• Title/Summary/Keyword: prescription pattern

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Quality Assurance of Multileaf Collimator Using Electronic Portal Imaging (전자포탈영상을 이용한 다엽시준기의 정도관리)

  • ;Jason W Sohn
    • Progress in Medical Physics
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    • v.14 no.3
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    • pp.151-160
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    • 2003
  • The application of more complex radiotherapy techniques using multileaf collimation (MLC), such as 3D conformal radiation therapy and intensity-modulated radiation therapy (IMRT), has increased the significance of verifying leaf position and motion. Due to thier reliability and empirical robustness, quality assurance (QA) of MLC. However easy use and the ability to provide digital data of electronic portal imaging devices (EPIDs) have attracted attention to portal films as an alternatives to films for routine qualify assurance, despite concerns about their clinical feasibility, efficacy, and the cost to benefit ratio. In this study, we developed method for daily QA of MLC using electronic portal images (EPIs). EPID availability for routine QA was verified by comparing of the portal films, which were simultaneously obtained when radiation was delivered and known prescription input to MLC controller. Specially designed two-test patterns of dynamic MLC were applied for image acquisition. Quantitative off-line analysis using an edge detection algorithm enhanced the verification procedure as well as on-line qualitative visual assessment. In conclusion, the availability of EPI was enough for daily QA of MLC leaf position with the accuracy of portal films.

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The Origin, Change, and Composition of Soeumin's Bojungikgi-tang (소음인(少陰人) 보중익기탕(補中益氣湯)의 기원, 변천과정 및 구성 원리)

  • Song, Eun-Young;Lee, Eui-Ju;Lee, Jun-Hee;Koh, Byung-Hee
    • Journal of Sasang Constitution and Immune Medicine
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    • v.24 no.1
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    • pp.1-12
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    • 2012
  • 1. Objective : The purpose of this study is to understand the origin, changes and composition of Soeumin's Bojungikgi-tang. 2. Methods : 1) Analyzed the context of the progressive transformation of soeumin's Bojungikgi-tang in related passages from "Donguibogam (東醫寶鑑)", "Donguisusebowon Chobongwon (東醫壽世保元 草本卷)", "Donguisusebowon Gabobon (東醫壽世保元 甲午 本)", "Donguisusebowon Sinchukbon (東醫壽世保元 辛丑本)", "Dongmuyugo (東武遺稿)" 2) Examined the differences between the utilization of Soeumin's Bojungikgi-tang in pre-existing manuscripts according to pathological pattern and more specifically at a pathological stage. 3) Analyzed the total primary effect of the herbs as a prescriptive category, as well as the herbal properties of each component. 3. Results and Conclusions : 1) Originally Dongwon's Bojungikgi-tang was prescribed as a stomach & spleen organ tonifying medicine so it was easily applied and established as a prescription appropriate for Soeumin constitutional types with a weaker spleen organ. 2) From Gabobon(甲午本), Soeumin's Bojungikgi-tang was modified, excluding Bupleurum falcatum(柴胡), Cimicifuga heracleifolia (升麻) and substituting Teucrium chamaedrys(藿香), Ophiopogon japonicus(蘇葉) which are herbs appropriate for the Soeumin constitutional type. 3) In the Gabobon(甲午本), the Gegi-tang which has yang raising properties is included in the Soeumin's Bojungikgi-tang. In Sinchukbon(辛丑本), the Gegi-tang of the Soeumin's Bojungikgi-tang in the Gabobon was excluded and the Gegi-tang mutated into Hwangigyeji-tang. 4) In the Gabobon(甲午本), as the Soeumin's Bojungikgi-tang was prescribed for Soeumin disease regardless of favorable-unfavorable patterns and mild-severe patterns, the stage of the disease when to prescribe Soeumin's Bojungikgi-tang was not clarified. 5) As of the Sinchukbon(辛丑本) edition, as Soeumin's prescriptions have been obvious, the soeumin's Bojungikgi-tang was applied to Mang-yang disease with Hwangigyeji-tang and Seungyangikki-tang 6) As of the Sinchukbon(辛丑本) edition, the Soeumin's Bojungikgi-tang has been applied to parients having both exterior-heat Mang-yang disease and Greater-yin disease, at the same time. 7) As of the Sinchukbon(辛丑本) edition, finally, the Soeumin's Bojungikgi-tang formula has been established as gathering Qi and middle tonification with Panax ginseng(人蔘), Astragalus membranaceus(黃芪), keeping the spleen healthy with Artractylodes japonica(白朮), keeping the spleen strong with Angelica acutiloba(當歸), rooting the spleen with Citrus reticulata(陳皮), raising Yang and middle jiao with Teucrium chamaedrys(藿香), Ophiopogon japonicus(蘇葉), middle tonification with Glycyrrhiza glabra(甘草灸), Zingiber officinale(生薑), Zizyphus jujuba(大棗).

Study on Utilization of Oriental Medicine by Residents in Rural Areas (농촌지역(農村地域)의 한방의료이용실태(韓方醫療利用實態) 일부(一部) 농촌지역(農村地域)의 군보건소이용자(群保建所利用者)를 중심(中心)으로-)

  • Kim, Jin-Soon
    • Journal of agricultural medicine and community health
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.118-129
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    • 1990
  • Socioeconomic status in this county progressed rapidly, this has brought about many changes in health care fields, namely, pattern of disease prevalence and morbidity, increase of the aged people, and also availability of health care in rural areas. According to the utilization study of medical care, it showed that the oriental medicine is used for the treatment of lasted chronic disease not the minor and common diseases which is quick in its effect. Particularly, in rural areas. prevalence of chronic disease is higher than that in urban areas. Although the health cafe need of the oriental medicine is high in rural areas, the distribution of manpower and facilities is lower than that in urban areas. Therefore the government has planned to implement the demonstration project for the oriental medicine at the designated 3 health centers in rural areas. The purpose of this study was to collect the utilization level of oriental medical care of the people in rural areas. To meet the purpose of this study, patient interview were applied. 790 patients visited to health center in project areas were selected and analyzed by experienced interviewers from 2 April to 21 April 1990. The major findings of this study were as follows ; 1) Of the 790 patients, 32.6 percent of the respondents had experience of using the oriental medicine. As for the utilization by age and sex. 54.8% of those was female and 70.7% was 40 years of age and more. 2) Reaction to the question of educational achievement showed that on schooling and primary school graduates accounted for 63.1%. 3) The most user of oriental medicine resides in country level, where the health center is located, and 80 percent of those users resides within 10Km. 4) More than 50% of the total was the chronic diseases which lingered for more than 3months. 5) 32.6 percent of the total cases used the oriental medicine. 61.2% among those was treated by oriental medical care hospital and 38.8% by oriental drug dispensaries etc. 6) The contont of oriental medical care varied ; 50.1% for prescription of herb drugs for treatment, 25.1% for health maintenance and 23.9% for acupuncture, moxibustion etc. 7) As for the motivation for using the oriental medicine. 56.6% of the respondents was for treatment of diseases and 27.9% wes for strengthening the physical weakness. 8) As for the effectiveness of the oriental medicine. 70.3% of the total cases satisfied with that treatment and 84.2% of the total cases will use the oriental medicine when is provided by health center.

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Research Trends of the Traditional Korean Medicine Treatment for Atopic Dermatitis -Based on the Journal of Pediatrics of Korean Medicine- (아토피 피부염의 한의학적 치료에 대한 연구 동향 -대한한방소아과학회지를 중심으로-)

  • Jin, Qi Ying;Lee, Jin Yong
    • The Journal of Pediatrics of Korean Medicine
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    • v.31 no.1
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    • pp.25-42
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    • 2017
  • Objectives The goal of this review was to investigate clinical, experimental and literature studies of Korean medicine on atopic dermatitis (AD) of Korean children in Korean medicine literature, seeking for the better research methods for more effective treatments. Methods Electronic investigations were practiced on AKOP (The Association of Korean Oriental Pediatrics, http://www.akop.or.kr) to collect theses which were published by J Pediatr Korean Med. The key word 'Atopy' was used for searching to ensure that every related thesis was collected. The publication date was limited from 1996 to 2016. The selected literatures were assessed mainly according to distributions of study type, publication year, scale, treatment and its efficacy. Results 55 papers were selected from 59 studies. In these collected 55 related theses, there were 29 experimental studies (52.73%), 18 clinical studies (32.73%), 8 review studies (14.55%). In the 29 experimental studies, there were 20 studies (68.97%) using NC/Nga mouse as subjects. The mite antigen was used to trigger AD by 8 studies (27.59%). The studies have been utilizing DNCB and DNFB instead of mite antigen since 2011. All the experimental studies showed that the Korean medicine was effective in AD. In total 18 clinical studies, 3 studies (16.67%) were case reports, only 1 thesis (5.56%) was conducted by case control study and the rest were case series studies. 7 studies (38.89%) of 18 studies diagnosed AD according to Hanifin and Rajka's diagnostic criteria (1980), only 1 study (5.56%) according to the Korean standard and the rest 10 studies (55.56%) didn't mention diagnostic criteria. 12 clinical studies (66.67%) showed efficacy in treating AD. There were 10 studies (55.56%) only employing internal treatments and 1 thesis (5.56%) didn't mention the exact prescription. Naesowhajungtang-kamibang, Saenghyeoryunbue-um were used 3 times (16.67%) as the internal medicine respectively. 5 theses (27.78%) were combined with acupuncture therapy. Hegu (LI4), Sanyinjiao (SP6) were used in 4 theses, and Taichong (LR3), Quchi (LI11), Zusanli (ST36) in 3 theses. The number of acupoints chosen from The Spleen meridian of Foot-Taiyin was the largest. There were 8 review theses. 2 were about the foreign oriental medicine, 3 were about the external medicine or external treatment methods, and 3 other studies were about severity scoring systems, the methodological study in the latest clinical study, overview for pattern and results of herbal medicine-derived AD clinical researches. Conclusions The experimental studies and clinical studies showed the effectiveness of Korean medicine treatments. However, this study still needs improving by conducting more comparative studies and using better research methods, in order to find more effective treatments to improve clinical efficacy.

Skin Damage Sustained During Head-and-Neck and Shoulder Radiotherapy Due to the Curvature of Skin and the Use of Immobilization Mask (머리-목 그리고 어깨의 방사선 치료 시 피부곡면과 고정장치로 인한 피부손상연구)

  • Kim, Soo-Kil;Jeung, Tae-Sig;Lim, Sang-Wook;Park, Yeong-Mouk;Park, Dahl
    • Progress in Medical Physics
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    • v.21 no.1
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    • pp.86-92
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    • 2010
  • The purpose of this study was to measure curvature contour skin dose using radiochromic film and TLD for a conventional open field. We also attempted to quantify the degradation of skin sparing associated with use of immobilization devices for high energy photon beams and to calculate the skin dose with a help of Monte Carlo (MC) simulation. To simulate head-and-neck and shoulder treatment, a cylindrical solid water phantom 11 cm in diameter was irradiated with 6 MV x-rays using $40{\times}40\;cm^2$ field at 100 cm source axis distance (SAD) to the center of the phantom. Aquaplastic mesh mask was placed on the surface of the cylindrical phantom that mimicked relevant clinical situations. The skin dose profile was obtained by taking measurements from $0^{\circ}$ to $360^{\circ}$ around the circumference of the cylindrical phantom. The skin doses obtained from radiochromic film were found to be 47% of the maximum dose of $D_{max}$ at the $0^{\circ}$ beam entry position and 61% at the $90^{\circ}$ oblique beam position without the mask. Using the mask (1.5 mm), the skin dose received was 59% at $0^{\circ}$ incidence and 78% at $80^{\circ}$ incidence. Skin dose results were also gathered using thin thermoluminescent dosimeters (TLD). With the mask, the skin dose was 66% at $0^{\circ}$ incidence and 80% at $80^{\circ}$ incidence. This method with the mask revealed the similar pattern as film measurement. For the treatments of the head-and-neck and shoulder regions in which immobilization mask was used, skin doses at around tangential angle were nearly the same as the prescription dose. When a sloping skin contour is encountered, skin doses may be abated using thinner and more perforated immoblization devices which should still maintain immoblization.

The Study of Dose Distribution according to the Using Linac and Tomotherapy on Total Lymphnode Irradiation (선형가속기와 토모치료기를 이용한 전림프계의 방사선 치료시 선량분포에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Youngjae;Seol, Gwanguk
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Radiology
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    • v.7 no.4
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    • pp.285-291
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    • 2013
  • In this study, compare and analyze the dose distribution and availability of radiation therapy when using a different devices to TNI(Total Lymphnodal Irradiation). Test subjects(patients) are 15 people(Male 7, Female 8). Acquire CT Simulation images of the 15 people using Somatom Sansation Open 16 channel and then acquired images was transferred to each treatment planning system Pinnacle Ver 8.0 and Tomotherapy Planning System and separate the tumor tissue and normal tissues(whole lung, spinal cord, Rt kidney, Lt kidney). Tumor prescription dose was set to 750 cGy. and then Compare the Dose Compatibility, Normal Tissue's Absorbed Dose, Dose Distribution and DVH. Statistical analysis was performed SPSS Ver. 18.0 by paired sample Assay. The absorbed dose in the tumor tissue was $751.0{\pm}4.7cGy$ in tomotherapy planning, $746.9{\pm}14.1cGy$ in linac. Tomotherapy's absorbed dose in the tumor was more appropriate than linac. and These values are not statistically significant(p>0.05). Tomotherapy plan's absorbed dose in the normal tissues were less than linac's plan. This value was statistically significant(p<0.05) excepted of whole lung. In DVH, appropriated on tumor and normal tissues in tomotherapy and linac but tomotherapy's TER was better than linac. Namely, a result of Absorbed dose in tumor and normal tissue, Dose distribution pattern, DVH, Both radiation therapy devices were appropriated in radiation therapy on TER. The Linac has a short treatment time(about 15-20 min) and open space on treatment time. It cause infant and pediatric patients to receiving uncomfortable treatment. So, In this case, it will be fine that Linac based therapy was restricted use. and if the patient was cooperative, it will be show a better prognosis that Tomotherapy using Radiation Therapy.

한국 청소년의 약물남용과 비행행위

  • 김성이
    • Korea journal of population studies
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    • v.11 no.2
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    • pp.54-66
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    • 1988
  • I. Introduction Since the 1970's drug abuse among young people has increasingly become a social problem in Korea. In the 1980's, drug abuse, especially glue sniffing, has become the cause of many unfortunated incidents resulting in harm to others as well as the abusers themselves. Taking into consideration of the seriousness of this problem, the Republic of Korea National Red Cross initiated a nation-wide research programme, to understand the present situation and to raise the level of public awareness. The goal of this research was to begin a nation - wide campaign against drug abuse. The research team was composed of the Advisary Committee members and the staff of the Youth Department of the Republic of Korea National Red Cross. The data were collected in February 1988 with the collaboration of the staff and volunteers in the local Chapters. The respondents were allocated nation-wide by the quota sampling method. The questionnaires were distributed to the respondents in three groups :2, 700 to junior and senior high school students, 605 to working youths, and 916 to delinquent youths. A total of 4, 221 questionnaires were collected. II. Characteristics of the Respondents The respondents in each group were selected evenly from rural and urban areas. The general characteristics of the respondents can be described as follow: in case of students, the proportions between male and female respondents, and between senior high school and junior high school students were almost evenly distributed. In case of working youths, the proportion of females (80.5%) was higher than those of the students and the delinquents groups. Delinquent youths were defined as those currently being under custody of the centers for juvenile delinquents. Of this number, 38.8% and 68.2% were junior and senior high school drop-outs respectively. The majority of them (92.6%) were male. As for the family background of the respondents, the proportion of those residing in poverty - stricken areas, and the proportion of those from broken families were higher in case of working youths and delinquent youths than those in case of students. III. Present Patterns of Drug Abuse The following summarizes the presents of drug abuse, as tabulated from the results of the survey. 1. Smoking The percentage of youths who smoke was 36% in the student group, 32% m the working youths group, and 94.4% in the delinquent youths group. 2. Alcohol 50.3% of students, 71.6% of working youths, and 93.3% of delinquent youths has experienced drinking alcohol beverages. 3. Tonic: non - alcoholic, caffeinated beverages popular in Korea and Japan The percentage of those who have used tonic at least once was over 90% in all of the three groups. 4. Sedative About 70% of each group has used sedative with the proportion of working youths use higher than those in other groups. 5. Stimulants Those who have used stimulants comprised around 15% in each group. 6. Tranquilizers Somewhat less than 5% of students and working youths, and 28% of delinquent youths, have used tranquilizers. 7. Hypnotics The users of hypnotics amounted to 0.4% of students, 2.6% of working youths and 7.1% of delinquent youths. 8. Marihuana Those who have used marihuana indicated 0.7% of students, 0.8% of working youths, and 13% of delinquent youths. 9. Glue-sniffing The percentage of glue-sniffing was 3.7%, 5% in the students group and in the youths group respectively, but the proportion was unusually high, at 40.7% in the delinquent youths group. From the results of the survey the present situation of drug abuse in Korea can be summarized as follows: 1. A high percentage of Korean youths have experienced smoking cigarettes and drinking alcoholic beverages. 2. Tonics (non - alcoholic, caffeinated beverages), antipyretic analgesics and stimulants quite regularly used. 3. Tranquilizers, hypnotics, marihuana and glue-sniffing are more widely used among delinquent youths than the other youths. From this fact, there exists a correlation between drug abuse and juvenile delinquency. IV. Time-series Analysis of the First Experience of Drug Abuse and Deviant Behaviour The respoundents were asked when they were first exposed to drugs and when they committed deviant acts. By calculating the average age of each experience, the following pattern was found (See Figure 1). Youths are first exposed to drugs by abuse of tonic(non - alcoholic, caffeinated beverages). At the age of 13, they amoke cigarettes, the use of antipyretic analgesics begins at 14 year old, while at the age of 15, they use tranquilizers, and at 16 hynotics. The period of drug abuse which starts from drinking caffeinated beverages and smoking cigarettes and ends in the use of hypnotics takes about three years. During this period, other delinquent behaviours begin to surface, that is, at the age of 13 when smoking cigarettes begins, the delinquent behaviour pattern starts with truancy. Next, they start taking money from others by using physical force. Prior to the age of 15, they are suspended from school, become hostile to adults, begin running away from home, and start using stimulants and alcohol. Soon they become involved even in glue-sniffing and in the use of marihuana. At the age of 15, they begin to see adult videos and carry weapons. Sexual promiscuity and usage of tranquilizers follows the viewing of adult videos. Consequently, by the time they reach the age of 16, they visit drinking establishments, and are picked up by police for committing delinquent acts. And finally, they come to use hypnotic - type drugs. From the above descriptions, drug abuse can be assumed to have a close correlation with delinquent behaviour. V. Social Factors Related to Drug Abuse As for the Korean youths, glue-sniffing is found to he related to aggressive delinquency, in such cases as run - aways, being picked up by the police, and taking money by force. Smoking cigarettes and drinking alcohol is found to be related to seeing adult videos and visiting drinking establishments. Hypnotics and marihuana were found to be representive of drugs which are related to degenerational delinquency, irrespective of social delinquency. The social factors connected with these drug abuse are as follows: 1. Individual factors Male students were more heavily involved in the usage of drug than females. Youths who do not attend church were more likely to be involved in drugs than those who attend. 2. Family factors The youths who were displeased with their mothers smoking and those who thought their parents did not love each other, or those whose parents had used drugs without prescription, were more likely to he drug users. 3. School factors Those youths who found school life boring, were unsuccessful in their studies, spend most of their time with friends, feel their teachers smoke too much, those who had a positive perception of their teachers smoking were likely to he drug users. To sum up, drug abusers depend on the influence of their parents, teachers and peers. IV. Reasons for Drug Abuse Korean students have mainly used drugs to release stress (42.8%), to stay awake (19.7%), and because of the easy accessibility of drugs( 16.6%). Other reasons are due to their ignorance of the side effects of the drugs (3.6%), natural curiosity (4.2%), and to increase strength(3.O%). From the above facts, the major reasons for drug abuse among Korean youths are to release stress and to stay awake in order to prepare exams. Furthermore, since drugs are readily available, we can conclude that drug abuse is caused by the school system(such as entrance exams) in Korea. VII. Conclusion Drug usage among Korean youths are relatively less common than those of western youths. In some cases, such as, glue-sniffing and use of stimulants, the pattern of drug abuse is found. Moreover, early drug abuse is evident, and it has a close connection with deviant behaviour, resulting in juvenile delinquency. Drug abuse cannot be attributed to any one social factor. Specifically, drug abuse depends on parents, peers, teachers and other members of the community, and also is influenced by social institutions such as the entrance exam system. Every person and organization concerned with youth must participate collectively in restraining drug abuse. Finally, it is suggested that social agencial working for youth welfare should make every effort to tackle this serious problem confronted by the Korean youths today.

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『황제내경소문(黃帝內經素問)·칠편대론(七篇大論)』 왕빙 주본(注本)을 통(通)한 운기학설(運氣學說) 관(關)한 연구(硏究)

  • Kim, Gi-Uk;Park, Hyeon-Guk
    • The Journal of Dong Guk Oriental Medicine
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    • v.4
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    • pp.109-140
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    • 1995
  • As we considered in the main subjects, investigations on the theory of 'Doctrine on five elements' motion and six kinds of natural factors(運氣學說)' through 'Wang Bing's Commentary(王氷 注本)' of 'The seven great chapters in The Yellow Emperor's Internal Classic Su Wen' ("黃帝內經素問 七篇大論") are as follows. (1) In The seven great chapters("七篇大論")' Wang Bing supplement theory and in the academic aspects as a interpreter, judging from 'forget(亡)' character. expressed in the 'The missing chapters("素問遺篇")', 'Bonbyung-ron("本病論")' and 'Jabeob-ron(刺法論)', 'The seven great chapters("七篇大論")' must be supplementary work by Wang Bing. Besides, he quoted such forty books as medical books, taoist books, confucianist books, miscellaneous books, etc in the commentary and the contents quoted in the 'Su Wen(素問)' and 'Ling Shu("靈樞")' scripture nearly occupy in the book. As a method of interpreting scripiure as scripture, he edited the order of 'Internal Classic("內經")' ascended from the ancient time and when he compensated for commentary, with exhaustive scholarly mind and by observing the natural phenomena practically and writing the pathology and the methods of treatment. We knew that the book is combined with the study of 'Doctrine on five elements motion and six kinds of natural factors(運氣學說)' (2) When we compare, analyze the similar phrase of 'The seven great chapters in The Yellow Emperor's Internal Classic Su Wen'("黃帝內經素問ㆍ七篇大論") through 'Wang Bing's Commentary(王氷 注本)', he tells abouts organized 'five elements(五行)' and 'heaven's regularly movement(天道運行)' rather than 'Emyangengsangdae-ron("陰陽應象大論")' in 'The seven great chapters("七篇大論")'. Also the 'Ohanunhangdae-ron("五運行大論")' because the repeated sentences with 'Emyangengsangdae-ron("陰陽應象大論")' is long they are omitted. And in the 'Youkmijidae-ron("六微旨大論")', 'Cheonjin ideology(天眞四象)' based on the 'Sanggocheonjin- ron("上古天眞論")', 'Sagijosindae-ron("四氣調神大論")' is written and in the 'Gigoupyondae-ron("氣交變大論")', the syndrome and symptom are explained in detail rather than 'Janggibeobsi-ron("藏氣法時論")', 'Okgijinjang-ron ("玉機眞藏論")' and in the 'Osangieongdae-ron("五常政大論")', the concept of 'five element(五行)' of the 'Gemgwejineon-ron("金櫃眞言論")' is expanded to 'the five elements' motion concept(五運槪念)' and in the 'Youkwonjeonggidae-ron("六元正紀大論")', explanations of 'The five elements' motion and six kinds of natural factors(運氣)' function are mentioned mainly and instead systematic pathology is not revealed rather than 'Emyangengsangdae-ron("陰陽應象大論")'. And in the 'Jijinyodae-ron("至眞要大論")', explanations of the change of atmosphere which correspond to treatment principle by 'The three Yin and Yang(三陰三陽)' as a progressed concepts are revealed. Therefore there are much similarity between the phrase of 'Emyangengsangdae-ron("陰陽應象大論")' and 'chapters of addition(補缺之篇)'. Generally, the doctrine which 'The seven great chapters("七篇大論")' are added by Wang Bing(王氷) is supported because there are more profound concepts rather than the other chapter in 'The seven great chapters("七篇大論")'. (3) When we study Wang Bing's(王氷) 'Pattern on five elements motion and six kinds of natural factors(運氣格局)' in 'The seven great chapter("七篇大論")', in the 'Cheonwongi-dae-ron("天元紀大論")', With 'Cheonjin ideology(天眞思想)' and the concepts of 'Owang(旺)'${\cdot}$'Sang(相)'${\cdot}$'Sa(死)'${\cdot}$'Su(囚)'${\cdot}$'Hu(休)' and 'Cheonbu(天符)'${\cdot}$'Sehwoi(歲會)' are measured time-spacially to the concept of 'Three Sum(三合)' the concept of 'Taeulcheonbu(太乙天符)' is explained. In the 'Ounhangdae-ron("五運行大論")', 'The calender Signs five Sum(天干五合)' is compared to the concepts of 'couples(夫婦)', 'weak-strong(柔强)' and in the 'Youkmijidae-ron("六微旨大論")', 'the relationship of obedience and disobedience(順逆關係)' which conform to the 'energy status(氣位)' change and 'monarch-minister(君相)' position is mentioned. In the 'Gikyobyeondae-ron("氣交變大論")', the concept of 'Sang-duk(相得)', 'Pyungsang(平常)' is emphasized but concrete measurement is mentioned. In the 'Osangieongdae-ron("五常政大論")', the detailed explanation with twenty three 'systemic of the five elements' motion(五運體系)' form and 'rountine-contrary treatment(正治. 反治)' with 'chill-fever-warm-cold(寒${\cdot}$${\cdot}$${\cdot}$凉)' are mentioned according to the 'analyse and differentiate pathological conditions in accordance with the eight principal syndromes(八綱辨證)'. In the 'Youkwonjeonggidae-ron("六元正紀大論")', Wang Bing of doesn't mention the concepts of 'Jungwun(中運)' that is seen in the original classic. In the new corrective edition, as the concepts of 'Jungwun, Dongcheonbu, Dongsehae and Taeulcheonbu(中運, 同天符, 同歲會, 太乙天符)' is appeared, Wang Bing seems to only use the concepts of 'Daewun, Juwun, and Gaekwun(大運, 主運, 客運)'. In the 'Jijinyodaeron("至眞要大論")', Wang Bing added detailed commentary to pathology and treatment doctrine by explaining the numerous appearances of 'Sebo, sufficiency, deficiency(歲步, 有餘, 不足)' and in the relation of 'victory-defeat(勝復)', he argued clearly that it is not mechanical estimation. (4) When we observe the Wang Bing's originality on the study of 'the theory of Doctrine on five elements' motion and six kinds of natural factors(運氣學說)', he emphasized 'The idea of Jeongindogi and Health preserving(全眞導氣${\cdot}$養生思想)' by adding 'Wang Bing's Commentary(王氷 注本)' of 'The seven great chapters("七篇大論")' and explained clearly 'The theory of Doctrine on five elements' motion and six kinds of natural factors(運氣學說)' and simpled and expanded the meaning of 'man, as a microcosm, is connected with the macrocosm(天人相應)' and with 'Atmosphere theory(大氣論)' also explained the meaning of 'rising and falling mechanism(升降氣機)'. In the sentence of 'By examining the pathology, take care of your health(審察病機 無失氣宜)'. he explained the meaning of pathology of 'heart-kidney-water-fire(心腎水火)' and suggested the doctrine and management of prescription. In the estimation and treatment, by suggesting 'asthenia and sthenia(虛實)' two method's estimation, 'contrary treatment(反治)' and treatment principals of 'falling heart fire tonifyng kidney water(降心火益腎水)', 'two class of chill and fever(寒熱二綱)' were demonstrated. There are 'inside and outside in the illness and so inner and outer in the treatment(病有中外 治有表囊)'. This sentence suggests concertedly. 'two class of superfies and interior(表囊二綱)' conforming to the position of disease. Therefore Wang Bing as an excellent theorist and introduced 'Cheoniin ideology(天眞思想)' as a clinician and realized the medical science. With these accomplishes mainly written in 'The theory of Doctrine on five elements' motion and six kinds of natural factors(運氣學說)' of 'The seven great chapters("七篇大論")', he interpreted the ancient medical scriptures and expanded the meaning of scriptures and conclusively contributed to the development of the study 'Korean Oriental Medicine(韓醫學)'.

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