• 제목/요약/키워드: problem solving approach

검색결과 863건 처리시간 0.026초

트리즈의 모순분석을 활용한 창의적 문제해결 실습과정 (Creative Problem Solving Process using TRIZ Contradiction Analysis)

  • 김태운
    • 공학교육연구
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    • 제18권3호
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    • pp.39-45
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    • 2015
  • Many methods have been suggested for a creative problem solving approach. TRIZ approach is ranked top in its practical application because it is originated from the real patent analysis. This approach is assumed to be generic which can be applied to any types of problems regardless of problem type and its domain. The objective of this study is to propose a creative problem solving approach using TRIZ's contradiction analysis, then introduce a case study of applying this approach to a creative design coursework. Main topic covers a creative problem solving approach, a problem definition using TRIZ contradiction analysis, finding invention principles, and problem solving from the generic approach. For the course project, Roborobo tool is adopted to implement the design concept. This coursework helps students finding a general problem solving approach, and applying a generic solution for their specific problem domain.

직관적·형식적 탐구 기반의 문제해결식 접근법에 따른 수학 문제해결 지도 방안 탐색 (A Study on the Mathematical Problem Solving Teaching based on the Problem solving approach according to the Intuitive and the Formal Inquiry)

  • 이대현
    • 한국수학사학회지
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    • 제32권6호
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    • pp.281-299
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    • 2019
  • Mathematical problem solving has become a major concern in school mathematics, and methods to enhance children's mathematical problem solving abilities have been the main topics in many mathematics education researches. In addition to previous researches about problem solving, the development of a mathematical problem solving method that enables children to establish mathematical concepts through problem solving, to discover formalized principles associated with concepts, and to apply them to real world situations needs. For this purpose, I examined the necessity of problem solving education and reviewed mathematical problem solving researches and problem solving models for giving the theoretical backgrounds. This study suggested the problem solving approach based on the intuitive and the formal inquiry which are the basis of mathematical discovery and inquiry process. And it is developed to keep the balance and complement of the conceptual understanding and the procedural understanding respectively. In addition, it consisted of problem posing to apply the mathematical principles in the application stage.

문제와 문제해결자의 특성에 따른 화학 문제 해결:문제 해결 시간과 전이 분석 (Chemistry Problem Solving Related to the Characteristics of Problem and Problem Solver: An Analysis of Time and Transition in Solving Problem)

  • 노태희;전경문
    • 한국과학교육학회지
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    • 제17권1호
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    • pp.11-19
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    • 1997
  • Students' protocols obtained from think-aloud interviews were analyzed in the aspects of the success at first two problem-solving stages (understanding and planning), the time to complete a problem, the time at each problem-solving stage, the number of transition, and the transition rate. These were compared in the aspects of the context of problem, the success in solving problem, students' logical reasoning ability, spatial ability, and learning approach. The results were as follows:1. Students tended to spend more time in everyday contexts than in scientific contexts, especially at the stages of understanding and reviewing. The transition rate during solving a problem in everyday contexts was greater than that in scientific contexts. 2. Unsuccessful students spent more time at the stage of understanding, but successful students spent more time at the stage of planning. 3. Students' logical reasoning ability, as measured with the Group Assessment of Logical Thinking, was significantly correlated with the success in solving problem. Concrete-operational students spent more time in completing a problem, especially understanding the problem. 4. Students' spatial ability, as measured with the Purdue Visualization of Rotations Test and the Find A Shape Puzzle, was significantly correlated with their abilities to understand a problem and to plan for its solution. 5. Students' learning approach, as measured with the Questionnaire on Approaches to Learning and Studying, was not significantly correlated with the success in solving problem. However, the students in deep approach had more transitions and greater transition rates than the students in surface approach.

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수학문제해결력 증진을 위한 프로젝트 활용의 역사와 그 적용의 분석 (A study on the history of project approach and its application for improving mathematical problem solving skill)

  • 한선영;이장주
    • 한국수학사학회지
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    • 제28권6호
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    • pp.333-348
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    • 2015
  • Problem sovling skill is one of the core skills in mathematics education. To improve students' problem solving skill, the project approach or project based learning has been developed and applied. A teaching and learning strategy utilizing 'project' encourages students to understand the problem embedded in the project, find and reflect the solution, which might be effective in improving students' problem solving skill. The present study systematically reviews literature regarding project based learning and analyzes the characteristics of project. The findings from the systematic review illuminate an appropriate approach to apply project based learning in mathematics classrooms.

공학 교육 전공 대학생의 기술적 문제 해결 성향과 기술적 문제 해결력 간의 상관 관계 분석 (An Analysis of the Correlation of Engineering Education Major College Students' Technological Problem Solving Tendency between Technological Problem Solving Capability)

  • 조한진;김태훈
    • 공학교육연구
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    • 제16권6호
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    • pp.38-44
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    • 2013
  • This study has the purpose to identify the correlation of engineering education major college students' technological problem solving tendency between technological problem solving capability. To that end, the technological problem solving tendencies of 79 students enrolled in engineering education related department in college of education, 'C' University located in Daejeon metropolitan city were examined, and the correlation of technological problem solving tendency between technological problem solving capability was analyzed through measurement of technological problem solving capability. As for the correlation among problem solving confidence a sub-element of technological problem solving tendency and technological problem solving capability, positive correlation was found in result 3, result 4 and result average. As for the correlation among approach-avoidance tendency a sub-element of technological problem solving tendency and technological problem solving capability, positive correlation was found in result 5 and result average. As for the correlation among self-control recognition degree the sub-element of technological problem solving tendency and technological problem solving capability, positive correlation was found in result 1, result 3 and result average. As for the correlation among problem solving tendency and technological problem solving capability, positive correlation was found in result 3, result 4, result 5 and result average.

물리문제(物理問題) 해결과정(解決過程)에서 중학생(中學生)들의 사고과정(思考過程)의 특성(特性) 분석(分析) (An Analysis of the Characteristics on the Middle School Students' Thinking Processes in Solving Physics Problems)

  • 박학규;이용현
    • 한국과학교육학회지
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    • 제13권1호
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    • pp.31-47
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    • 1993
  • This study was intended to find the characteristics of the middle school students' thinking processes and problem spaces when they solved the physics problems. Ten ninth grade students in Chon-Buk Do, Korea were participated in this study. The researcher investigated their thinking processes in solving 5 physics problems on electric circuit. "Thinking aloud" method was used as a research method. The students' thinking processes were recorded using an audio tape recorder and transfered into protocols. The protocols were analyzed by problem solving process coding system which was developed by Lee(1987) on the basis of Larkin's problem solving process model. The results are as follows : (1) On the average 2.85 items were solved among 5 test items, and only one person could solve all of the items correctly. (2) Problems were solved in sequence of understanding the problem, planning, carrying out the plan, and evaluating steps regardless of the problem difficulty. (3) In regard to the thinking process steps, there was no difference between the good solvers and the poor ones. But in the detail performance of problem solving, the former was different from the latter in respect with using the design of general solving procedure. (4) The basic problem spaces by the item analysis were divided into two classes. One was the problem space by using Qualitative approach in problem solving, and the other was one by using Quantitative approach. As novices in physics problem solving, most of the students used the problem space by using the Quantitative approach.

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실생활 소재 탐구 실험 형태에 따른 학생-학생 언어적 상호작용에서의 학습 접근 수준 분석 (Analysis of Approachs to Learning Based on Student-Student Verbal Interactions according to the Type of Inquiry Experiments Using Everyday Materials)

  • 김혜심;이은경;강성주
    • 한국과학교육학회지
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    • 제26권1호
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    • pp.16-24
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    • 2006
  • 본 연구에서는 실생활 소재를 사용한 문제해결형과 과제해결형 탐구 활동을 적용했을 때, 학생 간 상호작용의 양상을 조사하였다. 연구를 위해, 충북 청원군 소재 중학교 3학년 학생 5명의 실험 수업을 관찰하고, 녹음 및 녹화 후 기록 원고를 작성 분석하였다. 학생들의 대화를 질문, 설명, 사고, 메타인지의 4가지 상호작용 유형으로 분류하고, 각 유형별 학습 접근 수준은 심층적-피상적 접근으로 분류하였다. 실험 형태별 언어적 상호작용의 수와 학습 접근 수준 비교 결과, 문제해결형 탐구실험은 문제점 발견에서 해결까지 상호작용의 수가 문제 발생 이전에 비해 2배 가량 증가하는 것을 볼 수 있었으며, 심층적 접근 수준의 상호작용의 수도 4배 정도 증가하는 것으로 나타났다. 한편, 과제해결형 탐구실험에서는 실험과정 중 상호작용의 수가 고루 분포하였다. 또한 학생들은 문제해결형 탐구실험에서 보다 많은 심층적 접근의 상호작용을 보이는 것으로 나타났다.

유아 대상 프로젝트 접근법 기반 공학적 STEAM 프로그램이 유아의 과학적 탐구능력, 수학적 문제해결력, 창의성에 미치는 효과 (Effects of an Engineering-Focused STEAM Program Based on the Project Approach for Young Children on Their Scientific Inquiry Ability, Mathematical Problem-Solving Ability, and Creativity)

  • 유광재;김지현
    • 한국보육지원학회지
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    • 제19권4호
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    • pp.29-52
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    • 2023
  • Objective: This research aims to examine the effect of a young children's engineering-focused STEAM program based on the project approach - a program that constructs components aligned with children's interests in their play through an engineering design process - on their scientific inquiry ability, mathematical problem-solving ability, and creativity. Methods: In this research, 42 five-year-old children from a public kindergarten in S district, I city, were randomly divided into experimental and comparative groups, each with 21 children. The engineering-focused STEAM program was conducted from April 18 to June 10, 2022, with the experimental group exploring the 'car' theme and the comparison group focusing on a different theme. The study employed an independent sample t-test and analysis of covariance(ANCOVA), using the pretest as a covariate to control variables. Results: The children-selected 'cars' themed engineering-focused STEAM program was effective in enhancing their scientific inquiry ability, mathematical problem-solving ability and creativity. Conclusion/Implications: The engineering-focused STEAM program, which emerges from young children's interesting daily play, had positive effects on enhancing their scientific inquiry ability, mathematical problem-solving ability, and creativity. This research can serve as fundamental data for developing education programs focused on engineering within the STEAM framework, guided by children's emergent play.

물질의 분자 수준을 시각적으로 강조하는 4단계 문제 해결식 수업이 학생의 개념과 문제 해결 능력에 미치는 효과 (The Instructional Effect of a Four-stage Problem Solving Approach Visually Emphasizing the Molecular Level of Matter upon Students' Conceptions and Problem Solving Ability)

  • 노태희;전경문
    • 한국과학교육학회지
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    • 제17권3호
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    • pp.313-321
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    • 1997
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate the instructional effect of a four-stage problem solving approach visually emphasizing the molecular level of matter upon students' conceptions and problem solving ability. On the basis of the research results regarding molecular representation in learning chemistry, problem-solving instruction, and the effect of visual materials, the instructional strategy was developed while considering Korean educational situations. The treatment and control groups (2 classes) were selected from a girls' high school in Seoul and taught about stoichiometry, gas, liquid, solid, and solution for 13 weeks. For the treatment group, 52 charts were supplied in order to emphasize the molecular level of matter and/or 4 stage problem solving strategy-understanding, planning, solving, and reviewing. For the control group, traditional instruction was used. Before the instructions, the Group Assessment of Logical Thinking and the Spatial Ability Test were administered, and their scores were used as covariate and blocking variable, respectively. After the instructions, students' conceptions and problem solving ability were measured by the Chemistry Conceptions Test (CCT) and the Chemistry Problem Solving Ability Test (CPSAT), respectively. The results indicated that the CCT scores of the treatment group were significantly higher than those of the control group. The students in the treatment group also exhibited less misconceptions than those in the control group. However, there was not significant difference for the CPSAT scores. No interaction with students' spatial ability was found for both students' conceptions and problem solving ability. Educational implications are discussed.

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문제 해결 방식의 아홉 단계 '쓰기 전' 과정 (A 9-Step Prewriting Process As the Problem Solving Approach)

  • 권성규
    • 공학교육연구
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    • 제15권3호
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    • pp.22-39
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    • 2012
  • 이 논문에서는 과정 중심의 글쓰기 방법을 문제 해결 방식과 설계 과정의 특성에 비추어 소개하고, 글쓰기 과정의 일부인 '쓰기 전' 과정을 아홉 단계로 구분하고 그 단계들을 적용하는데 필요한 용어들을 정의한다. 그 단계들의 특성을 글의 주제를 정하는 관점에서 살피고, 그 단계들을 적용하는데 필요한 지식과 전략을 종합하고, 아홉 단계의 과정을 문제 해결 및 설계 과정과 비교하며, '쓰기 전' 단계들의 반복 학습 및 과정 중심의 글쓰기 교육에서 텍스트 수준 지식의 학습 방안에 대해서 토의한다. 아홉 단계에 의한 '쓰기 전' 과정이, 공대생들의 글쓰기 배우기와 공대 교수들의 글쓰기 가르치기, 둘 다에 도움이 될 것으로 기대한다.