• Title/Summary/Keyword: referrals

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Fertility preservation during cancer treatment: The Korean Society for Fertility Preservation clinical guidelines

  • Kim, Jayeon;Kim, Seul Ki;Hwang, Kyung Joo;Kim, Seok Hyun
    • Clinical and Experimental Reproductive Medicine
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    • v.44 no.4
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    • pp.171-174
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    • 2017
  • While many fertility preservation (FP) options now exist for reproductive-aged cancer patients, access to these services continues to be limited. A comprehensive FP program should be organized to serve oncofertility patients effectively. Also, much effort is needed from various individuals-patients, specialists from various fields, and consultants-to facilitate FP in a timely manner. Various challenges still exist in improving access to FP programs. To improve access to FP treatment, it is important to educate oncologists and patients via electronic tools and to actively navigate patients through the system. Reproductive endocrinology practices that receive oncofertility referrals must be equipped to provide a full range of options on short notice. A multidisciplinary team approach is required, involving physicians, nurses, mental health professionals, office staff, and laboratory personnel. The bottom line of FP patient care is to understand the true nature of each patient's specific situation and to develop a patient flow system that will help build a successful FP program. Expanding the patient flow system to all comprehensive cancer centers will ensure that all patients are provided with adequate information regarding their fertility, regardless of geography.

The Application of Image-Oriented SNS Marketing Channel for Improving Performance of Online Shopping Malls : Pinterest Case Analysis (온라인 쇼핑몰의 해외시장 성과향상을 위한 이미지 기반 SNS 마케팅 채널의 활용방안 : 핀터레스트 활용사례 분석을 중심으로)

  • Shin, Seol Hee;Kang, Bo Hyeon;Kim, Sang Hyun
    • Journal of Information Technology Services
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    • v.13 no.4
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    • pp.377-396
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    • 2014
  • There is a phenomenon that the consumers from all over the countries are using the Korean online shopping malls, which has settled as a distribution industry. To get the attention of the consumers from other countries, the marketing strategy is important in order for the online shopping malls to go advance abroad. The purpose of this study is to overview the Pinterest, which is a shopping-oriented Social Network Service (SNS) based on the image content. The Pinterest is a valuable online shopping mall marketing channel. By looking at the background growth and feature of service, the existence of the mega SNS as a center in the social business is to see how Pinterest is targeting a niche market. As a result of this study, Pinterest has the advantage against other SNS for joining with online shopping malls because a tendency of the traffic referrals from Pinterest is increasing and the average of the cost of the purchase is high. Therefore, this study is reflecting various cases of utilizing the online shopping malls. In conclusion, Pinterest represents an illustrative case of effective marketing channel of the online shopping malls.

A Study on Government Documents and the Federal Depository Library Program (FDLP) in America (미국의 정부 문서와 연방정부 간행물 기탁 도서관제도(FDLP)에 대한 고찰)

  • Han Rho, Jinja
    • Journal of Korean Society of Archives and Records Management
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.5-18
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    • 2009
  • Congress established the Federal Depository Library Program (FDLP) to ensure that the public has free access to the Government's information. Operated by the U.S. Government Printing Office (GPO), the mission of the FDLP is to disseminate information products from all three branches of the Government to over 1,250 Depository libraries in the FDLP program nationwide. Depository libraries safeguard the American public's right to information by making Government information in all formats freely available. This paper discusses the role of the GPO and FDLP, the GPO's organizational structure, the Depository library's obligations and responsibilities, services and collections, referrals and networking, and the Depository's future and challenges.

Predictors of the Utilization of Oral Health Services by Children of Low-income Families in the United States: Beliefs, Cost, or Provider?

  • Kim Young Ok Rhee;Telleen Sharon
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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    • v.34 no.8
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    • pp.1460-1467
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    • 2004
  • Purpose. This study examined the predictive factors enabling access to children's oral health care at the level of financial barriers, beliefs, and the provider. Methods. In-depth interviews were conducted with 320 immigrant mothers of low-income families regarding their use of oral health services for children aged four to eight years old. Access to oral health care was measured with frequency of planned dental visits, continuity of care, and age at first visit to dentist. Results. The mother took her child to the dentist at a younger age if she received referrals to a dentist from pediatrician. Regular dental visits were significantly related to household income, provider availability on week-ends, and insurance coverage. The extended clinic hours in the evenings, and the belief in the importance of the child's regular dentist visits increased the likelihood of continuing care. The mothers perceiving a cost burden for the child's dental care were also less likely to return to the dentist. Conclusion. The available care delivery system, coordinated medical care, and health beliefs were among important predictors of the health service use. The study findings suggest need for culturally competent dental health interventions to enhance access to oral health care among particularly vulnerable populations such as low-income children in Korean communities.

Hopelessness, Depression and Social Support with End of Life Turkish Cancer Patients

  • Sahin, Zumrut Akgun;Tan, Mehtap;Polat, Hatice
    • Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention
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    • v.14 no.5
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    • pp.2823-2828
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    • 2013
  • Background: This study was performed to evaluate relationships between different demographic variables and hopelessness and depression in end of life Turkish cancer patients. This study was a descriptive survey with repeated measures conducted a university hospital in the city of Erzurum, in the eastern part of Turkey. The study enrolled 216 patients undergoing palliative treatment at the hospital. Materials and Methods: Data were collected using questionnaires (demographic questionnaire, Beck Hopelessness Scale (BHS), Beck Depression Scale (BDS) and analyzed for demographic and disease-related variable effects on hopelessness and depression. Results: Th hopelessness score was significantly high in female, illiterate, married, and living in rural areas cancer patients. Both hopelessness and depression scores were significantly higher with longer disease duration, receiving radiotherapy treatment, and having metastatic disease. Conclusions: These findings demonstrate the coexistence of the physical, psychological, and cognitive problems faced by patients with cancer. Nurses can conduct brief screening assessments to identify patients with probable distress and and psychosocial support, as well as referrals to support services.

Xerostomia and halitosis : A review and current concepts (구강건조증과 구취 : 최신 지견의 고찰)

  • Lee, Yeon-Hee
    • The Journal of the Korean dental association
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    • v.55 no.9
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    • pp.640-656
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    • 2017
  • Xerostomia is usually caused by a reduced salivary flow or by changes in the biochemical composition of saliva. Halitosis or oral malodor is an offensive odor usually originating from the oral cavity. Halitosis can lead to anxiety and psychosocial embarrassment. The occurrence of halitosis closely related with intraoral conditions including the presence of xerostomia. Especially, the relationship between xerostomia and halitosis is prominent in elderly patients receiving polypharmacy with at least two systemic diseases. This study is a review of the update literature of xerostomia and halitosis. A large number of papers have been searched and identified using the words , , , , , , and . Papers not relevant to the issue were removed reducing the entries to 79 only. Most of identified papers were systematic reviews, non-systematic reviews, and observational studies. With a proper diagnosis, identification of the etiology and timely referrals certain steps are taken to create a successful individualized therapeutic approach. It is significant to highlight the necessity of an interdisciplinary method for the treatment of xerostomia and halitosis to prevent misdiagnosis or unnecessary treatment. This article concisely focuses on the development of a systemic flow of events to come to the proper treatment of the xerostomia and halitosis.

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The Influence of E-commerce Logistics Service Quality on Customer Engagement Behavior

  • Dongxu ZHANG;Zhuoqi TENG;Mufeng LI;Renhong WU
    • The Journal of Economics, Marketing and Management
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    • v.11 no.2
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    • pp.1-11
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    • 2023
  • Purpose: With the rapid development of e-commerce, logistics services, as an important part of e-commerce shopping, have gradually attracted people's attention. Customer engagement behavior is a new topic in marketing, and its connotation is still being explored. The purpose of this paper is to study the relationship between logistics service quality and customer engagement behavior. Research design, data and methodology: This study employed the method of online questionnaire survey, with Chinese e-commerce platform users as the survey objects, 248 valid survey sample data were collected, and the method of factor analysis and structural equation model analysis was used to verify the research hypothesis model constructed in this paper. Results: The four dimensions of e-commerce logistics service quality have different influences on customer satisfaction, and the influence of availability on customer satisfaction is not significant. Convenience, assurance, and security have a significant positive impact on customer satisfaction; Customer satisfaction has a significant positive impact on the three dimensions of customer engagement behavior: customer repeat purchase behavior, online word-of-mouth, and customer referrals. Conclusion: The results of this study will provide useful reference for the managers of e-commerce companies to improve customer engagement behavior by improving the logistics service quality.

A Survey on Community dwelling Mentally Ill Patients Who could not be Accessed by a Community Health Center (보건소에서 접근할 수 없는 재가 정신질환자에 대한 조사연구: B시 일 보건소를 중심으로)

  • Reu, Jeong-Suk;Kim, Myung-Hee;Jeong, Chu-Young
    • The Korean Journal of Rehabilitation Nursing
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.91-99
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    • 2012
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study was to identify the frequency and status of mentally ill patients who registered in a community health center (CHC) but they could not be accessed. Methods: A total of 233 mentally ill individuals who were registered to a CHC in B Metropolitan City participated in this survey. Data were collected from December 1 to 31, 2010 and analyzed. Results: There were 140 (60.1%) community dwelling mentally ill patients who had been registered to that CHC but were not accessible. The major reasons of this inaccessibility were patients' rejection to be accessed (27.1%) and the wrong or missing address in hospital's discharge note (22.9%). The nursing problems of the subjects were rejection of medication (93.4%); poor personal hygiene (85.8%); violence including harassment of family member(s), assault, property destruction, threat with weapon (38.7%); and so on. Among 159 cases of referrals and requests for help immediate action with patient's compliance were only 8.8%. Conclusion: The findings show that mentally ill patients who had registered to the CHC but were not able to be accessed failed to be managed properly. This would become risk factors of social problems which threat to the community as well as individuals. Thus, we need to prepare programs for this population to make them take medicine at a minimum.

Treatment Process and Outcomes of Brain Injuried ER Patients (응급실 내원 뇌 손상 환자의 진료과정과 결과)

  • Hong, Hye-Ryeon;Jin, Ki-Nam;Lee, Dong-Woo;Kim, Jae-Su
    • Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health
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    • v.31 no.3 s.62
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    • pp.481-489
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    • 1998
  • Injuries and infectious diseases have been the most important public health problems since the beginning of human life. Injuries result in death of about 30,000 people each year in South Korea. In terms of years of life lost, injuries are considerably more costly than either heart disease or cancer. In terms of cost - both the direct costs of care and the indirect costs to individuals, families, and societies of a diminished life-injuries are among the most expensive of all social problems. The main purposes of this study are (1) to describe the outcomes as well as treatment process of brain injured patients and (2) to identify the factors impacting on length of stay during hospitalization and hospital fees. The research method used in this study was to review the medical records of five hundreds brain injured cases using systemic random sampling. The multiple logistic regression was administered to identify the factors impacting on the outcomes. The results are as follow : (1) the consultation .ate was found to be 72.9% while referral rate was 11.2%; (2) nearly 30% of the respondents were hospitalized over 30 days; (3) multiple logistic regression analyses revealed that the determinants influencing LOS were number of consultations, number of lab tests, and surgery; (4) the determinants of hospital fee were severity of brain injury, gender of patients, number of consultations, number of lab tests, and surgery.

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A Survey of Patients Visiting Pain Clinic (통증 치료실 내원 환자의 분석)

  • Seo, Chang-Min;Mun, Cheol-Won;Baek, Un-Yi;Hong, Jung-Gil
    • The Korean Journal of Pain
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    • v.13 no.2
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    • pp.224-231
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    • 2000
  • Background: Currently, the number of patients visiting pain clinics is increasing with the augmented concerns of the patients about management of pain. We conducted this study in order to comprehend the characteristics of the patients visiting pain clinics and to find a method to further raises the public's awareness about pain treatment. Methods: We surveyed 497 new patients who had visited pain clinic of Kyungpook national university hospital from August 1998 to July 1999. We analysed these patients about their age, sex, chief complaint, duration of pain complaints, resident district, educational level and route of visiting pain clinic by use of questionnaire. Results: In age distribution, the largest proportion (29.8%) were in their 60's. Low back pain was the most common chief complaint (33.0%), the highest (43.7%) percentage of patients had complained of pain for over 6 months. Two thirds of the patients lived in urban area. Patients who were educated to only elementary school level made up the largest group with 35.3%. Referrals from former patients who had visited our pain clinic and had received treatment. Conclusions: As increasing patients who have pain complaints are related to social advanced age, it is prudent to consider the characteristics of age related pain complaints. And we have to guide the pain patients to have more earlier treatments using mass media because there is still insufficient general information about pain clinic and pain managements.

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