• 제목/요약/키워드: prevention of safety accidents

검색결과 944건 처리시간 0.033초

안전인증 대상 위험 기계 및 기구 관련 재해 원인분석 (Cause Analysis of Accidents Associated with Dangerous Machines and Devices Subject to Safety Certification)

  • 최기흥
    • 한국안전학회지
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    • 제35권4호
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    • pp.1-8
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    • 2020
  • Intensity of accidents associated with dangerous machines and devices are (hereafter items), in general, high compared to other industrial accidents. This study focuses on cause analysis of accidents associated with items that are subject to safety certification. The method is based on automated analysis of abstracts of accidents written in descriptive format. The analysis results indicate that more than 50% of accidents associated with items are caused by technical reasons and nearly 50% of accidents were preventable. More effective prevention of industrial accidents would then be realized by safety certification at the stage of danger generation. Transition from the direct regulation on users to manufacturers is also needed to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of industrial safety system in Korea.

한국의 사고발생 실태와 사고예방을 위한 정책 연구 (A Study on the Occurrences and Policy Development for Accident Prevention)

  • 이경자;이정렬;강규숙;한정석
    • 대한간호학회지
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    • 제25권2호
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    • pp.362-371
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    • 1995
  • There is no national system to manage, evaluate, and analyse the information about accidents, even though it is necessary for accident prevention policies and health promotion of the general public. The existing studies are, also limited as they focus only on particular group(for example : inpatients, emergency room patients) or on particular geographic areas. Thus the results of the studies cannot be ap-plied to the general public. In order to overcome these limitations, this research focuses on data collection and analysis from accident information for the general population. By providing the analysis on types and causes af accidents, this research aims to produce the basic data necessary for accident prevention policy development. The specific aims of this research are to : 1. Analyse the actual occurrences and characteristics of accidents. 2. Suggest for the accident prevention policies and safety education. Accident report form three major newspaper printed in Korea between January 1, 1989 and December 31, 1993 were collected, and the cause, place, time, and personal injury related to the accidents were classified and then analyzed by de-scriptive statistics. The results of this research conclude : 1. The number of accidents reported by the three newspapers were 2155. 2. The highest proportion of accidents were as follows ; occurred during the June-August(31.2%), Sunday(24.8%), and 5 p.m. (7.6%) of the day. 3. The highest proportion of the accident occurred in Seoul(33. l%), Kyunggi province(14.5%), Kangwon province (7.8%), and Kyungnam prov-ince(6.7%) were next highest. 4. The main causes include car accidents(32.4%), drowning(10.9%), falls(8.8%), explosion(7.1%), and poisoning(5.8%). 5. Slightly more than half of injuries(50.5%) and about two fifths of deaths(40.3%) were caused by car accidents. Therefore, the most serious type of accidents were car accidents. 6. The number of males in accidents were almost three times higher than that of females(males 72.3%, females : 27.7%). 7. The age group from 10 to 19 years old represents the highest proportion(21%) of accidents. 8. The number of the accidents in Korea, based on the information collected from the newspapers, is estimated to be 14, 367 per year. The number of in-juries is estimated to be 88, 480 persons, and the number of deaths 29, 007 respectively. It is said that ninety percent of accidents can be prevented. Several accidents prevention policies are suggested here. 1. Safety education should be done more actively throughtout life, with special emphasis on safety education for children. 2. Safety measures for children(halmets for cycling, children car seats, seats belts, and so on) should be emphasized. 3. An injury surveillance system should be initiated. The initiation of injury reporting system in each factory and school could contribute considerably to the reduction of accidents.

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현장조건과 사고사례를 반영한 건설사업 근로자의 정량화된 위험도 예측 프로세스 개발 (Development of a Quantified Risk Prediction Process for Workers in Construction Projects ConsideringSite Conditions and Accident Cases)

  • 정창훈;장지영;박상원;한승우
    • 한국건축시공학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국건축시공학회 2019년도 추계 학술논문 발표대회
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    • pp.94-95
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    • 2019
  • Recently, the importance of prevention has emerged for the management of construction safety accidents.. Accordingly, this study collects and quantifies various risk factors at the construction site to represent them as direct risks and to create a predictive process for prevention in advance. These risk figures can be used as comprehensive safety figures to reflect current site conditions and past accidentt cases. The prevention of industrial accidents is managed in advance through the development of applications thatt quantify and predict the risks of individuals working at construction sites. The purpose of the project is to reduce industrial accidents in the construction industry by supporting safety management of site managers and workers.

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조선업 산업재해예방을 위한 안전의식 실태조사 (A Study on Safety Consciousness for Preventing Accident of The Shipbuilding Industry)

  • 이윤혁;이상도
    • 한국안전학회지
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    • 제13권1호
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    • pp.119-130
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    • 1998
  • The purpose of this study is to investigate the safety consciousness of the lobours working at the ship building or repairing yard at which the industrial accidents frequently happen, and to provide the basic data required for the prevention of those accidents. This study is made by analyzing the questionnaires of 208 labours working at various ship building or repairing industries at random. This questionnaire is focused on finding the basic data for prevention of industrial accidents and getting the public opinions and proposals of labours. The results obtained by this study are as follows ; The negative estimations of the labours to the safety are cultivation of safety consciousness, the safety behavior in company, the molters of arrangement and the estimation of industrial or post arrangement. The positive ones are the arrangements of the protective tools and equipments for safety, the rule of safety regulation and the order of works, and the status of health education within company.

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작업현장 사고예방을 위한 위험인지 점검체크리스트 개발 (The Development of Inspection Checklist for Risk Recognition to Prevent Accidents at Worksites)

  • 임형덕;라지타 가우설야;김상훈;오영찬;이호용;남기훈
    • 한국산업융합학회 논문집
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    • 제25권5호
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    • pp.811-816
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    • 2022
  • Even though continuous management and supervision of reinforcement of policies to safeguard accidents at workplace and work sites were implemented. Accident prevention activities such as inspection and diagnosis are urgently required to induce a preliminary investigation to identify the risk factors for each type of work, before the work task to eliminate risks at the worksites. Since safety inspections at work sites were generally conducted through visual inspections, the results of safety inspections may vary depending on the findings and proficiency of the safety officers. The results of those inspections may have loopholes to prevent potential accidents at work. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to develop a risk identification checklist that can effectively perform safety inspections to prevent accidents at work sites. This study initially analyzed the previously developed accident checklist to identify current complications and issues in safety checklists. Based on the findings of major industrial accidents over the past three years, the relationship between accident, workplace, and work type were analyzed refereeing the safety inspection standards. A risk recognition-checklist was developed to provide basic data on identifying risk factors, and inspection guidance at work sites. To prepare for potential accidents by identifying and taking countermeasures to mitigate the high risk and serious accidents at sites by the guidelines of the checklist. The developed inspection checklist has been practically used by experts at work sites to perform safety inspections, and it has been verified its suitability, and feasibility, to prevent or mitigate workplace accidents, including securing the safety and health of field workers. The role of the developed safety checklist has been considered effective at worksites.

건설 재해 예방효과 증대를 위한 스마트 안전 시스템 실증연구 - 건설기계 중심 (Empirical Study of Smart Safety System to Increase Construction Disaster Prevention Effect - Centered on Construction Machinery)

  • 최승용
    • 한국재난정보학회 논문집
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    • 제19권2호
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    • pp.421-431
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    • 2023
  • 연구목적: 건설기계의 안전사고를 예방하기 위해 사용하는 스마트 안전 시스템의 안전성과 재해 예방효과를 분석하여 그 안전성을 실증하고자 한다. 연구방법:건설기계 중 재해다발 및 위험성이 높은 굴삭기를 대상으로 스마트 안전 시스템의 유무에 따른 근로자의 행동 패턴을 분석하였다. 연구결과: 건설기계에 스마트 안전 시스템을 설치하였을 때 건설기계와 협착 및 충돌 등에 의한 재해로부터 근로자의 안전성이 확보되었다. 결론:건설기계에 설치된 스마트 안전 시스템은 건설기계 관련 재해 감소와 중대 재해예방에 실효성을 증대시킬 수 있을 것으로 판단된다.

건설안전 대책수립의 방법론에 관한 연구 (A Study on the Methodology for planning Construction Accident Prevention)

  • 손기상
    • 한국안전학회지
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    • 제2권1호
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    • pp.43-49
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    • 1987
  • Currently, Safety accidents have been raised & more concerned despite that Government has emphasized on preventing accidents in construction area of Korea. An accident is due to several causes of it, thus this the study, as the above, will specify the methodology to establish more effective safety prevention plan, itself, compared to most studies being based on a case, specially for the projects under Far-East District, Corps of Engineers, USA. Additionally, this study will be limitted for performance method and the projects will not be classified with the same sorts as domestic ones are.

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유해화학물질 운반계획서와 운송사고 빅데이터 분석 연구 (Big Data Analysis of Hazardous Chemical Transportation Plans and Transport Accidents)

  • 류태인;한진규;조승범
    • 한국안전학회지
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    • 제39권3호
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    • pp.20-26
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    • 2024
  • The Chemical Substances Control Act of South Korea mandates submission of transportation plans containing information on the transportation of hazardous chemicals, with over 600,000 submissions recorded annually. In this study, big data analysis was performed on 2,506,985 transportation plans to identify trends and assess their correlation with chemical transportation accidents. The analysis confirmed that despite NaOH accounting for 20.7% of transportation plans, HCl constitutes 40% of chemical transportation accidents, which indicates a correlation of these accidents with the chemical properties of hazardous substances rather than with the number of submitted transportation plans. Furthermore, chemical transportation accidents show a higher probability of occurrence in the 6-8 am and 6-8 pm windows, which is in agreement with higher incidence and fatality rates. The departure points of transportation plans are closely related to the characteristics of local chemical industrial complexes such as Ulsan, Yeosu, and Gunsan, whereas the arrival points are closely related to Pyeongtaek, Hwaseong, and Icheon, which are the locations of semiconductor industries. Ultimately, achievement of safety by consideration of characteristics of transported chemicals, enhancement of driver concentration during specific times, and implementation of preventive measures tailored to local government characteristics are strategies anticipated to contribute to a reduction in chemical transportation accidents.

건설안전정보시스템 구축에 관한 연구 (Development of the Construction Safety Information System)

  • 고성석;송혁
    • 한국안전학회지
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    • 제16권4호
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    • pp.140-146
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    • 2001
  • In construction industry, workers' accident rates are relatively high compared to those of other industries. These high accidents rates are mostly due to the characteristics of construction process. In order to effectively reduce the accident rates, it is required to develop not only immediate measures but also long-term programs of instruction, training, and education. In addition, well-analyzed information on past history is required for the prevention of accidents. By examining about 800 cases of construction accidents that happened between Jan. 1992 and Dec. 2000, this paper developed an information system that provides appropriated safety information to the construction workers. This system is expected to contribute to the workers' safety in construction industry.

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모 금속 제조 업체에서 5년간 발생한 안전사고에 관한 조사 (A Study on Safety Accidents Occurred for 5 Years at a Welding Material Manufacturing Factory)

  • 임현술
    • Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health
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    • 제28권3호
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    • pp.551-562
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    • 1995
  • To assess the status of safety accidents, authors reviewed and analysed the records of safety accidents of a welding material manufacturing factory at Pohang city from January 1989 to December 1993. The results are; 1. The total incidence of safety accidents was 295 spells for five years. 2. Average age of workers with accident was 35.7 years. Average duration of employment was 6.2 years and the duration of employment increased as the year increased. 3. There was no statistical significance on season, month, weekday and time by year in the incidence of safety accidents. The most frequent part of body injured was upper extremities and the most frequent type of injury was abrasion. 4. Mean admission rate of safety accidents was 12.6% and the ratio of treated spells as occupational injury was 7.8%. 5. The most frequent cause of injury was worker's mistake and the most frequent action for the prevention of further accidents was safety education. 6. The incidence rate of safety accidents on 1993 was 116.2 spells per 1,000 persons. Above results suggest that to prevent safety accidents, safety education should be done continuously, the environmental and human factors were controlled and more exact reporting system of safety accidents was needed.

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