• Title/Summary/Keyword: product effectiveness

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Classification of usability elements for the evaluation of the user interface of consumer electronic products (전자제품 휴먼 인터페이스 평가를 위한 사용편의성 요소의 체계적 분류)

  • 한수미;윤명환;한성호;곽지영;홍상우;박경수
    • Proceedings of the ESK Conference
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    • 1997.10a
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    • pp.372-375
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    • 1997
  • Classivication scheme of usability element for the evaluation of consumer electronic product was developed in this study. Using hierachical structuring and clustering methods, usability element of consumer products interface is developed both for the performance perspective and for the image/appeal perspective of a product. Perfoormance element included variables such as simplicity, directness, learn- ability, flexibility, user support and effectiveness. Image/Appeal element included variables such as sensibility, descriptive impression, evaluation of appeal, and attitude towards the product. The classifi- cation scheme developed in this study is found to be comprehensive and robust relative to other existing paradigms. They can be effectively used and applied for the usability evaluation of consumer electronic products.

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A personalized recommendation methodology using web usage mining and decision tree induction (웹 마이닝과 의사결정나무 기법을 활용한 개인별 상품추천 방법)

  • 조윤호;김재경
    • Proceedings of the Korea Inteligent Information System Society Conference
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    • 2002.05a
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    • pp.342-351
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    • 2002
  • A personalized product recommendation is an enabling mechanism to overcome information overload occurred when shopping in an Internet marketplace. Collaborative filtering has been known to be one of the most successful recommendation methods, but its application to e-commerce has exposed well-known limitations such as sparsity and scalability, which would lead to poor recommendations. This paper suggests a personalized recommendation methodology by which we are able to get further effectiveness and quality of recommendations when applied to an Internet shopping mall. The suggested methodology is based on a variety of data mining techniques such as web usage mining, decision tree induction, association rule mining and the product taxonomy. For the evaluation of the methodology, we implement a recommender system using intelligent agent and data warehousing technologies.

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A Study on the Risk Analysis Techniques for Products: Development of HuBRA (Human Behavior Risk Analysis) (제품의 리스크 분석 기법에 관한 연구: HuBRA 기법 개발)

  • 박경수;조일행;김운회
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Safety
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    • v.18 no.3
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    • pp.141-148
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    • 2003
  • Since the introduction of The Product Liability Law, effective since July 2002, more and more companies and end-users have been giving their attention to the safety of products. A number of existing risk analysis techniques are being implemented to manufacturing sites. However, they have certain restrictions such as incurring different techniques that are to be implemented at each stage of the product development. This is due to their domain of the analysis differing from one to another. Moreover, the results of these analyses are not specific enough, and are subject to further revision. This study proceeds to look at various examinations undertaken on the existing risk analysis techniques. Through implementing them on certain products, investigations on the strengths and weaknesses were ascertained. This has allowed improvements on the existing techniques to be achieved as tell as the development of a new risk analysis technique, 'HuBRA(Human Behavior Risk Analysis)'. Finally the new technique was implemented on products to confirm its effectiveness.

Improving the Product Recommendation System based-on Customer Interest for Online Shopping Using Deep Reinforcement Learning

  • Shahbazi, Zeinab;Byun, Yung-Cheol
    • Soft Computing and Machine Intelligence
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.31-35
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    • 2021
  • In recent years, due to COVID-19, the process of shopping has become more restricted and difficult for customers. Based on this aspect, customers are more interested in online shopping to keep the Untact rules and stay safe, similarly ordering their product based on their need and interest with most straightforward and fastest ways. In this paper, the reinforcement learning technique is applied in the product recommendation system to improve the recommendation system quality for better and more related suggestions based on click patterns and users' profile information. The dataset used in this system was taken from an online shopping mall in Jeju island, South Korea. We have compared the proposed method with the recent state-of-the-art and research results, which show that reinforcement learning effectiveness is higher than other approaches.

An Approach for Managing Storage Locations in RFID-Based Cold-Storage Warehouse System (RFID 기반 냉동창고 시스템의 적재위치 관리 방안)

  • Moon, Mi-Kyeong;Choi, Bong-Jun
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.15 no.9
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    • pp.1971-1978
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    • 2011
  • In RFID-based cold-storage systems, product locations are recognized as the logical locations of RFID readers which are attached to the entrance of the cold rooms. However, through these methods, product locations can be incorrect in many different situations of a storage. Cold storage rooms have a huge rage in temperature, and the product in the cold-storage spoils easily. Therefore, highly precise product locations is very important for the product quality In this paper, a new approach is suggested to manage the storage location inaccuracy by adding two readers to existing forklift and attaching RFID tags to the ceiling. One reader recognizes ceiling tags to acquire location data, and the other recognizes product tags to acquire product detail data loaded on the forklift. The product can be seamlessly tracked and traced in realtime by monitoring and analyzing data gathered from these readers. Through the proposed location management method, the effectiveness of the product management in cold-storage can be improved consequently.

Failure Analysis to Derive the Causes of Abnormal Condition of Electric Locomotive Subsystem (센서 데이터를 이용한 전기 기관차의 이상 상태 요인분석)

  • So, Min-Seop;Jun, Hong-Bae;Shin, Jong-Ho
    • Journal of Korean Society of Industrial and Systems Engineering
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    • v.41 no.2
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    • pp.84-94
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    • 2018
  • In recent years, the diminishing of operation and maintenance cost using advanced maintenance technology is attracting many companies' attention. Especially, the heavy machinery industry regards it as a crucial problem since a failure of heavy machinery requires high cost and long downtime. To improve the current maintenance process, the heavy machinery industry tries to develop a methodology to predict failure in advance and to find its causes using usage data. A better analysis of failure causes requires more data so that various kinds of sensor are attached to machines and abundant amount of product usage data is collected through the sensor network. However, the systemic analysis of the collected product usage data is still in its infant stage. Many previous works have focused on failure occurrence as statistical data for reliability analysis. There have been less works to apply product usage data into root cause analysis of product failure. The product usage data collected while failures occur should be considered failure cause analysis. To do this, this study proposes a methodology to apply product usage data into failure cause analysis. The proposed methodology in this study is composed of several steps to transform product usage into failure causes. Various statistical analysis combined with product usage data such as multinomial logistic regression, T-test, and so on are used for the root cause analysis. The proposed methodology is applied to field data coming from operated locomotive and the analysis result shows its effectiveness.

Devising a Training Method for Assembly Work by Employing Disassembly

  • Ichikizaki, Osamu;Kubota, Ryou;Komori, Toshikazu;Matsumoto, Toshiyuki;Erikawa, Akihiro
    • Industrial Engineering and Management Systems
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    • v.12 no.4
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    • pp.368-379
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    • 2013
  • Efficiency in work training is a perennial issue due to high-diversity low-volume production, particularly for manufacturers producing office machines which are manually assembled by workers. To reduce the training cost, parts used in training are usually reused; a trainer disassembles a product assembled by a worker in training. This paper proposes a training method that employs disassembly usually performed by a trainer. This method assigns both assembly and disassembly to a worker in training, in contrast to the conventional method. The effectiveness of the proposed method is experimentally discussed in terms of learning assembly motions and work procedure at each learning stage, namely, "undergoing learning," "immediately after learning," and "seven days after learning." The effectiveness of the training method is confirmed. The method improves the stability of work procedure recollection immediately after training. Furthermore, at seven days after training, it improves retention of the assembly motions and work procedure, and also promotes and maintains memory related to product structure.

A Evaluation System Integrating Cost-Cross Effects of Big Scale R&D Projects (R&D프로젝트군의 우선순위 결정을 위한 비용 - 상호효과 통합평가시스템)

  • Kwon, Cheol-Shin;Lee, Soon-Cheon;Park, Jooh-Ho
    • Journal of the Korean Operations Research and Management Science Society
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    • v.32 no.2
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    • pp.163-175
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    • 2007
  • [ $ulcorner$ ]Cost-Effectiveness Analysis$\lrcorner$ has been wifely used to evaluate economic efficiency of R&D projects, but most of cost-effectiveness evaluation systems have some problems such as systematic method for setting and evaluating cost factors, estimation of single effect on each R&D project, and estimation of cross effects among R&D projects. To solve these problems, we have designed a new evaluation indicator called a $ulcorner$Cost-Cross Effect Integration Indicator$lrcorner$ including cross effects developed in this research. The major research findings are summarized as follows : (1) $ulcorner$Coist Estimation Model$lrcorner$, which estimates the cost factors divided into two classes of assembly product and system product and then integrates the total cost values, has been designed. (2) A new method for estimating parameters of cross effects among R&D projects has been developed. (3) $ulcorner$Cross Effects Estimation Model$lrcorner$ to estimate multi-effects and cross effects by completion time among several projects has been designed. (4) $ulcorner$Integration Estimation Indicator$lrcorner$ for setting priority on a project group has been extracted by combination of total cost value and total effect value.

Development and Verification of Make-up Base Containing Aloe

  • Min, Hyejo;Kim, MinJung;Kim, Jeonghee
    • Journal of Fashion Business
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    • v.19 no.3
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    • pp.121-129
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    • 2015
  • Aloe is a popular and effective agent used to cosmetic ingredient. It could replace artificial pigment on make-up base product and it is highly probable that might be useful as ingredients of multi-functional color cosmetic. In this study, we made a makeup base containing aloe extract and tested the effectiveness, safety and stability. Contents of polyphenol and flavonoid from the aloe extract were measured. To determine the antimicrobial effect from the aloe we used the paper disc diffusion method. We assessed the safety of make-up base containing aloe to cultured macrophage RAW 264.7 cells by MTT assay. Polyphenol contents of aloe extract and flavonoid respectively were 48 mg/g and 10 mg/g, in the 10 % concentration aloe extract. In case of aloe make-up base, the clear zone against Stapylococcus epidermidis was 9~11 mm and Stapylococcus aureus was also 9~11 mm. Growth activity of macrophage RAW 264.7 cells was over 80% in all concentration of make-up base containing aloe and general make base product. In conclusion aloe extract may be able to substitute the synthetic pigments and considered to be uses for ingredients multi-functional color cosmetic's ingredient.

Development and Effectiveness Analysis of Charrette for Improving Agricultural Product Package Design in a Rural Village - Focusing on the Recognition Changes of Voluntary Designers - (농촌마을 농특산물 포장디자인 개선을 위한 샤렛 개발 및 효과 - 재능기부디자이너들의 의식변화를 중심으로 -)

  • Chae, Hye-Sung;Do, Kyung-Rok;Jin, Hye-Ryeon;Hong, Kwang-Woo;Lee, Dong-Gwan;Ahn, Ok-Sun;Jo, Lok-Hwan
    • Journal of Korean Society of Rural Planning
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.21-33
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    • 2013
  • In these days, agricultural products are regarded as a core income source in tourism villages. Nevertheless, poor packaging of agricultural products has threatened the competitiveness and quality of products. For farmers, it is less likely to employ individual designer for developing and improving their packages due to low accessability to rural villages and budgets. Based on this background, this study conducted 'Charrette' in order to improve agricultural product packaging. The target village was 'Goraday' in Gangwon province. This study consisted of different steps for building and implementing proper 'Charrette' programs. Then, it also conducted empirical investigation about the effectiveness and efficiency of 'Charrette'. 'Charrette' has made progress as follows; first step was concerned with advance preparation for constructing program. Second, implementation of 'Charratte' included data collection and analysis, and development of design. Third, evaluation and feedback stage have given presentation and discussion about suggested design with local residents. Empirical investigation about the effectiveness and efficiency of 'Charrette' has been composed with survey and interview targeting participants. In survey and interviews, designers were asked about their attitudinal changes in relation to knowledge, recognition, function, motivation, and satisfaction toward 'Charrette' and 'agricultural product package design' before and after participating the event. The results showed that knowledge and perception of designers toward 'agricultural product package design' have positively increased. In addition, it revealed that designers were satisfied with collaborations with others and their contribution to rural community business. However, the results also suggested that sufficient preparation time/schedules and opportunity to meet other and farmers before events would be required to have better communication and understanding in relation to their tasks and role distribution. Furthermore, it is also required for designers to hold relationship with local community in order to actualize their packaging design.