• 제목/요약/키워드: process variable

검색결과 2,728건 처리시간 0.035초

불포화토 내 강우침투에 따른 포화깊이비를 고려한 사면안정해석 (Analysis of Slope Stability Considering the Saturation Depth Ratio by Rainfall Infiltration in Unsaturated Soil)

  • 채병곤;박규보;박혁진;최정해;김만일
    • 지질공학
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    • 제22권3호
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    • pp.343-351
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    • 2012
  • 본 연구는 기존에 제안된 무한사면 안정해석식을 바탕으로 불포화토 내에 강우침투 시 지표로부터 시간에 따른 토층의 포화깊이비를 새로운 변수로 삽입하여 무한사면 안정해석 수정식을 제안하고자 하였다. 이를 위해 기존에 고려하지 못했던 시간에 따른 포화깊이비와 지표하 흐름 깊이의 개념을 새로이 도입하였으며, 유사동력학적 습윤지수 이론에서 도출되는 해석대상 지역의 유효상부기여면적, 지표하흐름 깊이, 포화깊이비를 계산하고, 이를 토대로 시간에 따른 포화깊이비를 반영한 무한사면 안정해석을 수행하도록 하였다. 이를 통해 실질적인 시간에 따른 강우의 변화양상과 사면 안전율 변화를 계산할 수 있게 되었다. 한편, 본 연구에서는 Park et al. (2011 a)가 실시한 불포화토 칼럼시험을 통한 강우침투 속도분석 결과를 바탕으로 본 연구에서 제안한 식을 이용하여 토층의 포화깊이비를 고려한 사면안정해석을 실시하였다. 이 해석을 통해 편마암 풍화토의 토층 내 강우 침투속도를 고려하여 포화깊이비가 변화함에 따른 안전율의 변화를 파악할 수 있었다. 해석결과에 의하면, 연속강우의 경우 안전율이 1.3 이하로 감소하는 시간이 강우강도 20 mm/h 조건에서 2.86 ~ 5.38시간이고, 강우강도 50 mm/h 조건에서는 1.34 ~ 2.92시간으로 나타났다. 반복강우의 경우, 안전율이 1.3 이하가 되는 시간은 강우조건별로 3.27 ~ 5.61시간으로 나타났다. 따라서, 토층 내 강우침투속도 차이에 따른 포화깊이비 변화를 고려한 무한사면의 안전율 변화 파악이 가능하였다.

젖소 유방염 관리에 따른 세균 및 체세포수 등급 실태 조사 분석 (Analytical studies of bovine mastitis management by standard plate counts(SPC) and somatic cell counts(SCC))

  • 허정호;정명호;박영호;조명희;이주홍
    • 한국동물위생학회지
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    • 제21권3호
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    • pp.285-300
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    • 1998
  • 1. The number of average milking cows, clinical forms of mastitis, mastitis-developing cows, and cows killed by mastitis a year were 25.7, 1.8(7%), 6.3(26%), and 2.7(10.1%)heads, respectively. The annual grade changes of standard plate counts(SPC) and somatic cell counts(SCC) showed the grade 1A of SPC diminished sharply from April to August, we think it was due to the lack of proper management in farming season and the grade 3 of SCC indirectly influenced increased in huge during August. 2. The average number of parturitions of farms was 2.3, but 50% of below 1 parturition were 22 farms(31%), 50% of above 3 parturitions were 16(23%) out of 71 farms. According to grades of the number of parturitions of milking cows per each farm, the farms' grades recording 3 parturitions and 50% were little bit excellent. 3. The actual situation research of foremilking CMT revealed 35 out of 74 farmer didn't do CMT Among them(35 out of 74 farmers), 80% did not test thanks to the troublesome process of the CMT. SCC grade 3, among farms who did foremilking CMT once or twice a month and who did not were 29% and 40% respectively and SPC grade 1A were 55% and 9%, respectively. 4. The research of actual situation on milking management let us know 29 farms(39%) did not do lastmilking, 37 farms(49%) usually did overmilking, and 34 farms(46%) did milking for 4 or 5 minutes. Grades according to average requiring times of milking showed SCC grade 1 of farms milking within 7 minutes was 11% and SPC grade 1A was 34%, on the other side, farms milking more than 7 minutes were 0% in SCC grade 1 and 13% in SPC grade 1A. Grades according to the starting time of milking after rubbing teats showed SPC grade 1A of farms starting milking at about 1 minute and over 2 minutes were 50% and 20%, respectively. 5. The research of actual situation on hygienic milking management uncovered 65 farms(88%) were using one towel which was used in washing teats and udders to wash more than 3 to 4 cows, and 53 farms(72%) were using one dried towel to dry udders not for each cow but for more than 3 to 4 cows after washing. Also, on milking turns disclosed 30 farms(40%) were milking cows in the order of incoming without isolation of a dominant group. According to grades of towels used in washing teats and udders, farms using a towel for each cow were 56% and a towel for over 3 cows were 31% in SPC grade 1A. According to using-or-not grades of dried towels after washing udders, farms using a towel for each cow were 79% and a towel for over 3 cows were 21% in SPC grade 1A. 6. Farms doing teat-dipping before milking were 7(10%), not doing teat-dipping after milking, or doing sometimes were 9(12%), and doing right after milking were 57(77%). And farms doing teat-dipping after dry cows and before delivery were 21(28a ). Farms using bethadine as an antiseptic solution were 70(95%), 40 farms(59%) diluted it with water as weak as 5 to 10 times, and on drying cows 64 farms(87%) slowly did it more than 2 days. Grade 1A of SPC of farms doing teat-dipping at every milking was 38%, farms doing occasionally or not was 33%, and farms doing it right after milking was 37% and doing after milking more than 5 cows was 20%. Grade 1A of SPC among farms diluting bethadine 5 times and diluting 5 to 10 times with water were 36% and 33%, respectively, and Grade 3 of SCC were 35% and 32%, respectively. 7. Studies on nonlactating period medical treatment, as the cows were on dry, 54 farms treated with their own hands.73 farms(98%) had bovine mastitis treated for themselves. And on applying medicines against mastitis, 55 farmers chose them on the basis of their own experience, 42 farms(57%) were treated more than 3 days. 41 farms(55%) dumped away the mastitis infected milk separately, 24 farms(32%) were feeding and milking at the same time. 8. Fifty-six farms(76%) always washed and disinfected milking machines after milking. Farms using the milking machines at low, or variable vacuum pressures, or at the vacuum pressure, set at the moment of its installation were 31(42%), and farms that did not know pulsation ratio were 27(37%). Farms changing liners when they were torn 8(11%), 58 farms(78%) said they checked milking system when there were wrong with them, 31 farms(42%) changed milking hoses when they found out problems, and 42 farms(57%) cleaned vacuum and milking systems when they felt dirty. The SPC grade 1A of farms washing and sterilizing milking machines was 38% and farms only washing was 28%.

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  • Choe, Byong-Hee
    • 한국잠사곤충학회지
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    • 제2권
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    • pp.1-31
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    • 1962
  • 본 연구는 견사중의 Cystine 성분을 가잠전과정을 통하여 기존재를 확인하고 견사구조중에서 cross linkage를 조성하고 있음을 확인하는데 있으며 다음과 같은 결론을 얻었다. 1. Cystine 결정체를 Folin 씨 방법으로 견사로부터 분리하였다. 2. 견사 및 그와 관련있는 과정에서 Sullivan 씨 방법으로 다음과 같이 분석하였다. 시료 Cystine 함유량 % A. 상엽단백질 0.175 B.잠란 0.33 C. 잠체 (탈지, 숙잠, 견사선제외) 0.41 D. 견사선 (숙잠) 1.23 E. 잠 0.0 F. 잠통 (탈지) 0.30 G. 잠아 (탈지) 0.60 H. 생계 0.22 I. Fibroin 0.175 J. Sericin 0.30 3. 잠체내의 Cystine 존재는 상엽에서 0.175%, 견사선에서 0.12%의 Methionine을 확인함으로 생화학적의의와 더불어 재확인하였다. 4. 견사선내의 Sulfhydryl 화합물은 Sericin과 Methionine으로 전환하는 동시에 전자는 액상견으로 분비되어 견사를 구성하고 후자는 영양목적으로 견사선세포 육성에 사용되는 것으로 믿어진다. 5. Cystine 성분량은 상품종, 잠품종, 자웅성, 육종과정과 사육환경에 따라 변화한다. 6. 잡종강세로 육성된 교잡종은 원잠종보다 효과적인 성장을 위하여 더욱 많은 영양성 아미노산을 필요로 한다. 7. 여기한 관찰을 통하여 견사중 아미노산조성은 어느정도 변화하는 것이며 Cystine은 섬유의 무정형부분 특히 Sericin에 함유되고 있다. 8. 순수한 Cystine 또는 양모 Cystine을 첨식한 결과 하등의 이익점을 초래하지 못하였음으로 상엽중에 함유되어있는 Cystine과 Methionine 함유량은 잠아의 영양생리에 충분한 것으로 보인다. 9. 견사중의 disulfide cross linkage는 Harris 씨 방법과 여러가지 염류와 산에 의한 수축현상으로 확인하였고 양모와 대조하여 시험하였다. 10. 본 연구중 견사의 사상구조와 액상견의 입망상구조를 현미경으로 포착하였다. 액상견의 입망상은 입상 peptide의 OH ion과 물의 H ion의 인력관계로 형성되고 있다는 것을 기 film의 배열상태로 고찰하게 되었고 상엽단백질의 입망상은 견사의 사상형성에 적당한 사료임을 보이고 있다. 11. 본 논문을 통한 Cystine 존재는 비록 그 량이 적지마는 견사중의 Cystine 전무에 대한 종래관념을 전환시킬 것이다.

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다분류 SVM을 이용한 DEA기반 벤처기업 효율성등급 예측모형 (The Prediction of DEA based Efficiency Rating for Venture Business Using Multi-class SVM)

  • 박지영;홍태호
    • Asia pacific journal of information systems
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    • 제19권2호
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    • pp.139-155
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    • 2009
  • For the last few decades, many studies have tried to explore and unveil venture companies' success factors and unique features in order to identify the sources of such companies' competitive advantages over their rivals. Such venture companies have shown tendency to give high returns for investors generally making the best use of information technology. For this reason, many venture companies are keen on attracting avid investors' attention. Investors generally make their investment decisions by carefully examining the evaluation criteria of the alternatives. To them, credit rating information provided by international rating agencies, such as Standard and Poor's, Moody's and Fitch is crucial source as to such pivotal concerns as companies stability, growth, and risk status. But these types of information are generated only for the companies issuing corporate bonds, not venture companies. Therefore, this study proposes a method for evaluating venture businesses by presenting our recent empirical results using financial data of Korean venture companies listed on KOSDAQ in Korea exchange. In addition, this paper used multi-class SVM for the prediction of DEA-based efficiency rating for venture businesses, which was derived from our proposed method. Our approach sheds light on ways to locate efficient companies generating high level of profits. Above all, in determining effective ways to evaluate a venture firm's efficiency, it is important to understand the major contributing factors of such efficiency. Therefore, this paper is constructed on the basis of following two ideas to classify which companies are more efficient venture companies: i) making DEA based multi-class rating for sample companies and ii) developing multi-class SVM-based efficiency prediction model for classifying all companies. First, the Data Envelopment Analysis(DEA) is a non-parametric multiple input-output efficiency technique that measures the relative efficiency of decision making units(DMUs) using a linear programming based model. It is non-parametric because it requires no assumption on the shape or parameters of the underlying production function. DEA has been already widely applied for evaluating the relative efficiency of DMUs. Recently, a number of DEA based studies have evaluated the efficiency of various types of companies, such as internet companies and venture companies. It has been also applied to corporate credit ratings. In this study we utilized DEA for sorting venture companies by efficiency based ratings. The Support Vector Machine(SVM), on the other hand, is a popular technique for solving data classification problems. In this paper, we employed SVM to classify the efficiency ratings in IT venture companies according to the results of DEA. The SVM method was first developed by Vapnik (1995). As one of many machine learning techniques, SVM is based on a statistical theory. Thus far, the method has shown good performances especially in generalizing capacity in classification tasks, resulting in numerous applications in many areas of business, SVM is basically the algorithm that finds the maximum margin hyperplane, which is the maximum separation between classes. According to this method, support vectors are the closest to the maximum margin hyperplane. If it is impossible to classify, we can use the kernel function. In the case of nonlinear class boundaries, we can transform the inputs into a high-dimensional feature space, This is the original input space and is mapped into a high-dimensional dot-product space. Many studies applied SVM to the prediction of bankruptcy, the forecast a financial time series, and the problem of estimating credit rating, In this study we employed SVM for developing data mining-based efficiency prediction model. We used the Gaussian radial function as a kernel function of SVM. In multi-class SVM, we adopted one-against-one approach between binary classification method and two all-together methods, proposed by Weston and Watkins(1999) and Crammer and Singer(2000), respectively. In this research, we used corporate information of 154 companies listed on KOSDAQ market in Korea exchange. We obtained companies' financial information of 2005 from the KIS(Korea Information Service, Inc.). Using this data, we made multi-class rating with DEA efficiency and built multi-class prediction model based data mining. Among three manners of multi-classification, the hit ratio of the Weston and Watkins method is the best in the test data set. In multi classification problems as efficiency ratings of venture business, it is very useful for investors to know the class with errors, one class difference, when it is difficult to find out the accurate class in the actual market. So we presented accuracy results within 1-class errors, and the Weston and Watkins method showed 85.7% accuracy in our test samples. We conclude that the DEA based multi-class approach in venture business generates more information than the binary classification problem, notwithstanding its efficiency level. We believe this model can help investors in decision making as it provides a reliably tool to evaluate venture companies in the financial domain. For the future research, we perceive the need to enhance such areas as the variable selection process, the parameter selection of kernel function, the generalization, and the sample size of multi-class.

잡곡당화음료 제조 최적 조건 탐색 및 항당뇨 활성 평가 (Exploration of optimum conditions for production of saccharogenic mixed grain beverages and assessment of anti-diabetic activity)

  • 이재성;강윤환;김경곤;윤연경;임준구;김태우;김대중;원상연;배무환;최한석;최면
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • 제47권1호
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    • pp.12-22
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    • 2014
  • 본 연구에서는 Aspergillus oryzae CF1001 균주를 이용하여 잡곡당화음료 개발조건의 최적화와 향기성분을 분석하고 항당뇨 활성을 확인하고자 하였다. 중심합성실험계획법에 의해 당화온도 $50.71^{\circ}C$, 호화시간 45.12분이 최적 당화조건으로 선정되었으며, 당화온도가 호화시간에 비하여 $Brix^{\circ}$ 증가에 더 많은 영향을 미치는 것으로 확인되었다. 잡곡당화음료의 휘발성 향기성분은 33가지 동정성분과 29가지의 미지 성분이 분석되었다. 소장 내 당흡수와 관련된 ${\alpha}$-glucosidase 활성억제능은 농도 의존적으로 증가하는 것으로 나타났다. HepG2 세포의 glucose uptake 활성을 확인한 결과, 인슐린에 관계없이 glucose uptake가 증가하였으며, 관련 단백질인 GLUT-2, -4의 발현 또한 증가하는 것으로 나타났다. 세포 내 당소모대사 관련 효소인 GK와 PDH도 증가하는 것으로 나타났으며, 잉여로 남은 glucose를 지방으로 전환 저장하는 ACL, ACC 유전자도 증가하는 것으로 나타났다. 이를 통해 잡곡당화음료가 glucose uptake와 세포 내 당소모대사 증가를 도우며, 남는 glucose를 지방으로 전환 저장시키는데 도움을 줄 것으로 사료된다.

정신분열병 환자에서 신체미세기형에 관한 연구 (Minor Physical Anomalies in Patients with Schizophrenia)

  • 주은정;정성훈;맹소진;윤세창;김종훈;김철응;신영민;김용식
    • 생물정신의학
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    • 제9권2호
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    • pp.140-151
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    • 2002
  • Object and Method:Minor physical anomalies(MPAs) are frequently seen in patients with schizophrenia. MPAs are considered to arise from the anomalous development of ectoderm-originated tissues in the developing fetus. Since the central nervous system originates from ectoderm, MPAs can be regarded as externally observable and objective indicators of the aberrant development which might have taken place in the central nervous system. To investigate whether MPAs are more frequent in schizophrenic patients, the frequencies of MPAs were compared between schizophrenic patients and normal controls. Total 245 schizophrenic patients diagnosed with DSM-IV(male : 158, female : 87), and 418 normal control subjects(male : 216, female : 202) were included in this study. The MPAs were measured using the modified Waldrop scale with fifteen items in six bodily regions; head, eye, ear, mouth, hand, and foot. Result:The total scores of Waldrop scale were $4.40{\pm}1.93$($mean{\pm}standard$ deviation) in patients and $3.43{\pm}1.68$ in controls for females, and for males, $4.58{\pm}1.75$ in patients and $4.28{\pm}1.59$ in controls. For females, the excess of MPAs in schizophrenic patients was statistically significant(t-test : p<0.001). For males, schizophrenic patients also showed more MPAs than normal controls, but this tendency did not reach statistical significance (t-test : p=0.094). When the modified Waldrop total scores excluding head circumference were compared, the total scores in schizophrenic patients were significantly higher for both male and female subjects(t-test : male p<0.001, female p=0.001). The individual anomaly items included in Waldrop scale were also investigated. The items of epicanthus, hypertelorism, malformed ears, syndactylia were significantly more frequent in schizophrenic patients. In contrast, the items of adherent ear lobes, asymmetric ears, furrowed tongue, curved fifth finger, single palmar crease and big gap between toes did not show any differences in frequency between schizophrenic patients and normal controls. Since a lot of statistical analyses showed different results between male and female subjects, it seems to be necessary to consider gender as an important controlling variable for the analysis, however only the item of head circumference showed statistically significant gender-related difference according to log-linear analysis. Conclusion:With a relatively large sample size, the frequencies of MPAs enlisted in Waldrop scale were compared between schizophrenic patients and normal controls in this study. MPAs were more frequently seen in schizophrenic patients and, especially, several specific items in the Waldrop scale showed prominent excess in schizophrenic patients. Although definite conclusions cannot be drawn due to the inherent limitation of the study using Waldrop scale, these results seem to support the possibility that aberrant neurodevelopmental process might be involved in the pathogenesis of schizophrenia in some of the patients.

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Potential of River Bottom and Bank Erosion for River Restoration after Dam Slit in the Mountain Stream

  • Kang, Ji-Hyun;So, Kazama
    • 한국수자원학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국수자원학회 2011년도 학술발표회
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    • pp.46-46
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    • 2011
  • Severe sediment erosion during floods occur disaster and economic losses, but general sediment erosion is basic mechanism to move sediment from upstream to downstream river. In addition, it is important process to change river form. Check dam, which is constructed in mountain stream, play a vital role such as control of sudden debris flow, but it has negative aspects to river ecosystem. Now a day, check dam of open type is an alternative plan to recover river biological diversity and ecosystem through sediment transport while maintaining the function of disaster control. The purpose of this paper is to verify sediment erosion progress of river bottom and bank as first step for river restoration after dam slit by cross-sectional shear stress and critical shear stress. Study area is upstream reach of slit check dam in mountain stream, named Wasada, in Japan. The check dam was slit with two passages in August, 2010. The transects were surveyed for four upstream cross-sections, 7.4 m, 34 m, 86 m, and 150 m distance from dam in October 2010. Sediment size was surveyed at river bottom and bank. Sediment of cobble size was found at the wetted bottom, and small size particles of sand to medium gravel composed river bank. Discharge was $2.5\;m^3/s$ and bottom slope was 0.027 m/m. Excess shear stress (${\tau}_{ex}$) was calculated for hydraulic erosion by subtracting the values of critical shear stress (${\tau}_{c}$) from the value of shear stress (${\tau}$) at river bottom and bank (${\tau}_{ex}=\tau-{\tau}_c$). Shear stress of river bottom (${\tau}_{bottom}$) was calculated using the cross-sectional shear stress, and bank shear stress (${\tau}_{bank}$) was calculated from the method of Flintham and Carling (1988). $${\tau}_{bank}={\tau}^*SF_{bank}((B+P_{bed})/(2^*P_{bank}))$$ where $SF_{bank}=1.77(P_{bed}/p_{bank}+1.5)^{-1.4}$, B is the water surface width, $P_{bed}$ and $P_{bank}$ are wetted parameter of the bed and bank. Estimated values for ${\tau}_{bottom}$ for a flow of $2.5\;m^3/s$ were lower as 25.0 (7.5 m cross-section), 25.7 (34 m), 21.3 (86 m) and 19.8 (150 m), in N/$m^2$, than critical shear stress (${\tau}_c=62.1\;N/m^2$) with cobble of 64 mm. The values were insufficient to erode cobble sediment. In contrast, even if the values of ${\tau}_{bank}$ were lower than the values for ${\tau}_{bottom}$ as 18.7 (7.5 m), 19.3 (34 m), 16.1 (86 m) and 14.7 (150 m), in N/$m^2$, excess shear stresses were calculated at the three cross-sections of 7.5 m, 34 m, and 86 m distances compare with ${\tau}_c$ is 15.5 N/$m^2$ of 16mm gravel. Bank shear stresses were sufficient for erosion of the medium gravel to sand. Therefore there is potential to erode lateral bank than downward erosion in a flow of $2.5\;m^3/s$. Undercutting of the wetted bank can causes bank scour or collapse, therefore this channel has potential to become wider at the same time. This research is about a potential of sediment erosion, and the result could not verify with real data. Therefore it need next step for verification. In addition an erosion mechanism for river restoration is not simple because discharge distribution is variable by snow-melting or rainy season, and a function for disaster control will recover by big precipitation event. Therefore it needs to consider the relationship between continuous discharge change and sediment erosion.

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소아의 낭포성 신질환 (Cystic Diseases of the Kidney in Children)

  • 이지숙;노광식;김지홍;이재승;김병길
    • Childhood Kidney Diseases
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    • 제1권2호
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    • pp.144-150
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    • 1997
  • 목적 : 낭포성 신질환은 다양한 임상증상, 조직학적 소견 및 예후를 나타내는 질환군이다. 이 질환은 종류에 따라 임상 증상이 발현되는 시기나 나타나는 신질환의 정도가 다르다. 유전성 또는 발달장애가 원인인 낭포신이 있고, 소아에서는 드물지만, 성인에서는 후천성으로 생기는 낭포신이 있다. 다양한 원인에도 불구하고 낭포형성의 과정은 비슷한 것으로 알려져 있다. 최근들어 영상진단의 발달로 본 질환의 조기 진단이 가능해졌으나 아직 그 치료는 만족스럽지 못하다. 본 연구에서는 낭포성 신질환의 분포, 빈도, 동반기형, 발견동기, 치료 및 예후에 대해서 알아보고자 한다. 방법 : 1986년 1월부터 1996년 12월까지 11년간 18세 미만의 낭포성 신질환 환아 44명을 대상으로 임상 기록지를 토대로 후향적 고찰을 시행하였다. 결과 : 1) 낭포성 신질환 환아 44명중 다발성 낭포성 이형성 신(multicystic dysplastic kidney)이 31명(71%)으로 가장 많았고, 다낭포 신(polycystic kidney)이 7명(16%)이었으며 이들 모두 상염색체 열성 유전 다낭포신(Autosomal recessive polycystic kidney disease)이었다. 단순 신낭포(simple cyst)는 5명(11%)이었으며 수질성 해면신 (medullary sponge kidney)이 1명 있었다. 2) 다발성 낭포성 이형성 신 환아 31명중 11명(35%)이 암종과의 감별 및 복부 팽만 등의 이유로 신절제술을 시행받았다. 3) 전체 낭포성 신질환 환아중 14명(32%)이 신생아 시기에 발견되어 진단만 받았을뿐 더이상 검사나 추적관찰을 하지 않았다. 4) 전 예에서 신부전의 증거는 없었다. 결론 : 본 연구결과 낭포성 신질환의 정확한 발생빈도는 알 수 없었으나 그 발생 기전과 분류 및 치료기준에 대한 지속적인 연구가 필요하다고 사료된다.ed cord 증후군에서 비뇨기계의 증상 및 비정상 검사 소견이 동반되는 경우가 흔하며 비뇨기계의 이상을 시사하는 증상이 없는 경우에도 검사상 이상이 발견되는 경우가 적지 않다. Tethered cord 증후군 환아의 평가는 신경학적 이상 유무는 물론이고 비뇨기계의 이상 여부에 대한 평가도 필히 포함되어야 할 것으로 생각된다.X> 섭취량은 배추의 경우 3.72배, 양배추의 경우 4.18배, 양상추의 경우 6.50배나 많았다. 6. 결론적으로 같은 량의 엽채류를 섭식하면서 일일 질산염 섭취량을 줄이기 위해서는 배추, 양배추, 양상추 모두 외부엽보다는 내부엽을 선택적으로 소비하는 것이 바람직함을 알 수 l있었다.었다. 6. 녹즙 종류별 ${NO_3}^-$ 함량은 당근녹즙(143ppm) < 명일엽(506ppm) < 돌미나리(669ppm) < 케일녹즙(985ppm) 순으로 많았고, Vitamin C 함량은 당근(43ppm) < 돌미나리(289ppm) < 케일(353ppm) < 명일엽(768ppm)의 순으로 높았다. 7. 일일 ${NO_3}^-$ 섭취량은 500ml의 녹즙을 마시는 경우 명일엽 253mg, 돌미나리 335mg, 케일 483mg으로 녹즙만으로도 이미 WHO/FAO의 일일 ${NO_3}^-$ 섭취허용량보다 1.16배, 1.53배, 2.21배나 초과할 수 있는 것으로 나타났다. 연약한 곤충의 방제에 효과적인 것으로 나타났다. 따라서 제조된 살충비누를 활용하면 환경친화적인 해충방제가 가능하다고 판단되었다.소변의 이상소견이 발견되어 신장 조직검사를 실시할 경우 혈청 $C_3$치의 감소 여부에 관계없이 MPGN도 진단적 고려 대상이 되어야 한다고 생각한다.신장 조직검사를 시행한 결과 진행성 경과를 취할 수 있는 막 증식성 사구체 신염과 매우 희귀한 증례인 신유전분증 등으로

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정보시스템 아웃소싱에서 심리적 계약 커미트먼트의 중요성에 대한 연구 (An Empirical Study on the Importance of Psychological Contract Commitment in Information Systems Outsourcing)

  • 김형진;이상훈;이호근
    • Asia pacific journal of information systems
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    • 제17권2호
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    • pp.49-81
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    • 2007
  • Research in the IS (Information Systems) outsourcing has focused on the importance of legal contracts and partnerships between vendors and clients. Without detailed legal contracts, there is no guarantee that an outsourcing vendor would not indulge in self-serving behavior. In addition, partnerships can supplement legal contracts in managing the relationship between clients and vendors legal contracts by itself cannot deal with all the complexity and ambiguity involved with IS outsourcing relationships. In this paper, we introduce a psychological contract (between client and vendor) as an important variable for IS outsourcing success. A psychological contract refers to individual's mental beliefs about his or her mutual obligations in a contractual relationship (Rousseau, 1995). A psychological contract emerges when one party believes that a promise of future returns has been made, a contribution has been given, and thus, an obligation has been created to provide future benefits (Rousseau, 1989). An employmentpsychological contract, which is a widespread concept in psychology, refers to employer and employee expectations of the employment relationship, i.e. mutual obligations, values, expectations and aspirations that operate over and above the formal contract of employment (Smithson and Lewis, 2003). Similar to the psychological contract between an employer and employee, IS outsourcing involves a contract and a set of mutual obligations between client and vendor (Ho et al., 2003). Given the lack of prior research on psychological contracts in the IS outsourcing context, we extend such studies and give insights through investigating the role of psychological contracts between client and vendor. Psychological contract theory offers highly relevant and sound theoretical lens for studying IS outsourcing management because of its six distinctive principles: (1) it focuses on mutual (rather than one-sided) obligations between contractual parties, (2) it's more comprehensive than the concept of legal contract, (3) it's an individual-level construct, (4) it changes over time, (5) it affects organizational behaviors, and (6) it's susceptible to organizational factors (Koh et al., 2004; Rousseau, 1996; Coyle-Shapiro, 2000). The aim of this paper is to put the concept, psychological contract commitment (PCC), under the spotlight, by finding out its mediating effects between legal contracts/partnerships and IS outsourcing success. Our interest is in the psychological contract commitment (PCC) or commitment to psychological contracts, which is the extent to which a partner consistently and deeply concerns with what the counter-party believes as obligations during the IS project. The basic premise for the hypothesized relationship between PCC and success is that for outsourcing success, client and vendor should continually commit to mutual obligations in which both parties believe, rather than to only explicit obligations. The psychological contract commitment playsa pivotal role in evaluating a counter-party because it reflects what one party really expects from the other. If one party consistently shows high commitment to psychological contracts, the other party would evaluate it positively. This will increase positive reciprocation efforts of the other party, thus leading to successful outsourcing outcomes (McNeeley and Meglino, 1994). We have used matched sample data for this research. We have collected three responses from each set of a client and a vendor firm: a project manager of the client firm, a project member from the vendor firm with whom the project manager cooperated, and an end-user of the client company who actually used the outsourced information systems. Special caution was given to the data collection process to avoid any bias in responses. We first sent three types of questionnaires (A, Band C) to each project manager of the client firm, asking him/her to answer the first type of questionnaires (A).

제강분진을 이용한 유해물질 처리기술 적용을 위한 안전성 평가 (Environmental Leachability of Electric Arc Furnace Dust for Applying as Hazardous Material Treatment)

  • 이상훈;강성호;김지훈;장윤석
    • 대한환경공학회지
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    • 제28권3호
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    • pp.329-336
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    • 2006
  • 제철부산물은 슬래그, 슬러지 및 분진 등의 다양한 부산물을 함유하며 이중 제강분진은 중금속 함량이 높아 지정폐기물로 버려지고 있다. 그러나 제강분진의 경우 Fe(0), Fe(II) 함량이 60% 이상으로 이의 활용에 대한 많은 연구가 있어왔다. 이중 최근에 제안되는 것이 제강분진을 이용한 독성 물질 함유 침출수의 처리이다. 이는 투수성 반응벽을 매립장 바닥차수재에 적용한 개념으로 침출수와 제강분진을 반응시켜 침출수의 TCE, PCE, 다이옥신 및 $Cr^{6+}$ 등의 독성물질을 환원, 무독화 시키고자 하는 것이다. 이를 위해 제강분진의 원소용출 특성규명이 선결되어야 하며 특히 제강분진의 장기적이고 다양한 환경에서의 용출특성을 알아보고자 다양한 용출방법을 택하였다. 즉, 가용용출시험, pH 고정 시험 및 연속주상시험 등을 이용하여 제강분진의 중금속 용출특성을 밝히고자 하였다. 중금속 항목 중 Cr과 Zn가 특정 pH 환경에서 우려수준 이상으로 용출되었으나 다른 원소들의 경우 위해성을 나타내는 농도 이하로 용출된다. 이중 Zn의 경우 제강분진 침출수의 pH가 12내외인 점을 고려할 경우 용출 가능성은 매우 낮을 것으로 판단된다. 그러나 Cr의 경우 반대로 알칼리 환경에서 더 용출된다. 따라서 제강분진 재활용에 앞서 Cr 용출을 제어할 수 있는 방법이 선행되어야 할 것이다. 주상시험에서 Cr 농도는 시간이 경과하면서 빠르게 감소하는 것이 관찰되었으며 이는 입자표면에 주로 분포한 Cr이 용출되거나 환원철과 반응하여 $Cr(OH)_3$ 등으로 공침, 제거되는 두 가지 가능성을 시사한다. Cr과 다른 중금속들의 용출제어 방법의 선행이 가능하다는 전제에서 중금속 농도가 매우 높은 폐수나 침출수에 제강분진을 제한적으로 적용이 가능하다고 판단된다.