• Title/Summary/Keyword: prepared foods

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Effect of Growth Stimulating Agent in Lactic Acid Bacteria Fermented Food Prepared from Egg White Powder and Casein (난백분말과 카제인으로 만든 젖산균 발효식품에서 생육촉진물질의 효과)

  • Ko, Young-Tae;Lee, Eun-Ju
    • Korean Journal of Food Science and Technology
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    • v.31 no.2
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    • pp.509-515
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    • 1999
  • Lactic acid bacteria (LAB) fermented foods were prepared from egg white powder (EWP), casein and growth stimulating agents (GSA). The effects of GSA on acid production and growth of Lactobacillus were studied. The effects of GSA on sensory properties and viscosity of LAB fermented foods were also studied. Acid production by Lactobacillus was stimulated by addition of GSA (0.3% or 1%, W/V). Although stimulating effect differed among each GSA, some GSA increased the acidity up to the level of fermented milk. However, stimulating effect of GSA on viable cells was not noticeable. Acid production by L. acidophilus was generally higher than other Lactobacilli. The optimum concentration of GSA added to substrate was 1% (W/V). Sensory evaluation showed that the optimum fermentation time was 18hr. The sensory properties of GSA samples were evaluated as slightly lower than that of fermented milk because GSA samples showed whey separation and taste and smell of GSA. Apparent viscosity of GSA samples was significantly lower than that of fermented milk and control sample (p<0.05). There was no significant difference of apparent viscosity among GSA samples. GSA samples, fermented milk and control sample showed thixotropic flow characteristics.

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Sensory Evaluation and Changes in Physicochemical Properties of Gochujang Powder with Different Drying Methods (건조방법에 따른 분말 고추장의 성분변화와 관능적 특성)

  • Kim Cheong-Gyu;Lee Jung-Suk;Oh Kyung-Keun;Yi Sang-Duk;Oh Man-Jin
    • Food Science and Preservation
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.24-29
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    • 2006
  • This study was carried out to promote aspects of preservation and convenience of red pepper paste (r.p.p.). Sample was prepared with spray drying (s.d), vacuum drying (v.d) and freeze drying (f.d) methods. The prepared powdered samples were stored for 90 days at $35^{\circ}C$ in seal condition. After powdered samples were hydrated, the samples were used for analysis such as a sensory test, texture, color and changes of component According to sensory test, quality of dried red pepper paste were better in order to f.d.r.p.p. < s.d.r.p.p. < v.d.r.p.p. Changes of pH, reducing sugar, amino nitrogen and NaCl of dried r.p.p. were not observed compared to control but viscosity decreased by about $15\%$ During the storage, acidity decreased by about $15\%$ and reducing sugar, amino nitrogen and ethanol decreased slightly. Hunter L, a and b values decreased from 24.8-27.3 to 23.6-24.4, from 10.8-12.0 to 8.3-9.3 and from 7.1-7.9 to 4.4-5.5, respectively.

Dietary Culture for Sacrificial Rituals and Foods in Andong Area(II) -Village Sacrificial Rituals and Foods- (안동지역의 제례에 따른 음식문화(II) -동제(洞祭)와 제물(祭物)-)

  • Yoon, Suk-Kyung
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Culture
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    • v.11 no.5
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    • pp.699-710
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    • 1996
  • The sacrificial foods using at 88 villages in Andong area where the village sacrificial rituals are performed, were investigated in 1994. The finding are as follows; 1. Since the village sacrificial rituals keep ancientry, white Baeksulki without any ingredients is used as Ddock (a steamed rice cake) in 74 villages, and in 5 villages the Baeksulki was served just in Siru (a tool used to prepare Ddock). The type of meat serving in rituals has been changing from large animal to small animal and the type of light from bowl-light to candle. 2. Though the ritual observes Confucianism style, memorial address was offered in 34 villages and only in 8 villages, liquor was served 3 times and the address was offered. In 60 villages, liquor was served only once, and calling village god, bowing twice, and burning memorial address paper were performed in order. Burning paper has been meaningful in rituals. 3. Tang (a stew) was served in 21 villages, and in 18 villages even Gook (a soup) was not used. The numbers of village which do not use cooked rice and Ddock are 14, respectively. 4. Fruits are essential in rituals foods. In 63 villages, 3 kinds of fruits are served and this is contrasted with even number of fruits in Bul-Chun-Wi Rituals. 5. In 25 villages, fish and meat are not served. As meat, chicken in 19 village are served. Meat Sikhae (a fermented rice beverage) prepared with meats or fish are served in 5 villages. Slice of dried meat is served in 73 villages commonly. 6. In gender of god for village shrine, woman in 43 villages, couple in 17 villages, man in 9 villages, mountain god in 2 villages, villages tree, etc were enshrined. In 52 villages liquor is served in rituals (liquor is used in 58 villages including serving god), in 28 villages sweet liquor (Gamju) is served for god (sweet liquor is used in 46 villages), and liquor, water, or sweet liquor is just displayed on table but not served in 8 villages. Incensing is found to be not common in village ritual, only in two villages it is performed. The most appropriate rituals food is thought to be pig for mountain god. Home dishes can not be used in village ritual and spoon is not used and chopstick is prepared from wild plant. Meat and fish are used in the raw.

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Quality Characteristics of Kimchi Prepared with Different Part of Chinese Cabbage and Its Quality Change by Freeze-drying (배추의 부위에 따른 김치의 품질특성과 동결건조에 의한 품질변화)

  • Ko, Young-Tae;Lee, Ju-Youn
    • Korean Journal of Food Science and Technology
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    • v.36 no.5
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    • pp.784-789
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    • 2004
  • Acid production and growth of lactic acid bacteria, sensory properties, volatile odor components, and effects of freeze-drying on quality of kimchi prepared with whole, midlib, and leaves of Chinese cabbages ripened at $20^{\circ}C$ for 3 days were investigated. Salinities of whole, midlib, and leaf were 2.31, 2.03, and 2.68%, respectively, In kimchi pH of midlib was the lowest and that of leaf was the highest, while acidities of whole and midlib were higher than that of leaf. Numbers of lactic acid bacteria in whole and midlib were slightly higher than that of leaf. Overall acceptability, taste, and odor of kimchi and freeze-dlied/rehydrated kimchi prepared with whole or midlib were better than those of leaf. Volatile odor components such as ethanol and sulfur-containing components of kimchi prepared with whole or midlib were generally higher than those of kimchi prepared with leaf.


  • Kim, Su-Ok;Rhee, Sook-Hee;Park, Kun-Young
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Toxicology Conference
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    • 2001.10a
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    • pp.100-100
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    • 2001
  • To develop an antimutagenic functional diet, the foods that have shown anticancer activity were mixed to make ready-to-eat powdered diets. The diets were prepared with various kinds of powdered cooked cereals, cooked legumes, oil seeds and sea tangles, and freeze-dried vegetables. The antimutagenic effects of methanol extracts from three mixed diets were investigated in the Ames test, SOS chromotest, and in vivo supravital staining micronucleus assay in the mice.(omitted)

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First Derivative Spectrophotometric and Gas-Liquid Chromatographic Determination of Caffeine in Foods and Pharmaceuticals III. Simultaneous assay of caffeine and some antihistaminics

  • Abdel-Moety, Ezzat M.;El-Tarras, Mohamed F.;El-Zeany, Badr-Eldin A.;Kelani, Khadiga O.
    • Archives of Pharmacal Research
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    • v.13 no.3
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    • pp.215-220
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    • 1990
  • Two different, derivative spectrophotometric and gas-liquid chromatographic, procedures for direct quantitation of caffeine and some commonly dispensed antihistaminics in bulk forms, in their laboratory prepared mmixtures and in dosage formulations, have been investigated. The limit, sensitivity reproducibility and accuracy of each method were studied for each individual drug substance and in some usual pharmaceutical formulations.

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Utilization of Korean Maizes in Prodction of Alkaline Processed Snack Foods

  • Lee, Jae-Kwon
    • Preventive Nutrition and Food Science
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    • v.2 no.1
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    • pp.11-16
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    • 1997
  • Alkaline cooking and processing properties of domestic maize were evaluated by comparing to those of imported control maize(Asgrow 404). Domestric maize varieties were hydrated more rapidly and had lower dry matter losses during alkaline cooking than control maize due to softer endosperm texture and incomplete removal of pericarps. Domestic maize varieties produced masas with proper handling properties when nixtamals had 50~52% moisture. However, masas produced from domestic maizes were puffed dur-ing baking and frying process due to the release of more free starch granules in the masa than control masa. Tortilla chips prepared from domestic maizes absorbed more oil during frying and had slightly higher water content with darker color than tortilla chips prepared from control maize. Among the domestic maize hybrids, KS42/Fla2BT113 had more acceptable kernel characteristics of tortilla chips than other varieties.

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Properties of High Amylose Maize Varieties for Use in Alkaline-Cooked Foods

  • Lee, Jae-Kwon
    • Preventive Nutrition and Food Science
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    • v.8 no.2
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    • pp.179-184
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    • 2003
  • The use of high amylose maize varieties significantly affected the alkaline-cooking process and characteristics of alkaline-processed food products, such as masa and tortilla chips. High amylose maize varieties had softer endosperm textures with move tightly attached pericarps than normal maize. Masa prepared from high amylose mutant maize was less cohesive than that of normal maize due to insufficient dispersion of amylopectin and excessive retrogradation of starches. Tortilla chips prepared from amylose-extender dull (ae du), amylomaize V, and Ⅶ had slightly increased oil absorption, while tortilla chips from dull (du) and amylose-extender sugary-2 (ae su-2) had oil contents similar to that of control chips. Increased oil absorption of the tortilla chips was due to their increased surface area. Tortilla chips produced from high amylose mutant maize had darker color than control chips, presumably due to the pigmented pericarp tissues, higher levels of reducing sugars, and phenolic compounds present in the kernel.

Research for Changes in Food Consumption Patterns of Urban Resides and Future Perspective of Dietary Life (도시 주부의 식품 소비 구조 변화와 미래의 식생활 향상을 위한 연구)

  • 손경희
    • Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association
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    • v.26 no.4
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    • pp.53-65
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    • 1988
  • In the study, the dietary survey was conducted in Seoul, Dae-jeon, Gwangju, Pusan, from march to April in 1988. A Questionnaire was prepared and distributed to 1583 house wives in order to find out their attitude of meal management and their way of thinking in dietary life. The results were summarized as follows: 1) 34.4% of the subjects prepared daily menu. In planning menu, the major consideration shifted from husband to all family members and the most emphasizes meal changed from breakfast to supper. 2) Most of the subjects were making use of substitute food. They were satisfied with the convenience and taste of the convenience foods. Improvements in nutrition, sanitation and price of convenience food made increase of its consumption. 3) The survey has shown that the main purpose of eating is to satisfy nutrition. and in the choice of food, most subjects regarded its taste as the most important factor.

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Dietary Sulfur Amino Acids Can Spare Taurine in Rock Bream Oplegnathus fasciatus

  • Ferreira, Fernando Magalhaes;Yun, Hyeonho;Park, Youngjin;Lee, Seunghan;Park, Gunhyun;Bai, Sungchul C.
    • Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
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    • v.18 no.3
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    • pp.249-255
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    • 2015
  • An 8 week feeding trial was conducted to evaluate whether methionine and cysteine would effectively spare taurine supplementation on growth performance in juvenile rock bream Oplegnathus fasciatus. Triplicate groups of 25 fish averaging $2.74{\pm}0.04g$ ($mean{\pm}SD$) were fed one of the experimental diets. Five experimental diets including a fish meal based control diet were prepared by adding sulfur amino acid at fixed level of 1.0% and taurine at graded levels of 0%, 0.25%, 0.5% and 1.0% ($S+Tau_0$, $S+Tau_{0.25}$, $S+Tau_{0.5}$ and $S+Tau_{1.0}$, respectively). After the feeding trial, growth performance of fish fed the $S+Tau_{0.25}$, $S+Tau_{0.5}$ and $S+Tau_{1.0}$ diets were significantly higher (P < 0.05) than those of fish fed the Control diet. ANOVA test suggested that when sulfur amino acid were supplemented to the diets, the optimum taurine supplementation level could be 0.25% in the diet, and broken line analysis of weight gain indicated a level of 0.33%, for positive effects on growth and feed utilization. Fish whole-body protein content and taurine concentration steadily increased with the increase of dietary level in the presence of sulfur amino acid in the diets. On the other hand, whole-body lipid content significantly decreased with the incremental levels of dietary taurine. In conclusion, the results of the present study clearly indicated that dietary supplementation of methionine and cysteine at a level of 1% could spare 0.25 to 0.33% of taurine in juvenile O. fasciatus diets.