• Title/Summary/Keyword: pushover analysis

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Probabilistic seismic assessment of mega buckling-restrained braced frames under near-fault ground motions

  • Veismoradi, Sajad;Darvishan, Ehsan
    • Earthquakes and Structures
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    • v.15 no.5
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    • pp.487-498
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    • 2018
  • Buckling-restrained braces are passive control devices with high level of energy dissipation ability. However, they suffer from low post-yield stiffness which makes them vulnerable to severe ground motions, especially near-field earthquakes. Among the several methods proposed to improve resistance of BRB frames, mega-brace configuration can be a solution to increase frame lateral strength and stiffness and improve distribution of forces to prevent large displacement in braces. Due to the limited number of research regarding the performance of such systems, the current paper aims to assess seismic performance of BRB frames with mega-bracing arrangement under near-field earthquakes via a detailed probabilistic framework. For this purpose, a group of multi-story mega-BRB frames were modelled by OpenSEES software platform. In the first part of the paper, simplified procedures including nonlinear pushover and Incremental Dynamic Analysis were conducted for performance evaluation. Two groups of near-fault seismic ground motions (Non-pulse and Pulse-like records) were considered for analyses to take into account the effects of record-to-record uncertainties, as well as forward directivity on the results. In the second part, seismic reliability analyses are conducted in the context of performance based earthquake engineering. Two widely-known EDP-based and IM-based probabilistic frameworks are employed to estimate collapse potential of the structures. Results show that all the structures can successfully tolerate near-field earthquakes with a high level of confidence level. Therefore, mega-bracing configuration can be an effective alternative to conventional BRB bracing to withstand near-field earthquakes.

Development of a nonlinear seismic response capacity spectrum method for intake towers of dams

  • Cocco, Leonardo;Suarez, Luis E.;Matheu, Enrique E.
    • Structural Engineering and Mechanics
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    • v.36 no.3
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    • pp.321-341
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    • 2010
  • The seismic-induced failure of a dam could have catastrophic consequences associated with the sudden release of the impounded reservoir. Depending on the severity of the seismic hazard, the characteristics and size of the dam-reservoir system, preventing such a failure scenario could be a problem of critical importance. In many cases, the release of water is controlled through a reinforced-concrete intake tower. This paper describes the application of a static nonlinear procedure known as the Capacity Spectrum Method (CSM) to evaluate the structural integrity of intake towers subject to seismic ground motion. Three variants of the CSM are considered: a multimodal pushover scheme, which uses the idea proposed by Chopra and Goel (2002); an adaptive pushover variant, in which the change in the stiffness of the structure is considered; and a combination of both approaches. The effects caused by the water surrounding the intake tower, as well as any water contained inside the hollow structure, are accounted for by added hydrodynamic masses. A typical structure is used as a case study, and the accuracy of the CSM analyses is assessed with time history analyses performed using commercial and structural analysis programs developed in Matlab.

Comparative in-plane pushover response of a typical RC rectangular wall designed by different standards

  • Dashti, Farhad;Dhakal, Rajesh P.;Pampanin, Stefano
    • Earthquakes and Structures
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    • v.7 no.5
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    • pp.667-689
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    • 2014
  • Structural walls (also known as shear walls) are one of the common lateral load resisting elements in reinforced concrete (RC) buildings in seismic regions. The performance of RC structural walls in recent earthquakes has exposed some problems with the existing design of RC structural walls. The main issues lie around the buckling of bars, out-of plane deformation of the wall (especially the zone deteriorated in compression), reinforcement getting snapped beneath a solitary thin crack etc. This study compares performance of a typical wall designed by different standards. For this purpose, a case study RC shear wall is taken from the Hotel Grand Chancellor in Christchurch which was designed according to the 1982 version of the New Zealand concrete structures standard (NZS3101:1982). The wall is redesigned in this study to comply with the detailing requirements of three standards; ACI-318-11, NZS3101:2006 and Eurocode 8 in such a way that they provide the same flexural and shear capacity. Based on section analysis and pushover analysis, nonlinear responses of the walls are compared in terms of their lateral load capacity and curvature as well as displacement ductilities, and the effect of the code limitations on nonlinear responses of the different walls are evaluated. A parametric study is also carried out to further investigate the effect of confinement length and axial load ratio on the lateral response of shear walls.

A comparative study on the seismic provisions of different codes for RC buildings

  • Bilgin, Huseyin;Hadzima-Nyarko, Marijana;Isik, Ercan;Ozmen, Hayri Baytan;Harirchian, Ehsan
    • Structural Engineering and Mechanics
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    • v.83 no.2
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    • pp.195-206
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    • 2022
  • Significant structural damages due to earthquakes reveal the importance of seismic design provisions. This paper presents a comparison between the seismic design provisions of Albania, Croatia, Iran, and Turkey for the design of mid-rise reinforced-concrete (RC) frames. Information on the historical development of the considered provisions are given. The code provisions are compared, illustrating the main differences in the minimum requirements for column and beam detailing and analysis for mid-rise RC frames. 4-story, 5-story, and 6-story buildings are designed according to each design code, and their performance is evaluated comparatively by using a displacement-based adaptive pushover procedure and eigenvalue analysis. It is observed that recent Turkish code has the highest and Albanian code has the lowest level of requirements in terms of member size and reinforcement detailing. The considered models indicate 15%, 20% and 50%, lower period values than the Croatia, Iran and Albania buildings, respectively. Additionally, building models per Croatia, Iran and Albania codes have 30%, 35% and 65% less base shear capacity when compared to Turkish building codes. Building models per Croatia and Iran codes indicate similar properties both in terms of strength and stiffness.

Simplified procedure for seismic demands assessment of structures

  • Chikh, Benazouz;Mehani, Youcef;Leblouba, Moussa
    • Structural Engineering and Mechanics
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    • v.59 no.3
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    • pp.455-473
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    • 2016
  • Methods for the seismic demands evaluation of structures require iterative procedures. Many studies dealt with the development of different inelastic spectra with the aim to simplify the evaluation of inelastic deformations and performance of structures. Recently, the concept of inelastic spectra has been adopted in the global scheme of the Performance-Based Seismic Design (PBSD) through Capacity-Spectrum Method (CSM). For instance, the Modal Pushover Analysis (MPA) has been proved to provide accurate results for inelastic buildings to a similar degree of accuracy than the Response Spectrum Analysis (RSA) in estimating peak response for elastic buildings. In this paper, a simplified nonlinear procedure for evaluation of the seismic demand of structures is proposed with its applicability to multi-degree-of-freedom (MDOF) systems. The basic concept is to write the equation of motion of (MDOF) system into series of normal modes based on an inelastic modal decomposition in terms of ductility factor. The accuracy of the proposed procedure is verified against the Nonlinear Time History Analysis (NL-THA) results and Uncoupled Modal Response History Analysis (UMRHA) of a 9-story steel building subjected to El-Centro 1940 (N/S) as a first application. The comparison shows that the new theoretical approach is capable to provide accurate peak response with those obtained when using the NL-THA analysis. After that, a simplified nonlinear spectral analysis is proposed and illustrated by examples in order to describe inelastic response spectra and to relate it to the capacity curve (Pushover curve) by a new parameter of control, called normalized yield strength coefficient (η). In the second application, the proposed procedure is verified against the NL-THA analysis results of two buildings for 80 selected real ground motions.

MPA-based IDA Using the Inelastic Displacement ratio, CR and the Collapse Intensity, RC (비탄성변위비와 붕괴강도비를 이용한 MPA기반의 IDA 해석법)

  • Han, Sang-Whan;Seok, Seung-Wook;Lee, Tae-Sub
    • Journal of the Earthquake Engineering Society of Korea
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    • v.14 no.5
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    • pp.33-39
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    • 2010
  • This study develops an approximate procedure for incremental dynamic analysis (IDA) using modal pushover analysis (MPA) with empirical equations of the inelastic displacement ratio (CR) and the collapse strength ratio (RC). By using this procedure, it is not required to conduct linear or nonlinear response history analyses of multi- or single- degree of freedom (MDF) systems. Thus, IDA curves can be effortlessly obtained. For verification of the proposed procedure, the 6-, 9- and 20-story steel moment frames are tested under an ensemble of 44 ground motions. The results show that the MPA-based IDA with empirical equations of CR and RC produced accurate IDA curves of the MDF systems. The computing time is almost negligible compared to the exact IDA using repeated nonlinear response history analysis (RHA) of a structure and the original MPA-based IDA using repeated nonlinear RHA of modal SDF systems.

Seismic Performance Evaluation of RC Structure Strengthened by Steel Grid Shear Wall using Nonlinear Static Analysis (비탄성 정적해석을 이용한 격자강판 전단벽 보강 RC구조물의 내진성능평가)

  • Park, Jung Woo;Lee, Jae Uk;Park, Jin Young;Lee, Young Hak;Kim, Heecheul
    • Journal of the Computational Structural Engineering Institute of Korea
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    • v.26 no.6
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    • pp.455-462
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    • 2013
  • The effects of earthquakes can be devastating especially to existing structures that are not based on earthquake resistant design. This study proposes a steel grid shear wall that can provide a sufficient lateral resistance and can be used as a seismic retrofit method. The pushover analysis was performed on RC structure with and without the proposed steel grid shear wall. Obtain the performance point that the target structure for seismic loads applied to evaluate the response and performance levels. The capacity spectrum at performance point is nearly elastic range, so satisfied the performance objectives(LS level). And response modification factor(R factor) were calculated from the pushover analysis. The R factor approach is currently implemented to reflect inelastic ductile behavior of the structures and to reduce elastic spectral demands from earthquakes to the design level. The R factor increases from 2.17 to 3.25 was higher than the design criteria. As a result, according to reinforcement by steel grid shear wall, strength, stiffness, and ductility of the low-rise RC structure has been appropriately improved.

Response Modification Factor of Steel Braced Frames (철골가새골조의 반응수정 계수)

  • 김진구;남광희;최현훈
    • Proceedings of the Earthquake Engineering Society of Korea Conference
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    • 2003.09a
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    • pp.231-238
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    • 2003
  • The overstrength factor and the ductility factor are the two important factors that determines response modification factors used in current seismic codes. The objective of this paper is to obtain the overstrength and ductility factors of special concentric braced frames. For this purpose pushover analysis is performed with model structures until the maximum inter-story drift reaches 2.5% of story height. According to the analysis results, the overstrength factors increase as the height of structures decreases and the span length increases. Ductility factors for mid-story structures turns out to be higher than the other structures and span length does not contribute much to ductility factors.

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An effective load increment method for multi modal adaptive pushover analysis of buildings

  • Turker, K.;Irtem, E.
    • Structural Engineering and Mechanics
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    • v.25 no.1
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    • pp.53-73
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    • 2007
  • In this study, an effective load increment method for multi modal adaptive non-linear static (pushover) analysis (NSA) for building type structures is presented. In the method, lumped plastisicity approach is adopted and geometrical non-linearties (second-order effects) are included. Non-linear yield conditions of column elements and geometrical non-linearity effects between successive plastic sections are linearized. Thus, load increment needed for formation of plastic sections can be determined directly (without applying iteration or step-by-step techniques) by using linearized yield conditions. After formation of each plastic section, the higher mode effects are considered by utilizing the essentials of traditional response spectrum analysis at linearized regions between plastic sections. Changing dynamic properties due to plastification in the system are used on the calculation of modal lateral loads. Thus, the effects of stiffness changes and local mechanism at the system on lateral load distribution are included. By using the proposed method, solution can be obtained effectively for multi-mode whereby the properties change due to plastifications in the system. In the study, a new procedure for determination of modal lateral loads is also proposed. In order to evaluate the proposed method, a 20 story RC frame building is analyzed and compared with Non-linear Dynamic Analysis (NDA) results and FEMA 356 Non-linear Static Analysis (NSA) procedures using fixed loads distributions (first mode, SRSS and uniform distribution) in terms of different parameters. Second-order effects on response quantities and periods are also investigated. When the NDA results are taken as reference, it is seen that proposed method yield generally better results than all FEMA 356 procedures for all investigated response quantities.

Earthquake Resistant Performance of a High-rise Shear Wall Apartment Based on Nonlinear Time History Response Analysis (동적 탄소성 지진응답해석에 의한 고층 벽식 아파트의 내진성능 검토)

  • 박성수
    • Journal of the Earthquake Engineering Society of Korea
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    • v.3 no.1
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    • pp.1-8
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    • 1999
  • Dynamic elastoplastic LPM (lumped parameter mass) analyses are carried out in order to investigate the seismic resistant performance of a typical high-rise shear wall apartment subjected to several earthquakes. Three-dimensional nonlinear pushover analysis is adopted to estimate initial elastic stiffness, yielding strength and post-yielding stiffness of each story for the time history analysis of LPM shear model. For the hysteresis of each story, Clough and bilinear models are used with the input of four recorded earthquake ground motions of EI Centro 1940 NS, Taft 1952 EW, Hachinohe 1968 NS and Kobe 1995 NS, of which the amplitudes are scaled down to have the same maximum ground velocity of 12 kine. The result shows that yieldings take place in most storys of the building, i.e. the earthquake resistant capacity of this high-rise shear wall apartment is not sufficient at the event of earthquake M=5~6.

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