• Title/Summary/Keyword: practice degree

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A Study on the Analysis of the factors having Affect on Junior Highschool girl's Practice of Health Care. (중학교 여학생들의 건강행위에 영향을 미치는 변인분석)

  • Choi Jung Shook
    • The Korean Nurse
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    • v.26 no.1 s.139
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    • pp.63-76
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    • 1987
  • This investigation was attempt to help to estabilish the basis of the Health Education program which would perform the health education efficiently and bring the reforming of student''s health control, by measuring the degree of junior high school student

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A study of the understanding about speech therapy and the satisfaction about counseling for mothers who have children with disability (언어치료에 대한 장애아동 어머니의 이해도와 상담 만족도)

  • Park, Jin-Won
    • Journal of Korean Clinical Health Science
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.1469-1477
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    • 2021
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study is to investigate the understanding about speech therapy and the satisfaction of counseling about speech therapy according to the characteristics of mothers who have children with disabilities, and to devise the clinical instruction methods to provide the effective speech therapy by identifying the correlation between the two variables. Methods: This study conducted a survey for 78 mothers of children with disabilities who use speech therapy labs in university. 17 questions were composed to investigate the understanding degree about speech therapy and 24 questions were composed to investigate the satisfaction degree about speech therapy counseling. Results: First, the survey showed that mothers who have the higher education level have the higher understanding degree about language(p<0.01). Second, the survey showed that mothers who have the higher education level have the lower satisfaction degree about counseling process(p<0.5). In the view of job status, mothers who have a job have the higher satisfaction degree about counseling time(p<0.5). Third, the survey showed that in the view of mothers'understanding degree about speech therapy and satisfaction degree about counseling, mothers who have the higher understanding degree about language, speech therapy tools and speech therapy area have the higher satisfaction degree about counseling. Conclusions: This study showed the necessity to understand the subjects'needs exactly and communicate with mothers actively. In addition, the concrete and various methods should be devised in order to increase the understanding degree about speech therapy and increase the satisfaction degree of counseling about the clinical practice environment and language therapy process.

Practice method and performance according to clinical practice contents of dental hygiene student (치위생과 학생의 임상실습내용에 따른 실습방법 및 수행 정도)

  • Shin, Myong-Suk;Kim, Chang-Hee;Ahn, Eun-Suk;Hwang, Ji-Min
    • The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology
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    • v.5 no.2
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    • pp.123-138
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    • 2019
  • The clinical institution of some dental hygiene students and the degree of practice and performance according to the practice contents are identified, so as to develop clinical practice guidelines and to improve the education of universities and practical institutions. From November 2016 to March 2017, the questionnaire was prepared by self-inclusion after explaining the purpose of research and how to prepare questionnaire to some dental hygiene students. This material has been analyzed using PASW Statistics 18.0. As for the clinical practice content items of basic care and infection control, the frequency of "execution" among practice methods was high, and the distribution rate was high in oral evil face radiation, preventive dentistry, prosthesis, periodontology, orthodontics, and oral internal medicine. The conservation department has conducted various practical methods such as "executing," "observing" and "preparing." Oral surgery showed similar distribution rates, such as "observation," "preparation," and "execution" in the "preparation and cooperation of the feet." In pediatric dentistry, "observation" was the most common practice, and among them, "observation," "preparation," and "execution" were performed in "preparation and cooperation for infantile development." In addition, students with more experience in clinical practice showed statistically significant differences in basic care, oral hygiene, preventative dentistry, conservation, dental dentistry, oral surgery, orthodontics, and oral internal medicine(p<0.05). Most clinical practice shows that it is more observable than performed.It is expected that the goal of clear clinical practice content should be set by grade or number of clinical practice experiences, as well as the practice method that can be performed by the trainees.

A Study on the IPA of Nursing Students' Major Satisfaction and Importance Perception and Performance of Public Health Center Practice (간호대학생의 전공만족도와 보건소실습 중요도 인식과 수행도의 IPA에 관한 연구)

    • The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology
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    • v.9 no.4
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    • pp.39-49
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    • 2023
  • This study data were collected from 217 nursing students in J city to analyze major satisfaction and awareness of the importance of practice and performance of nursing students' practice at the public health center, and to identify improvement plans for the practice contents of the health center. The collected data was analyzed using SPSS WIN 25.0, and the research results showed that there was a positive correlation (r=.55, p<.001) between major satisfaction and public health center clinical practice performance, and the sub-factors of performance It showed positive correlation with all (r=.41~.54, p<.001). In particular, among the sub-factors, Internal growth through practice and Correlation with the actual application of theory were highly correlated (r=.54~.56, p<.001). In order to improve nursing students' satisfaction with their major, theoretical study should be preceded, and through area analysis, in order to obtain satisfaction through identity and internal growth of nursing students while practicing health center practice, practice instructors during health center practice Establish various networks, do our best to communicate smoothly with nursing students, and strive to present opinions through meetings with practice institutions before and after practice to improve the community health center practice environment. Also, nursing college students In order for the public health center practice to be carried out smoothly, practice guidance instructors drew improvement points that nursing college students need prior learning related to practice before practicing health center practice.

A Study of Industrial Workers' Knowledge, Attitude, and Practice of Health Care Services in Busan City (산업장 근로자의 산업보건관리에 대한 지식 태도 및 실천에 관한 조사 연구 -부산지역을 중심으로-)

  • Huang, Bo-Sun;Shin, Yu-Sun;Yun, Suk-Ok;Lee, Ji-Hyun;Kim, Jung-Soon;Kim, Lee-Soon;Kim, Bok-Yong;Kang, Young-Mee
    • Research in Community and Public Health Nursing
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    • v.4 no.2
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    • pp.100-108
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    • 1993
  • The purpose of this study was to identify the workers the Knowledge, Attitude, and Practice of industrial health care services. The study was conducted from Dec 10, 1992 to Jan 20, 1993. The data was collected from 849 workers in 56 companies in Busan City. The data was analyzed by using the mean, S.D>, T-test, ANOVA. The tool for measuring the degree of Knowledge, Attitude and Practice of industrial health care of workers was developed by community health nursing academy and the reliability an of the tool was 0.82810. The results were as follows : 1. The general characteristics of workers : Distribution of workers consisted of laborer(55.0%), office workers(45.0%), in an age range from 25-39(55.0%), male employees were(69.7%), married employees were(62.4%), the educational level with the highest percentage was high school graduates(54.2%). The present work force had a career for 7 years or more with an income of 300-700 thousand won monthly(43.2). 2. The degree of Knowledge Attitude and Practice about industrial health care services of workers : The total score of the Knowledge, Attitude, and Practice was 49.09 points out of a possible 80(mean Score=2.46) 1) The total score of the Knowledge was 15.73 points out of 24. (Mean score=2.62) The following are the Knowledge scores: The necessity examination of occupational disease was(3.34) The knowledge of occupational disease was (3.12) The knowledge of health education was(1.29) 2) b. The total score of the Attitude was 26.01 point out of 44(mean score=2.36) The following are the Attitude scores: The necessity of health education for health examination was (3.14). The importance of health examination was(3.08) The necessity of measurement for working environment was(2.99). The satisfaction of the content in the periodic health examination was low(1.81). 3) The total score of the Practice was 7.35 points out of 12(mean score=2.45) The following are the orders of Practice scores: The participation in health examination was higher than in health education(1.33). 3. The general characteristics and the degree of knowledge, Attitude, and Practice of workers of industrial health care. 1) The level of worker's knowledge was significantly related by working part(t=2.54 P=0.000), marital status(F=4.35 P=0.029), educational level(F=3.91 and P=0.020), monthly income(F=2.98 P=0.029) 2) There were no significant difference between the general characteristics and the attitude of workers. 3) The practice was significantly related with working part(T=2.52 P=0.012), sex(T=2.28 P=0.23), marital status(F=4.25 P=0.012), monthly income (F=2.76 P=0.034) 4) The total score had a significant difference with working part(T=2.39 P=0.017), sex (T=3.84 P=0.000), marital status (F=3.18 P=0.032). Educational level (F=3.20 P=0.033), and monthly income(F=3.05 P=0.022).

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Factors influencing related Health Promoting Life-Style in Middle-aged Women (중년여성의 건강증진 생활양식 관련요인분석)

  • Park, Myeung-Hee
    • Women's Health Nursing
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    • v.3 no.2
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    • pp.157-179
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    • 1997
  • The purpose of this study is to provide a basis for nursing intervention strategies to enhance health promoting practice that are constructive to a healthy lifestyle. Data were collected through self-reported questionnaires from 281 middle-aged women living in Seoul, Kyeung ki, Taegu, Kyeung pook, and Kyeung nam from July to September 1997. The following instruments were used in the study after some adaption : scale of perceived health status, self-esteem, perceived benefits, family hardiness index, purpose in life, Walker and other health promoting lifestyle profiles. The data were analyzed, by t-test, ANOVA Scheffe's Pearson's correlation & stepwise multiple regression, by using the SAS program. The results are as follows : 1) The average score for the health promoting lifestyle was 2.65. In the sub-categories, the highest degree of practice was self-actualization (2.91), and in the lower degree was health responsibility (2.13). 2) In the relation ship between social demographic and health promoting lifestyle there were significant differences ineducation, occupation, economic status, and type of family. 3) There is a significant correlation between perceived health status, self-esteem, perceived benefits, family hardiness index, existential vacuum and total & subcategory health promoting lifestyles. 4) Existential vacuum was the highest factor predicting a health promoting lifestyle for middle-aged women (38.0%). 5) Existential vacuum, commitment and self-esteem accounted for 45.9% of the total variance.

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The impact of egoresilience and social support on the quality of life and stress experience by paramedic students during field practice (현장실습 응급구조과 학생의 자아탄력성과 사회적지지가 스트레스와 삶의 질에 미치는 영향)

  • Heo, Mi-Hyun;Chung, Eun-Kyung
    • The Korean Journal of Emergency Medical Services
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    • v.23 no.3
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    • pp.83-96
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    • 2019
  • Purpose: This study was conducted to provide fundamental resource in improving the quality of life and stress by understanding the influence of egoresilience and social support by paramedic students during field practice. Methods: The measurement instrument consisted of 100 questions on the general characteristics, egoresilience, social support, stress, and quality of life of the participants. Frequency and descriptive analysis, t-test, ANOVA, correlation analysis, and multiple regression analysis were performed. Results: The average scores for egoresilience, social support, and stress were 3.00, 3.14, and 1.68 out of 4.00, respectively. The degree of stress was high enough to be statistically significant in the case of women compared to men, and if unsatisfied with one's major. The average quality of life score was 4.50. The degree of quality of life was high enough to be statistically significant in the case of men compared to women, smokers, drinkers, and if content with one's major. Conclusion: It is suggested that colleges develop programs to increase the satisfaction rate of the students and improve their egoresilience and social support. Such programs would improve the quality of life and address the stress experienced by emergency medical technology students.

The Effect of Teacher's Image and Recognition of Teaching Practice for Student Teacher's Practicum Satisfaction (교사이미지와 교육실습에 대한 인식이 예비유아교사의 교육실습만족도에 미치는 영향)

  • Lee, Jeong Hee;Cho, Songyon
    • Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association
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    • v.50 no.8
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    • pp.113-123
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    • 2012
  • This research has an objective of investigating the challenges that student teachers encounter during practicum, the difference between teachers' image based on sociodemographic variables, recognition and satisfaction for practicum, and the effect of teachers' image and practicum experience on the satisfaction for the practicum. The participants of this study included 500 student teachers who enrolled in the department of early childhood education in a 2 or 3-year college or a 4-year university and completed practicum in the Chungcheong area. The instruments for this study were Teacher's Image Scale, Practicum Experience Scale, Practicum Satisfaction Scale and a questionnaire for sociodemographic variables. The results were as follows: First, the highest level of teachers' image was obtained for student teachers enrolled in a 2-year college, completed practicum in large cities and finished practicum at an institution with a size of 3-6 classes. Also, the highest level of 'recognition for practicum' of student teachers was observed when they were instructed by a guidance teacher with a degree from a graduate school and with a first degree certification in public kindergarten. Second, the satisfaction for practicum of student teachers was mostly affected by' the atmosphere of the practice institutions', while personality affected the teachers' image.

The Effects of Self-esteem and Major Satisfaction on Interpersonal Relationship Ability of Nursing Students Who Have Experienced Clinical Practice (임상실습을 경험한 간호대학생의 자아존중감, 전공만족도가 대인관계능력에 미치는 영향)

  • Lee, Kyoung Eun
    • Journal of muscle and joint health
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    • v.27 no.3
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    • pp.316-324
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    • 2020
  • Purpose: This study aimed to investigate the relationship between the subject's self-esteem, major satisfaction, and interpersonal ability, and to identify factors that affect interpersonal relationships. Methods: The subjects of this study were 135 nursing college students in the third and forth grades enrolled in a college located in B Metropolitan City. Data were collected using a structured questionnaire was used, and the data collection period was from July 13, 2020 to August 9, 2020. Results: The average degree of self-esteem, major satisfaction, and degree of interpersonal relationship were relatively high. The interpersonal relationship ability according to the general characteristics of the subjects showed significant differences in religion, residence type, departmental friend, health status, and satisfaction with clinical practice. The factors influencing the subject's interpersonal relationship ability were in the order of self-esteem, major satisfaction, good health, and traces of residence. Conclusion: Based on the results of this study, it is considered necessary to develop a nursing intervention program that can enhance the interpersonal skills of nursing college students.

Relationship between the Degree of Physical Activity and Oral Health Behaviors of Adolescents (청소년의 신체활동 정도와 구강건강행태와의 관계)

  • NamKoong, Eun-Jung;Ryu, Da-Young
    • Journal of Korean Dental Hygiene Science
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    • v.4 no.1
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    • pp.79-87
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    • 2021
  • Background: The purpose of the present study was to confirm the degree of physical activity and oral health behaviors of adolescents, and to investigate the relationship between them. Methods: The present study utilized data from the 15th (2019) Korea Youth Risk Behavior Web-Based Survey data, which included a total of 57,303 adolescents for analysis. Statistical analysis was performed using PASW Statistics 21.0. The significance level for significance was set at 0.05. Results: The rate of toothbrushing before sleeping was 1.152 times higher in the group that performed muscle strengthening exercises more than 3 times a week than in the group that did not (p < 0.001). The rate of use of oral hygiene products was 1.246 times higher in the group that performed physical activity for 60 min or more every day than in the group that did not, and 1.207 times higher in the group that performed muscle strength exercise at least 3 times a week than in the group that did not (p < 0.001). Conclusions: Adolescents who engaged in physical activities had a high rate of practice for some oral health behaviors. These results suggested that the group with positive health behaviors has a higher rate of oral health behavior practice, showing that health behaviors are highly interrelated.