• Title/Summary/Keyword: referrals

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The Analysis of Health Related Behavior after Using Health Information on the Internet (인터넷 건강정보 이용 후의 건강관련 행태 경로 분석)

  • Jo, Heui-Sug;Kim, Hwa-Jong;Song, Yea-Li-A
    • Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health
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    • v.41 no.2
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    • pp.121-127
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    • 2008
  • Objectives : This study investigated the health information such as the general health information, the health product information, and the hospital information, and we wanted to identify the association between internet health information and the health related behavior by analyzing the process after people search the Internet. Methods : A telephone survey with structured questionnaire was performed by trained surveyors. The respondents were sampled proportionate to the Korean demographic distribution with considering the city size and the populations' ages and gender. The survey was conducted from October 2006 to November 2006. Results : Out of 3,758 successfully connected persons of age 20 or more, 871(23.2%) respondents had used Internet health information during the last year. The purposes of searching the Internet for health was, 1) to get general health information (717 cases, 81.0%), 2) shopping for health product (109 cases, 12.3%) and 3) seeking information about hospital selection (59 cases, 6.7%). Our research showed that the process after searching the Internet for health information depends on the purpose of the search. 68.8% of the searchers for general health information, 67% of the searchers for health product shopping and 64.4% of the searchers seeking information to guide hospital selection were satisfied with their Internet search. However one third of the respondents reported not being satisfied with the result of the search. Conclusions : Unsatisfied consumers with internet health information tended to ask lay referrals from others or they gave up seeking health information. The health information system should be improved to increase the accessibility and to provide reliable and effective information. Also, a more user-centric community is needed in order to strengthen the effective role of lay referrals among the internet users.

Interorganizational Networks for Smoking Prevention and Cessation: A Blockmodeling Approach (지역사회 기관 간 금연사업 네트워크 모델: 블록모델링을 중심으로)

  • Park, Eun-Jun;Kim, Hyeongsu;Lee, Kun Sei;Cho, Junghee;Kim, Jin Hyeong;Jeong, Ho Jin;Lee, Ji An
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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    • v.52 no.2
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    • pp.202-213
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    • 2022
  • Purpose: This study examined characteristics and patterns of interorganizational networks for smoking prevention and cessation in Korea. Methods: We surveyed two community health centers, ninety-five hospitals or clinics, ninety- two pharmacies, and sixty-five health welfare organizations in two districts of Seoul in 2020. Data on the organizations' characteristics of smoking cessation and interorganizational activities for information sharing, client referral, and program collaboration were collected and analyzed using network statistics and blockmodeling. Results: Network size was in the order of information sharing, client referral, and program collaboration networks. Network patterns for interorganizational activities on information sharing, client referral, and program collaboration among four organizations were similar between the two districts. Community health centers provided information and received clients from a majority of the organizations. Their interactions were not unidirectional but mutual with other organizations. Pharmacies were involved in information sharing with health welfare organizations and client referrals to hospitals or clinics. Health welfare organizations were primarily connected with the community health centers for client referrals and program collaboration. Conclusion: A community health center is the lead agency in interorganizational activities for smoking prevention and cessation. However, hospitals or clinics, pharmacies, and health welfare organizations also participate in interorganizational networks for smoking prevention and cessation with diverse roles. This study would be evidence for developing future interorganizational networks for smoking prevention and cessation.

An Analysis of Referrals, Nursing Diagnosis, and Nursing Interventions in Home Care - Wonju Christian Hospital Community Health Nursing Service - (가정간호 기록지 분석 - 원주기독병원 가정간호 보건활동을 중심으로 -)

  • Suh, Mi-Hae;Huh, Hae-Kyung
    • Journal of Home Health Care Nursing
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    • v.3
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    • pp.53-66
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    • 1996
  • Home Health Care is one part of the total health care system. It includes health care services that link the hospital to the community. While it is important for early discharge patients, home care is also important for people with chronic illnesses or handicapping conditions. In 1989 the Korean government passed a law that opened the way for formal development of home health care services beginning with education programs to certify nurses for home care, and then demonstration home care services. Part of the mandate of the demonstration projects was evaluation of home care services. This study was done in order to provide basic data that would contribute to the development of records that could be used for evaluation through a retrospective audit and to examine the care that had been given in Home Care at Wonju Christian Hospital over a twenty year period from 1974 to 1994. The purposes of the study were : to identify to characteristics of the clients who had received home care, to identify the reasons for client referrals, to identify the nursing problems of these clients, to identify the nursing care provided to these clients, and to identify differences in these areas over the twenty year period. The study was a descriptive study involving a retrospective audit of the client records. Demographic data on all clients were included : 4,171 clients from 2,564 families. Data on referrals, nursing diagnosis and nursing interventions were from even numbered records which had a patient problem list included in the record, 2,801 clients, Frequencies and ANOVA were used in the analysis. The results of the study showed that the majority of the clients were from Wonju city /county. There were more women than men related to the high number of postpartum clients(1,300). The high number of postparttum clients and newborns was also evident in the age distribution. An the number of maternal-child clients decreased over the 20 years, the mean age of the clients increased significantly. Other factors also contributed to this change ; as increasing number of clients with brain injuries or with cancer, and fewer children with burns, osteomyelitis and tuberculosis. There was a decrease in the mean number of visits and mean length of coverage, reflecting a movement towards a short term acute care model. The number of new clents dropped sharply after 1985. The reasons for this are : the development of other treatment alternatives for clients, the establishment of an active wellbaby clinic, many more options plus a decreasing number of new cases of Hansen's Disase, and insurance that allows people with burns to be kept in hospital until skin grafts are healed. Socioeconomic changes have resulted in an increase in the number of cases of cancer, stroke, head injuries following car accidents, and of diabetes. Of the 2,801 client records, 2,541(60.9%) contained a written referral but for 1,802 it contained only the medical diagnosis. The number of records with a referral requesting specific nursing care was 739(29.1%). Many family members who were identified as in need of nursing care had no written referral. Analysis of the patient problem list showed that 41.9% of the enteries were nursing diagnoses. Others incuded medical diagnosis, symptoms, and plans. The most frequently used diagnoses were alteration in nutrition, less than body requirements(115 entries), alteration in skin integrity(114), knowledge deficit(111), pain(78), self-care deficit(66), and alteration in pattern of urinary elimination(50). These are reflected in the NANDA categories for which the highest number of diagnosis was in the Exchanging pattern(446), followed by Moving(178), Feeling(136) and Knowing (115). Analysis of the frequency of interventions showed that exercise and teaching about exercise was the most frequent intervention, followed by teaching concering the need for follow-up care, checking vital signs, managing nutritional problems, managing catheters, giving emotional support, changing dressings, teaching about medication, teaching (subject not specified), teaching about diet, IM and IV medications or fluid, and skin care, in that order. Recommendations included: development of a record that would allow for efficient recording of frequently used nursing diagnoses and nursing interventions: expansion of the catchment area for Home Care at Wonju Christian Hospital ; expansion of the service to provide complication prevention, rehabilitation services, and support to increase the health maintenance /health promotion of the people being served as well as providing client dentered care ; and development of a clinical record that will allow efficient data collection from records, even though the recording is done by a variety of health care providers.

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How can We Make Satisfiable Dental Restorations? (모두에게 만족을 주는 보철물은 어떻게 만들어지는가?)

  • Ahn, Seung-Geun
    • Journal of Dental Rehabilitation and Applied Science
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    • v.21 no.2
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    • pp.183-189
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    • 2005
  • There is no single or simple answer for effective communication between laboratory technician and clinical dentist. Love-hate could be used to describe the relationship between dentists and their labs. Great lab work can make a dentists life much easier and can result in getting many referrals. However, if the lab work is not up to par and/or late, it can add stress and agony to a dentists practice. Also the opposition is right. If the preparations are calibrated, the impressions clear, and the bite registrations accurate, most labs can do their work reasonably well. Unfortunately, many cases received by labs are barely adequate, especially when it comes to reading margins, which are frequently created by the imagination of the person trimming the dies. In other words, both dentists and lab technicians need to be able to understand how each party operates so that solutions to problems can be found. Effective communication with the laboratory is critical if any degree of success is desired.

An Exploratory Study of Cooperative Relationship and Influencing Factors of Cooperating Performance in Interhospital Cooperative Relationship (협력병원간 협력내용과 성과의 영향요인에 대한 탐색적 연구)

  • 김광점;김인수
    • Health Policy and Management
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    • v.12 no.2
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    • pp.115-135
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    • 2002
  • Many tertiary hospitals have started to establish cooperative relationships with small and medium sized hospitals in Korea. But the performance of the relationship is not satisfactory to both of partners. The relationship and performance of cooperation for small and medium sized hospitals are analyzed according to the framework of inter-organizational cooperation. Data are collected by 4 focal hospital and 34 small and medium sized hospitals through interview and questionnaire. The findings are : a) The cooperation is focused on management area, such as healthcare technology transfer and information sharing, rather than patient referral. b) Patient referral is not yet active in cooperative relationship. But some partner hospitals which is located close and managing internal organization for cooperation show a significant number of referrals. c) The characteristics of high performers are positive attitude about cooperation, and recognition of the relationship as flexible, experiences of cooperation, internal and external management activities.

Classical oral manifestations of Dyke-Davidoff-Masson syndrome: a case report with review of the literature

  • Kalaskar, Ritesh;Kalaskar, Ashita Ritesh
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons
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    • v.44 no.4
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    • pp.198-203
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    • 2018
  • Dyke-Davidoff-Masson syndrome is a non-inherited rare condition that presents during childhood and is characterized by seizures, hemiplegia, mental retardation, cerebral hemiatrophy, calvarial thickening, and hyperpneumatization of the frontal sinuses. The present article highlights a case of a 12-year-old male child with additional clinical findings of $caf{\acute{e}}$-au-late pigmentation and ocular lipodermoid. This is the first case report of DykeDavidoff-Masson syndrome to describe oral manifestations, such as unilateral delayed eruption of teeth, hypoplasia, and taurodontism, which could be unique and characteristic of this condition. Oral health care providers and physicians should be aware of these oral observations as dental referrals could warrant early dental prophylactic care and can be useful in diagnosing the possible time of injury and type of Dyke-Davidoff-Masson syndrome.

Management of Chronic Pain in Temporomandibular Disorders

  • Kyung-Hee Kim;Hye-Min Ju;Sung-Hee Jeong;Yong-Woo Ahn;Hye-Mi Jeon;Soo-Min Ok
    • Journal of Oral Medicine and Pain
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    • v.47 no.4
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    • pp.174-182
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    • 2022
  • In chronic temporomandibular disorders (TMDs), constituent tissues such as muscles are sensitive to pain and psychological stress, which negatively affect the quality of life. In addition, since chronic TMDs is often accompanied by diseases such as psychological disorders and other chronic pain disorders, the diagnosis of those diseases and patient referrals are mandatory. The management of chronic pain in TMDs requires a multidisciplinary and holistic approach. Pharmacological therapy using cyclobenzaprine, serotonin and norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors, tricyclic antidepressants, progressive relaxation, and psychological approaches using cognitive behavioral therapy such as shifting negative thoughts about pain are all valid treatment options.

Development of Customer Review Ranking Model Considering Product and Service Aspects Using Random Forest Regression Method

  • Arif Djunaidy;Nisrina Fadhilah Fano
    • KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems (TIIS)
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    • v.18 no.8
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    • pp.2137-2156
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    • 2024
  • Customer reviews are the second-most reliable source of information, followed by family and friend referrals. However, there are many existing customer reviews. Some online shopping platforms address this issue by ranking customer reviews according to their usefulness. However, we propose an alternative method to rank customer reviews, given that this system is easily manipulable. This study aims to create a ranking model for reviews based on their usefulness by combining product and seller service aspects from customer reviews. This methodology consists of six primary steps: data collection and preprocessing, aspect extraction and sentiment analysis, followed by constructing a regression model using random forest regression, and the review ranking process. The results demonstrate that the ranking model with service considerations outperformed the model without service considerations. This demonstrates the model's superiority in the three tests, which include a comparison of the regression results, the aggregate helpfulness ratio, and the matching score.

Clinical Observation on East-West Integration Treatment in Stroke and Brain Disease (중풍 뇌 질환의 한 방향 협진에 관한 임상적 고찰)

  • Shin, Ae-sook;Lee, ln-whan;Kim, Na-hee;Kim, Hye-rni;Kim, Min-kyung;Sim, So-ra;Cho, Seung-yeon;Park, Seong-uk;Park, Jung-mi;Bae, Hyung-sup;Ko, Chang-nam
    • The Journal of the Society of Stroke on Korean Medicine
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.9-17
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    • 2010
  • Objectives : This study was aimed to evaluate the current status of East-West integrated treatment in stroke and brain disease and to discuss further plans. Methods : The medical records of patients who visited the stroke and brain disease center at Kyung Hee University, East-West Neo Medical Center from May 2006 to August 2010 were evaluated. The general characteristics of patients who underwent integrated treatment, trend in the number of cross referrals were initially evaluated. Later major disorders, the reasons of referrals and the number of visits in outpatients were analyzed. Results : 1. 3496 patients were referred from the eastern medical hospital to the western medical hospital and 2440 patients from the western medical hospital to the eastern medical hospital. The number of patients reached a peak alter the opening of the hospital and has decreased from then on. Referrals of female patients were more than those of male patients and patients over 50 years old were the most. 2. Admitted patients with stroke of chronic stage were most commonly referred from the eastern medical hospital to the western medical hospital and cerebral infarction was most common from the western medical hospital to the eastern medical hospital. Among the outpatients cerebral infarction topped from east to west, and stroke of chronic stage from west to east. 3. 36.6% of the patients from east to west received integrated treatment more than 3 times and 28.6% from west to east. Headache was the second most common reason to be referred from west to east and 36.7% of patients didn't continue to have either of the treatment and 30.3% received eastern treatment only, Conclusions: According to this study, chronic stroke management was successfully performed in the outpatient clinic in the form of East-West integration treatment. Further research on other diseases such as headache is recommended.

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Diagnostic and Therapeutic Analysis of Globus Pharyngeus (Globus Pharyngeus의 진단 및 치료 성적)

  • 홍원표;김은서;김동영;김지수;최홍식;김영덕
    • Korean Journal of Bronchoesophagology
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    • v.2 no.1
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    • pp.103-110
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    • 1996
  • Globus pharyngeus is a common problem comprising between 3% and 4% of new otolaryngology outpatient referrals. We do not understand the etiology of globus exactly and it is remained a disease of exclusion. The treatment of globus pharyngeus is still not established. The aim of this study is to understand the etiologic factors and determine the reliable guide for selecting method of choice of evaluation and improving therapeutic response of globus pharyngeus. A total of 141 patients were investigated by authors. 25 of 141 patients were excluded from the study because they could not satisfy the definition criteria of this study. After detailed Interview and comprehensive physical examinations, all the 116 patients had underwent barium esophagogram, fiberoptic esophagogastroscopy, esophageal manometry and 24-hour pH monitoring. They could follow up for at least 3 months. There were 43 male and 73 female subjects and the mean age was 46.5 year. Esophagogram revealed normal in 94(81%) subjects. 78 patients(67.2%) were normal in esophageal manometry. Gastroesophageal reflux(GERD) was found in 24 cases and borderline GERD was found in 25 cases showing an overall incidence of 42.2% for 24-hour pH monitoring. Especially 44(89.8%) of the 49 patients with proven reflux on 24-hour pH monitoring showed therapeutic response whereas 48(71.6%) of the 67 subjects without reflux showed response.

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