• Title/Summary/Keyword: product evaluation criteria

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A Study on the Preparation and Reformation Plan of Academic Library Web Pages by Suggested Evaluation Criteria (평가기준에 따른 대학도서관 웹페이지의 구축과 개선방안에 관한 연구)

  • 정진한;박일종
    • Journal of the Korean Society for information Management
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.163-187
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    • 2002
  • The objective of this study was not only to evaluate different academic library homepages but to hit upon and suggest a reformation plan for their future improvement. For this purpose. academic library web pages of Korea were divided into three major groups -- those of national universities, private ones, and junior colleges. Their web pages were evaluated using a number of criteria. Also, their circumstances and problems were tried to grasp and the methods to be corrected were suggested in this thesis. Literature review were performed for this study and suggestions and advices from professional groups that is called Delphi method were used as a tool to achieve the objective of this study. For a basic analysis, frequency analysis and descriptive statistics were used for analysing data. Also, t-test, ANOVA, and chi-square analysis were used to examine whether there are any significant differences in each groups or not. and Pearson product-moment correlation coefficients were used to find out the correlation among several variables.

Determination of Strategic Business Units in the Health Promotion Service Adreas of Health Center (보건소 건강증진사업에서의 전략적 사업영역 결정)

  • 이선희;조희숙;박혜숙;박영숙;김한중;손명세;이지전;이상욱
    • Health Policy and Management
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    • v.8 no.2
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    • pp.110-124
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    • 1998
  • Determining of Strategic Business Units in the organization is a major critical process for improving the organizational performance. On increasing the demands for extension in function of health center, many health centers are trying to provide the various services. But most health center determined the kind and level of service without scientific considerations. The purposes of this study are to develope the model for determination of strategic business units in health center and to test the availability of implementation for it. Our model is rooted from the McKinsey matrix analysis of Product Portfolio Analysis which used widely in marketing field. We modified the evaluation criteria of the McKinsey matrix analysis for health care field appropriately. Our evaluation criteria are categorized into two concepts; contribution of service, availability of service. At first, in terms of contribution of service, market size, market growth rate, needs and demands of regional people, existences of alternative services in that region, correspondence with health policy. The other component, availability of service are included the availability of manpower, financial availability, the level of knowhow on service, acceptance of health care manpower. In the result of analysis, we could conclude that antismoking and antialcoholics education programs, health screening program are important strategically in that aspects of contributions and availability of services. Also, vaccination program is important in that aspect of service availability and diet and exercise program, health library are meaningful in the aspect of service contribution. Therefore, we think that efforts to investigate the evaluation criteria for priority setting or determination of service area in health center are useful challenges.

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Analysis on CC Evaluation Demand and Selection of IT Security Products to be evaluated under CC Scheme in Korea (CC 평가수요 분석 및 차기 평가대상 제품군 선정)

  • 오흥룡;염흥열
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information Security & Cryptology
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    • v.14 no.5
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    • pp.79-95
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    • 2004
  • The Common Criteria can be used as a guideline for one CCRA member to avoid re-evaluating IT security products which were already evaluated by other CCRA members. In this paper, we have analyzed the evaluated IT security products under CC scheme in several nations, such as Unite States, Great Britain and Australia. and defined new category of the IT security products for the domestic CC evaluation. And we have analyzed the domestic and international market on the information security products, have conducted a poll to receive opinions and demands of the Korean industries for Korea policy decision maker to select the possible IT security products which will be evaluated in Korea under CC scheme. As a conclusion, we have selected 15 IT products based on the response to a poll by the industries, the market size, the evaluation amount demanded by the user, manufacturer, and evaluator, to select the possible IT security product under CC schemes in Korea during next 5 years. Moreover, the characteristics, the benefit, and the demerit of the selected IT products were analyzed. This paper can be used as a guideline document for Korea policy decision maker to select the IT products to be evaluated under CC scheme in Korea for next 5 years.

Exploring the possibility of using ChatGPT in Mathematics Education: Focusing on Student Product and Pre-service Teachers' Discourse Related to Fraction Problems (ChatGPT의 수학교육 활용 가능성 탐색: 분수 문제에 관한 학생의 산출물과 예비교사의 담화 사례를 중심으로)

  • Son, Taekwon
    • Education of Primary School Mathematics
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    • v.26 no.2
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    • pp.99-113
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    • 2023
  • In this study, I explored the possibility of using ChatGPT math education. For this purpose, students' problem-solving outputs and conversation data between pre-service teachers and a student were selected as an analysis case. A case was analyzed using ChatGPT and compared with the results of mathematics education experts. The results that ChatGPT analyzed students' problem-solving strategies and mathematical thinking skills were similar to those of math education experts. ChatGPT was able to analyze teacher questions with evaluation criteria, and the results were similar to those of math education experts. ChatGPT could also respond with mathematical theory as a source of evaluation criteria. These results demonstrate the potential of ChatGPT to analyze students' thinking and teachers' practice in mathematics education. However, there are limitations in properly applying the evaluation criteria or providing inaccurate information, so the further review of the derived information is required.

Construction of Security Evaluation Criteria for Web Application Firewall (웹방화벽의 보안성 평가 기준의 구축)

  • Lee, Ha-Yong;Yang, Hyo-Sik
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.15 no.5
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    • pp.197-205
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    • 2017
  • To achieve web application security goals effectively by providing web security features such as information leakage prevention, web application firewall system must be able to achieve the goal of enhancing web site security and providing secure services. Therefore, it is necessary to study the security evaluation of web application firewall system based on related standards. In this paper, we analyze the requirements of the base technology and security quality of web application firewall, and established the security evaluation criteria based on the international standards for software product evaluation. Through this study, it can be expected that the security quality level of the web application firewall system can be confirmed and the standard for enhancing the quality improvement can be secured. As a future research project, it is necessary to continuously upgrade evaluation standards according to international standards that are continuously changing.

A Metamodel for Creation and Maintenance of Evaluation Set of Software Package Evaluation (소프트웨어 패키지 평가를 위한 평가집합의 생성 및 유지를 위한 메타 모델)

  • Oh, Jae-Won;Lee, Chong-Won;Park, Dong-Chul;Lee, Byung-Jeong;Wu, Chi-Su;Kim, Soon-Yong;Song, Gi-Pyeung
    • The KIPS Transactions:PartD
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    • v.11D no.3
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    • pp.577-590
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    • 2004
  • Today, the growth of software industry leads to e quantitative expansion of software package products. Due to this rapid increase of software package products, qualify certification has been required fur software products which users select. Unlike the quality certification of industrial products, the history of software product certification has not been so long. For this reason, software quality evaluation and certification methods have not matured yet. When certifying software products, one of most important factors is the systematic generation of evaluation sets. The evaluation sets include checklists with metrics, and criteria for the software quality certification according to the classification of software product type. This paper presents a metamodel for the systematic generation and maintenance of the evaluation sets. Then, we construct prototype level evaluation sets to show the validity of the metamodel.

Examination on Rational Interpretation Criteria and Signification of Visual Symbols (시각기호의 의미작용에 대한 이해와 해석범주에 대한 고찰)

  • Huh, Jin
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.12 no.7
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    • pp.94-101
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    • 2012
  • Design reflects the time and cultural trends and thus can have different symbolic significance and functions depending on the perspective. While this is evident, corporations still insist that designers achieve viewers' complete understanding and satisfaction in their designs. Also, they refuse to accept the designers' interpretation on the grounds that they are subjective and incomplete interpretations even when in fact they are of superior intellectual standard. This problem is also found among the designers dealing with the clients. Thus, as long as all they are willing to accept is the fallibility of each other, the clash between designers and users is inevitable. To solve these problems, we need to have more objective and logical framework for achieving collective understanding on the interpretation of designs and symbols from the very stage of their development. The graphic design is a tangible product that represents the cultural phenomenon and needs to be interpreted as visual symbols. This makes the graphic design a semiological subject. Thus, a semiological approach will enable more analytical interpretations of polysemy of visual symbols. In this light, this study seeks to apply a semiological approach to suggest criteria for interpreting graphic designs as symbols. The criteria will serve as a useful tool for rational evaluation as well as strategic design development.

Evaluation Criteria of Reliability on Transmission Control Unit for Passenger Car

  • Choi, M.;Ryu, S.;Lim, J.H.;Jeong, H.S.
    • International Journal of Reliability and Applications
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.55-67
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    • 2010
  • There has been a recent upsurge in demand for the improvement of car reliability in the Northern American which is the primary market of South Korea automobile industry. It has been required that the warranty for transmission control unit for passenger cars directly related to passenger safety or security should be extended for 10 years and 160,000 km. In this paper, the test method for reliability and evaluation criteria is presented to evaluate the reliability on the automatic transmission controller. Reliability certification test can be roughly divided into two types: a quality test and life assessment test and a quality test can be subdivided into a basic performance test and environmental resistance test. There are 3 types of tests on the performance test for automatic transmission controller and environmental resistance test is composed of 14 items. Life test is performed with only the product passed this quality test. In this study, operation limit test at the high-temperatures, accelerated life test under specific temperature and accelerated life test for 2 or 3 stress levels are shown as a way for life test.

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Benefits Segmentation and Knitwear Purchasing Behavior (혜택세분화에 따른 20대 여성의 니트웨어 구매행동에 관한 연구)

  • 이옥희;김경희
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles
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    • v.27 no.6
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    • pp.601-611
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    • 2003
  • The main objective of this study was to investigate the relationship between benefits segmentation and knitwear purchasing behavior of college female students. A questionnaire was developed to measure benefits segmentation, knit wear purchasing behavior. The questionnaire was administered to 505 college female students in Chonbuk and Chonnam. The data was analyzed using percentage, frequency, mean, factor analysis, cluster analysis and ANOVA, Duncan multiple range test. The results of the study were as follows: The college female students were classified into four subdivisions by the cluster analysis: recreation pursuit group, fashion pursuit group, individuality pursuit group, self-improvement pursuit group on the basis of pursuit benefit factors. The knitwear purchasing motives of consumers were significantly different according to pursuit benefit subdivision. The individuality pursuit group was the highest user of mass media fashion information sources. The fashion pursuit group used purchasing experience and advice of others less than other groups. Consumers' evaluation criteria of knitwear products were significantly different depending on pursuit benefit subdivision in design and coordination, goods traits, practicality, individual expression, and external criterion. The other groups used purchasing experience and advice of others more than the fashion pursuit group.

Study on Quality Evaluation Model of Bio Information Processing Software (바이오 정보처리 소프트웨어 품질평가 모델 연구)

  • Jeon, Min-Ho;Yang, Hae-Sool
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.8 no.3
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    • pp.601-614
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    • 2007
  • Lately, as importance of biometric is recognized, domestic and foreign biometric software market is soaring and the requests of high reliability and quality of biometric software are inclosed. Evaluation items and criteria must be established for the biometric software quality certification. In this paper, we development the evaluation module for biometric software test based on ISO/IEC 12119 that is the standard about package software quality requirement and test, and ISO/IEC 9126 that is the standard about evaluation of software product, and ISO/IEC 14598-6 that is the standard for construction of the evaluation module. We think that this study can be used in establishing the software quality evaluation method of bio information processing software and constructing the basis for quality improvement.

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