• Title/Summary/Keyword: primary school teachers

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Contents of Health Education for Pupils and the Perceptibility after Graduation of Primary School (국민학교(國民學校) 교과서내(敎科書內)의 보건교육내용(保健敎育內容) 및 그 습득도(習得度))

  • Jeon, Bo-Yoon;Kim, Doo-Hie
    • Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.99-112
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    • 1985
  • It was measured to check the state of health education by the survey of the items related to the health with the first grade of students in middle school who mastered elementary courses. Totally 50 questions, which were selected from Standard and Dong-A reference books, were given to teachers and have got answered by the students who were totally 959(491 from urban areas and 468 from rural areas). It's done just after they entered middle school for a month, from April 10 to may 10, 1984. There were totally 782 items of health in all subjects of all grades. In contents, the most cases were about mental and emotional health(17.7%), exercise and rest (15.1%), environmental health, health life, personal health care, nutrition and foods, social health and organization, physiology and anatomy, statistics of public health population problem, disease and care, food sanitation, school health, parasitic and communicable disease control, eugenics and heredity(0.4%), etc were followed. In subjects, Korean language had 44.7% of mental and emotional health in 114 cases, arithmetics 46.4% of statistics of public health in 26, sociology, 23.1% of environmental health in 118, natural science, 60.1% of physiology and anatomy in 30, ethics, 40.3% of mental and emotional health in 176, music, 21.8% of mental and emotional health and accidents in 23, art, 42.9% of exercise and rest in 28, physical education, 38.6% of exercise and rest in 201, practical course, 36.2% of nutrition and foods in 61, and there was nothing but only one case in Korean history. Subjects in total cases of health informing items are below: Physical education 25.8, ethics 22.5%, sociology 15.1%, Korean language 14.6%, practical course 7.8%, natural science 3.8%, art 3.6%, arithmetics 3.3%, music 2.9%, Korean history 0.6%. Grades in total cases of health informing items are belows: the sixth grade 29.1%, the fourth grade 21.2%, the fifth grade 18.9%, the third grade 11.6%, the first grade 11.5%, the second grade 7.7%. The sections related to health matters were average 35.4%. According to the grades, the fourth and the sixth grade were 38.2% each other, the highest, and the second grade was 29.3%, the lowest. All scetions in physical education included them. The acceptability to the knowledge for health was belows: 56.3% in urban students and 53.9% in rural students. There was some difference in acceptability between two parties (p<0.005).

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A Study on Self-medication Beharior of Four Cautious Drugs. (특정의약품의 자가투약행위에 관한 연구)

  • 황미숙
    • Korean Journal of Health Education and Promotion
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    • v.4 no.2
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    • pp.46-70
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    • 1987
  • The survey with questionnaire were conducted to grasp the actual condition of four cautious drugs-antibiotics, sedative hypnctics, mincr tranquilizer, analeptics-self -medication behavior through drugstore use and to analyze the primary factors connected with it. The following six objectives were established. 1) To catch the reason why the man who medicate himself buy four cautious drugs at a drugstore, and to know the choice motive of each drug purchased. 2) To grasp the distribution of four cautious drug taken by the man who medicate himself and to analyse the reason of taking the drug. 3) To find out whether the buyer has taken the same drug past and to know the duration and the frequency. 4) To grasp the degree of recognition about four cautious drugs and the attitude toward continuous taking them. 5) To analyze the degree of recognition about the influence on human body and the attitude of medication behavior. 6) To know "the experience of side-effects" and to grasp the kind of the side-effects. The data were collected from 15 drugstores with 677 respondents in seoul from August 17 to september 21, 1987. The following results were obtained. 1) The reasons for drugstore use were first, "for easy access and convenience" (53.7%) second, "for the slightness of illness" (19.9%) third "for the cheap price" (13.2%). According to that result, the factor of "the easy access of drugstore" was most influential. In case of the poor, the factor "for the cheap price "was revealed second (37.3%). And "for the slightness of illness" was second reason in the medically insured (22. 9%), "for the cheap price" was second reason in the others (29%). 2) The kind of drugs purchased were antibiotics (62.8%), analeptics(17.2%), minor tranquilizer(13.3%) and sedative hypnotics (6.7%) on the whole. In teenagers, besides antibiotics the percentage of taking analepits came second (42.4%) and it was revealed that the percentage of sedative hypnotics, minor tranquilizer increase with age. But in proportion to the increase of age, the taking of analeptis decreased. 3) The choice motives of each drug purchased were all different. In case of antibiotics "recommendation of pharmacist" was 39.6%, sedative hypnotics "recommendation of pharmacist" and "my own judgement", 28.9%, respectively, minor tranquilizer "my own judgement", 35.2%. and in case of analeptics "my oun judgement" was most common with 53.5%. 4) The reasons for taking drugs were as follows. antibiotics was taken for the inflammation mitigation of a wound and a swelling (38.5%), sedative hypnotics for the removal of insomnia (97.5%), minor tranquilizer because of restlessness and qloominess(39.3%), and analeptics for the shortening of sleeping hours (35.1%). 5) Those experienced in taking four cautious drugs were 78.2% on the average. It was revealed that antibiotics use duration was "from one week to one month" (38.9%), the frequency was "rarely" (62.1%), sedative hypnotics and minor tranquilizer; "More than three years", (35.7%, 30.4%), respectively, "Somtimes", (43.8%, 35%), respectively. analeptics ; "from one year to three years", (27.6%), "Sometimes", (42.7%). 6) In regard to the source of information in taking drugs, 35.3 percent of male were relied on "recommendation of pharmacist", 32.6 percent of female "my own judgement", There was a difference between below the middle school graduates and over the high school graduates Thease were relied on "recommendation of pharmacist" first, those "my own judgement" first. And "my own judgement" was the first source of specialist(40%), labours(41.4%), salesman(43.5%), and jobless men(36.8%), "recommendation of ralatives on friends" was the first source of students (30.4%), "recommendation of pharmacist" was the first soure of teachers, administrative office workers (39%) and housewives (40.7%). 7) The degree of recognition about four cautious drugs was as follows. "know a little" was (43.0%), "don't know" (30.2%), "know" (26.8%), respectively. In regard to the attitude toward continuous taking them, it was revealed that "I will take it according to circumstamces" was first (56.2%), " I will not take it as possible" was first(56.2%), "I dont know well" (12.9%), "I will take it continuously" (8.3%). 8) About the influence on human body, "if proper, it is effect" was common attitude toward antibiotics (43.6%), "Probably bad influence on the health" was first toward the other drugs (46.2%), In terms of the degree of observance to taking-time and dose of drugs, "suitably" was first (37.3%), "relatively correctly" second (27%), "correctly" (17%). 9) The percentage of four cautious drugs side-effects was 27.5 on the average. The kind of side-effects were eruption and urticaria (28.5%), heart acceleration and so forth. (25.4%), headache and Giddiness, dyspepsia (23%), respectively.

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Epidemiological Studios on Clonorchis sinensis Infection along the Nam-river in Gyeongnam Province, Korea (남강유역 간흡충감염의 역학적 조사연구)

  • 배경훈;안영겸
    • Parasites, Hosts and Diseases
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    • v.21 no.2
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    • pp.116-186
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    • 1983
  • An epidemiological study on Clonorchis sinensis infection along the Nam-river (total length ; 186km) flowing in Gyeongsang-nam-do, southern part of Korea, was carried out. Formalin-ether concentration technique and Stoll's egg counting method were employed to figure out the prevalence of C. sinensis infection. For the detection of cercariae from Parafossarulus sp., the snail host of C. sinensis, each snail was placed in aerated tap water, and examined for expelled cercariae. For observing the metacercariae the fresh water fish favorably eaten in raw conditions wore prepared by means of pressing the muscles between two slide glasses and/or by digesting them with artificial gastric juice. The fresh water fish were fed to the rabbits to get the worms and to identify the morphology of adult C. sinensis. The results are summarized as follows: 1. Overall Prevalence of C. sinensis infection was 38.75 from 5,291 examinees; 44.15 (1,408 out of 3,196) in male and 30.4% (637 out of 2,095) in female. 2. The prevalence rates were 42.0% at the upper stream, 41.2% around the vicinity of Jinyanglake, 34.2% at Jinju city, 34.2% at middle stream and 40.3% at down stream regions, respectively. 3. By age, the highest positive rate (53.4∼54.3%) was observed in 30 to 59 years of age. In this age group, the rate in males was 59.7∼62.2%, and in females 42.2∼44.4%, In the age group of less than 19 years it was 7.5∼20.9%. 4. By social strata, the positive rate was 16.5% in the primary school children, 22.6% in school students, 46.2% in teachers and local officers and 49.6% in the general inhabitants. 5. The quantitative examinations with the stool collected from clonorchiasis cases revealed that the light infection (less than 4,000/EPG) was 53.6%, moderate infection (4,001∼10,000 /EPG) 30.3% and heavy infection (more than 10,001/EPG) 16.1%, respectively. More than half of total cases examined were light infection, and 73.2% of female examinees were lightly infected with this cuke. 6. The average value of EPG was 4,963 (male, 6,057; female, 2,557 and the highest value was obtained from the age group of 30 to 59 years (5,240∼6,454). 7. The prevalence of Metagonimus yokogawai infection in humans was 5.5%, and 89.8% of metagonimiasis cases wore double-infected arith C. sinensis. The highest prevalence rate was observed in Jinju city (11.2%). 8. Total of 5,005 Parafossarulus sp., the snail intermediate host of C. sinensis, were examined for the detection of cercariae. The cercarial expulsion rate was 0.34%, and the snails collected in Jin-yang-lake side and in the down stream expelled mainly the cercariae of C, sinensis. 9. About 788 cercariaejday (range: 127∼1,503) were expelled daily from a snail naturally infected with C. sinensis. The snails which released more than 1,000 cercariae/day were 30.8% out of total collected. A snail uniquely released 5,840 cercariae/day in this study. 10. The other trematode cercariae besides C. sinensis were also detected, and the rates out of total snails were the cercariae of Losogenes liberum 6.71%, Cyathocotyle orientalis 0.26%, Notocotylus attenuatus 2.52% and Mucobucaris 0.54%, 11. Ten out of 18 species of fresh water fish caught along the river harbored the metacercariae of C, sinensis. The highest rate of metacercarial infection in fish was detected in Pseudorasbora larva (85.9%). The fish mainly eaten by the inhabitants along the Nam-river, and the metacercarial infection rates were: Zacco platypus 8.0%, Hemibarbus sp. 18.2∼26.7%, Gnathepcgcn sp. 37.5%, Ischikauia steenackeri 42.9% and Pseudogobio esocinus 16.7%. 12. Out of 36 P. larva, the number of metacercariae were about 109 (ranEe; 18∼446) per fish and 27 per gram of flesh. The fish caught in spring harbored the highest number of metacercariae. As indicated above, the prevalence of C. sinensis infection in the inhabitants residing around the Nam-river was relatively high. The farther toward the upper stream areas, the higher was the positive rate of C. sinensis infection, and most of clonorchiasis cases were lightly infected. The snail hosts of C. sinensis distributed all around the Nam-river. Several species of freshwater fish were infected with the metacercariae of C. sinensis and the infection rates were relatively high. To prevent C. sinensis infection in the endemic areas, the effective health education system is suggested as a control measure, although mass treatment is also expected to be useful, using chemotherapeutic agents such as "praziquantel", a recently developed anthelminthic for C. sinensis inftraction.

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An Approach of Ecological Niche to Analysis of Recognition of 5th Grade Elementary students for Conception of Photosynthesis (생태 지위적 접근을 통한 5학년의 광합성 개념 분석)

  • Jeong, Jae-Hoon;Kim, Young-Shin
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.31 no.4
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    • pp.513-527
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    • 2011
  • There have been studies about conceptual ecology making a profound study of conceptual changes in learners' cognitive structure. Because learners' cognitive structure have been compared to ecology, it is natural to think that conception in learner's cognitive structure have a niche as species in ecology have niches. Therefore, it is necessary to study niche approach about conception that learners recognize in their cognitive structure. The purposes of this study were to identify relationships among conceptions that 5th grade elementary school students recognize about photosynthesis and to identify how these relationships among conceptions about photosynthesis change before and after a class of photosynthesis in curriculum in terms of an approach of ecological niche which are composed of 3 domains - diversity of conceptions, relevance and frequency rate of conceptions, and competition among conceptions. Open ended questionnaire was developed by 4 fields: photosynthetic place, photosynthetic products, photosynthetic materials needed and environment factors of photosynthesis. The subjects sampled in this study were 310 5th grade elementary students in 5 cites. Before and after classes in photosynthesis in science curriculum, students were asked to write down conceptions that they knew about the 4 fields of photosynthesis of questionnaire and to write down scales of relevance from 1 to 30 about how they think the conceptions are related to the field of photosynthesis. The results of this study showed the following: First, most students have had a variety of conceptions and commonly recognized 'light' and 'water' as concepts in photosynthesis. Second, students still recognized their preconceptions like 'soil' and 'root,' etc. that were far from scientific conceptions of photosynthesis although they took classes in photosynthesis. Third, students needed to take the various strategies of teachers because they did not recognized scientific conceptions appropriately about photosynthetic fields. Fourth, it appeared that photosynthetic conceptions recognized by students had status in terms of relevance and frequency rate of conceptions, and competition among conceptions, and that they looked like the niche of conceptions in their conceptual ecologies.

A Comparative Study on Physics Inquiry Activities in Science Textbooks for Primary School in Korea and Singapore (우리나라와 싱가포르의 초등학교 과학 교과서에 제시된 물리 영역 탐구 활동의 특징 비교)

  • Jung, Hana;Jhun, Youngseok
    • Journal of Science Education
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    • v.36 no.1
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    • pp.139-152
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    • 2012
  • The purpose of this study is to provide some suggestions for future improvement of scientific inquiry activities in Korean elementary science textbook. The modified framework of Lee(2005) and Millar et al.(1998) was used to compare inquiry activities in the Korean and Singaporean science textbooks. The results of this study are as follows: Korean text books have more activities than Singapore's, but both countries have similar time allotment for science classes. In the area of 'inquiry process skill', Singapore is more balanced in 'Basic inquiry process skills' and 'Integrated inquiry process skills' than Korea. Singapore's integrated inquiry rate is also higher than Korea's. Next the results of comparing leaning objectives to scientific inquiry activities shows that Korean text books tend to focus on 'contents objectives', while Singapore's text books focus on balancing 'contents objectives' and 'process objectives'. Korean science textbooks encourage students to communicate the results of experiments but in most case these communication activities are actually not performed. Lastly Korea and Singapore have low degree of openness in inquiry activities. Remarkably 'Suggest questions' are totally conducted by teachers. This study implies that Korean science textbooks should have lower amounts of inquiry activities to accomodate enough time for communication about results. Next we need to make balance not only 'Basic inquiry process skills' and 'Integrated inquiry process skills' but also 'Content objectives' and 'Process objectives'. Lastly we need to make student to be the leader in science classes through encouraging them to plan procedures for experiments and to discover results by themselves.

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