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  • Title/Summary/Keyword: problem solving approach

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Study of an Applicability of an Urban Design Method Using Artificial Life Theory (인공생명이론을 이용한 도시설계방법의 적용 가능성에 대한 연구)

  • Lim, Myunggu;Kim, Kyoontai
    • Korean Journal of Construction Engineering and Management
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    • v.19 no.4
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    • pp.93-101
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    • 2018
  • A city is like a living organism that is born, grows and become extinct within an ecosystem. In recent years, more and more cities have been planned by designers rather than spontaneously growing over time. This planning means that if a city is not appropriately designed at the beginning, it is very hard to fix or adjust it later. A poor urban design inconveniences many people, and forces them to adjust to it. For this reason, it is important to design a city as optimally as possible at the design phase. One of the reasons why a city is not designed optimally is complexity. Previous urban design methods have attempted to resolve the complexity by using a top-down problem-solving method based on the experience and knowledge of the urban planner. However, such an approach does not have the organic characteristics of a bottom-up problem-solving method of an artificial life, based on the creation principle of the ecosystem. Therefore, in this study the general principle of artificial life, which can provide a solution to the bigger problems that accumulate as a result of the solutions to small units of problems, is adopted. This enables us to draw various urban design alternatives, and it proves that the alternatives, despite being drawn through a limited modeling method, have almost no differences from those designed by an expert, and its possibilities of future development has also been verified.

Multigroup Generalizability Analysis of Creative Attitude Scale-Korea for Mathematically Gifted and General Students in Middle Schools (수학적 창의성 태도 검사에서 수학영재와 일반학생의 다집단 일반화가능도 분석)

  • Kim, Sungyeun
    • Communications of Mathematical Education
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    • v.31 no.1
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    • pp.49-70
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    • 2017
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate the relative influence of multiple error sources and to find optimal measurement conditions that obtain a desired level of reliability of a creative attitude test in mathematical creativity. This study analyzed the scores of the Creative Attitude Scale-Korea allowed to access publicly of 125 general students and 109 mathematically gifted students by performing a multivariate generalizability analysis. The main results were as follows. First, based on reliability, the Creative Attitude Scale-Korea was measured less precisely for mathematically gifted students. On the contrary, based on the conditional standard error of measurement, it was measured less precisely for general students. However, the Creative Attitude Scale-Korea showed strong reliability in both groups. Second, the optimal weights should adjust to .3, .3, .4 in mathematically gifted students and .4, .4, .2 in general students with three scoring components of divergent attitude, problem solving attitude, and convergent attitude based on the maximum reliability. Third, to approach desirable reliability, it is possible to use one component of divergent attitude in general students but three components of divergent attitude, problem solving attitude, and convergent attitude in mathematically gifted students. Finally this study proposed application plans for the Creative Attitude Scale-Korea and future directions of research.

Case study of dramatherapy for a bulmina nervosa patient (폭식증 환자의 연극치료 사례)

  • Lee, Hyowon
    • Journal of Korean Theatre Studies Association
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    • no.52
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    • pp.359-397
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    • 2014
  • This paper describes dramatherapy with a bulmina nervosa patient. She was in her early 20s and has been under the various psychotherapies for cure of deep depression since 2005. We had 24 sessions and 3 persons - the patient, the therapist, and the assist-therapist- participated in dramatherapy. I found there's a big collision between her important roles in the course of initial interview and diagnosis. Those roles are 'a good daughter of mom' and 'an independent adult'. Therefore I defined her bulmina nervosa as 'an symbolic behavior repeats compulsively the failure of separation from her mother.' And I set the general goals, the separation from her mother, the awareness and expression of negative emotions, and the diminuation of overeating and vomiting. To attain these object, we had many different dramatic experiences in dramatherapy. We made a self-portrait, the mask of bulmina nervosa, family sculpture, figure work, the past I and the present I, psychodramatic scene and several stories. In order to objective assessment, I used behavioral observation and 6PSM(6 Pieces Story Making) analysis. First of all the most noticeable change was a rapid decrease in over-eating and vomiting. Before the dramatherapy she had overeaten 30 times per week. At the closure it has fallen off to 1 time per week. Another behavioral changes were shift of outward appearance, not going church, working for living, and having a date with only one. She made 3 stories on 1th session, 13th session, and 23th session. And I comparatively analysed those stories with both qualitative and quantitative method. For qualitative analysis, I classified 5 structures according to the substantial similrarity. On protagonist structure, there's no difference. Three protagonists are dead things. The type of task structure is changed from an escape, a traveling, to metamorphosis. The type of obstruction structure is changed from the protagonist to an outside object. The type of closure structure is changed from an exaggerated happy ending, sad ending to probable happy ending. To quantitify the aspects of transformation, I developed an assesment tool using likert scale. It is composed of 4 sub-categories-reality testing, imagination, ego-strength, optimism problem-solving. In reality testing category, a shift of score was 9-11-15, imagination 2-5-5, ego strength 3-2-2, optimism 6-3-7, and total score 20-21-29. This change of score reflects the growth of problem solving capacity. Viewed in this light, dramatherapy with this girl was successful on the whole. The thing had significant effect on it was psycho-dynamic approach focused on separation from her mother and defence mechanism to avoid negative emotion. And assessment method used in this case will be full of suggestions to researches to come.

Integrating AI Generative Art and Gamification in an Art Education Model to Enhance Creative Thinking (AI 생성예술과 게임화 요소가 통합된 미술 교육 모델 개발 : 창의적 사고 향상)

  • Li Jun;Kim Yoojin
    • The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology
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    • v.9 no.3
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    • pp.425-433
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    • 2023
  • In this study, we developed a virtual artist play lesson model using gamification concepts and AI-generated art programs to foster creative thinking in freshman art majors. Targeting first-year students in the Digital Media Art Department at Sichuan Film & Television University in China, this course aims to alleviate fear of artistic creation and enhance problem-solving abilities. The educational model consists of four stages: persona creation, creative writing, text visualization, and virtual exhibitions. Through persona creation, students established their artist identities, and by introducing game-like elements into writing experiences, they discovered their latent creativity. Using AI-generated art programs for text visualization, students gained confidence in their creations, and in the virtual exhibitions, they were able to enhance their self-esteem as artists by appreciating and evaluating each other's works. This educational model offers a new approach to promoting creative thinking and problem-solving skills while increasing learner engagement and interest. Based on these research findings, we expect that by developing and implementing educational strategies that cultivate creative thinking, more students will grow their artistic capacities and creativity, benefiting not only art majors but also students from various fields.

Electromagnetic Traveltime Tomography with Wavefield Transformation (파동장 변환을 이용한 전자탐사 주시 토모그래피)

  • Lee, Tae-Jong;Suh, Jung-Hee;Shin, Chang-Soo
    • Geophysics and Geophysical Exploration
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    • v.2 no.1
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    • pp.17-25
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    • 1999
  • A traveltime tomography has been carried out by transforming electromagnetic data in frequency domain to wave-like domain. The transform uniquely relates a field satisfying a diffusion equation to an integral of the corresponding wavefield. But direct transform of frequency domain magnetic fields to wave-field domain is ill-posed problem because the kernel of the integral transform is highly damped. In this study, instead of solving such an unstable problem, it is assumed that wave-fields in transformed domain can be approximated by sum of ray series. And for further simplicity, reflection and refraction energy compared to that of direct wave is weak enough to be neglected. Then first arrival can be approximated by calculating the traveltime of direct wave only. But these assumptions are valid when the conductivity contrast between background medium and the target anomalous body is low enough. So this approach can only be applied to the models with low conductivity contrast. To verify the algorithm, traveltime calculated by this approach was compared to that of direct transform method and exact traveltime, calculated analytically, for homogeneous whole space. The error in first arrival picked by this study was less than that of direct transformation method, especially when the number of frequency samples is less than 10, or when the data are noisy. Layered earth model with varying conductivity contrasts and inclined dyke model have been successfully imaged by applying nonlinear traveltime tomography in 30 iterations within three CPU minutes on a IBM Pentium Pro 200 MHz.

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Investigation on the Project-Based Learning Approach Using the Internet (인터넷을 활용한 과제중심학습(Project-Based Learning) 방법 탐구)

  • Jo, Mi-Heon
    • Journal of The Korean Association of Information Education
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    • v.5 no.2
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    • pp.240-257
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    • 2001
  • Although many attempts have been made to use the Internet for educational purposes, not many attempts have achieved their goals. Such failure is mainly due to the lack of understanding on the way to use the Internet. The goal of this research is to investigate the potentiality of the Project-Based Learning approach using the Internet(NetPBL) and the ways to utilize the NetPBL. The NetPBL can be utilized through various activities such as keypals, mentoring, use of resources, cooperative learning, publishing, survey and data analysis, cooperative problem solving, simulation, and social action. Such diversity of the NetPBL can create a problem-based, context-based and learner-centered environment, which takes various types of the Internet use. In spite of such potentiality, little is known on how to implement the NetPBL. On this point, this research attempts to synthesize instructional strategies to implement the NetPBL at the macro and the micro level. At the macro level, instructional process is divided into four steps such as plan, preparation, implementation and closure, and some instructional suggestions are made for each step. At the micro level, detailed instructional strategies are suggested for the facilitation of self-directed learning and cooperative learning.

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Recommender System using Implicit Trust-enhanced Collaborative Filtering (내재적 신뢰가 강화된 협업필터링을 이용한 추천시스템)

  • Kim, Kyoung-Jae;Kim, Youngtae
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • v.19 no.4
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    • pp.1-10
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    • 2013
  • Personalization aims to provide customized contents to each user by using the user's personal preferences. In this sense, the core parts of personalization are regarded as recommendation technologies, which can recommend the proper contents or products to each user according to his/her preference. Prior studies have proposed novel recommendation technologies because they recognized the importance of recommender systems. Among several recommendation technologies, collaborative filtering (CF) has been actively studied and applied in real-world applications. The CF, however, often suffers sparsity or scalability problems. Prior research also recognized the importance of these two problems and therefore proposed many solutions. Many prior studies, however, suffered from problems, such as requiring additional time and cost for solving the limitations by utilizing additional information from other sources besides the existing user-item matrix. This study proposes a novel implicit rating approach for collaborative filtering in order to mitigate the sparsity problem as well as to enhance the performance of recommender systems. In this study, we propose the methods of reducing the sparsity problem through supplementing the user-item matrix based on the implicit rating approach, which measures the trust level among users via the existing user-item matrix. This study provides the preliminary experimental results for testing the usefulness of the proposed model.

Verification of Linear FE Model for Nonlinear SSI Analysis by Boundary Reaction Method (경계반력법에 의한 비선형 SSI 해석을 위한 선형 FE 해석모델 검증)

  • Lee, Gye Hee;Hong, Kwan Young;Lee, Eun Haeng;Kim, Jae Min
    • Journal of the Computational Structural Engineering Institute of Korea
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    • v.27 no.2
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    • pp.95-102
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    • 2014
  • In this paper, a coupling scheme for applying finite element analysis(FEA) programs, such as, LS-DYNA and MIDAS/Civil, to a nonlinear soil structure interaction analysis by the boundary reaction method(BRM) is presented. With the FEA programs, the structure and soil media are discretized by linear or nonlinear finite elements. To absorb the outgoing elastic waves to unbounded soil region as much as possible, the PML elements and viscous-spring elements are used at the outer FE boundary, in the LS-DYNA model and in MIDAS/Civil model, respectively. It is also assumed that all the nonlinear elements in the problem are limited to structural region. In this study, the boundary reaction forces for the use in the BRM are calculated using the KIESSI-3D program by solving soil-foundation interaction problem subjected to incident seismic waves. The effectiveness of the proposed approach is demonstrated with a linear SSI seismic analysis problem by comparing the BRM solution with the conventional SSI solution. Numerical comparison indicates that the BRM can effectively be applied to a nonlinear soil-structure analysis if motions at the foundation obtained by the BRM for a linear SSI problem excluding the nonlinear structure is conservative.

Students’ Perception of Landscape Design Studio Education (조경설계 스튜디오 교육에 대한 학생들의 인식)

  • Kim, Ah-Yeon
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.38 no.2
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    • pp.9-24
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    • 2010
  • This study investigates how students perceive landscape design studio classes and provides basic data to set guidelines for future student-oriented pedagogical strategies in landscape architectural design education. This study is based on the premise that the current dominant educational method, which is based on positivism, should shift to a constructivist approach, which allows students to question objective and absolute truths and restructure knowledge based on their own experiences. Unlike lecture-oriented classes, studio education relies heavily on the perceptions, attitudes, and capabilities of individual students because the nature of the class asks each student to find solutions to given project problems in creative and visual ways. Therefore, it is important to understand the psychological state of students during these classes in order to set alternative criteria for design studio education. This study contains three parts. The first part reviews theoretical discourses to understand the demands for a student-oriented educational paradigm shift and the nature of the design studio at many levels. The second part analyzes how students perceive design studio classes in terms of their satisfaction and stress levels and how studio classes affect their decision making regarding future careers. The stress levels accompanying the design process are also investigated, based on a survey of undergraduate students who are enrolled in the landscape architecture programs of four universities in Korea. According to the findings, design studio classes play a specific role in students' decision making about their future careers. Almost half of students turn out to be dissatisfied with their design education, and half of students suffer from high stress levels caused by studio classes, especially in the early phases of the design process. The findings suggest that instructors should give more attention to discovering ways to help students initiate the design process and bridge ideas and forms, provide clear guidelines for evaluation of students' abilities, and develop a more holistic approach in design studio classes that is based on individual problem-solving processes.

Holistic Hierarchical Approach to Integrated Water Resources Management in the Tumen International River (두만강 국제하천 통합수자원 관리를 위한 포괄적·단계별 접근방안)

  • Kang, Boo-Sik;Lee, Gwang-Man
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.38 no.4 s.153
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    • pp.323-332
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    • 2005
  • The Tumen River basin is relatively small(33,000km2), it has many potential conflicts between the riparian countries. Especially, until recently, it could have not drawn the socio-potitical attention from its central governments because of the geopolitical unique characteristics as edges of mainlands. since 1990's the various plans have been suggested for resolving the problems in this area as an international attention from, e.g UNDP, began to be given. However, the international cooperative structure has not been established in systematic way which has paramount importance. In the research, based on the problems identified in the previous paper, the necessities for independent unit, so called 'Tumen River Watershed Management Commission' were suggested for holistic and hierarchical resolution in accordance with integrated management and international river based on 'limited territory sovereignty' which is a general principle in international river management. For this purposes, hierarchical problem solving approach which consists of 3 phases were developed. They include major objectives and behavioral guidelines for achieving equity between riparian countries based on international cooperation and integrated watershed management as fundamental concept. In conclusion, rational plan for future water use, management and primary framework of Tumen River for international cooperation were composed and strategic approach for the North-East Asian community foundation was suggested.