• Title/Summary/Keyword: purchase amount

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The Relation between the Perception of Price and the Propensity to Conspicuous Consumption in the Purchase of Clothing of College Students (대학생 소비자들의 가격지향과 과시소비 성향의 관계 -의복구매를 중심으로-)

  • Park, Sang-Mi;Lee, Eun-Hee
    • Korean Journal of Human Ecology
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.367-380
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    • 2007
  • This study investigates the perception of price and the propensity to conspicuous consumption in the purchase of clothing among college students and the relation between the perception of price and the propensity to conspicuous consumption. The data for this study were collected from 1,015 Korean college students. In order to analyze the data, statistical methods such as frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, factor analysis, ANOVA, scheffe-test, Pearson's correlation, and Cronbach's a were used with the SPSS statistical package program. The major study findings were as follows. 1. The perception of clothing price among college students was classified into five factors: high price-oriented, discount-oriented, high quality-price rate-oriented, low price-oriented, and effectiveness-oriented. 2. The propensity to conspicuous consumption of clothing among college students was classified into four factors: brand name conspicuousness, conspicuous pursuit of vogue, symbol of their social position, and imported goods conspicuousness. 3. High price-oriented and discount-oriented were different significantly according to sex, age, father's educational level, monthly income, monthly allowance amount. High quality-price rate-oriented and low price-oriented were different significantly according to sex, father's educational level, monthly income, monthly allowance amount. Effectiveness-oriented was different significantly according to sex, age. 4. Brand name conspicuousness, conspicuous pursuit of vogue and imported goods conspicuousness were different significantly according to sex, age, father's educational level, monthly income, monthly allowance amount. Symbol of their social position was different significantly according to sex, age, father's educational level, monthly income. 5. High price-oriented, discount-oriented and high quality-price rate-oriented have the highly positive correlation with four factor of propensity to conspicuous consumption of clothing. Low price-oriented has the negative correlation with four factor of propensity to conspicuous consumption of clothing. Effectiveness-oriented has the lowly positive correlation with four factor of propensity to conspicuous consumption of clothing.

Analysis of Purchasing Recognition and Purchasing Characteristics of a Plum Purchaser (매실의 소비자 구매의식과 구매특성 분석)

  • Kim, Mi-OK;Cho, Sung-Ju;Cho, Yong-Been
    • Journal of Distribution Science
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    • v.13 no.12
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    • pp.33-40
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    • 2015
  • Purpose - Given an increase in the consumption of plums, prices have fluctuated in an unstable manner, making it difficult for farmhouses to sell the product. This study intends to provide information on the cultivation and sale of plums to consumers, thus enabling producers to utilize relevant information to analyze the types of plums that are preferred and consumed by users. Research design, data, and methodology - In this study, a survey was conducted on plum consumption by a consumer panel established and operated by the Rural Development Administration in December 2009. The objective was to identify the purchasing awareness of plums and to analyze panel data from 2010 to 2013 using a linear regression model, a Tobit model, and a panel regression model to derive the purchase characteristics. Results - The outcome of the survey on plums is as follows. Plums are purchased because they are good for the health (90.6%), which means that most customers purchase plums for their health benefits. When plums are in season, the purchase rate is 94.8%, indicating that most plums are purchased when they are in season and that selling plums when they are out of season is difficult. Therefore, we sell most plums in the correct season, and the rest of the plums need to be processed and then sent to markets. The strongest reason for not purchasing plums is that they are difficult to process for consumption (63.1%), followed by the reason that the fruit is unfamiliar (15.5%). Regarding solutions for increasing the consumption of plums, the answers were as follows: distribute a recipe for plums (36.9%), advertise its effect through TV or the press (31.1%), and develop various processed products (15.6%). When customers decide to pick out plums, the major considerations were freshness (4.43), safe to eat (4.16), price (3.96), size (3.87), brand (3.28), and discount event (2.62). Freshness is important for decision making and safe to eat was more important than price because plums are washed and processed into plum jam. According to the results of the linear regression model, a higher family income results in a higher purchasing amount. However, the amount of plums purchased by a person was reduced if his or her income increased. Compared with individuals who used other purchasing agents on weekdays, those who used the traditional market turned out to purchase a higher amount of plums on the weekdays. Conclusions - Considering that numerous people purchase plums for their health benefits, promoting the consumption of plums is anticipated as being successful if they can be produced safely for consumption and for inclusion in recipes and various processed foods, and to promote eco-friendly agricultural practices.

Effects of Planned versus Unplanned Purchase on Chinese Tourists' Emotions and Attitudes toward Fashion Products -Focused on the Mediating Role of Shopping Emotion- (중국인 관광객의 계획, 비계획 구매가 패션 제품 사용 만족도에 미치는 영향 -쇼핑 감정의 매개 역할을 중심으로-)

  • Lee, Ha Kyung;Kim, Dong Seob;Kwon, Ki Yong;Choo, Ho Jung
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles
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    • v.39 no.4
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    • pp.625-639
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    • 2015
  • The number of Chinese tourists visiting Korea has rapidly increased over the last decade. It is important to understand Chinese consumption patterns and shopping behavior because they have become major customers in the Korean fashion market. This study focuses on how Chinese tourists feel while shopping in Korea and how emotions influence their attitude towards purchased products. We examine how planned purchase and unplanned purchase impact shopping emotions and product usage satisfaction. A survey was conducted on 550 women between 20 and 60 years of age who have visited Seoul more than once with an online panel from an international survey firm. Data are analyzed using structural equation modeling by AMOS 20.0. Respondents were asked to recall most impressive fashion product that they bought in Korea during their recent visit and to answer if it was a planned or unplanned purchase. This study also measures emotions during product purchases and usage satisfaction. The respondents are categorized into heavy and light buyers according to purchasing power to determine the moderating effects of purchase amount. The results indicate that planned purchases tend to deliver positive emotions that enhance product usage satisfaction. In the case of unplanned purchases, without the mediating role of positive shopping emotions, it has a negative impact on product attitude and shows the importance of positive emotions during shopping. The influence of unplanned purchases on shopping emotions or product attitude in light buyers is not significant for the moderating effect of purchasing power. Only planned purchases trigger product usage satisfaction when it is mediated by positive emotions.

Market Segmentation and Purchase Behavior for Consumers Purchasing Korean Cultural Fashion Items - Focused on Inbound Japanese Tourists - (한국패션문화상품 소비자에 대한 시장세분화와 구매행동연구 - 방한 일본관광객을 중심으로 -)

  • Lee, Jin-Hwa
    • The Korean Fashion and Textile Research Journal
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    • v.8 no.4
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    • pp.427-432
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    • 2006
  • The purpose of this study was 1) to segment the market of inbound Japanese tourists based on the importance of tour activity that tourists perceived and 2) to examine the behavior of each segmentation purchasing cultural fashion items in Korea. Data were collected using a self-administered questionnaire survey in Seoul. Clustering analysis, Chisquare, and ANOVA test were used to conduct the data analysis on 288 out of 400 questionnaires. The inbound Japanese tourists market was segmented into 3 groups; culture oriented group, shopping oriented group, and multi-activity group. Three groups were significantly different in terms of age, income, purchase amount, purchase criteria, and degree of shopping satisfaction. Marketing strategies for segmented markets were discussed.

The Economics of Para-social Interactions During Live Streaming Broadcasts: A Study of Wanghongs

  • Yongfu Quan;Jin Seon Choe;Il Im
    • Asia pacific journal of information systems
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    • v.30 no.1
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    • pp.143-165
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    • 2020
  • The rapid growth of economic transactions generated by live streaming broadcasts ("LSB") has created opportunities for retailers to increase sales. However, little is known about what impact LSB celebrities have on customers and what causes LSB celebrities to become famous. This study aimed to fill this gap by studying the economics of LSBs. This study was conducted through a para-social relationship and attractiveness theory framework. Consequently, social and task attraction were assumed to be the antecedents of the para-social relationship that induced purchase intention. This study examined the impact of relationship rewards, self-disclosure, affective interactivity, informative interactivity, and the amount of information provided on purchase intentions through LSB. Celebrities can use the results of this study to enhance their appeal to fans and promote customers' purchase on e-commerce. This study contributed to the IS field by investigate the impact of para-social relationship on the online shopping context.

An Analysison Consumer Member's Awareness to Green Marketing Strategies of a Consumer's Cooperative Shop for Environmentally Friendly Agri-product (생활협동조합 매장의 그린마케팅 전략에 대한 소비자회원의 인지도 분석 -한살림천안아산생협 매장을 중심으로-)

  • Kim, Ho;Lee, Na-Ra
    • Korean Journal of Organic Agriculture
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    • v.19 no.3
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    • pp.309-327
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    • 2011
  • The paper analyzed on the level of consumer member's awareness to green marketing strategies (4P's; product, price, place and promotion strategies) of Hansalim specialty shops for environmentally friendly agri-products. For the study, Hansalim-Cheonanasan members had been surveyed. Consumers purchase environmentally friendly agri-products because quality and freshness of those is good. The difference in amount of the average monthly purchase between loyal customers and disloyal customers is about 130,000 won. And customer's awareness is that the first is promotion strategy, the second product strategy, the third place strategy, the last price strategy. The average monthly purchase is related with product strategy in correlations between the 4P's each other. If Hansalim maintains a product strategy, promotes extensively and keeps their product standard, more consumers will purchase Hansalim products because the most important one of effect of green marketing strategies on consumer behavior is products. Hansalim needs to go into action to increase recognition. Some of consumers have misconcepts or don't know about the 4P's well. If Hansalim promotes positively considering interrelationship about 4P's strategies or other strategies, the consumers awareness will be changed more effectively. This study shows that balanced 4P's is better than only one superior strategy because of the correlation amomg green marketing strategies.

Consumer Attitude on Global Contents and the Purchase Intention to Global Products: The Moderating Role of Ethnocentrism (글로벌콘텐츠 만족도 및 호감도가 글로벌제품 구매의도에 미치는 영향과 자민족중심주의의 조절효과)

  • Kim, ByoungJo
    • The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology
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    • v.8 no.6
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    • pp.581-587
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    • 2022
  • After pandemic crisis, the volume and amount of watching global contents through OTT platforms have been increased explosively. This study investigates the relationship between consumers' attitude measured by satisfaction and favorability on global contents and purchase intention to global products with the moderating effect of ethnocentrism of consumers. Survey method using structured questionnaire was conducted on university students. As a result, the more satisfied and favored on global contents, the stronger purchase intention to global products. And the relationship is negatively moderated by consumers' ethnocentrism. Implications and future research issues are summarized.

A Study on the Relationships Among Metaverse Experience, the Benefit Sought, and Purchase Behavior of Avatar Fashion Items (메타버스 체험과 아바타 패션아이템 추구혜택 및 구매행동과의 관계 연구)

  • Kyoungha Ji;Hanna Kim
    • Journal of Fashion Business
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    • v.27 no.1
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    • pp.36-49
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    • 2023
  • This study investigated effects of metaverse experience on avatar fashion item benefit sought and the impact of fashion item benefit sought on fashion item purchase behavior. An online survey was carried out in the last year targeting male and female consumers aged 15 to 39 years who had purchased avatar fashion items from 'Zepeto'. A total of 363 responses were analyzed in this study. Results are as follows. First, four factors of metaverse experience were derived: 'entertainment experience', 'escape experience', 'adventure experience', and 'relationship experience'. Four factors of avatar fashion item benefit sought were derived: 'trend/brand sought', 'situation suitability sought', 'individuality sought', and 'ideal appearance sought'. Second, all four factors of metaverse experience were found to significantly affect the benefit of trend/brand sought. It was found that entertainment, adventure, and relationship experiences, excluding escape experiences, had significant effects on situational suitability sought. In addition, it was confirmed that entertainment and adventure experiences had significant effects on individuality sought and ideal appearance, respectively. Third, it was found that the trend/brand sought had a significant effect on metaverse usage time and purchase amount and that the situational suitability sought influenced the number of avatar fashion items purchased.

Purchase Behavior and IPA of HMR Products in China Elderly Consumers (중국 고령소비자의 HMR 제품의 구매행태 및 IPA 분석)

  • Lee, Hyun-Sook;Choi, Hee-Ryong;Lee, Na-Young;Kim, Hyun-Ah;Kwon, Phil-yeo;Park, Shin-Jeong;Hong, Wan-Soo
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Culture
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    • v.35 no.5
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    • pp.426-439
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    • 2020
  • This study surveyed Chinese elderly consumers to determine their purchasing behavior, importance, and satisfaction with HMR products in China. Three hundred and seventy people were surveyed: 184 males and 186 females aged 55 to 70 years. Two hundred and sixty-seven (72.25%) of the surveyed consumers had an average monthly income of 6,000 yuan or less, and 313 (84.9%) responded that they spend 3000 yuan or less on groceries per month. Three hundred and forty-eight (94.1%) showed a high interest in health management. Regarding the frequency of purchasing HMR products, most responded that they purchased HMR products more than once or twice a week, with a single purchase of 100 yuan or less for each purchase. The respondents preferred 2 or 3 serving packagings in a refrigerated form. For all forms of products, those made as in-house meals, outdoor meals, as a snack or night snack, for serving guests, for trips, camping, and on-the-go products, the participants mostly responded that they frequently purchased the product. When purchasing HMR products, the importance of hygiene, convenience in purchase accessibility, the freshness of ingredients, and an indication of the nutritional content were considered as a high rank. After purchase, the satisfaction of SNS and mobile application advertisements and promotions, amount per serving, take out convenience, and new menu were considered low-rank. The IPA results showed that marking the origin of the ingredients and new menu are areas needing improvement. The study results may be used as base data for developing elderly friendly HMR products and establishing its marketing strategies.

The Impact of Design Characteristics on Brand Attitude and Purchase Intention - Focus on Luxury Fashion Brands - (럭셔리 패션 브랜드의 디자인 특성에 따른 브랜드 태도와 구매의도에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Angella Ji-Young;Ko, Eun-Ju
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles
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    • v.34 no.2
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    • pp.252-265
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    • 2010
  • Most luxury fashion brands have a strong brand identity and the product design characteristics of a brand are critical factors that influence brand identity. The design of products influence brand identity and play an important role in the choice by consumers in which brand to purchase. This study investigates the impact design characteristics of luxury brands on brand attitudes as well as purchase intentions in the examination of the differences in the impact influence by product category and consumer characteristics. The product design of brands was evaluated and measured by innovative and traditional characteristics. The product categories were divided into apparel, bags, shoes, and accessories. The consumer characteristics used in this study are fashion involvement, age, income, and the amount of money used for purchasing fashion products. Sample brands, Louis Vuitton, Chanel, Hermes, Burberry, and Gucci, were extracted from the Intel-brand's Luxury Brand Ranking 2008 and pilot tested for appropriateness. The data collected from 120 luxury consumers and 92 samples were statistically analyzed with SPSS 15.0, reliability test, factor analysis, ANOVA, frequency test, regression, and t-test. The findings are as follow. First, luxury brands were divided into two groups by innovative design characteristics and traditional design characteristics; innovative design characteristics show a significant influence on brand attitude and purchase intention. Second, only fashion related behavior factors among consumer characteristics became moderators when design characteristics influenced brand attitude and purchase intention. Third, the differences in purchase intention affected by design characteristics were found in bags, shoes, and accessories category. It is necessary for luxury brands to focus on innovative design characteristics and to specify the different needs of consumers through fashion related behavioral factors. This research will be useful to luxury brands in designing products and planning marketing strategies by offering specific information for luxury brand consumers.