• Title/Summary/Keyword: quartile

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A Study on the Quality Control of Transvaginal Ultrasound Transducer using ATS-539 Ultrasound Phantom (ATS-539 초음파 팬텀을 이용한 경질 초음파 검사용 탐촉자의 정도관리에 대한 연구)

  • Park, Ji Hye;Heo, Yeong Cheol;Kim, Yon min;Han, Dong Kyoon
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Radiology
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    • v.15 no.4
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    • pp.463-472
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    • 2021
  • Demand for examinations using transvaginal transducer with high frequencies is increasing to observe pelvic organs in gynecological ultrasound tests. However, the quality control of the replacement probe in clinical trials is not properly implemented and the evaluation criteria have not been established. Therefore, 58 transvaginal transducers and 20 convex transducers were applied to the ATS-539 ultrasound phantom for 20 ultrasound devices currently in clinical use to obtain their respective images and measure them quantitatively and qualitatively. For quantitative measurements, vertical measurement, horizontal measurement, and focal zone and qualitative measurements, dead zone, axial·lateral resolution, sensitivity, functional resolution, gray scale·dynamic range were performed. Quantitative statistical analysis showed significant differences between the two transducers in the lateral measurement and local area (p<0.05). qualitative comparative analysis showed differences in sensitivity and functional resolution. This occurs due to the difference in frequency between transducers and the transducer's injection geometry. Based on the above experiments, the tolerance for horizontal measurement is raised to 10% (±8 mm), the tolerance for sensitivity is observed up to 6 cm deep, which is 12 cm deep,which is the level of the third quartile (75%). The permissible range of functional resolution is up to 6 (12 cm), 6 (12 cm), 11 (11 cm), 9 (9 cm), 6 (6 cm) target, which is the level of the third quartile (75%). It is considered reasonable to adjust the depth of targets in gray scale·dynamic range to measure at a depth of 2 cm, which is 50% of the depth of 4 cm. As above, the criteria for evaluating the quality of transvaginal transducer for use in the past have been proposed and it is expected that this study will be used as a basic data for the production of phantom exclusively for transvaginal transducer in the future.

Study on nutrition, dietary and health status of middle-aged Korean men according to sedentary hours: based on the 2019 Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (중장년 한국 남성의 좌식 시간에 따른 영양, 식이 및 건강행태 연구: 국민건강영양조사 제8기 1차년도(2019년) 자료를 이용하여)

  • Jeong, Dajeong;Lee, Jeehyun;Yoon, Eunju
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • v.55 no.3
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    • pp.359-375
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    • 2022
  • Purpose: Adult Korean men belonging to the main economically active population are known to have long sedentary hours. This study was undertaken to determine the difference and relevance of sedentary hours on the nutrition, diet, and health status of adult men, and to suggest how to prevent health risk factors. Methods: Subjects (n = 1,068) were classified into 4 groups based on their sedentary hours, ranging from the first quartile (Q1) having the least hours spent sitting, to the fourth quartile (Q4) spending the longest hours. Results: Subjects belonging to Q4 had the lowest average age, the largest waist circumference, and the highest level of education. Among those engaged in economic activities, the ratio of white-collar workers was significantly higher in Q4. Accordingly, the rate of not doing high-intensity or moderate-intensity physical activity while working was also the highest in Q4. A significant difference was obtained in the drinking frequency between groups, but this was found to be associated with the average working hours rather than sedentary hours. The proportion of not doing aerobic exercise was higher with longer sitting hours. The highest diagnosis of diabetes (8.8%) was obtained in the Q4 group. Among the factors related to cardiovascular disease, only low density lipoprotein-cholesterol showed a significant difference, with Q4 being significantly higher than Q1. Considering energy and nutrient intake, vitamin B1 and calcium intake were the lowest in the group with the longest sitting hours, as well as the least consumption of vitamin C than the recommended estimated average requirement. Conclusion: The results of this study suggest that the health and nutritional status of Korean adult men are affected by sedentary hours. This should be recognized as a health risk factor and guidelines need to be developed for sedentary lifestyle management.

Analysis of domestic water usage patterns in Chungcheong using historical data of domestic water usage and climate variables (생활용수 실적자료와 기후 변수를 활용한 충청권역 생활용수 이용량 패턴 분석)

  • Kim, Min Ji;Park, Sung Min;Lee, Kyungju;So, Byung-Jin;Kim, Tae-Woong
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.57 no.1
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    • pp.1-8
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    • 2024
  • Persistent droughts due to climate change will intensify water shortage problems in Korea. According to the 1st National Water Management Plan, the shortage of domestic and industrial waters is projected to be 0.07 billion m3/year under a 50-year drought event. A long-term prediction of water demand is essential for effectively responding to water shortage problems. Unlike industrial water, which has a relatively constant monthly usage, domestic water is analyzed on monthly basis due to apparent monthly usage patterns. We analyzed monthly water usage patterns using water usage data from 2017 to 2021 in Chungcheong, South Korea. The monthly water usage rate was calculated by dividing monthly water usage by annual water usage. We also calculated the water distribution rate considering correlations between water usage rate and climate variables. The division method that divided the monthly water usage rate by monthly average temperature resulted in the smallest absolute error. Using the division method with average temperature, we calculated the water distribution rates for the Chungcheong region. Then we predicted future water usage rates in the Chungcheong region by multiplying the average temperature of the SSP5-8.5 scenario and the water distribution rate. As a result, the average of the maximum water usage rate increased from 1.16 to 1.29 and the average of the minimum water usage rate decreased from 0.86 to 0.84, and the first quartile decreased from 0.95 to 0.93 and the third quartile increased from 1.04 to 1.06. Therefore, it is expected that the variability in monthly water usage rates will increase in the future.

Prediction of Life Expectancy for Terminally Ill Cancer Patients Based on Clinical Parameters (말기 암 환자에서 임상변수를 이용한 생존 기간 예측)

  • Yeom, Chang-Hwan;Choi, Youn-Seon;Hong, Young-Seon;Park, Yong-Gyu;Lee, Hye-Ree
    • Journal of Hospice and Palliative Care
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    • v.5 no.2
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    • pp.111-124
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    • 2002
  • Purpose : Although the average life expectancy has increased due to advances in medicine, mortality due to cancer is on an increasing trend. Consequently, the number of terminally ill cancer patients is also on the rise. Predicting the survival period is an important issue in the treatment of terminally ill cancer patients since the choice of treatment would vary significantly by the patents, their families, and physicians according to the expected survival. Therefore, we investigated the prognostic factors for increased mortality risk in terminally ill cancer patients to help treat these patients by predicting the survival period. Methods : We investigated 31 clinical parameters in 157 terminally ill cancer patients admitted to in the Department of Family Medicine, National Health Insurance Corporation Ilsan Hospital between July 1, 2000 and August 31, 2001. We confirmed the patients' survival as of October 31, 2001 based on medical records and personal data. The survival rates and median survival times were estimated by the Kaplan-Meier method and Log-rank test was used to compare the differences between the survival rates according to each clinical parameter. Cox's proportional hazard model was used to determine the most predictive subset from the prognostic factors among many clinical parameters which affect the risk of death. We predicted the mean, median, the first quartile value and third quartile value of the expected lifetimes by Weibull proportional hazard regression model. Results : Out of 157 patients, 79 were male (50.3%). The mean age was $65.1{\pm}13.0$ years in males and was $64.3{\pm}13.7$ years in females. The most prevalent cancer was gastric cancer (36 patients, 22.9%), followed by lung cancer (27, 17.2%), and cervical cancer (20, 12.7%). The survival time decreased with to the following factors; mental change, anorexia, hypotension, poor performance status, leukocytosis, neutrophilia, elevated serum creatinine level, hypoalbuminemia, hyperbilirubinemia, elevated SGPT, prolonged prothrombin time (PT), prolonged activated partial thromboplastin time (aPTT), hyponatremia, and hyperkalemia. Among these factors, poor performance status, neutrophilia, prolonged PT and aPTT were significant prognostic factors of death risk in these patients according to the results of Cox's proportional hazard model. We predicted that the median life expectancy was 3.0 days when all of the above 4 factors were present, $5.7{\sim}8.2$ days when 3 of these 4 factors were present, $11.4{\sim}20.0$ days when 2 of the 4 were present, and $27.9{\sim}40.0$ when 1 of the 4 was present, and 77 days when none of these 4 factors were present. Conclusions : In terminally ill cancer patients, we found that the prognostic factors related to reduced survival time were poor performance status, neutrophilia, prolonged PT and prolonged am. The four prognostic factors enabled the prediction of life expectancy in terminally ill cancer patients.

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Relationship of Average Volume of Alcohol Consumption and Binge Drinking to Arterial Stiffness in Community-Dwelling Healthy Adults (지역사회 건강한 성인에서 알코올 섭취량 및 폭음과 동맥경직도의 관련성)

  • Kweon, Sun-Seog;Lee, Young-Hoon
    • Journal of agricultural medicine and community health
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    • v.37 no.1
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    • pp.23-35
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    • 2012
  • Objectives: The purpose of this study was to investigate the association of the average volume of alcohol consumption and binge drinking with arterial stiffness. Methods: The study population consisted of 5944 community-dwelling healthy adults aged 50 years and older. Average volume of alcohol consumption was calculated and frequency of binge drinking defined as the consumption of 7 or more drinks for men and 5 or more for women on a single occasion, was assessed using a structured interview. High brachial-ankle pulse wave velocity (baPWV), a marker of arterial stiffness, was defined as the highest gender-specific quartile of maximal baPWV distribution in the study population. Results: Compared to never drinkers, the multivariate-adjusted odds ratio (OR) of men who consumed 0.1-10.0, 10.1-20.0, 20.1-40.0, and >40.0 g/day was 0.93, 1.18, 1.38, and 2.36, respectively. The OR was 0.90, 0.97, 1.45, and 1.82 in women consuming 0.1-5.0, 5.1-10.0, 10.1-20.0, and >20.0 g/day, respectively. Binge drinking of <1 day/week (OR=1.66, 95% confidence interval [CI]=1.13-2.42) and ${\geq}1$ day/week (OR=1.61, 95% CI=1.04-2.50) were associated with increased risk for high baPWV in men, and binge drinking of ${\geq}1$ day/week (OR=3.12, 95% CI=1.16-8.34) was associated with increased risk for high baPWV in women. Conclusions: A J-shaped relationship between the average volume of alcohol consumption and high baPWV was observed, suggesting the detrimental effects of heavy alcohol drinking on arterial stiffness. Binge drinking was also significant risk factors for increased arterial stiffness, independently of the average volume of alcohol consumption.

Prostate-specific Antigen Velocity (PSAV) and PSAV per Initial Volume (PSAVD) for Early Detection of Prostate Cancer in Chinese Men

  • Zheng, Xiang-Yi;Zhang, Peng;Xie, Li-Ping;You, Qi-Han;Cai, Bo-Sen;Qin, Jie
    • Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention
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    • v.13 no.11
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    • pp.5529-5533
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    • 2012
  • Aim: To investigate the utility of prostate-specific antigen velocity (PSAV) and PSAV per initial volume (PSAVD) for early detection of prostate cancer (PCa) in Chinese men. Methods: Between January 2009 and June 2012, a total of 193 men (aged 49-84 years, median 67 years) with at least 2 transrectal ultrasonography (TRUS) procedures and concurrent serum PSA measurements underwent prostate biopsy because of suspicion of PCa. The total group were classified into PCa and non-PCa groups, and the variables of the two groups were compared. Univariate and multivariate analyses were used to investigate which variables were predictove. The diagnostic values of PSAV, PSAVD and prostate-specific antigen density (PSAD) were compared using receiver operating characteristic (ROC) analysis. Results: Prostate cancer was diagnosed in 44 (22.8%) of the 193 men. There were significant differences between the groups in last and initial prostate volumes determined by TRUS, initial age, last serum PSA levels, PSAV, PSAD and PSAVD. After adjusting for confounding factors, the odds ratios of PCa across the quartile of PSAVD were 1, 4.06, 10.6, and 18.9 (P for trend <0.001).The area under the ROC curves (AUCs) of PSAD (0.779) and PSAVD (0.776) were similar and both significantly greater than that of PSA (AUC 0.667). PSAVD was a significantly better indicator of PCa than PSAV (AUC 0.736). There was no statistical significant difference between the AUC of PSAV and that of last serum PSA level. The sensitivity and specificity of PSAVD at a cutoff of 0.023ng in participants with last serum PSA levels of 4.0ng/mL-10.0ng was 73.7% and 70.7%, respectively. Conclusions: The results of this study demonstrated PSAVD may be a useful tool in PCa detection, especially in those undergoing previous TRUS examination.

A Cross-Sectional Study on Lifestyle and Plasma Homocysteine Concentrations in Patients with Acute Cerebral Infarction (급성기 뇌경색 환자의 생활습관과 혈장 homocysteine 농도에 관한 단면적 연구)

  • Min, In-Kyu;Leem, Jung-Tae;Kim, Mi-Young;Choi, Won-Woo;Jung, Woo-Sang;Moon, Sang-Kwan;Cho, Ki-Ho;Kim, Young-Suk
    • The Journal of Korean Medicine
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    • v.30 no.2
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    • pp.56-62
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    • 2009
  • Objectives: We tried to clarify the relationship between lifestyle and plasma homocysteine concentration. We analyzed the data of patients with acute ischemic stroke from the Hanbang stroke registry supported by the Ministry of Science and Technology of Korea. Methods: 458 subjects were recruited from the patients admitted to the Internal Medical Department of Kyunghee University oriental medical center, Dongguk University Ilsan oriental medical center, Kyungwon University Songpa oriental medical center and Kyungwon University Incheon oriental medical center from April 2007 to August 2008. We divided the subjects into four groups by quartiles of plasma homocysteine concentrations and compared the first and last quartile groups. Results: 1. In univariate analysis, the high homocysteine concentration group showed higher rate of older age, male gender, smoking, drinking and lower values in vitamin B12, folic acid, creatinine than the control group with statistical significance. 2. In multivariate analysis, older age, male gender smoking and folic acid showed a close relationship with statistical significance (each OR=3.620, OR=4.218, OR=3.558, OR=0.789). Conclusions: According to the analysis, the relationship between high homocysteine concentration and smoking in patients with acute ischemic stroke were clarified. We hope to standardize and establish criteria on homocysteine in Korea by large epidemiological survey. These study results could be utilized in the future as a basis material.

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A Study on the Improvement of Huff's Method for Applying in Korea : II. Improvement of Huff's Method (Huff 강우시간분포방법의 개선방안 연구 : II. Huff 방법의 개선방안)

  • Jang Su-Hyung;Yoon Jae-Young;Yoon Yong-Nam
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.39 no.9 s.170
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    • pp.779-786
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    • 2006
  • In this study, we propose a new method that utilizes rainfall data in and out of a basin, which is greater than 25.4mm for point rainfall or 12.7mm for areal mean rainfall respectively. From our analysis, most frequent quartile for point and areal mean rainfall were found to be the same in general for various rainfall duration intervals. From an evaluation of design rainfall per each rainfall duration distributed in time by the MOCT(Ministry of Construction and Transportation) version of Huff's method and this study, peak rainfall intensity by this study was found to be greater than the one by MOCT, but there were no consistent increase or decrease of this difference with rainfall durations. Using the distributed design rainfall per each duration by MOCT and this study, corresponding flood inflow hydrographs were simulated and compared each other. Contrary to the case of peak rainfall intensity, difference in peak flow by both methods per each rainfall duration started to increase from about 12-hr duration. Especially, the difference in peak flow was significant when critical rainfall duration was considered, and this trend was similar for peak flows of other rainfall durations. Therefore, the method proposed in this study is thought to be the effective procedure for the construction of dimensionless cumulative rainfall curve that is representative of a basin while considering time distribution characteristics for different rainfall durations.

Determinants of Erythropoietin Hyporesponsiveness in Management of Anemia in Hemodialysis Patients (혈액투석 환자의 빈혈관리에서 Erythropoietin 반응에 영향을 미치는 인자)

  • Shin, Seung-Hee;Ji, Eun-Hee;Lee, Young-Sook;Oh, Jung-Mi
    • Korean Journal of Clinical Pharmacy
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    • v.21 no.2
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    • pp.122-130
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    • 2011
  • Objective: Although recombinant human erythropoietin (rhEPO) has revolutionized the treatment of anemia in chronic kidney disease (CKD) receiving hemodialysis (HD) with no need of blood transfusion, some patients have a blunted or appear to be resistant to rhEPO. There is a controversy in the causes of rhEPO resistance in maintenance HD patients with anemia. This study is to examine current anemia treatment outcomes and the factors influencing the rhEPO responsiveness in HD patient with CKD. Methods: The clinical parameters or factors relating to erythrompoietin treatment outcomes and erythropoietin responsiveness were collected from the HD patients in two large dialysis centers for three months. The collected paramenters included serum iron, total iron biding capacity (TIBC), transferrin saturation rate, ferritin, albumin, intact PTH, C-reactive protein (CRP), nPCR and medications such as an angiotensin converting enzyme inhbitor, an angiotension II receptor blocker and an HMG-CoA reductase inhibitor (HMG-CoA RI). The data were analyzed to examine the degree of acheiveing the anemia treatment goal and factors relating to ERI. Results: Among total 111 patients, 42 (42.3%) and 47 (37.8%) patients achieved the target Hct and Hb based on the Health Insurance Review and Assessment Services (HIRA) reimbursement criteria. In the higher ERI group (upper quartile), the patients had higher CRP levels (0.5 mg/dl) (p=0.0096), and lower TIBC score (<$240{\mu}g/dl$) (p=0.0027), and less patients were taking HMG-CoA RI (p=0.0019). Male patients (p=0.0204), patients with high TIBC score ($R^2$=0.084, p=0.0021) and patients taking HMG-CoA RI (p=0.0052) required to administer less dose of rhEPO meaning higher erythropoietin responsiveness. Conclusion: Less than 50% of CKD patients were achieving the goals of anemia by erythropoietin administration in large hospitals in Korea even though the goals were lower than those of NKF-K/DOQI practice guideline. The factors influencing ERI were sex, TIBC and HMG-CoA RI administration status, and neither an ACEI nor an ARB did not influence ERI.

Exposure Assessment on Sub-Populations of the Local Community following a Hydrofluoric Acid Accident (불산 누출사고에 따른 지역사회 구성원들의 노출평가)

  • Kim, Sunshin;Woo, Kuck-Hyeun;Yoon, Seong-Yong;Lim, Hyun-Sul;Kim, Geun-Bae;Yu, Seung-Do;Cho, Yong-Sung;Lee, Seokyong;Lee, Hyunsu;Yang, Wonho
    • Journal of Environmental Health Sciences
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    • v.41 no.1
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    • pp.1-10
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    • 2015
  • Objectives: The purpose of this study was to propose an indirect exposure assessment method using a questionnaire survey at a time when direct exposure assessment would be impossible after a chemical accident. Methods: About two weeks after an accident, a questionnaire survey was performed with 1,264 persons from the local community. Variables related to exposure were extracted from the survey contents, weighted and then graded for comparison with subjective symptoms in order to evaluate the extent of exposure. Survey items suitable for reflecting the previous exposure level during the accident were extracted, weighted and divided into quartile ranges. Subjective symptoms showed an increasing tendency with higher exposure level when compared with final exposure level (p<0.01). Results: For the relationship between the final exposure grade and subjective symptoms, as the exposure grade was increasing the rates complaining of symptom also showed an increasing tendency. However, when adjusted for demographic characteristics, there was a tendency for the eye irritation symptom to appear higher in women, and respiratory organ irritation appeared higher in smokers. Conclusions: When the problem of recall bias is considered, this study may not have completely unraveled exposure and the characteristics of the participants can affect subjective symptoms. Nevertheless, the exposure rating method of using a questionnaire showed a significant relationship with symptom level. It can be deemed that assessment of past exposure may be successfully evaluated by questionnaire in cases such as chemical accidents.