• Title/Summary/Keyword: quality information & degree of use

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A Study on Clustering Algorithm Using Design Pattern Structure (디자인 패턴 구조를 이용한 클러스터링에 관한 연구)

  • 한정수;김귀정
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.2 no.1
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    • pp.68-76
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    • 2002
  • Clustering is representative method of components classification. But, previous clustering method that use cohesion and coupling can not be effective, because design pattern has consisted by relation between classes. In this paper, we classified design patterns with special quality of pattern structure. Classification by clustering had expressed higher correctness degree than classification by facet. Therefore, can do that it is effective that classify design patterns using clustering algorithms that is automatic classification method. When we are searching design patterns, classification of design patterns can compare and analyze similar patterns because similar patterns is saved to same category. Also we can manage repository efficiently because of using and storing link information of patterns.

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The Effect of Digital Divide on Life Satisfaction of Disabled People (장애인의 정보 활용 격차가 삶의 만족도에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구)

  • Hwang, Ju-Hee
    • Informatization Policy
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    • v.26 no.3
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    • pp.53-68
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    • 2019
  • The aim of this study was to empirically investigate the difference in life satisfaction between people with disabilities who utilize the Internet and those who do not. The study also found out through an interaction term analysis if there were differences in their life satisfaction and digital utilization by gender, age, education level, employment status, household income, as well as personal characteristics such as disability type and degree. While the existing studies have been mainly focused on the digital divide between the non-disabled and the disabled, this study attempts to further apply the advanced concept of digital divide - digital utilization divide - within the group of people with disabilities. Based on these research findings, this study shows that the digital utilization by people with disabilities has a statistically significant effect on their quality of life, and that life satisfaction of the people with disabilities who use the Internet is affected by their education level, residence, and disability degree. Consequently, these findings indicate implications that suggest an expanded form of digital divide policies for people with disabilities through broadening perspectives on policies for closing such divide.

Differences on Satisfaction of Healthcare Applications by Smartphone Users' Characteristics (스마트폰 사용자 특성에 따른 헬스케어 애플리케이션 만족도 차이)

  • Shim, Hun;Kim, Yu-Jeong;Park, Mijeong
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.17 no.7
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    • pp.410-419
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    • 2016
  • This study examined the satisfaction difference in the aspects of awareness, information quality, and availability in healthcare applications according to smartphone user's characteristics. Data collection was conducted between September 17th and September 21st 2014 on the 193 people who had used healthcare applications, and the data collected were analyzed with descriptive statistics, t-test, One-way ANOVA, and Kruskal-Wallis test using SPSS WIN 20.0. Differences in satisfaction of healthcare application were observed according to the general characteristics, and according to age, education level, and income, as well as for healthcare application use characteristics, according to operation system, total use period, the number of installed healthcare applications, the sources of main information, use frequency, and reasons of no use. To establish strategies for the effective spread of mobile healthcare and development and distribution of healthcare applications, it will be necessary to confirm smartphone users' characteristics and it is important to reflect them in the strategies. In addition, it is necessary to develop and implement a range of strategies to ceaselessly induce the users' motives of use and to improve their degree of satisfaction to secure the constant use of developed health care applications.

NIR as a tool for optimizing sampling time and studying batch dynamics.

  • Zeppelin, Joanna
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Near Infrared Spectroscopy Conference
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    • 2001.06a
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    • pp.1126-1126
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    • 2001
  • The paper presented here is the initial part of a larger study, in which it was determined which quality parameters in cheese powder could already be predicted by NIR at an early stage in the process and which could only be predicted at the final stages of the process. This initial study was performed in order to establish the levels and nature of variation within and between batches such that the subsequent data collection could be tackled optimally. The perspectives evolved into more than was originally planned and revealed some interesting uses of NIR-technology. Cheese powder production starts as a batch process, where waste cheese from other dairies is melted down in a vat. The process then turns into a continual process as the vat is emptied and the melted cheese is then filtered, homogenized, pasteurized and finally spray dried. Between each batch the powder is to a greater or lesser degree a mixture of 2 batches. This paper is divided into 2 aspects, one regarding the optimization of sampling time and the other is a study of process dynamics. Optimizing sampling time This initial study included 9 powder samples from 9 different batches produced during one day. The raw materials for the batches were chosen with the aim of creating a relatively high level of variation in the data. The total of 81 samples were taken out at regular intervals and spectra were collected on a NIR-systems 6500 instrument. The subsequent reduction of the data by PCA to score values shows the power of NIR as a tool to determine not only when samples are representative of a certain batch, but also which batches are stable enough to include in a further study. Studying process dynamics To take this experiment a step further 1 of the 81 samples were sent to the laboratory for further analyses. The samples were chosen on the criteria that they covered the spectral variation in the dataset. These samples were analysed for 4 chemical components and 5 physical attributes, which are essential for describing the quality of the product. The latent structure of the 7 samples, using the chemical and physical variables, is totally comparable to the latent structure of the NIR spectra. This outcome makes it possible to describe the dynamics of one day's production both chemically and physically with relatively little resources. Additionally it raises the question as to whether reference values are needed, as the latent structure of the NIR-spectra appears to be sufficient in providing information on the quality of the product. To be able to use NIR in this way would require defining quality limits in the principal component space as opposed to each of the reference values. The potential of NIR applied in an explorative fashion with batch processes opens a whole new gateway for the use of this technology. This study explains yet again after so many years in the field “why I'm crazy about NIR!”.

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A Network Analysis of Information Exchange using Social Media in ICT Exhibition (ICT전시회에서 소셜 미디어를 활용한 정보교환 네트워크 분석)

  • Ha, Ki Mok;Moon, Hyun Sil;Choi, Il Young;Kim, Jae Kyeong
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.1-17
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    • 2014
  • The proliferation of using social media and social networking services affects the lifestyles of people. These phenomena are useful to companies that wish to promote and advertise new products or services through these social media; these social media venues also come with large amounts of user data. However, studies that analyze the data of social media within the perspective of information exchanges are hard to find. Much of the previous research in this area is focused on measuring the performance of exhibitions using general statistical approaches and piecemeal measures. Therefore, in this study, we want to analyze the characteristics of information exchanges in social media by using Twitter data sets, which are relating to the Mobile World Congress (MWC). Using this methodology provides exhibition organizers and exhibitors to objectively estimate the effect of social media, and establish strategies with social media use. Through a user network analysis, we additionally found that social attributes are as important as the popular attribute regarding the sustainability of information exchanges. Consequently, this research provides a network analysis using the data derived from the use of social media to communicate information regarding the MWC exhibition, and reveals the significance of social attributes such as the degree and the betweenness centrality regarding the sustainability of information exchanges.

Quality Evaluation of Drone Image using Siemens star (Siemens star를 이용한 드론 영상의 품질 평가)

  • Lee, Jae One;Sung, Sang Min;Back, Ki Suk;Yun, Bu Yeol
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.40 no.3
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    • pp.217-226
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    • 2022
  • In the view of the application of high-precision spatial information production, UAV (Umanned Aerial Vehicle)-Photogrammetry has a problem in that it lacks specific procedures and detailed regulations for quantitative quality verification methods or certification of captured images. In addition, test tools for UAV image quality assessment use only the GSD (Ground Sample Distance), not MTF (Modulation Transfer Function), which reflects image resolution and contrast at the same time. This fact makes often the quality of UAV image inferior to that of manned aerial image. We performed MTF and GSD analysis simultaneously using a siemens star to confirm the necessity of MTF analysis in UAV image quality assessment. The analyzing results of UAV images taken with different payload and sensors show that there is a big difference in σMTF values, representing image resolution and the degree of contrast, but slightly different in GSD. It concluded that the MTF analysis is a more objective and reliable analysis method than just the GSD analysis method, and high-quality drone images can only be obtained when the operator make images after judging the proper selection the sensor performance, image overlaps, and payload type. However, the results of this study are derived from analyzing only images acquired by limited sensors and imaging conditions. It is therefore expected that more objective and reliable results will be obtained if continuous research is conducted by accumulating various experimental data in related fields in the future.

Competition in the Hospital Service Market and Its Impact on Hospital Behavior in Korea (병원시장의 경쟁특성과 병원행태)

  • Park, Ha-Young;Kwon, Soon-Man;Jung, Young-Ho
    • Health Policy and Management
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.1-20
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    • 2008
  • How health care providers compete and how competition among them affects their behavior are crucial questions in theory and health policy. In ordinary markets, competition improves social welfare, However in health care markets facing uncertainty and information asymmetry, competition can take the form of wasteful quality competition and result in cost increase. The purpose of this study is to examine the characteristics of hospital service markets and examine the impact of hospital competition on hospital behavior, more specifically hospital cost and the size of personnel. Based on patient discharge data of 2002 by the Ministry of Health and Welfare and Korea Institute for Health and Social Affairs, and health insurance EDI claims data of 2002, this study measures the degree of competition in the inpatient service market of hospitals, using variable radius method and Herfindahl index. The result of the study shows that the hospital service market consists of on average 3.13 government administrative units(shi, gun, or gu). Compared with hospitals, general or general specialized hospitals cover larger markets and operate in more competitive markets. Nearly 60% of patients use hospitals, which are not located in their government administrative units, meaning that market definition based on variable radius is better than the conventional method of market definition based on government administrative units. The results of multivariate analysis show that competition is not associated with high cost index of hospitals. But hospitals in more competitive markets employ larger(more intensive) input of personnel per 100 beds, implying that hospital competition in Korea can have the form of quality and cost-increasing competition.

A Study on Success Factors of Buyer - Supplier Relationship in Elementary School Lunch : From the buyer's viewpoint (초등학교 급식에서 구매자 - 공급자 관계의 성공요인에 관한 연구 - 구매자의 관점에서 -)

  • Lee, Yun-Ju;Park, Gyeong-Suk
    • Journal of the Korean Dietetic Association
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.1-8
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    • 2002
  • The purpose of this study is to clarify success factors for desirable relationship between buyer and supplier in elementary school. Therefore, the survey questionnaire consisted of general background, past success, success difference, buyer-supplier relationship characteristics(trust, supporting status, communication behavior, conflict resolution techniques, supplier selection process). The subjects were 66 dieticians of elementary school in Inchon. The statistical analysis of data was completed using SPSS program. The results were summarized as follows : Average total cost/day per one person ₩1,156. The number of suppliers per one school were 6. 92.3% of the subjects were in favor of private contract, regarding contract methods of purchasing food materials. For the past success, degree of satisfaction about past their supplier showed 3.49 score. The present success difference was shown higher than the past success. There was significant correlation between the past success and the present success difference. Trust about suppliers showed 3.40score. Supplying companies hardly support for buying school. Among information quality(timely, accurate, adequate, complete, credible), timely and complete showed lower score than the other kind of elements. Among the buyer-supplier relationship characteristic elements, only trust correlated with satisfaction about suppliers significantly. Among the conflict resolution techniques, joint problem solving and persuasive attempts were often made use of by subjects. The supplier selection criteria were shown quality(7.47), supplier's capabilities(6.46), management plan(6.00), price(5.73), scale(5.48), assets(5.27), considers delivery(4.76) and technology(2.39). As results, trust was needed for the desirable relationship between buyers and suppliers. This study has some limitations. The data in this study were collected from only buyer. It is more desired to acquire data from suppliers also.

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A Comparative Study of Social Network Tools for Analysing Chinese Elites

  • Lee, HeeJeong Jasmine;Kim, In
    • KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems (TIIS)
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    • v.15 no.10
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    • pp.3571-3587
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    • 2021
  • For accurately analysing and forecasting the social networks of China's political, economic and social power elites, it is necessary to develop a database that collates their information. The development of such a database involves three stages: data definition, data collection and data quality maintenance. The present study recommends distinctive solutions in overcoming the challenges that occur in existing comparable databases. We used organizational and event factors to identify the Chinese power elites to be included in the database, and used their memberships, social relations and interactions in combination with flows data collection methodologies to determine the associations between them. The system can be used to determine the optimal relationship path (i.e., the shortest path) to reach a target elite and to identify of the most important power elite in a social network (e.g., degree, closeness and eigenvector centrality) or a community (e.g., a clique or a cluster). We have used three social network analysis tools (i.e., R, UCINET and NetMiner) in order to find the important nodes in the network. We compared the results of centrality rankings of each tool. We found that all three tools are providing slightly different results of centrality. This is because different tools use different algorithms and even within the same tool there are various libraries which provide the same functionality (i.e., ggraph, igraph and sna in R that provide the different function to calculate centrality). As there are chances that the results may not be the same (i.e. centrality rankings indicating the most important nodes can be varied), we recommend a comparison test using different tools to get accurate results.

A Study on Awareness of Traditional Food and Dietary Life Behaviors of Married Women in Parts of Seoul and Kyongki Area (서울ㆍ경기 일부 지역에 거주하는 주부들의 전통음식에 대한 인식과 식생활 행동에 관한 연구)

  • Bok Hye-Ja
    • Journal of the East Asian Society of Dietary Life
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.11-19
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    • 2005
  • This study was conducted to provide data on awareness and use of traditional foods, suggesting the desirable ways to succeed and develop traditional foods, and the possible direction of policies and applications for food industry. The study also aimed to figure out awareness of traditional food and dietary life behaviors of married women in order to offer or draw attention to new information for better healthy life styles. Five hundred and ten married women in parts of Seoul and Kyongki area were surveyed to figure out their awareness and use of traditional foods including some of fermented foods, such as Kimchi, Doenjang(soybean paste), and Gochujang(hot pepper paste). The results were summarized as follows. First the overall satisfaction degree with traditional foods reached as high as 74.4%. They preferred traditional foods because they are healthy(38.8%), seasonally celebrated(29.9%), and well known for a variety of fermented foods(28%). Second, Kimchi, Doenjang and Gochujang, home-made or factory manufactured in an old-fashioned way, were preferred. Third, the most frequently cooked traditional foods were Kimchi Chigae and Doenjang Chigae. The most preferred cooking methods using Gochujang were Jorim(stewing) and Bokkeum(roasting). These results showed that Kimchi, Doenjang, and Gochujang were still used in cooking by married women in parts of Seoul and kyongki area, which says those are still the traditional foods most of women think as important and essential. The producers of traditional foods have to consider the safety and improvement of taste and quality of ingredients in addition to the convenience in cooking, More researches should be conducted to enhance these aspects and to develop functional foods to satisfy various needs of consumers and to improve their health.

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