• Title/Summary/Keyword: red hematite

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The Conservation Treatment of the Central Asian Mural Painting(II) -An Investigation on the Pigments for the Mural Painting and of the Plants Used for Making the Original Wall - (중앙아세아벽화(中央亞細亞壁畵) 보존처리(保存處理)(II) - 壁畵(벽화)의 채색(彩色) 안료(顔料) 및 벽체(壁體) 조성(造成)에 사용(使用)된 초재류(草材類) 조사(調査) -)

  • Yi, Yonghee;Yu, Heisun;Kim, Soochul;Kang, Hyungtae;Jo, Yeontae;Aoki, Shigeo;Ohbayashi, Kentaro
    • Conservation Science in Museum
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    • v.4
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    • pp.1-16
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    • 2003
  • For the conservation treatment of the Central Asia mural painting which is to be exhibited in the new museum in Yongsan, we analyzed the pigments used in this mural painting and examined to identify the species of the straw in the wall. We also analyzed the species of the wood of the wooden protective frame and the material of the paper in it, in order to review the material and technique of the conservation treatment performed before the mural painting had been brought to the National Museum of Korea in 1916. The results were as follows: the black pigments of Bon4075 and Bon4078 is carbon(C); the white pigment on the background is gypsum[Ca(SO)4(H2O)2]; the red pigment is lead oxide(Pb3O4) and hematite(Fe2O3) etc. The straw, which had been mixed into the wall to prevent the wall from cracking, was proved to be either wheat straw or oats straw. The wooden protective frame, which protects the mural painting now, was proved to be made of Salix, Populus, Cryptomeria japonica and pine. The paper discovered in the frame was proved to be made of the bark of a mulberry.

Pedogenesis of Forest Soils(Kandiustalfs) Derived from Granite Gneiss in Southern Part of Korea (우리나라 남부지역(南部地域) 화강편마암질(花崗片麻巖質) 삼림토양(森林土壤)의 토양생성(土壤生成))

  • Cho, Hi Doo
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.86 no.2
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    • pp.186-199
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    • 1997
  • The soils derived from granite gneiss occupy almost one third of the land area in Korea. The soils under forest vegetation, formed on granite gneiss, in Sun chon-shi, Chollanam-do in southern part of Korea, were studied to evaluate the weathering and the transformation of primary minerals into secondary minerals, clay minerals. The studied soils contained large amounts of ferromagnesian minerals, weathered biotites and were well weathered, strongly acid and low in organic matters and in ration exchange capacity. The clay contents in the Bt horizon were almost two times higher than those in the C horizon. The O horizon had a thin layer which consisted of a little decomposed plant components with a granic fabric and high porosity, and showed the micromorphological characteristics of moder humus. The related distribution pattern of the E horizon were enaulic and large amounts of silts and small amounts of sand grains were another characteristics of the E horizon. The most striking micromorphological features were multilaminated clay coating and infillings in the voids in the Bt and C horizons, and generally limpid ferriargillans ejected from the biotites and imparted red color to the soils in the Bt horizon. High clay contents in the Bt horizon was not only due to clay translocation, but also due to intensive in situ mineral weathering in this horizon. The most significant pedogenic process, revealed by the petrographic microscope and SEM, was the formation of iron oxides from biotites, the formation of tubular halloysites and the weathering models of biotites; wedge weathering and layer weathering. The thick coating on the weathering biotites showed the characteristics of the weathering process and the synthetic hematites were revealed in clays by TEM. Total chemical analysis of clays revealed extensive loss of Ca, and Na and the concentration of Fe and Al. Mineralogical studies of clays by XRD showed that micas were almost completely weathered to kaolinite, vermiculite-kaolinite intergrade, hematite, gibbsite, while halloysites from other primary minerals. Some dioctahedral mica appeared to be resistant in the soils. Parent rock of the soils contained a considerable amounts of biotites and this forest soils showed especially a dominant characteristics of biotite weathering.

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The Effects of Various Vegatable Pesticides on Materials of Cultural Property - Dyed and Undyed Silk Fabrics, Cotton Fabrics and Korean Papers, Undyed Ramie Fabric, Pigments, Painted Plates - (식물에서 추출한 살충.살균제가 문화재 재질에 미치는 영향 - 견직물, 면직물, 저마직물, 한지, 안료분말, 채색편 -)

  • Oh, Joon-Suk
    • Journal of Conservation Science
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    • v.20
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    • pp.9-22
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    • 2007
  • Three kinds of natural pesticides extracted from plants which are being sold in the Korean markets, were estimated effects on materials of art of museum. Tested samples were 1) silk fabrics : undyed, dyed(amur cork tree, gallut, gallut(alum post mordancy), gallut(copperas post mordancy), gardenia, turmeric, acorn, acorn(copperas post mordancy), gromwell, madder, madder(alum post mordancy), safflower, sappanwood, sappanwood(alum pre mordancy, post mordancy), indigo, indigo+amur cork tree, indigo+sappanwood) 2) cotton fabrics : undyed, dyed(amur cork tree, gallut, gallut(alum post mordancy), gardenia, acorn, acorn(copperas post mordancy), gromwell, madder, madder(alum post mordancy), safflower, sappanwood, sappanwood(alum pre mordancy, post mordancy), indigo, indigo+sappanwood) 3) undyed ramie fabric 4) Korean papers : undyed, dyed(sappanwood, indigo, gardenia, amur cork tree, safflower) 5) pigments : azurite, malachite, red lead, litharge, orpiment, hematite, iron oxide, cinnabar, vermilion, indigo, lake indigo, kaolin, lead white, oyster shell white 6) painted plates : azurite, malachite, red lead, litharge, orpiment, hematite, iron oxide, cinnabar, vermilion, indigo, lake indigo, kaolin, lead white, oyster shell white. Conditions of tests were that after samples were exposed to 10 times of promoted concentration for 9 months in relative humidity $55{\pm}1%$ and temperature $20{\pm}2^{\circ}C$, they were compared with standards. Items of estimation were color difference(${\Delta}E^*$) and tenacity. After exposure to pesticides, undyed silk cotton ramie fabrics and Korean papers were not nearly changed in their colors, but colors of most of dyed samples were clearly changed by pesticides except for partial samples(acorn- and madder-dyed fabrics etc, gardenia-dyed samples). Especially changes of colors of turmeric-dyed silk fabrics were most distinct. And colors of pigments and painted plates containing lead, copper, arsenic, mercury and vegetable pigments, were clearly changed. Tenacities of yams of undyed silk fabrics were not nearly changed and undyed cotton fabrics were a little reduced as compared with standards. But tenacities of yams of dyed silk and cotton fabrics were clearly reduced or increased as compared with standards. Especially, madder-dyed silk fabrics were increased 10% or more and indigo-dyed silk fabrics were reduced 10% or less in all pesticides. Also madder- and sappanwood(alum post mordancy)-dyed cotton fabrics were increased 10% or more in all pesticides.

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Occurrence and Forming Process of the Reddish Bed at Hwangto Cave, Ulleung Island, Korea (울릉도 황토굴 적색층의 산출특징과 형성기작)

  • Woo, Hyeon Dong;Jang, Yun Deuk
    • Journal of the Mineralogical Society of Korea
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    • v.29 no.4
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    • pp.239-254
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    • 2016
  • The Hwangto cave is a sea cave which is located near shore in the Taeha-ri, Ulleung Island, being composed of the reddish tuff wall rock, the topic of this study, and the trachyte ceiling rock. The chemical compositions of the red tuff layer are 49.81-63.63% of $SiO_2$, 13.05-24.91% of $Al_2O_3$, 2.67-5.82% of $Fe_2O_3$, 2.87-6.92% of $Na_2O$, 2.37-3.85% of $K_2O$, 0.55-0.81% of $TiO_2$, 0-0.53% of MnO, 0.39-1.75% of MgO, and 0.60-1.40% of CaO with a pH ranging from 4.5 to 8. The reddish tuff are composed of 23.7-39.4% of anorthoclase, 16.9-33.3% of sanidine, 15.8-26.1% of illite, 5.1-9.0% of hematite, 0-3.7% of goethite, 6.9-9.9% of titanium oxide, and 0.9-9.5% of halite in mineral composition. Although it only includes anorthoclase, sanidine, and illite as major minerals, there can be additional vitric minerals that could not detected by the XRD. The mineralogy and textures of the tuff layer indicate that it became reddish due to the formation of amorphous palagonite and the oxidation of the iron as a heat from the trachytic lava affects the underlying tuff to altered. This iron oxides are enriched in the palagonite, or form microcrystalline or amorphous minerals. We thus suggest that the red tuff layer was generated by the combination of the thermal oxidation involved in the trachytic lava flow on the tuff layer, the palagonitization of the matrix of the tuff, and the oxidation of iron-bearing minerals.

Material Characteristics and Deterioration Diagnosis of the Pagoda of Buddhist Priest Jeongjin in Bongamsa Temple, Mungyeong, Korea (문경 봉암사 정진대사원오탑의 재질특성과 훼손도 진단)

  • Yi, Jeong-Eun;Lee, Chan-Hee;Han, Byeong-Il
    • Journal of Conservation Science
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    • v.27 no.4
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    • pp.357-369
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    • 2011
  • The Bongamsa Jeongjindaesa Wonotap Pagoda (Treasure No. 171) constructed in the 10th century composed mainly of leucocratic granite with feldspar phenocryst. The major rock-forming minerals are quartz, orthoclase, plagioclase and some biotite. This pogoda is highly damaged physical weathering which are break-out, flakes, exfoliation and cracks. As a result of the infrared thermography on the surface of the pagoda, internal exfoliations occurred to cracks. Also, P-XRF analysis showed that Fe, S, Ca and Mn of concentration were so high in the discoloration parts. The coated part of red pigment has a high five times in Fe content than the fresh rock surface. This result suggests that material of red pigment is hematite. Ultrasonic velocity of the stone properties were from 831 to 2,457 m/s, but it measured velocity of less than 1,000m/s in part of damaged area. Therefore, we suggest for safety conservation for weathered parts of the pagoda, that is in want of rejoin and consolidation treatment about serious damage parts.

Maturation, Sex Ratio and Sex-reversal of Red Spotted Grouper, Epinephelus akaara (붉바리의 성숙과 성비 및 성전환)

  • Lee, Chang-Kyu;Hur, Sung-Bum;Ko, Tae-seung;Park, Seung
    • Journal of Aquaculture
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    • v.11 no.4
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    • pp.573-580
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    • 1998
  • Red spotted grouper, Epinephelus akaara is distributed in the south and west coasts of Korea. The natural stocks of the fish are decreasing sharply year by uear because of reckless overfishing. This research was carried out to understand general informations on maturation, sex composition and sex-reversals of the fish. Annual fishing uields of red spotted grouper in the castal area of Byonsan Peninsular of Kora decreased over 10% from 1992 to 1994. The main fishing season was from May to July with fishing gear of Hand-lines. Gonadosomatic index (GSI) and condition factor were highest on early and late July, respectively, thus main spawning reriod was assumed from late July to early August. The relationship between total length (X) and body weight (Y) for wild adults was represented as a regression, Y=$0.0169X^{2.9705}$, ($r^2$=0.96). Frequency of sex of wild red spotted gouper showed that the number of female below 38cm in total length was more than that of male, and hermaphrodite mainly occurred from 28cm to 32cm in total length the frequency of male and female were almost same. Also hermaphrodite occurred mainly between 25~29cm. Sex reversal ration of the adults reared in a tank for a year with different sexual compositions revealted that the frequency of female reversed from male was more than that of male reversed from female at 1:1 and 1:2 stocking densities of female and male, respectively. Also, about 20% of female was reversed to male when all females were reared. And the size of the fish reversed to male was larger than that of non-reversed female.

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A Study on Dancheong Pigments of Old Wooden Building in Gwangju and Jeonnam, Korea (광주.전남지역 목조 고건축물에 사용된 단청안료에 대한 연구)

  • Jang, Seong-Wook;Park, Young-Seog;Park, Dae-Woo;Kim, Jong-Kyun
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.43 no.3
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    • pp.269-278
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    • 2010
  • We investigated characteristics of the coloring material of Dancheong pigments and hope that this study contributes the revival of traditional Dancheong pigments color. For this purpose, we collected Dancheong fragment samples that fell off naturally from old wooden buildings in Gwangju and Jeonnam and analyzed the natural coloring material by XRD and EDS-SEM analysis method. In white pigments of Dancheong fragments, it is confirmed that gypsum$(CaSO_{4}{\cdot}2H_{2}O)$, quartz$(SiO_{2})$, white lead$(PbCO_{3})$ and calcite$(CaCO_{3})$ which have been used for white pigments since ancient times and $TiO_{2}$ which is common used in modern times. In red pigments of Dancheong fragments, it is confirmed that hematite$(Fe_{2}O_{3})$ and red lead$(Pb_{3}O_{4})$, which have been used for red pigments since ancient times and C.I. pigment orange $13(C_{32}H_{24}C_{12}N_{8}O_{2})$ but there is no cinnabar(HgS) which has been used since B.C. 3000 in China. In yellow pigments of Dancheong fragments, it is confirmed that crocoite$(PbCrO_{4})$ and massicot(PbO). In blue pigments of Dancheong fragments, it is confirmed that sodalite$(Na_{4}BeAlSi_{4}O_{12}Cl)$ and nosean $(Na_{8}Al_{6}Si_{6}O_{24}SO_{4})$ as coloring material of blue pigment and C.I. pigments blue $29(Na_{7}Al_{6}Si_{6}O_{24}S_{3})$ which is used in modern times. In green pigments of Dancheong fragments, it is confirmed that calumetite$(Cu(OHCI)_{2}{\cdot}2H_{2}O)$, escolaite(Cr2O3), dichromium trioxide$(Cr_{2}O_{3})$, emerald green$(C_{2}H_{3}As_{3}Cu_{2}O_{8})$, and C.I. pigments green$(C_{32}H_{16}-XCl_{x}Cu_{8})$ which is used in modern time. In black pigments of Dancheong fragments, Chiness ink(carbon black) is confirmed.

Experimental Study on the Mitigation of Harmful Algal Blooms by Mono-Minerals (환경친화성 단일 광물질에 의한 적조구제 실험)

  • 장영남;채수천;배인국;박맹언;김필근;김선옥
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.36 no.6
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    • pp.557-561
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    • 2003
  • It is important to find out a new material having high removal efficiency for the harmful algal blooms because the dispersion of Hwangto in a large amount to the sea water may bring some ecologically unfavorable problems. For this purpose, the efficiency of several natural and synthetic mineral species for the mitigation of algal blooms was measured. The mixing ratio of monominerals and the sea water with 3,000∼5,000 cells/$m\ell$ of Cochlodinium polykrikoides was 10 g/${\ell}$ and the removal ratio was measured by counting the living cells after the dispersion time of 10, 30 and 60 min., respectively. According to the experimental results, the removal ratio by illite, kaolinite, montmonmorillonite, red mud, Na-A type of zeolite ranged 84-92% after 1hr of contact time, which is comparable to that of Hwangto. The size of above monominerals ranged 3∼50${\mu}m$. Meanwhile, the amorphose material and hematite with the size of 50∼100 nm showed excellent removal ratio of more than 99% after 30min. of dispersion. The results of the study showed that the removal ratio was not related to the chemical composition and pH of the minerals applied but to the grain size. The experimental results strongly suggest that the main mitigation mechanism would be the contact and coagulation.

A Scientific Analysis of Ancient Pigments on Wall Paintings at Yeongsanjeon in Tongdo Temple Using a Field-XRF (휴대용X선형광분석기를 이용한 통도사 영산전 벽화 안료의 과학적 성분분석)

  • Han, Min Su;Lee, Han Hyoung;Kim, Jae Hwan
    • Korean Journal of Heritage: History & Science
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    • v.44 no.3
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    • pp.132-149
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    • 2011
  • In ancient period, a variety of inorganic or organic pigments had been used as colorants in various kinds of religious and secular paintings such as tomb paintings and wall and scroll paintings in buddhist temples, and danchung(cosmic patterns) for the surface of wooden buildings. This study discusses the results obtained from an analysis of the pigments on the wall paintings of Yeongsanjeon(Hall of Vulture Peak) in Tongdo temple by a qualitative analysis using a field-XRF. The results can be briefly summarized as follows. Firstly, assuming from the major components examined from F-XRF analysis, raw materials of pigment of each color are: red to be Cinnabar(HgS) or Hematite($Fe_2O_3$); white to be White Lead[$2PbCO_3{\cdot}Pb(OH)_2$] in most cases and Calcite($CaCO_3$) or Chalk($CaCO_3$), Kaolin($Al2O_3{\cdot}SiO_2{\cdot}4H_2O$) in some cases; yellow to be Yellow Ocher[$FeO(OH){\cdot}nH_2O$]; black to be carbon(C); green on the painted surface to be Celadonite[$K(Mg,Fe^{2+})(Fe^{3+},Al)(Si_4O_{10})(OH)_2$] in most cases; dark green on the halo of figures to be Malachite[$CuCO_3{\cdot}Cu(OH)_2$], Copper Green[$2CuO{\cdot}CO_2{\cdot}H_2O$] or Atacamite[$Cu_2Cl(OH)_3$]. Secondly, incarnadine and pink were made by mixing with more than two pigments such as red and white for making various tone of colors. The qualitative analysis of pigments on the wall paintings of Yeongsanjeon, in conclusion, displays that the all pigments for ancient periods are inorganis pigments. However, it has the limitation to identify a definite kinds of mineral for each pigment because it was not possible to collect samples from cultural heritage for conducting a crystalline analysis of XRD.

Submicroscopy of Forest Soils (kandiustults) Derived from Granite in Southern Part of Korea (우리나라 남부지역(南部地域) 화강암질(花崗巖質) 삼림토양(森林土壤)의 SEM과 TEM에 의한 관찰(觀察))

  • Cho, Hi Doo;An, Ki Wan
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.90 no.5
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    • pp.608-618
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    • 2001
  • To understand the weathering processes of the soil by submicroscopic method is very important to realize the properties of the soils. In this study soil formation processes show every steps to the changes in chemical and mechanical properties and the submicroscopic characteristics of soil weathering on the profiles of forest soils derived from granite in southern part of Korea. Fecal pellets(SEM) are given a full detail of the positive activities of the forest soil animals; mainly invertebrates in the O horizon and the E horizon. External shapes of fecal pellets have been divided into five groups : spherical, ellipsoidal, cylindrical, platy and threadlike. But doughnutlike form of fecal pellets is observed in this study. The soluble and suspended materials in the soils move downwards by percolation from the A horizon to the B or the BC horizons, and result in the illuviation cutans(SEM) on the ped surface of the lower horizon and deposited stack of kaolinite. Illuviated cutans are deposited on the ped surface even in the depth of 312cm in the BC horizon as well as the Bt horizon and comprise of fine silt, coarse clay and fine clay. A lot of halloysites are observed on the cutan surface. Halloysite formation from feldspars has been well known but a lot of hallyosite formation are observed in this study. The formation were predicted by Jackson(1962), inferred by Wada and Kakuto(1983a, b) and proved evidently by Cho and Mermut(1992a, b). This also suggests that halloysites in the soils derived from granite are formed a lot from ferruginous chlorites. The release of Fe from the chlorite structure are significant pedogenic processes and newly formed Fe oxides imparted a red color to the soils. The iron oxides particles, which are ejected and recrystalized, aggregate thickly on the edge of the ferruginous chlorites, and this indicates the release of structural Fe from weathered chlorites. Hematites and goethites are frequent in the fine clay in this soils.

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