• 제목/요약/키워드: pro-environmental control

검색결과 62건 처리시간 0.029초

노래 가사 바꿔 부르기를 활용한 수업이 초등학생의 환경감수성에 미치는 영향 (Effects on Environmental Sensitivity of Elementary Students through Method of Rephrasing Lyrics of Songs)

  • 김지윤;배영부;최돈형
    • 한국환경교육학회지:환경교육
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    • 제24권4호
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    • pp.1-10
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    • 2011
  • The purpose of this study is to investigate effects of environmental education using method of rephrasing lyrics of songs on environmental sensitivity. In order to perform this study, 60 sixth-grade students in an elementary school in Seoul are selected and divided into two groups. Half of the students belong to the experimental group which undergoes environmental education using method of rephrasing lyrics of songs. The others are in the control group which gets traditional environmental education with textbook. A questionnaire was used to survey effects of environmental education using method of rephrasing lyrics of songs. The results of this study are as follows: First, it is found that the environmental education using method of rephrasing lyrics of songs is effective on building up the environmental sensitivity. Second, the environmental education using method of rephrasing lyrics of songs is effective on 4 domains of the environmental sensitivity - positive reception, expectation, disagreeableness and anger for environment and environmental problems. Moreover, the environmental education using method of rephrasing lyrics of songs makes the students in the experimental group have pro-environmental attitudes and behavior. This study revealed that using method of rephrasing lyrics of songs could be effective on the environmental education. Therefore, we have to provide a variety of chances using this method to enhance the environmental sensitivity.

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군대 소총사격장에서 군인들의 주야간 소음노출평가 (Daytime and Night-time Noise Exposure Assessment for Soldiers at a Military Rifle Range)

  • 황성호;박재범
    • 한국환경보건학회지
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    • 제39권4호
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    • pp.354-359
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    • 2013
  • Objectives: The purpose of this study was to investigate exposure levels to K2 rifle noise at a military rifle range among soldiers in training, the left and right ears of shooters, and control managers in the day and night times. Methods: For this study, we visited military rifle ranges and measured the noise of a K2 rifle with a sound level meter (3M Quest SoundPro$^{TM}$) at four different locations with values of Peak (dB(A)) and Max (dB(A)). Results: The highest peak value of impulse noise level averaged 150.4 dB(A), ranging from 149.7 to 150.5 dB(A) at the left-ear side. Impulse noise levels in the daytime were also recorded as higher than during the night. This result was significantly different between daytime and nighttime locations, such as soldier training, right ear of shooter, and control manager (P < 0.001). Conclusion: This study confirmed that there is a need for proper management of impulse noise at military rifle ranges.

정수장 후염소 공정제어를 위한 예측모델 개발 (Prediction Models to Control Pro-chlorination in Water Treatment Plant)

  • 신강욱;이경혁
    • 상하수도학회지
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    • 제22권2호
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    • pp.213-218
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    • 2008
  • Prediction models for post-chlorination require complicated information of reaction time, chlorine dosage considering flow rate as well as environmental conditions such as turbidity, temperature and pH. In order to operate post-chlorination process effectively, the correlations between inlet and outlet of clear well were investigated to develop prediction models of chlorine dosages in post-chlorination process. Correlations of environmental conditions including turbidity and chlorine dosage were investigated to predict residual chlorine at the outlet of clear well. A linear regression model and autoregressive model were developed to apply for the post-chlorination which take place time delay due to detention in clear well tank. The results from autoregressive model show the correlationship of 0.915~0.995. Consequently, the autoregressive model developed in this study would be applicable for real time control for post chlorination process. As a result, the autoregressive model for post chlorination which take place time delay and have multi parameters to control system would contribute to water treatment automation system by applying the process control algorithm.

우리나라 군대 소총사격 훈련장에서의 소음노출평가 (Noise Exposure Assessment at Military Rifle Ranges in South Korea)

  • 황성호;박재범
    • 한국산업보건학회지
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    • 제23권3호
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    • pp.261-265
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    • 2013
  • The purpose of this study was to evaluate noise level exposures at different locations such as the left and right ears of the shooter, control room, waiting soldier location and drill ground. For this study, we visited two military rifle ranges and took measurements with a sound level meter (3M Quest SoundPro TM) at five different locations with values of Peak (dB(A)) and Max (dB(A)). The highest peak value of impulse noise level averaged 150.4 dB(A), ranging from 149.6 to 150.5 dB(A) at both the left and right ear sides. This result was significantly different between both left and right ear side locations and at other locations such as the control room, waiting soldier location, and drill ground (P < 0.001). Frequency of impulse noise exposure level showed that the left ear of shooter had the highest frequency (20 times) at over 150 dB(A). This study confirmed that there is a need for proper controls to reduce the amount of impulse noise exposure at military rifle ranges.

GPX1 및 hOGG1 유전자다형성에 따른 유전자의 산화적 손상 및 폐암 발생 위험도 평가 (Effects of Oxidative DNA Damage and Genetic Polymorphism of the Glutathione Peroxidase 1 (GPX1) and 8-Oxoguanine Glycosylase 1 (hOGG1) on Lung Cancer)

  • 이철호;이계영;최강현;홍윤철;노성일;엄상용;고영준;장연위;임동혁;강종원;김헌;김용대
    • Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health
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    • 제39권2호
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    • pp.130-134
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    • 2006
  • Objectives : Oxidative DNA damage is a known risk factor of lung cancer. The glutathione peroxidase (GPX) antioxidant enzyme that reduces hydrogen peroxide and lipid peroxides plays a significant role in protecting cells from the oxidative stress induced by reactive oxygen species. The aim of this case-control study was to investigate effects of oxidative stress and genetic polymorphisms of the GPX1 genes and the interaction between them in the carcinogenesis of lung cancer. Methods : Two hundreds patients with lung cancer and 200 age- and sex-matched controls were enrolled in this study. Every subject was asked to complete a questionnaire concerning their smoking habits and their environmental exposure to PAHs. The genotypes of the GPX1 and 8-oxoguanine glycosylase 1 (hOGG1) genes were examined and the concentrations of urinary hydroxypyrene (1-OHP), 2-naphthol and 8-hydroxydeoxyguanosine (8-OH-dG) were measured. Results : Cigarette smoking was a significant risk factor for lung cancer. The levels of urinary 8-OH-dG were higher in the patients (p<0.001), whereas the urinary 1-OHP and 2-naphthol levels were higher in the controls. The GPX1 codon 198 polymorphism was associated with an increased risk of lung cancer. Individuals carrying the Pro/Leu or Leu/Leu genotype of GPX1 were at a higher risk for lung cancer (adjusted OR=2.29). In addition, these individuals were shown to have high urinary 8-OH-dG concentrations compared to the individuals with the GPX1 Pro/Pro genotype. On the other hand, the polymorphism of the hOGG1 gene did not affect the lung cancer risk and the oxidative DNA damage. Conclusions : These results lead to a conclusion that individuals with the GPX1 Pro/Leu or Leu/Leu genotype would be more susceptible to the lung cancer induced by oxidative stress than those individuals with the Pro/Pro genotype.

Behavior Analysis Method for Fishes in a Water Tank Using Image Processing Technology

  • Kim, Hwan-Seong;Kim, Hak-Kyeong;Jeong, Nam-Soo;Kim, Sang-Bong
    • International Journal of Control, Automation, and Systems
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    • 제1권1호
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    • pp.111-118
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    • 2003
  • This paper proposes a two dimensional behavior analysis method for fish in a water tank based on the ARX method and the Kalman filter algorithm using image processing technology. In modeling the behavior of fish, the input is denoted as the environmental change and uses M-sequence. The output is expressed by the partnership between fish. The behavior model of individual fish is identified by the ARX method. It is then estimated by the Kalman filter algorithm. Finally, the fish behavior is analyzed by FFT. To prove the effectiveness of the pro-posed algorithm, it is applied to two tilapias in a water tank with dimensions of 100cm$\times$100cm$\times$50cm. The effectiveness of the proposed method is demonstrated through ARX identification, estimation of Kalman filter, and FFT analysis.

Macro-Kinetics of Biofiltration for Odor Control:Dimethyl Disulfide

  • Kim, Jo-Chun;Bora C. Arpacioglu;Eric R. Allen
    • Journal of Korean Society for Atmospheric Environment
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    • 제18권E3호
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    • pp.165-174
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    • 2002
  • A dual -column biofilter system with two different composts was used to investigate the macro-kinetics of dim-ethyl disulfide (DMDS) degradation. The biofilter columns were filled with compost mixtures up to one meter, The gas How rate and DMDS concentration to the biofilters were varied to study their effect on the removal characteris-tics of DMDS. It was found that the biodegradation of DMDS was governed by zero-order reaction -limited macro-kinetics for inlet DMDS concentrations between 10 and 55 ppmv. The overall average zero-order kinetic coeffi-cient for DMDS removal by compost was 0.50 ($\pm$0.1) ppm/sec for both compost mixtures studied. Variations in individual kinetic coefficients were observed due to varying environmental conditions, such as pH and temperature. The kinetic coefficients determined are specific to the system discussed in this work. During high acidity conditions in the filter beds, methyl mercaptan (MM) was observed in the gas samples collected. Appearance of MM was pro-bably due to decreased microbial activity in the lower portions of the biofilter. Considering the neutral pH range required and the presence of methyl mercaptan, it is likely that the microorganisms present in the biofilters used in this research are similar to the T. thioparus (strain E6) species.

Raceway Cultivation of Spirulina platensis Using Underground Water

  • Kim, Choong-Jae;Jung, Yun-Ho;Ko, So-Ra;Kim, Hong-Ik;Park, Yong-Ha;Oh, Hee-Mock
    • Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology
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    • 제17권5호
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    • pp.853-857
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    • 2007
  • The semi-outdoor cultivation of Spirulina platens is was attempted using an underground-water-based medium. Occurrence of contaminant organisms such as Chlorella sp. and Chlamydomonas sp. was not found from a microscopic observation and bacteria were not detected from denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis(DGGE) analysis of PCR-amplified 16S rDNA during the cultivation, owing to pH control and the high quality of the underground water. The mean productivity was high at $10.5g/m^2/d$ with a range of $4.2-12.3g/m^2/d$ despite the unfavorable weather conditions of the rainy season. The cultivated S. platens is included a normal protein content of 58.9%. Consequently, the underground water improved the biomass productivity and the biomass quality because of an abundant supplementation of natural minerals and through a contaminant-free culture.

구기자(Lycium chinense Mill.) 유기재배시 병해충 발생 및 친환경제제의 방제효과 (Studies on Outbreak of Diseases and Pests and Effect of Environmental Friendly Control Materials in Boxthorn (Lycium chinenseMill.) Organic Cultivation)

  • 이보희;박영춘;이석수;김영국;안영섭;유승헌
    • 한국유기농업학회지
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    • 제19권3호
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    • pp.385-396
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    • 2011
  • 본 연구는 구기자 유기재배 시 발생하는 주요 병해충에 대해 친환경적인 방제방법을 개발하기 위해서 수행하였다. 관내 주요 유기재배 농가의 병해충의 발생을 조사한 결과 18종의 병해충이 조사되었는데 그 중 발생의 정도에 따라 병해로 흰가루병과 뒷면곰팡이병 해충으로 복숭아혹진딧물과 꽃노랑총채벌레 및 나방류가 친환경적인 방제연구가 필요하였다. 이에 방제 시험한 결과 초여름 발생하는 흰가루병에는 Bacilus subtilis QST 713 수화제와 Sulfur 수화제가 효과가 좋았고 초가을에 발생하는 흰가루병에는 Sulfur 수화제와 Copper hydroxide 수화제, Paraffinic oil 유제의 효과가 좋았다. 또한 뒷면곰팡이병 방제시험 결과 Paraffinic oil 유제와 Bacilus subtilis GB-0365 액상수화제의 방제효과가 70% 이상으로 좋았다. 해충 친환경 방제시험에서 총채벌레의 방제에 천적인 유럽애꽃노린재(Orius laevigatus)를 방사하여 80%이상 방제가능 하였다. 왕담배나방은 미생물농약인 Bacillus thuringiensis subsp. aizawai GB413 액상수화제와 Bacillus thuringiensis aizawa 0423 수화제로 70%이상의 방제가로 방제할 수 있었으며, 구기자 뿔나방(Hedma lycia sp.)은 B.T. servar aizawai 수화제가 70% 이상의 방제가로 효과가 우수하였다. 마지막으로 복숭아혹진딧물을 친환경제제로 방제 시험한 결과 Bacillus subtilis(Seoncho)와 Bacillus subtilis(Jinsami)가 80%이상의 방제가로 약효가 우수하였으며 Ginkgo nut extract로도 70%이상 방제할 수 있었다. 이상의 방제시험으로 구기자 유기재배시 우선 문제되는 5종의 병해충에 대해서 방제방법을 제시할 수 있었다.

Effect of Asthma Management Education Program on Stress and Compliance of Patients with Allergic Asthma to House Dust Mite

  • Yoo Yang-Sook;Cho Ok-Hee;Kim Eun-Sin;Jeong Hye-Sun
    • 대한간호학회지
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    • 제35권4호
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    • pp.686-693
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    • 2005
  • Purpose. This study was designed to examine the effect of asthma management education program applied to allergic asthma patients receiving immunotherapy due to house dust mite on their stress and compliance with health care regimens. Methods. A quasi experimental design with non-equivalent control group and non-synchronized design was used. The subjects of this study were 61 patients who were receiving immunotherapy at intervals of a week after their symptoms were diagnosed as house dust mite allergic asthma at the pulmonary department of a university hospital in Seoul. They were divided into an experimental group of 29 patients who received asthma management education and a control group of 32 patients. The asthma management education pro-gram was composed of group education (once) and reinforcement education (three times) with environmental therapy and immunotherapy to house dust mite. Results. Stress significantly decreased in the experimental group compared to that in the control group. Compliance with health care regimens significantly increased in the experimental group compared to that in the control group. Conclusions. The results suggested that the asthma management education program is effective for the management of stress and the improvement of compliance in patients with allergic asthma to house dust mite.