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Effects of Sodium Sulfite and Extrusion on the Nutritional Value of Soybean Products for Nursery Pigs

  • Burnham, L.L.;Kim, I.H.;Kang, J.O.;Rhee, H.W.;Hancock, J.D.
    • Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences
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    • v.13 no.11
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    • pp.1584-1592
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    • 2000
  • Three hundred nursery pigs were used in two growth assays (avg initial BW of 6.5 and 6.0 kg, respectively) to determine the effects of sodium sulfite ($Na_2SO_3$) as an extrusion aid for soy products used in diets for weanling pigs. In Exp. 1, treatments were arranged as $3{\times}2$ factorial with main effects of soy product [soybean meal (SBM), extruded SBM, and dry-extruded whole soybeans (DEWS)] and concentration of $Na_2SO_3$ (0 and 10 g/kg of soy product). The extruded SBM and DEWS treatments were processed in a dry extruder ($Insta-Pro^{(R)} $, Triple F Nutrition, Des Moines, IA) with barrel temperatures and throughputs of $169^{\circ}C$ and 578 kg/h, and $147^{\circ}C$ and 598 kg/h, respectively. All diets were formulated to 3.5 Mcal/kg DE, with 0.92% lysine for d 0 to 14, and 0.76% lysine for d 14 to 28. For d 0 to 14, there was a tendency for pigs fed diets with $Na_2SO_3$ to have greater ADG (p<0.08), and pigs fed SBM to have greater ADFI (p<0.02), thus pigs fed the extruded soy products has 15% greater gain/feed than those fed SBM (p<0.007). For d 14 to 28, there were no differences in ADG or gain/feed among pigs fed diets with SBM and those fed diets with the extruded soy products (p>0.15). However, pigs fed DEWS had greater ADG than pigs fed extruded SBM, and pigs fed $Na_2SO_3$ had greater ADG and ADFI compared to those not fed $Na_2SO_3$ (p<0.02 and 0.08, respectively). The positive response in ADG and gain/feed to the addition of $Na_2SO_3$ resulted with SBM and extruded SBM treatments, and not with DEWS (interaction effect, p<0.04). Overall (d 0 to 28), pigs fed DEWS had greater ADG (p<0.01) and gain/feed (p<0.08) than pigs fed extruded SBM. Also pigs fed diets with $Na_2SO_3$ had greater ADG, ADFI, and gain/feed compared to those fed diets without $Na_2SO_3$ (p<0.002, 0.04, and 0.04, respectively). Exp. 2 was designed as a $2{\times}3$ factorial with main effects of soy product (SBM and DEWS) and concentration of $Na_2SO_3$ (none, 7.5, and 15.0 g/kg of soy product). As in Exp. 1, all diets were formulated to 3.5 Mcal/kg DE, with 0.92% lysine for d 0 to 13, and 0.76% lysine for d 13 to 53. At a constant processing temperature (148 to $149^{\circ}C$, $Na_2SO_3$ increased throughput of the extruder (578, 595, and 602 kg/h for the 0, 7.5, and 15.0 g/kg additions, respectively). For d 0 to 13, treatment had no effect on ADG or ADFI, but gain/feed decreased for pigs fed SBM with increasing concentrations of $Na_2SO_3$, and increased for pigs fed DEWS with increasing concentrations of $Na_2SO_3$ (SBM vs DEWS sulfite quadratic interaction, p<0.03). For d 13 to 35, pigs fed DEWS had greater ADG (p<0.01) and gain/feed (p<0.001) than pigs fed SBM. Also, ADFI decreased and gain/feed increased with increasing concentrations of $Na_2SO_3$ (linear effects, p<0.04 and 0.01, respectively). Overall, pigs fed the diets with DEWS had greater ADG and gain/feed than pigs fed SBM (p<0.003 and 0.002, respectively), and $Na_2SO_3$ tended to decrease ADFI and increase gain/feed (linear effects, p<0.07 and 0.06, respectively). In conclusion, pigs fed DEWS had greater rate and efficiency of gain than pigs fed SBM. Also, adding $Na_2SO_3$ prior to extrusion increased yield and feed efficiency.


  • Paik, I.K.;Blair, R.
    • Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.1-25
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    • 1996
  • The pathogenesis of atherosclerosis can not be summarized as a single process. Lipid infiltration hypothesis and endothelial injury hypothesis have been proposed and investigated. Recent developments show that there are many points of potential interactions between them and that they can actually be regarded as two phases of a single, unifying hypothesis. Among the many risk factors of atherosclerosis, plasma homocysteine and lipoprotein(a) draw a considerable interest because they are independent indicators of atherogenicity. Triglyceride (TG)-rich lipoproteins (chylomicron and VLDL) are not considered to be atherogenic but they are related to the metabolism of HDL cholesterol and indirectly related to coronary heart disease (CHD). LDL can of itself be atherogenic but the oxidative products of this lipoprotein are more detrimental. HDL cholesterol has been considered to be a favorable cholesterol. The so-called 'causalist view' claims that HDL traps excess cholesterol from cellular membranes and transfers it to TG-rich lipoproteins that are subsequently removed by hepatic receptors. In the so-called 'noncausalist view', HDL does not interfere directly with cholesterol deposition in the arterial wall but instead reflects he metabolism of TG-rich lipoproteins and their conversion to atherogenic remnants. Approximately 70-80% of the human population shows an effective feedback control mechanism in cholesterol homeostasis. Type of dietary fat has a significant effect on the lipoprotein cholesterol metabolism and atherosclerosis. Generally, saturated fatty acids elevate and PUFA lower serum cholesterol, whereas MUFA have no specific effect. EPA and DHA inhibit the synthesis of TG, VLDL and LDL, and may have favourable effects on some of the risk factors. Phospholipids, particularly lecithin, have an antiatherosclerotic effect. Essential phospholipids (EPL) may enhance the formation of polyunsaturated cholesteryl ester (CE) which is less sclerotic and more easily dispersed via enhanced hydrolysis of CE in the arterial wall. Also, neutral fecal steroid elimination may be enhanced and cholesterol absorption reduced following EPL treatment. Antioxidants protect lipoproteins from oxidation, and cells from the injury of toxic, oxidized LDL. The rationale for lowering of serum cholesterol is the strong association between elevation of plasma or serum cholesterol and CHD. Cholesterol-lowing, especially LDL cholesterol, to the target level could be achieved using diet and combination of drug therapy. Information on the link between cholesterol and CHD has decreased egg consumption by 16-25%. Some clinical studies have indicated that dietary cholesterol and egg have a significant hypercholesterolemic effect, while others have indicated no effect. These studies differed in the use of purified cholesterol or cholesterol in eggs, in the range of baseline and challenge cholesterol levels, in the quality and quantity of concomitant dietary fat, in the study population demographics and initial serum cholesterol levels, and clinical settings. Cholesterol content of eggs varies to a certain extent depending on the age, breed and diet of hens. However, egg yolk cholesterol level is very resistant to change because of the particular mechanism involved in yolk formation. Egg yolk contains a factor of factors responsible for accelerated cholesterol metabolism and excretion compared with crystalline cholesterol. One of these factors could be egg lecithin. Egg lecithin may not be as effective as soybean lecithin in lowering serum cholesterol level due probably to the differences of fatty acid composition. However, egg lecithin may have positive effects in hypercholesterolemia by increasing serum HDL level and excretion of fecal cholesterol. The association of serum cholesterol with egg consumption has been widely studied. When the basal or control diet contained little or no cholesterol, consumption of 1 or 2 eggs daily increased the concentration of plasma cholesterol, whereas that of the normolipemic persons on a normal diet was not significantly influenced by consuming 2 to 3 eggs daily. At higher levels of egg consumption, the concentration of HDL tends to increase as well as LDL. There exist hyper-and hypo-responders to dietary (egg) cholesterol. Identifying individuals in both categories would be useful from the point of view of nutrition guidelines. Dietary modification of fatty acid composition has been pursued as a viable method of modifying fat composition of eggs and adding value to eggs. In many cases beneficial effects of PUFA enriched eggs have been demonstrated. Generally, consumption of n-3 fatty acids enriched eggs lowered the concentration of plasma TG and total cholesterol compared to the consumption of regular eggs. Due to the highly oxidative nature of PUFA, stability of this fat is essential. The implication of hepatic lipid accumulation which was observed in hens fed on fish oils should be explored. Nutritional manipulations, such as supplementation with iodine, inhibitors of cholesterol biosynthesis, garlic products, amino acids and high fibre ingredients, have met a limited success in lowering egg cholesterol.

A Study on The Relation between Psychological Stress and Stress Hormone, Nutritional Status of Patients with Non-Insulim Dependent Diabetes Mellitus (인슐린 비의존형 당뇨병 환자의 심리적 스트레스와 스트레스호르몬 및 영양상태와의 상관관계에 관한 연구)

  • 문수재
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • v.29 no.8
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    • pp.889-898
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    • 1996
  • This study estimated the re!ation between psychological stress and stress hormones, nu­t tritional status of patients with non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus(NIDDM). Psycho­l logical stress such as depr'ession and anxiety in 34 diabetics was analyzedin relation to nutrient intake, blood components such as fasting blood sugar(FBS), hemoglobin AIC, stress hormones a and amino acids. The IeveIs of depression and anxiety were measured by The center for ep­i idemiological studies-depc$pm$111.49pg/ml for total catecholamine ( (norepmephrine and epinephrine) and 233.95 $pm$73.99pg/ml for norepinephrine, 94.03$pm$75. 9 97pg/ml for epinephrine, 13.lS$pm$5.55pl/dl for cortisol and 171.50$pm$62.50pg/ml for gul c cagon respectlveIy. The leveIs of stress hormones in diabetics such as total catecholamine, norep­i mephrine cortisol and glucagon were significantly higher than those in normal control. The lev­el of epmephrine was higher in diabetics but the diffierenee was not significant. The calorie m t take in diabetics was 1762$pm$292keal which is S1.4% lower than Korean recommended dietary a allowances(RDA). Calcium intake was slightly low but other nutrients intakeswere higher than R RDA. The value of fasting blood sugar(FBS), usual fasting blood sugar(usual FBS) which refteet a average FBS during 3 months and hemoglobin Al C in diabetics was 1S4.1S$pm$74.22mg/dl, 177.76$pm$42.77mg/dl and S.S4$pm$2.S2% respec디VeIy. The distribution of plasma amino acids in d diabetics was generally in the normal range. The leveI of anxiety in diabetics was positively cor­related with norepinephrine, concentration and usual FBS. The levels of glucagon, usual FBS a and hemoglobin Aj C were pOSI디veIy correlated with the branched chaimamino acid(BCM : leucme, isoleucme and valine)

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A phantom production by using 3-dimentional printer and In-vivo dosimetry for a prostate cancer patient (3D 프린팅 기법을 통한 전립샘암 환자의 내부장기 팬텀 제작 및 생체내선량측정(In-vivo dosimetry)에 대한 고찰)

  • Seo, Jung Nam;Na, Jong Eok;Bae, Sun Myung;Jung, Dong Min;Yoon, In Ha;Bae, Jae Bum;Kwack, Jung Won;Baek, Geum Mun
    • The Journal of Korean Society for Radiation Therapy
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    • v.27 no.1
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    • pp.53-60
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    • 2015
  • Purpose : The purpose of this study is to evaluate the usefulness of a 3D printed phantom for in-vivo dosimetry of a prostate cancer patient. Materials and Methods : The phantom is produced to equally describe prostate and rectum based on a 3D volume contour of an actual prostate cancer patient who is treated in Asan Medical Center by using a 3D printer (3D EDISON+, Lokit, Korea). CT(Computed tomography) images of phantom are aquired by computed tomography (Lightspeed CT, GE, USA). By using treatment planning system (Eclipse version 10.0, Varian, USA), treatment planning is established after volume of a prostate cancer patient is compared with volume of the phantom. MOSFET(Metal OXIDE Silicon Field Effect Transistor) is estimated to identify precision and is located in 4 measuring points (bladder, prostate, rectal anterior wall and rectal posterior wall) to analyzed treatment planning and measured value. Results : Prostate volume and rectum volume of prostate cancer patient represent 30.61 cc and 51.19 cc respectively. In case of a phantom, prostate volume and rectum volume represent 31.12 cc and 53.52 cc respectively. A variation of volume between a prostate cancer patient and a phantom is less than 3%. Precision of MOSFET represents less than 3%. It indicates linearity and correlation coefficient indicates from 0.99 ~ 1.00 depending on dose variation. Each accuracy of bladder, prostate, rectal anterior wall and rectal posterior wall represent 1.4%, 2.6%, 3.7% and 1.5% respectively. In- vivo dosimetry represents entirely less than 5% considering precision of MOSFET. Conclusion : By using a 3D printer, possibility of phantom production based on prostate is verified precision within 3%. effectiveness of In-vivo dosimetry is confirmed from a phantom which is produced by a 3D printer. In-vivo dosimetry is evaluated entirely less than 5% considering precision of MOSFET. Therefore, This study is confirmed the usefulness of a 3D printed phantom for in-vivo dosimetry of a prostate cancer patient. It is necessary to additional phantom production by a 3D printer and In-vivo dosimetry for other organs of patient.

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Determine the effects of drying temperature on the quality change and antioxidant activity characteristics of blueberry (건조 온도에 따른 블루베리의 품질변화 및 항산화특성)

  • Shin, Dong-Sun;Yoo, Yeon-Mi;Kim, Ha-Yun;Han, Gwi-Jung
    • Food Science and Preservation
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    • v.22 no.4
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    • pp.505-511
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    • 2015
  • This study was performed to investigate the effect of drying temperature on the quality characteristics and antioxidant activity of blueberry. Blueberries were dried at different times and temperatures, including A ($40^{\circ}C$, 72 hr), B ($40^{\circ}C$, 48 h and $50^{\circ}C$, 24 hr), C ($50^{\circ}C$, 72 hr), and D ($60^{\circ}C$, 72 hr). The yield and pH ranges of blueberry were determined to be 17.73~31.17% and 3.20~3.25, respectively. The yield rate of A treatments, soluble solid of D treatments, was the highest. The yield rate and soluble content was the highest in the treatment of A and D, respectively. The moisture content and water activity were significantly decreased with the increase in drying temperature (p<0.05). The L value of A treatment, and a and b values of D treatment were the greatest. In the analysis of texture analyzer, hardness, springiness, cohesiveness, gummiess and chewiness were significantly increased with the increase in drying temperature (p<0.05). In the sensory evaluation of blueberry, the appearance and color were the highest in the A treatment. The moisture, texture and taste was highest in the B treatment. The overall acceptability was in the order of B > A > C >D. The total polyphenol content and DPPH radical-scavenging activity were 9.21~13.05 mg/GAEg and 61.90~81.42%, respectively, which were significantly decreased with the increase in drying temperature (p<0.05). Therefore, the optimum time and temperature for blueberry drying was founded to be B treatment ($40^{\circ}C$, 48 hr and $50^{\circ}C$, 24 hr) among other treatments.


  • Yang, Kyu-Ho;Choi, Nam-Ki;Park, Eun-Hae;Lee, Young-Jun;Kim, Seon-Mi
    • Journal of the korean academy of Pediatric Dentistry
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    • v.31 no.1
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    • pp.98-107
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    • 2004
  • Proper finishing/polishing of dental restorations are critical clinical procedures that enhance both esthetics and longevity of restored teeth. This study was to compare the effects of immediate and delayed finishing/polishing procedures on the surface roughness and surface hardness of tooth-colored restoratives including two microfilled composite resins, such as Filtek A110 and Silux Plus, two hybrid composite resins, such as Revolution formular2 and Palfique Estelite. A total of 48 specimens were made for each material. The first 16 specimens served as the control group and the remaining 32 specimens were randomly divided into two equal groups. The control group was stored in distilled water at $37^{\circ}C$ for 1 week after light polymerization against the Mylar sheet. The first experimental group was finished/polished immediately after light polymerization and stored for 1 week in distilled water at $37^{\circ}C$, whereas the while the second group was finished/polished 1 week after light polymerization and stored in distilled water at $37^{\circ}C$. The results were as follows: 1. The smoothest surface was produced by Mylar sheet and finishing/polishing procedure increased the surface roughness. However, the surface roughness of composite resins were not influenced by the finishing/polishing timing. 2. There were significant differences about surface roughness between Revolution formular 2 and Silux Plus, regarding immediate finishing/polishing, and between Palfique Estelite and Silux Plus regarding delayed finishing/polishing(p<0.05). 3. The sequence of the surface hardness was ascending order by Revolution formular 2, Silux Plus, Filtek A110 and Palfique Estelite. However there were no significant differences about hardness among the control group and two finishing/polishing timing groups. 4. The effects of finishing/polishing time on surface roughness and hardness appeared to be material-dependent.

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Clinical and Immunologic Features of Miliary Tuberculosis with Positive Bone Marrow Study (골수생검 양성인 속립성 결핵의 고찰)

  • Song, Kwang-Seon;Yong, Suk-Joong;Shin, Kye-Chul;Lee, Won-Yeon;Ryu, Jeong-Seon
    • Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases
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    • v.43 no.1
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    • pp.22-29
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    • 1996
  • Background: Abnormalities of the peripheral blood are frequent and varied in patients with miliary tuberculosis. Anemia, leukopenia, thrombocytopenia, pancytopenia, monocytosis, basophilia, eosinophilia and leukemoid reactions have been reported. These abnormalities are more frequent in patients with positive bone marrow study. In this report, we evaluated clinical, hematological and immunological features in patients with miliary tuberculosis in order to know whether difference is existed between "bone marrow biopsy positive group(pathologically proven to miliary tuberculosis)" and "negative group". Method: Clinical evaluation, serum ADA, sIL-2R, and T-lymphocyte subsets were measured in 40 patients with miliary tuberculosis who received bone marrow biopsy. Results: 1) The average age of patients was 39 year-old. There were 23 male and 17 female patients. Associated extrapulmonary tuberculosis are 9 CNS tuberculosis, 6 joint tuberculosis, and 2 tuberculous pleurisy. 2) Sixteen of the 40 patients were positive bone marrow biopsy(60%). 3) Sixteen of the 40 patients(60%) had anemia(11 positive patients: 13 negative patients). Leukopenia occurred in 12 per cent(4:1). Thrombocytopenia was noted in 10%(3:1). 4) The mean value of serum ADA was 83 U/L(90 U/L: 70.6 U/L, p=0.23). 5) The mean activity of Soluble IL-2 receptor was 4,643 pmol/L($6840{\pm}7446\;pmol/L$: $1,897{\pm}1,663\;pmol/L$, p=0.06). 6) In the T lymphocyte subsets, the percent of T-lymphocytes was 64%(62%:73%, p=0.2). In some patients(9), $T_4$ and $T_8$ ratio in BAL fluid($1.97{\pm}1.2$) was higher than that in the peripheral blood($1.16{\pm}0.5$). Conclusion: Bone marrow examination are diagnostic in 60% of cases of miliary tuberculosis. Percents of the total T lymphocyte and helper T cell in BAL are more elevated than in peripheral blood. There was no significant difference in peripheral blood abnormalities and marker of T lymphocyte activation between the bone marrow biopsy positive and negative group.

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A Study on the Equations of Estimating the Leaf Area of Broad-Leaf Species in Mt. Jiri (지리산(智異山) 주요(主要) 활엽수종(闊葉樹種)의 엽면적(葉面積) 추정식(推定式)에 대(對)한 연구(硏究))

  • Kim, Si Kyung;Lee, Kyeong Hack
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.70 no.1
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    • pp.103-108
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    • 1985
  • This paper is concerned with estimating equations of leaf area(A) obtained from linear measurements - leaf length(L) and leaf width(W) - on the leaves of 13 species composing a natural mixed stand in Mt. Jiri. This method is known to be rapid and non-destructive in estimating leaf area. The equation of A=bLW is frequently used in rough and rapid estimation. Each species in this study has its own coefficient b according to its geometrical leaf shape. The range of coefficients of 13 species was 0.579 to 0.717. This means that the relationship A=2/3LW is suitable to most broad leaf species in a natural mixed stand in Mt. Jiri. When more precise estimation of leaf area is needed, full regression equation is used. In this study, the form of ${\log}A=b_0+b_1{\log}LW$ was the most precise estimation equation in 8 species. In addition to this, the form of $A=b_0+b_1LW$ and $A=b_0+b_1L^2+b_2W^2$ were founded to be suitable for estimation of leaf area. In comparision of these two forms, the determination coefficient were about the same, but the F-value of the former was greater than that of the latter. Therefore, the use of the former seems to be more reliable and practical.

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Antioxidant Activity of Extracts and Fractions from Aster scaber (참취 추출물과 용매분획물의 항산화 활성)

  • Jeon, Sang-Min;Lee, Jin-Young;Kim, Heon-Woong;Lee, Young-Min;Jang, Hwan-Hee;Hwang, Kyung-A;Kim, Haeng-Ran;Park, Dong-Sik
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.41 no.9
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    • pp.1197-1204
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    • 2012
  • As an effort to develop functional food ingredients and to discover the biological activity, the total phenolic content, total flavonoid content, DPPH and ABTS radical scavenging activity, SOD-like activity, ferric reducing antioxidant power (FRAP), and $Fe^{2+}$ chelating of Aster scaber were measured using a 70% ethanol extract and various solvent fractions. As a result, the total phenolic concent was highest in an ethyl acetate fraction of 141.9 mg GAE eq/g and the total flavonoid content was 105.6 mg QUE eq/g. The DPPH radical scavenging activity was highest in an ethyl acetate fraction of 97.1% at a concentration of 1,000 ${\mu}g/mL$ (p<0.05). The ABTS radical scavenging activity showed a 86.9% ethyl acetate fraction and a 57.9% butanol fraction at a concentration of 125 ${\mu}g/mL$, and higher than that of positive control (${\alpha}$-tocopherol and BHT) (p<0.05). The SOD-like activity showed 42.8% in an ethyl acetate at a concentration of 1,000 ${\mu}g/mL$. The ethyl acetate fraction showed the highest value of FRAP at 1051.9 ${\mu}M$ and a concentration of 1,000 ${\mu}g/mL$ (p<0.05). The $Fe^{2+}$chelating was highest in the 70.1% chloroform fraction at a concentration of 500 ${\mu}g/mL$ (p<0.05). There is the highest correlation between DPPH radical scavenging activity and FRAP (r=0.981) as compared to other antioxidant assays (p<0.01). With these results, we confirmed that the ethyl acetate fraction of Aster scaber has great antioxidant potential. So it can be expected to be developed into a specific functional food ingredient.

Development of Korean Green Business/IT Strategies Based on Priority Analysis (한국의 그린 비즈니스/IT 실태분석을 통한 추진전략 우선순위 도출에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Jae-Kyeong;Choi, Ju-Choel;Choi, Il-Young
    • Asia pacific journal of information systems
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    • v.20 no.3
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    • pp.191-204
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    • 2010
  • Recently, the CO2 emission and energy consumption have become critical global issues to decide the future of nations. Especially, the spread of IT products and the increased use of internet and web applications result in the energy consumption and CO2 emission of IT industry though information technologies drive global economic growth. EU, the United States, Japan and other developed countries are using IT related environmental regulations such as WEEE(Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment), RoHS(Restriction of the use of Certain Hazardous Substance), REACH(Registration, Evaluation, Authorization and Restriction of CHemicals) and EuP(Energy using Product), and have established systematic green business/IT strategies to enhance the competitiveness of IT industry. For example, the Japan government proposed the "Green IT initiative" for being compatible with economic growth and environmental protection. Not only energy saving technologies but energy saving systems have been developed for accomplishing sustainable development. Korea's CO2 emission and energy consumption continuously have grown at comparatively high rates. They are related to its industrial structure depending on high energy-consuming industries such as iron and steel Industry, automotive industry, shipbuilding industry, semiconductor industry, and so on. In particular, export proportion of IT manufacturing is quite high in Korea. For example, the global market share of the semiconductor such as DRAM was about 80% in 2008. Accordingly, Korea needs to establish a systematic strategy to respond to the global environmental regulations and to maintain competitiveness in the IT industry. However, green competitiveness of Korea ranked 11th among 15 major countries and R&D budget for green technology is not large enough to develop energy-saving technologies for infrastructure and value chain of low-carbon society though that grows at high rates. Moreover, there are no concrete action plans in Korea. This research aims to deduce the priorities of the Korean green business/IT strategies to use multi attribute weighted average method. We selected a panel of 19 experts who work at the green business related firms such as HP, IBM, Fujitsu and so on, and selected six assessment indices such as the urgency of the technology development, the technology gap between Korea and the developed countries, the effect of import substitution, the spillover effect of technology, the market growth, and the export potential of the package or stand-alone products by existing literature review. We submitted questionnaires at approximately weekly intervals to them for priorities of the green business/IT strategies. The strategies broadly classify as follows. The first strategy which consists of the green business/IT policy and standardization, process and performance management and IT industry and legislative alignment relates to government's role in the green economy. The second strategy relates to IT to support environment sustainability such as the travel and ways of working management, printer output and recycling, intelligent building, printer rationalization and collaboration and connectivity. The last strategy relates to green IT systems, services and usage such as the data center consolidation and energy management, hardware recycle decommission, server and storage virtualization, device power management, and service supplier management. All the questionnaires were assessed via a five-point Likert scale ranging from "very little" to "very large." Our findings show that the IT to support environment sustainability is prior to the other strategies. In detail, the green business /IT policy and standardization is the most important in the government's role. The strategies of intelligent building and the travel and ways of working management are prior to the others for supporting environment sustainability. Finally, the strategies for the data center consolidation and energy management and server and storage virtualization have the huge influence for green IT systems, services and usage This research results the following implications. The amount of energy consumption and CO2 emissions of IT equipment including electrical business equipment will need to be clearly indicated in order to manage the effect of green business/IT strategy. And it is necessary to develop tools that measure the performance of green business/IT by each step. Additionally, intelligent building could grow up in energy-saving, growth of low carbon and related industries together. It is necessary to expand the affect of virtualization though adjusting and controlling the relationship between the management teams.