An Analysison Consumer Member's Awareness to Green Marketing Strategies of a Consumer's Cooperative Shop for Environmentally Friendly Agri-product

생활협동조합 매장의 그린마케팅 전략에 대한 소비자회원의 인지도 분석 -한살림천안아산생협 매장을 중심으로-

  • 김호 (단국대학교 환경자원경제학과) ;
  • 이나라 (단국대 대학원)
  • Received : 2011.09.02
  • Accepted : 2011.09.24
  • Published : 2011.09.30


The paper analyzed on the level of consumer member's awareness to green marketing strategies (4P's; product, price, place and promotion strategies) of Hansalim specialty shops for environmentally friendly agri-products. For the study, Hansalim-Cheonanasan members had been surveyed. Consumers purchase environmentally friendly agri-products because quality and freshness of those is good. The difference in amount of the average monthly purchase between loyal customers and disloyal customers is about 130,000 won. And customer's awareness is that the first is promotion strategy, the second product strategy, the third place strategy, the last price strategy. The average monthly purchase is related with product strategy in correlations between the 4P's each other. If Hansalim maintains a product strategy, promotes extensively and keeps their product standard, more consumers will purchase Hansalim products because the most important one of effect of green marketing strategies on consumer behavior is products. Hansalim needs to go into action to increase recognition. Some of consumers have misconcepts or don't know about the 4P's well. If Hansalim promotes positively considering interrelationship about 4P's strategies or other strategies, the consumers awareness will be changed more effectively. This study shows that balanced 4P's is better than only one superior strategy because of the correlation amomg green marketing strategies.



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