• Title/Summary/Keyword: rainfall information

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Analysis of Landslide in Inje Region Using Aerial Photograph and GIS (항공사진과 GIS를 이용한 인제지역 산사태 분석)

  • Son, Jung-Woo;Kim, Kyung-Tak;Lee, Chang-Hun;Choi, Chul-Uong
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.61-69
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    • 2009
  • In mid-July, 2006 the torrential rainfall across Gangwon-do region caused 48 casualties and 1,248 houses submerged, resulting in damages with the restoration costs of 3 trillion and 512.5 billion won. This was because the topographic characteristics of Gangwon-do region for which mountainous areas mostly account increased the effects of landslide. In this study, the landslide region was shot using the PKNU No.4 system immediately after the occurrence of landslide in order to analyze it as objectively, exactly, and rapidly as possible. 1,054 areas with landslide occurrence were extracted by digitizing the shot images through visual reading after orthometric correction using ERDAS 9.1. Using the Arc GIS 9.2, a GIS program, hydrologic, topographic, clinical, geologic, pedologic aspects and characteristics of the landslide region were established in database through overlay analysis of digital map, vegetation map, geologic map, and soil map, and the status and characteristics of the occurrence of the landslide were analyzed.

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Development of a Web-based System for Raster Data Analysis Using Map Algebra (연구는 래스터 데이터의 지도대수 분석을 위한 GRASS 기반의 웹 시스템 개발)

  • Lee, In-Ji;Lee, Yang-Won;Suh, Yong-Cheol
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.18 no.4
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    • pp.131-139
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    • 2010
  • Recent spread of GIS and the increasing demand of spatial data have brought about the development of web GIS. In addition to sharing and mapping spatial data, web GIS is also required to provide spatial analytic functions on the web. The FOSS(free and open source software) can play an important role in developing such a system for web GIS. In this paper, we proposed a web-based system for raster data analysis using map algebra. We employed GRASS as an open source software and implemented the GRASS functionalities on the web using java methods for invocation of server-side commands. Map algebra and AHP were combined for the raster data analysis in our system. For a feasibility test, the landslide susceptibility in South Korea was calculated using rainfall, elevation, slope angle, slope aspect, and soil layers. It is anticipated that our system will be extensible to other web GIS for raster data analysis with GRASS.

Grid-typed GIS Representation of Distributed Evapotranspiration Estimation Results (분포 증발산량 산정 결과의 격자형 GIS 표현)

  • Park, Jin-Hyeog;Hwang, Eui-Ho;Lee, Geun-Sang;Chae, Hyo-Sok
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.7 no.4
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    • pp.88-97
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    • 2004
  • A Grid-based distributed evaporation prediction model which calculates temporal and spatial evaporation with a heat balance method was developed. And, the model was considered as the integration with distributed hydrological model in near future. 'This model was programmed by fortran language and used ASCII formatted map data of DEM (Digital Elevation Model) and land cover map extracted by remote sensing data. Also, temporal variations and spatial distributions of evaporation are presented by using GIS. To verify the applicability of the model, it was applied to the Shonai river basin ($532km^2$) which has sufficient meteorological and hydrological data, Japan. The result shows that the estimated mean annual evaporation was 825.4mm, and this value is estimated as suitable things in considering rainfall and discharge data in study area.

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Analysis of Non-point Source Pollution using GIS Technique (GIS를 이용한 충주호주변의 비점원 오염 분석 연구)

  • 김윤종;유일현;김원영;류주영;이영훈;민경덕
    • Spatial Information Research
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    • v.3 no.1
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    • pp.1-18
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    • 1995
  • Despite the widespread use of GIS over the past ten years, it has been limited application for regional modeling of pollutant loadings such as sediment, nitrogen, and phosphorus(non-point source pollution), The goals of this study were to: select important processes and parameters of watersheds that contribute to non-point source pollution degradation, develop a ranking model to use the environmental geologic data and verify the model by comparing results with existing water quality data(Chung-ju Lake) for specific watersheds, The GIS database consisted of topography, geology, soils, precipitation, rainfall erosivity, land use, and watershed boundaries. The index(NPSP) for assessing non-point source pollution was comprised in the following three seperate components: soil loss index(SLI) assesses the potential soil erosion and sedim-ent delivery from field to stream; run-off potential ratio(R.P.R) predicts the potential production of surface runoff; chloropgyll-a index ranks the potential manure(animal or human) production within a watershed. The GIS model was a valuable tool to assess the impact of environmental pollation in watersheds.

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Saturated Hydraulic Conductivity of Surface Seals Estimated from Computed Tomography-Measured Porosity (고해상도 X-ray CT 를 이용한 토양표면 피막의 공극율 및 포화수리전도도 측정)

  • Lee, Sang-Soo;Gantzer, C.J.;Thompson, A.L.;Anderson, S.H.;Ketchum, R.A.;Ok, Yong-Sik
    • 한국환경농학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2011.07a
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    • pp.207-222
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    • 2011
  • Relationships between soil saturated hydraulic conductivity ($K_s$) and porosity (${\phi}$) have been developed over many years; however, use of these relationships for evaluating rain-induced seals is limited mainly because of difficulties in estimating seal pore-size characteristics. The objectives of this study were to evaluate the $K_s$ of soil surface seals over a range of thicknesses, where seal thickness was determined using a High-Resolution-Computed-Tomography (HRCT) scanner, and to investigate relationships between $K_s$ and ${\phi}$ of developing seals in samples with equivalent diameters (e.d.) ${\geq}15\;{\mu}m$. A Mexico silt loam soil was packed to a bulk density (${\rho}_b$) of $1.1\;Mg\;m^{-3}$ in cylinders 160-mm i.d. by 160-mm long and subjected to $61-mm\;h^{-1}$ simulated rainfall having a kinetic energy (KE) of $25\;J\;m^{-2}\;min^{-1}$ for 7.5, 15, 30, and 60 min to create a range in seal development. Thicknesses of the seal layers were determined by analysis of HRCT images of seals. The $K_s$ values of the seals were estimated using an effective $K_s$ value ($K_{s-eff}$). The $K_s-{\phi}$ relationship was described by a Kozeny and Carmen equation, $K_s=B{\phi}^n$; where B and n are empirical constants and n = 31. This approach explained 86% of the variation between $K_s$ and ${\phi}$ within the soil seals. Knowledge of surface seal information and hydraulic conductivity can provide useful information to use in management of sites prone to sealing formation.

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Spatial Interpolation and Assimilation Methods for Satellite and Ground Meteorological Data in Vietnam

  • Do, Khac Phong;Nguyen, Ba Tung;Nguyen, Xuan Thanh;Bui, Quang Hung;Tran, Nguyen Le;Nguyen, Thi Nhat Thanh;Vuong, Van Quynh;Nguyen, Huy Lai;Le, Thanh Ha
    • Journal of Information Processing Systems
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    • v.11 no.4
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    • pp.556-572
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    • 2015
  • This paper presents the applications of spatial interpolation and assimilation methods for satellite and ground meteorological data, including temperature, relative humidity, and precipitation in regions of Vietnam. In this work, Universal Kriging is used for spatially interpolating ground data and its interpolated results are assimilated with corresponding satellite data to anticipate better gridded data. The input meteorological data was collected from 98 ground weather stations located all over Vietnam; whereas, the satellite data consists of the MODIS Atmospheric Profiles product (MOD07), the ASTER Global Digital Elevation Map (ASTER DEM), and the Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) in six years. The outputs are gridded fields of temperature, relative humidity, and precipitation. The empirical results were evaluated by using the Root mean square error (RMSE) and the mean percent error (MPE), which illustrate that Universal Kriging interpolation obtains higher accuracy than other forms of Kriging; whereas, the assimilation for precipitation gradually reduces RMSE and significantly MPE. It also reveals that the accuracy of temperature and humidity when employing assimilation that is not significantly improved because of low MODIS retrieval due to cloud contamination.

An Analysis of Radio Interference in the Rain Radars (강우 레이더 전파간섭 분석)

  • Kim, Young-Wan
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.1-7
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    • 2013
  • The interference among the rain radars and interference in the adjacent wireless station due to the spurious signals from the rain radar were analyzed in this paper. The rain radar measures the rain intensity using S-band signal. The measured data are utilized in forecasting the rainfall. The interference among the rain radars or in the adjacent wireless stations may be caused by the operation with low elevation angle and the high output power. Based on the propagation analysis of S band signal and the deduced interference protection ratio of rain radar, the interference due to the rain radar are analyzed. Also, the radiation spectrum characteristics of a rain radar are deduced from the caused interference effects by the spurious signals of the rain radar. To minimize the interference effects for adjacent wireless stations, it is required to get the rejection characteristics of spurious signals above 105 dB. In viewpoints of interference for rain radars, it is necessary to operate the rain radar with a different PRF and operation time opposite to adjacent rain radars.

LIDMOD3 Development for Design and Evaluation of Low Impact Development (저영향개발기법 설계 및 평가를 위한 LIDMOD3 개발)

  • Jeon, Ji-Hong;Seo, Seong-Cheol
    • Journal of Korean Society on Water Environment
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    • v.34 no.4
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    • pp.382-390
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    • 2018
  • In this study, the LIDMOD3 was developed to design and evaluate low impact development (LIDMOD). In the same fashion, the LIDMOD3 employs a curve number (NRCS-CN) method to estimate the surface runoff, infiltration and event mean concentration as applicable to pollutant loads which are based on a daily time step. In these terms, the LIDMOD3 can consider a hydrologic soil group for each land use type LID-BMP, and the applied removal efficiency of the surface runoff and pollutant loads by virtue of the stored capacity, which was calculated by analyzing the recorded water balance. As a result of Model development, the LIDMOD3 is based on an Excel spread sheet and consists of 8 sheets of information data, including: General information, Annual precipitation, Land use, Drainage area, LID-BMPs, Cals-cap, Parameters, and the Results. In addition, the LIDMOD3 can estimate the annual hydrology and annual pollutant loads including surface runoff and infiltration, the LID efficiency of the estimated surface runoff for a design rainfall event, and an analysis of the peak flow and time to peak using a unit hydrolograph for pre-development, post-development without LID, and as calculated with LID. As a result of the model application as applied to an apartment, the LIDMOD3 can estimate LID-BMPs considering a well spatical distributed hydroloic soil group as realized on land use and with the LID-BMPs. Essentially, the LIDMOD3 is a screen level and simple model which is easy to use because it is an Excel based model, as are most parameters in the database. This system can be expected to be widely used at the LID site to collect data within various programmable model parameters for the processing of a detail LID model simulation.

Assessment of Upland Drought Using Soil Moisture Based on the Water Balance Analysis (물수지 기반 지역별 토양수분을 활용한 밭가뭄 평가)

  • Jeon, Min-Gi;Nam, Won-Ho;Yang, Mi-Hye;Mun, Young-Sik;Hong, Eun-Mi;Ok, Jung-Hun;Hwang, Seonah;Hur, Seung-Oh
    • Journal of The Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers
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    • v.63 no.5
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    • pp.1-11
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    • 2021
  • Soil moisture plays a critical role in hydrological processes, land-atmosphere interactions and climate variability. It can limit vegetation growth as well as infiltration of rainfall and therefore very important for agriculture sector and food protection. Recently, due to the increased damage from drought caused by climate change, there is a frequent occurrence of shortage of agricultural water, making it difficult to supply and manage stable agricultural water. Efficient water management is necessary to reduce drought damage, and soil moisture management is important in case of upland crops. In this study, soil moisture was calculated based on the water balance model, and the suitability of soil moisture data was verified through the application. The regional soil moisture was calculated based on the meteorological data collected by the meteorological station, and applied the Runs theory. We analyzed the spatiotemporal variability of soil moisture and drought impacts, and analyzed the correlation between actual drought impacts and drought damage through correlation analysis of Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI). The soil moisture steadily decreased and increased until the rainy season, while the drought size steadily increased and decreased until the rainy season. The regional magnitude of the drought was large in Gyeonggi-do and Gyeongsang-do, and in winter, severe drought occurred in areas of Gangwon-do. As a result of comparative analysis with actual drought events, it was confirmed that there is a high correlation with SPI by each time scale drought events with a correlation coefficient.

Hydrological observation system deployment for water Water quantity, quality management (수자원 수량, 수질관리를 위한 수문관측시스템 구축방안)

  • Yu, Se-hwan;Jang, Dong-bae
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Information and Commucation Sciences Conference
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    • 2014.10a
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    • pp.882-885
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    • 2014
  • The duration and frequency of flooding and not last long, by the time climate change drought. The increased accordingly by reducing stream flow and year variation. This trend is expected to continue, and change towards a comprehensive analysis of such quantity, quality and management of water resources are managed. Flood warning system is called to perform them electronically to the management of water resources such as these to be in the organic water-related basic data acquisition, storage, processing and utilization. Can be divided into hydrological observations and flood warning systems alert system broadcast system. Hydrological observation system is the measurement from the hydrological stations (water level, rainfall, water) that can be observed hydrological status of the dam basin hydrological observation data transmitted to the central office, located at the dam monitoring and control system through a variety of networks including satellite, and the collected defined as the system that sent the K-water head office in 1 minute increments hydrological observation data. Headquartered in support of this decision. Dimensions of the dam are provided in addition to inward. Channeled through various hydrologic analysis and leveraging the data transfer. This paper looks at ways to build out hydrological observation system.

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