• Title/Summary/Keyword: problem analysis

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Flexural and Buckling Analysis of Laminated Composite Beams with Bi- and Mono-Symmetric Cross-Sections (이축 및 일축 대칭단면 적층복합 보의 휨과 좌굴해석)

  • Hwoang, Jin-Woo;Back, Sung Yong
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.20 no.12
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    • pp.614-621
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    • 2019
  • A generalized laminated composite beam element is presented for the flexural and buckling analysis of laminated composite beams with double and single symmetric cross-sections. Based on shear-deformable beam theory, the present beam model accounts for transverse shear and warping deformations, as well as all coupling terms caused by material anisotropy. The plane stress and plane strain assumptions were used along with the cross-sectional stiffness coefficients obtained from the analytical technique for different cross-sections. Two types of one-dimensional beam elements with seven degrees-of-freedom per node, including warping deformation, i.e., three-node and four-node elements, are proposed to predict the flexural behavior of symmetric or anti-symmetric laminated beams. To alleviate the shear-locking problem, a reduced integration scheme was employed in this study. The buckling load of laminated composite beams under axial compression was then calculated using the derived geometric block stiffness. To demonstrate the accuracy and efficiency of the proposed beam elements, the results based on three-node beam element were compared with those of other researchers and ABAQUS finite elements. The effects of coupling and shear deformation, support conditions, load forms, span-to-height ratio, lamination architecture on the flexural response, and buckling load of composite beams were investigated. The convergence of two different beam elements was also performed.

Experimental Study on the Characteristics of Local Scour Hole Downstream of V-shaped Drop Structure Model (V자형 낙차공 모형 직하류 국부세굴공 발생특성에 관한 실험적 연구)

  • Eom, Junghyun;Han, Hyeongjun;Park, Sung Won;Ahn, Jungkyu
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.20 no.12
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    • pp.8-14
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    • 2019
  • A drop structure, one of the representative river-crossing structures, is constructed to stabilize a riverbed. On the other hand, the structure interrupts the continuity of the river and causes the destruction of the hydro-ecological environment. Therefore, laboratory experiments of a natural type of drop structure with low differences were performed, and the empirical formula of a local scour hole is proposed. Four experimental flow rates were tested for various types of the drop structure models with 28 test cases. Based on the scour test, it was confirmed that the maximum scour depth occurs rather than the result of applying the previously proposed scour depth formulae. Correlation analysis of the major factors of scour hole at the downstream of the drop structure revealed a strong correlation between the upstream flow characteristics, drop structure height, and total crossing length of the drop model. In addition, the depth and length estimation formula of the maximum scour hole were proposed using the dimensionless variables and validated. In the future, it is also expected that more accurate scour prediction and calculation can be derived by conducting experimental studies and numerical analysis considering the various bed materials and flow conditions.

Urbanization and Urban Heat Island Analysis Using LANDSAT Imagery: Sejong City As a Case Study (LANDSAT 영상을 이용한 세종특별자치시의 도시화와 열섬현상 분석)

  • Kim, Mi-Kyeong;Kim, Sang-Pil;Kim, Nam-Hoon;Sohn, Hong-Gyoo
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.34 no.3
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    • pp.1033-1041
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    • 2014
  • Rapid urbanization of Korea was an unprecedented example in the world and urban population increased significantly. As a result, unbalanced distribution of population is serious problem in Korea because approximately 50% of the population is concentrated in the capital area that is 10% of nation's territory, thereby occurring various urban problems including UHI. Hence, Sejong Special Autonomous City was inaugurated officially on 2 July 2012 in order to decentralize population of capital area and induce more balanced regional development. The Sejong City has been changed drastically over a period of years as developed practically since the late 2000's and is expected to have new problems of urbanization. The land cover change due to urbanization is the main cause of UHI that urban area is significantly warmer than its surrounding areas and UHI is not only affecting urban climate change but also natural environment. So the purpose of this research is to analyze level of urbanization and UHI effect and to provide the correlation analysis between Land Surface Temperature and spectral indices. To achieve this, satellite imagery from LANDSAT were used. NDVI, NDBI, and UI were calculated using red, near-infrared, mid-infrared ($0.63{\mu}m-1.75{\mu}m$) images and LST was retrieved utilizing thermal infrared ($10.4{\mu}m-12.5{\mu}m$) image. Based on each index and LST, Changes of NDVI, UI and UHI through TVI were analyzed in Sejong City. UHI effect increased around newly constructed multi-functional administrative city, the correlation between LST and NDVI was negative and UI was strong positive.

The Effect of Business Relationships on Conflict and Satisfaction in the Cosmetics Industry's Distribution Channel (코스메틱 산업에서의 유통경로상 거래관계가 갈등과 관계만족에 미치는 영향)

  • Park, Soo-Hong;Yang, Hoe-Chang;Sun, Il-Suck
    • Journal of Distribution Science
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    • v.13 no.6
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    • pp.79-86
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    • 2015
  • Purpose - The cosmetics industry is a traditional high value-added industry in terms of the domestic demand, small batch production systems, exclusive competition, and raw materials highly dependent on overseas countries as well as an oligopolistic market structure. However, new foreign brands and growing consumer awareness of inexpensive products, has triggered a shift. In line with changing lifestyles and the polarization of consumption, the industry faces a new market structure. Among its key characteristics is the cosmetics industry's numerous distribution channels (i.e., department stores, door-to-door sales, online shopping malls, brand shops, and discount stores). Therefore, the study of its distribution channels is essential. Research design, data, and methodology - The study analyzed channel distribution power divided into coercive and non-coercive power. The factors of coercive power included: unilateral request of an increase in commissions, interference in sales by taking advantage of a superior status, unilateral buck-passing at the time of a problem, unilateral request to stop sales activities, and a unilateral business contract; the factors of non-coercive power included favorable payment conditions, offers of various kinds of information, policy on commission reduction, pride in market entrance, and promotion support. In addition, the mediating variable "interdependence" was applied to the execution of department store (or mart) power and their shop conflicts and satisfaction to examine direct and indirect influential power. The methodology was a survey of managers of cosmetics shops in department stores (or marts). The questionnaire, based on a five-point Likert scale, included questions about basic personal information, execution of power, interdependence, conflict, and satisfaction. The study distributed 198 questionnaires and collected 131. Ten questionnaires with missing or hard to analyze data were excluded. Thus, 121 copies were analyzed. Results - According to the analysis, the execution of coercive power by department stores (or marts) did not affect interdependence, but the execution of non-coercive power did. Interdependence did not influence conflict, but did affect satisfaction. Additionally, the analysis revealed direct influential power: the execution of coercive power positively affected conflict and negatively influenced satisfaction; the execution of non-coercive power positively affected satisfaction. Conclusions - To offer suggestions for distribution business relations in the cosmetics industry, this study investigated how the execution of power by department stores (or marts) affected their shops. More specifically, it examined how much the execution of both coercive power and non-coercive power influenced conflict and satisfaction, and analyzed the mediating role of interdependence. In line with previous study results in various areas, coercive power was shown to be the source of conflict, leading to a decrease in satisfaction, whereas non-coercive power significantly positively influenced satisfaction. Moreover, non-coercive power increased interdependence, which led to greater satisfaction. As a result, interdependence had a mediating effect on non-coercive power and satisfaction. Based on the results, department stores (or marts) should look for improvements plans that increase interdependence. Such plans could alleviate conflict with the shops, increasing their satisfaction.

Characterization of Protein Function and Differential Protein Expression in Soybean under Soaking Condition (Proteomics를 이용한 콩의 발아 전 침종처리에 따른 단백질 발현 양상 비교 분석)

  • Cho, Seong-Woo;Kim, Tae-Sun;Kwon, Soo-Jeong;Roy, Swapan Kumar;Lee, Chul-Won;Kim, Hong-Sig;Woo, Sun-Hee
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    • v.60 no.1
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    • pp.114-122
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    • 2015
  • Soybean is very useful crop to supply vegetable protein for human. However, cultivation arear of this economically important crop is gradually diminished in upland field. Hence, cultivation area of soybean is increased in paddy field. During the growth duration of soybean, excessive moisture injury is serious problem for sustainable production and supply. We investigated protein expression according to different period of seed soaking and germination after seed soaking. For comparison on expression of protein according to different condition, we performed two-dimensional electrophoresis. After electrophoresis analysis, we selected differentially expressed protein spots according to different condition such as soaking period and germination after soaking to identify protein function by using MALDI-TOF. Results revealed that pattern of expression of protein according to soaking period and germination after soaking were generally not different in major spots. However, degree of expression of protein in some protein spots was increased in accordance with decrease of soaking period. Especially, in Hwangkeum-Kong, Danyeop-Kon, and Pecking, the degree of expression of protein was remarkably increased for 4 days after soaking. But, according to germination after soaking, degree of expression of protein in germinated seeds of all cultivars was higher than un-germinated seeds. In results of MALDI-TOF analysis, specific proteins were identified by different soaking period such as Allergen Gly m Bd 28K, P24 oleosin isoform B. Also, in accordance with germination, degree of protein expression of the related protein, Gibberellin was increased in un-germinated seeds of Iksan-Kong. In ungerminated seeds of Sinpaldal-kong, proteins were identified as down-regulated by soaking such as ATP binding and Inhibitor II', proteinase.

Comprehensive Analysis of Exposed Adverse Factors in Disaster Response Activities - Focused on Fire - (재난 대응 활동 시 노출가능 유해인자 종합분석 -화재 현장을 중심으로-)

  • Park, Chanseok
    • Journal of the Society of Disaster Information
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    • v.10 no.3
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    • pp.420-430
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    • 2014
  • Firefighters performing disaster response activities such as Fire Suppression Rescue First Aid in fire are being exposed in various adverse factors, heat, smoke, toxic gases, emotional stress, biological toxic factors and physical overload by unnatural ergonomic posture required for firefighters. But so far, there is the study for this problem only separately. There is no study about comprehesive analysis of exposed adverse factors in fire-related disaster response activities and countermeasures. The purpose of this study is to contiribute to solving the health problems and prevention of accidents of firefighters by extracting hazardous agents in disaster such as fire and by proposing countermeasures. After analyzing circumstances such as fire-suppression, rescue first aid and life-environment, exposure factors of fire are derived and exposure status is suggested according to physical chemical biological psychological aspects. The countermeasure against the noise of the physical exposure factors are proposed. The countermeasures such as protective equipment and clean room in chemical factors, infection prevention education, vaccination and periodic check system in biological factors, PTSD alleviation booth and mentoring in psychological factors are proposed.

A Study for Deducing the Problems and Improvements of Health Safety and Welfare Policy for Korean Firefighters by Delphi (델파이 기법을 통한 소방공무원 보건안전정책의 문제점 및 개선방안 도출)

  • Park, Chanseok
    • Journal of the Society of Disaster Information
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.34-43
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    • 2020
  • Purpose: In this study, we will try to find out problems and improvements of the policies in order to verify whether the plans contribute to the health and welfare of the firefighters properly. Method: By the Delphi analysis by experts. Result: There are problems such as absence of Firefighters' hospital, insufficient mental health education program in fire department, lack of on-site risk assessment system, problem on ineffectiveness of mental and physical health care business, lack of substantiality on mental and physical stability program, absence of mental health education, ensuring the confidentiality for users of mental health programs, lack of support for parent firefighters, lack of firefighters' retirement design and insufficient treatment for female firefighters. Conclusion: There are Improvements such as establishing Firefighters' hospital, improving mental health education and training CISD leaders in the fire department, preparing disaster risk assessment system, effectiveness measurement for visiting psychological counseling projects, improving the program through customer satisfaction surveys, establishment of mental health education system, ensuring confidentiality by improving personnel systems, encourage childcare leave and introduce childcare facilities at fire stations, revitalizing retirement Firefighters and policy development for female firefighters.

Nerve Regeneration Using a Vein Graft Conduit filled with Hyaluronic Acid in a Rat Model (흰쥐 모델에서 하이알루론산을 채운 정맥도관의 신경재생에 관한 연구)

  • Suh, Bo Ik;Kim, Sang Woo;Chung, Ho Yun;Kim, Il Hwan;Yang, Jung Dug;Park, Jae Woo;Cho, Byoung Chae
    • Archives of Plastic Surgery
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    • v.34 no.3
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    • pp.279-284
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    • 2007
  • Purpose: The vein graft was considered as a useful conduit for nerve defect. But the problem is that it might be collapsed in long vein graft state. A new experimental model using vein graft filled with hyaluronic acid was considered. Methods: Thirty rats were used for the experimental animal. In group I, one side of the femoral nerve was exposed and a segment was removed about 15mm. The neural gap was connected with nerve graft. In group II, the nerve gap was connected with vein graft only. In group III, the nerve gap was connected with vein graft filled with hyaluronic acid. A walking track analysis was made periodically for 2 months and NCV(nerve conduction velocity) was executed at the end of the experiment. And morphologic studies were also done for all groups Results: In a walking track analysis, the toe-spread was widen and the foot-length was lengthened. The recovery of the toe-spread and foot length was checked 2 weeks interval, periodically for two months. The SFI (sciatic function index) was $-52.5{\pm}8.2$ in group I, $-68.1{\pm}4$ in group II, $-55.3{\pm}7.9$ in group III. In electrophysiological study, NCV(nerve conduction velocity) was $26.71{\pm}3.11m/s$ in group I, $17.94{\pm}4.35m/s$ in group II, $25.69{\pm}2.81m/s$ in group III. The functional recovery in group I and III was superior to that the group II statistically(p < 0.05) Under electromicroscopic study, the number of the myelinated axons were $1419.1{\pm}240$ in group I, $921.7{\pm}176.8$ in group II, $1322.2{\pm}318$ in group III. The number of the myelinated axons were much more in group I and III than group II statistically (p<0.05). Conclusion: This study suggested that the vein graft filled with hyaluronic acid is more effective than vein graft only for the conduit of the nerve gap. It was thought that the technique could be used in clinical cases with nerve defects as an alternative method to classical nerve grafts.

Automatic measurement of voluntary reaction time after audio-visual stimulation and generation of synchronization signals for the analysis of evoked EEG (시청각자극 후의 피험자의 자의적 반응시간의 자동계측과 유발뇌파분석을 위한 동기신호의 생성)

  • 김철승;엄광문;손진훈
    • Science of Emotion and Sensibility
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    • v.6 no.4
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    • pp.15-23
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    • 2003
  • Recently, there have been many attempts to develop BCI (brain computer interface) based on EEG (electroencephalogram). Measurement and analysis of EEG evoked by particular stimulation is important for the design of brain wave pattern and interface of BCI. The purpose of this study is to develop a general-purpose system that measures subject's reaction time after audio-visual stimulation which can work together with any other biosignal measurement systems. The entire system is divided into four modules, which are stimulation signal generation, reaction time measurement, evoked potential measurement and synchronization. Stimulation signal generation module was implemented by means of Flash. Measurement of the reaction time (the period between the answer request and the subject reaction) was achieved by self-made microcontroller system. EEG measurement was performed using the ready-made hardware and software without any modification. Synchronization of all modules was achieved by, first, the black-and-white signals on the stimulation screen synchronized with the problem presentation and the answer request, second, the photodetectors sensing the signals. The proposed method offers easy design of purpose-specific system only by adding simple modules (reaction time measurement, synchronization) to the ready-made stimulation and EEG system, and therefore, it is expected to accelerate the researches requiring the measurement of evoked response and reaction time.

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A Study on Narrative in Louise Bourgeois' "You Better Grow Up" (루이즈 부르주아의 작품 의 내러티브 분석)

  • Oh, Sang-Il
    • Journal of Science of Art and Design
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    • v.9
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    • pp.49-87
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    • 2006
  • Narrative has broad domains. So it is related to the everything man faces in his daily life and also performed in various modes. Narrative is revealed through all media including a character, which is also applied to plastic art. And narrative objects formed beyond the differences in media aid forms of expression are commonly based on a language. The study on such objects which created a new conceit of narratology can be said to be a spiritual trend by which to understand the world and man from the viewpoint of a 'story'. Plastic art took high interest in narrative in the same period as the rise of postmodernist art in the latter half of the 20th century, which was also applied to sculpture. The researcher, therefore, investigated through the history of sculpture in the 20th century the process in which narrative was denied under the value system of modernism and reappeared with the quickening of postmodernism. And as a result this period could be briefly characterized by 'return to figure' and 'reappearance of narrative'. The is, such flow means that late sculpture converted its center of interest from simple geometric abstract forms to irregular, figurative images. The researcher chose as the subject of his study the work of Louise Bourgeois, who was judged to have performed narrative positively and successfully among a great number of performed narrative positively and successfully among a great number of postmodernist sculptors who adopted it as their own strategy of expression. As the central artist of postmodrnist sculpture, She expressed human desire and condition as sexuality through the introspection of her own personal experience in contrast to the character of pop art sensitive to external world. The researcher borrowed narrative semiotics as a method of analyzing more elaborately the problem about the generation of narrative shown in her works. For it, he selected as the sample work for analysis Bourgeois's , which were judged to contain narrative most abundantly and as the metaphor of a gaze and recollection presented a new woman self that sublimed love, hatred, and loneliness. The narrative in her works are characterized by introspection questioning one's own trauma. It has independent domain and characteristics and clearly reveals narrative and content-centered characteristics, which are commonly discovered in postmodernist sculpture. The researcher could more concretely and definitely understand the characteristics of narrative through figurative images by analyzing the sample work. The researcher wanted to call your attention to the fact that the sculpture in the late 20th century contained narrative commonly and uniformly despite being characterized by various expressions and modes. And the focused on highlighting the fact that the narrative was more effectively revealed through figurative images of human body and simultaneously analyzing the formalizing process and structure for narrative. Besides he wanted to argue that the position of narrative defining the characteristics of sculpture should be valued more justly. Also, such acceptance of narrative, which is discovered in the sculpture, will have to be understood as the characteristics of the period reflecting the cultural aspect of the present time.

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