성은 내부감사인이 학계 경제계 시민단체 출신인지 그렇지 않으면 정치권 정부부처 군 출신인지로 파악하였다. 또한 CEO와 내부감사인의 전문성은 업무전문성과 재무전문성으로 나누어 분석하였다. 통제변수로는, 공기업의 설립연수, 자산규모, 정부지원 비율, 연도별 더미변수를 활용하였다. 분석 결과, 내부감사인의 독립성 및 재무전문성과 당해 연도의 경영성과는 통계적으로 유의한 (+)의 관계가 있었다. 또한 CEO의 업무전문성 및 재무전문성과 경영성과는 통계적으로 유의하지 않았지만(+)의 관계가 있었다. 그러나 통상의 관념과 달리 CEO의 독립성과 경영성과는 통계적으로 유의하지 않지만 (-)의 관계가 있었다. 공기업 CEO의 독립성이 경영성과에 미치는 영향은 보통의 우려와 달리 최근 들어 어느 정도 해소된 것으로 보이며 독립성보다는 공기업 CEO와 내부감사인의 전문성이 공기업의 경영성과에 보다 중요한 역할을 미치는 것으로 해석된다. 본 연구는 다음과 같은 한계를 가지고 있다. 첫째, 공기업은 민간기업과 달리 공공성과 기업성을 동시에 추구하고 있다. 그러나 본 연구는 공기업의 공공성에 대한 검토는 배제하고 기업성을 중심으로 연구하였다. 둘째, 본 연구는 중앙정부의 공기업에 한정하여 분석하였다. 따라서 본 연구 결과를 지방자치단체의 공기업에 적용할 때는 세심한 주의가 필요하다. 마지막으로, 본 연구는 공기업 임원 인사 시 제기되는 투명성 및 민주성과 관련된 사항은 연구자의 주관성이 개입될 여지가 있어 배제하였다.

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초등학교 아동의 개인위생에 대한 조사 (A Study on Personal hygiene of Primary School Students)

  • 김재삼;남철현;강희양
    • 한국학교보건학회지
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    • 제9권1호
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    • pp.109-123
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    • 1996
  • The study was designed to gain necessary basic data, in order to grasp the actual condition on personal hygiene of primary school students and to help school health education and child health education data development of parents of students, the survery was carried out through this reporter's interview for mothers who have primary school pupil in KyungBug area during the period of a month from 14 the April to 30 the April 1994. The results of this study can be summarized as follows. 1. As for general characteristics, the percent of answer mothers with 30~34 years 44.9%, and the percent of answer mothers with 35~39 years was 37.6%, 14.6% of answer mother was 40 years and over. The most house types was apartment house, that is 64.8% and independence house was 18.9%, 13.7% of answer mothers was multivalent house residents. As for level of school career, the percent of high school was 64.2% and the percent of university was 20.5%, 10.1% of answer mothers was finishment of middle school. As for religion a lack of religion was 38.4% and a Buddhist was 36.8%, a christian was 13.4%, 10.4% of answer mothers was a catholic. As for jobs, the percent of office was 33.9%, specialist and expert skiller was 17.3%, self-management was 16.0%, fishing and agrarian villiages was 11.6%, public service personnel and shool personnel was 9.1%. As for the number of sons and daughters, the percent of two was 70.5%, the percent of one was 16.0%, and the percent of male students was 54.1%. As for level of economic life middle level was 59.9%. 2. The percentage of washing hand after school hours was 66.8% and not washing hand after school hours was 33.2%. In washing hand after school hours family of independence house, mothers that have schoolcareer of university, female students, three and over of sons and daughters was high individually (p<0.05). 3. As for paring one's nails, once a ten days was 52.9% once a five days was 22.5% once a fifteen days was 19.0%, once a twenty and over was 5.6%. 4. 54.7% of primary school students of answer mother's take a bath once a few days and 31.6% take a bath once a week, 10.1% take a bath once a tendays. 5. The percentage of changing of underwear once a day was 60.9%, once a few days was 37.1%, once a week was 2.0%, as for changing of underwear, sons and daughters that has mothers with 29 years and downward, one number of sons and daughters, females students was high individually (p<0.01). 6. The percentage of haircut once a 20~30 days was 59.9%, once a 31~40 days was 17.9%, once a 40 days and over was 16.6%. As for the percentage of haircut once a 20~30 days apartment house residents, male students was high (p<0.01). 7. The percentage of experience in taking nutrition was 79.8% and the percentage of experience in taking restorative was 72.3%. As for taking nutrition, apartment house residents, one number of sons and daughters, male students was high individually (p<0.01). As for taking restorative apartment house residents, on number of sons and daughters, male students was high individually (p<0.05). 8. The percentage of habit of unbalanced diet was 44.0%, sons and daughters that have mother with 40 years and over apartment house residents, male students, one number of sons and daughters was high indivdually (p<0.05). 9. As for hygiene condition of sons and daughters, the percentage of good state of health was 65.2%, middle state of health was 3.5% bad state of health was 11.4%. In good state of health sons and daughters that have mothers with 29 years and downward, multivalent house residents, three numbers of sons and daughters, female students, high birth was high individually. 10. As for fattness of sons and daughters, existence was 18.2%. No existence was 81.8%. in existence sons and daughters who have mothers with 40 years and downward, independence house resident, special job and expert skill job, three and over number of sons and daughters, female students, low birth was high individually. 11. As for use aspect of medical facilities of sons and daughters, hospital doctors was 53.1%, drugstore was 42.3%, chinese medicine hospitals or health organization was 4.6%. In usage of drugstore, sons and daughters of mothers with 29 years, 40 years and over was 55.6%, 61.4% individully, inusage of hospital doctors 30~34 years, 34~39 tears was 64.5%, 49.1% individully (p<0.01), apartment house residents, one or two numbers of sons and daughters, male students was high individually. In the percentage of using drugstore, school career of middle school and downward, in occupation, three and over numbers of sons and daughters, low birth was high individually (p<0.05). According to the results mentioned above. An actual condition and a related matters on personal hygiene of primary school students must be used as the basis data of a health education program and a health data of a health education program and a health data related, a teaching materials development and must be helped to the health life education of parents of students and childs.

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국제상거래 분쟁해결을 위한 온라인 ADR 모델 구축방안 (The Building Plan of Online ADR Model related to the International Commercial Transaction Dispute Resolution)

  • 김선광;김종락;홍성규
    • 한국중재학회지:중재연구
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    • 제15권2호
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    • pp.3-35
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    • 2005
  • The meaning of Online ADR lies in the prompt and economical resolution of disputes by applying the information/communication element (Internet) to existing ADR. However, if the promptness and economical efficiency are overemphasized, the fairness and appropriateness of dispute resolution may be compromised and consequently Online ADR will be belittled and criticized as second-class trials. In addition, as communication is mostly made using texts in Online ADR it is difficult to investigate cases and to create atmosphere and induce dynamic feelings, which are possible in the process of dispute resolution through face-to-face contact. Despite such difficulties, Online ADR is expanding its area not only in online but also in offline due to its advantages such as promptness, low expenses and improved resolution methods, and is expected to develop rapidly as the electronic government decided to adopt it in the future. Accordingly, the following points must be focused on for the continuous First, in the legal and institutional aspects for the development of Online ADR, it is necessary to establish a framework law on ADR. A framework law on ADR comprehending existing mediation and arbitration should be established and it must include contents of Online ADR, which utilizes electronic communication means. However, it is too early to establish a separate law for Online ADR because Online ADR must develop based on the theoretical system of ADR. Second, although Online ADR is expanding rapidly, it may take time to be settled as a tool of dispute resolution. As discussed earlier, additionally, if the amount of money in dispute is large or the dispute is complicated, Online ADR may have a negative effect on the resolution of the dispute. Thus, it is necessary to apply Online ADR to trifle cases or domestic cases in the early stage, accumulating experiences and correcting errors. Moreover, in order to settle numerous disputes effectively, Online ADR cases should be analyzed systematically and cases should be classified by type so that similar disputes may be settled automatically. What is more, these requirements should reflected in developing Online ADR system. Third, the application of Online ADR is being expanded to consumer disputes, domain name disputes, commercial disputes, legal disputes, etc., millions of cases are settled through Online ADR, and 115 Online ADR sites are in operation throughout the world. Thus Online ADR requires not temporary but continuous attention, and mediators and arbitrators participating in Online ADR should be more intensively educated on negotiation and information technologies. In particular, government-led research projects should be promoted to establish Online ADR model and these projects should be supported by comprehensive researches on mediation, arbitration and Online ADR. Fourth, what is most important in the continuous development and expansion of Online ADR is to secure confidence in Online ADR and advertise Online ADR to users. For this, incentives and rewards should be given to specialists such as lawyers when they participate in Online ADR as mediators and arbitrators in order to improve their expertise. What is more, from the early stage, the government and public institutions should have initiative in promoting Online ADR so that parties involved in disputes recognize the substantial contribution of Online ADR to dispute resolution. Lastly, dispute resolution through Online ADR is performed by organizations such as Korea Institute for Electronic Commerce and Korea Consumer Protection Board and partially by Korean Commercial Arbitration Board. Online ADR is expected to expand its area to commercial disputes in offline in the future. In response to this, Korean Commercial Arbitration Board, which is an organization for commercial dispute resolution, needs to be restructured.

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이산화탄소 해양 지중저장사업의 환경위해성평가관리 방안 (Scheme on Environmental Risk Assessment and Management for Carbon Dioxide Sequestration in Sub-seabed Geological Structures in Korea)

  • 최태섭;이정석;이규태;박영규;황진환;강성길
    • 한국해양환경ㆍ에너지학회지
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    • 제12권4호
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    • pp.307-319
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    • 2009
  • 이산화탄소를 포함하는 온실가스의 증가로 인한 기후변화 영향을 저감하기 위해 최근 이산화탄소의 포집 및 저장(CCS)과 관련된 많은 연구들이 이루어지고 있다. 포집된 이산화탄소의 저장은 저장용량이 큰 육상/해상의 유 가스전, 대수층, 석탄층과 같은 지질구조를 이용한다. 이산화탄소의 포집 및 저장과정에서 예상되는 가장 중요한 문제는 이산화탄소의 환경 중 유출에 의해 발생할 수 있다. 사업과정 또는 이후의 이산화탄소의 유출은 잠재적으로 환경 변화 및 서식 생물에 심각한 위해를 미칠 수 있는 것으로 우려된다. 저장된 이산화탄소의 유출에 의한 환경 위해를 최소화하고 과학적으로 관리하기 위해서는 환경위해성평가 결과를 바탕으로 위해도 저감 및 관리가 이루어져야 할 것이다. 위해성평가는 기본적으로 효율적인 위해도 관리를 위한 정책 결정 도구로 활용되며, 예상되는 위해요인과 인간 및 생태계에 미치는 영향과의 관계에 대한 신뢰성 있는 자료를 바탕으로 노출평가와 영향평가를 수행한 후 위해도를 산정하는 과정이다. 최근 국제해사기구(IMO)는 해저 지중저장 사업을 위한 위해성평가 체계에 대한 일반 지침서를 제시하였고, 모든 해저 지중저장 사업의 수행 주체는 이 지침서를 기본으로 사업 수행 전 과정에 대한 위해성평가관리 체계를 마련하도록 요구하고 있다. 이 지침서는 이산화탄소의 해저 지중저장에 대한 환경위해성평가는 저장 지역에 대한 특성파악, 유출시나리오에 기반한 노출평가, 누출된 이산화탄소에 의한 생물에 대한 직접적인 영향 및 환경 변화에 의한 간접적인 영향이 고려된 영향평가 등을 포함한다. 국내에서 시도되는 이산화탄소의 포집 및 해저 지중저장사업 또한 IMO의 지침서를 기반으로 하되 사업과 환경 특성에 적합한 위해성평가관리 시스템을 구축할 필요가 있다. 국내의 이산화탄소 해양 지중저장사업에 대한 위해성평가관리 체계 마련을 위해서는, 후보지역의 환경 특성에 대한 연구를 바탕으로 해양환경에서 이산화탄소의 물리화학적 거동에 대한 이해, 육상 및 해양환경의 배경 조건 및 특성 파악, 포집 후 수송, 지중저장 지질구조에 적합한 개연성 있는 유출시나리오에 기반을 둔 노출평가와 국내 생물종을 이용한 생태영향평가 자료의 생산과 DB화, 그리고 유출 감시 및 환경 모니터링 기법 개발 등이 반드시 이루어져야 한다.

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