The important items, which should be considered in Private Investigation Law, can include subjects, licenses, the scope of business, qualifying examinations, and supervisory and penal provisions. The subjects of Private Investigation Law should be permitted to be both natural persons and juridical persons in terms of providing various services, but should be permitted to be juridical persons and should be administered on a license system, even in order to ensure public interests. Concretely, the introduction scope of Private Investigation Law can be regulated to include the followings: that is, investigating the whereabouts identification of runaways and missing children, investigating the personal identification, habit, way of action, motivation, whereabouts identification, real child confirmation, association, transaction, reputation, and personality of specific persons or specific groups, investigating the whereabouts identification of missing persons, owners of government-vested properties or renounced properties, investigating the whereabouts of lost properties or stolen properties, investigating the causes of fire, character defamation, slander, damage, accident, physical disability, infringement on real estate or movable property, and investigating all sorts of accidents including traffic accidents, insurance accidents, and medical malpractices. In the qualifying examination, examinees' age should be restricted to be over age 25. The person, who is exempted from its primary examination, should be restricted to be the person, who has the career of over 20 years in related fields, in consideration of its equity with other certificates of qualification. In the supervisory institution, as the policy institution is the supervisory institution in many countries including France (the police) and Japan (public security committee), so the National Policy Agency should be the supervisory institution in consideration of management aspects. In the penal regulations, especially, we should clarify the management of personal information (personal information protection, personal information management), and so should prevent the infringement of people's basic rights, and then should ensure the public interest.