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Effect of Nutrient Solution Strength on pH of Drainage Solution and Root Activity of Strawberry 'Sulhyang' in Hydroponics (배양액의 농도가 배액의 pH와 딸기 '설향' 뿌리의 활성에 미치는 영향)

  • Jun, Ha-Joon;Byun, Mi-Soon;Liu, Shi Sheng;Jang, Mi-Soon
    • Horticultural Science & Technology
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    • v.29 no.1
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    • pp.23-28
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    • 2011
  • Experiments were conducted to investigate the optimum concentration of the nutrient solution in strawberry 'Sulhyang' with hydroponics in relationship between root activity and nutrient concentrations. Nutrient solutions for strawberry, made by Yamazaki, were supplied EC 0.5, 1.0, 2.0 dSm1 during experiment period. Growth of shoot and root of strawberries grown in visible plastic pot was observed during experiment. Petiole length was longest in plants grown in EC 1.0 dSm1, followed by 2.0 and 0.5 dSm1. Leaf width was longest in plants grown in EC 1.0 dSm1, followed by 0.5 and 2.0 dSm1. Fruit length, fruit diameter, fruit weight and yield were higher in EC 0.5 and 1.0 dSm1 than 2.0 dSm1 treatment but, soluble solids of the fruit did not show statistical differences among treatments. Shoot dry weight was heaviest in EC 1.0 dSm1, followed by 0.5 and 2.0 dSm1. Root dry weight was heavier in EC 0.5 and 1.0 dSm1 but significantly light in 2.0 dSm1. pH of the drainage solution was elevated in low nutrient concentration and lowered in high concentration. Also root activity was high in low nutrient concentration and low in high concentration. As a result, the optimum EC for strawberry 'Sulhyang' was EC 1.0 dSm1 in this experiment. It was confirmed that there was high relationship between root activity and pH of drainage solution. This result will be utilized as an indicator for strawberry hydroponics.

Position Effect of Axillary Buds on Shoot Multiplication and Rooting in Bud Culture of Quercus acutissima (상수리나무 기내(器內) Axillary Bud의 치상부위(置床部位)에 따른 다경(多莖) 및 발근유도(發根誘道) 효과(効果))

  • Moon, Heung Kyu;Kim, Jae Hun;Park, Jae In
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.76 no.4
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    • pp.370-375
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    • 1987
  • This study was conducted to examine the position effect of axillary buds on shoot multiplication and rooting with 1-year-old seedlings of Quercus acutissima. Shoot multiplication was greatly affected by axillary bud position: Productivity of multiple shoots were decreased in the order of top, mid and basal explants respectively. The best shoot multiplication (mean 6.1 shoots per explant) was obtained on WPM medium containing 1.0mg/ BAP and 0.1mg/ NAA using basal explant after 4-week-culture. Rooting was also greatly influenced by position. Its percentage was increased in the order of top, mid and basal explant respectively. Root initiation was better and more rapid on 1/2MS medium than GD medium. High rooting percentage (100%) was obtained on 1/2MS medium containing 0.2mg/ IBA after 15 days culture. Sucrose concentrations did not effect on rooting. However root development and shoot growth were greatly affected by them. Root was developed shortly on 1-2% levels and shoot growth was getting retarded, whereas both of them did not show significant difference at 3-6% levels. Rotting was decreased on 7-8% levels gradually, but shoot and leaf condition was better than any other concentrations. Survival rate of rooted explants in pot was varied according to the position of explants. Seedlings of top part were survived up to about 50% but most of mid and basal part seedlings did not survive over 4 weeks even in high humidity condition. Seedlings in pots showed normal growth over 10 months but most of them showed the condition of premature leaf shedding.

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Effects of Storage Condition, Storage Period, and Priming on Seed Germination of Corylopsis coreana (저장방법 및 priming 처리가 히어리 종자 발아에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Hyoung Deug;Kim, Hong Lim;Kwack, Yong Bum;Choi, Young Hah;Lee, A Rong
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    • v.18 no.4
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    • pp.266-270
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    • 2010
  • Corylopsis coreana is an endangered Korean native plants. This is one of the genus that have high ornamental value for flowering plants available for garden shrub, bonsai, and pot plants. In this study, the methods to encourage seed germination rate were investigated for its ornamental uses. The germination rate of Corylopsis coreana seeds stored under dry-cold condition was very low, 12%, 12%, 8%, and 10%after 40, 70, 85, and 100 days storage respectively. But the germination rate of Corylopsis coreana seeds stored under wet-cold condition was higher than these, 20%, 54%, 78%, and 96% after 40, 70, 85, and 100 days storage respectively. Dry seeds sowed directly without GA3 treatment showed no germination regardless of storage type(cold or room temp.) or storage periods. On the other hand, the soaking treatment with GA3 50~500 ppm for 24 hours was very effective to increase the germination rate. The most effective GA3 levels was different by storage type(cold or room temp.) and storage periods. But the effect of GA3 was decreased by prolonging of the storage period. Soaking treatment with Ca(NO3)2 5, 10, 20 mM, KNO3 5, 10, 20 mM for 24 hours showed no effect.

Selection and Treatment Effect of Plant Growth Retardants on Potted Spathiphyllum Grown in a Recirculating Subirrigation System (순환식 저면관수 시스템을 이용한 스파티필럼의 생장조절제 선발과 처리효과)

  • Won, Eun Jeong;Park, Yoo Gyeong;Jeong, Byoung Ryong
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.81-88
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    • 2011
  • Effect of concentrations of different plant growth retardants (PGRs) supplied to a recirculated nutrient solution in an ebb and flow system on the growth and development of potted Spathiphyllum 'Top-Pin' and 'Mini' was examined. Plants were planted in 10 cm diameter plastic pots filled with a mixture of peat moss and perlite (1 : 1, v/v) on 30 June 2005 and grown until 23 Sep. 2005. In a closed ebb and flow system, 50, 200, 350, 500mgL1 daminozide (B-9), 10, 40, 70, 100mgL1 paclobutrazol (Boundy), 5, 15, 25, 35mgL1 ethephon (Florel), and 1, 4, 7, 10mgL1 uniconazole (Sumagic) were supplemented to a nutrient solution at the initiation of experiment. On every irrigation, the nutrient solution containing PGRs was supplied at a 2 cm depth and kept for 15-20 minutes. The surplus nutrient solution was drained back into the tank for next irrigations. Paclobutrazol gave the most pronounced effect in inhibition of stretchiness. The greatest reduction of leaf length, fresh and dry weights of shoot, and elevated chlorophyll content were recorded in Spathiphyllum, with increasing paclobutrazol concentration. Daminozide concentration greater than 200mgL1 resulted in minor stunting. The lowest concentration (1mgL1) of uniconazole showed greater leaf length, leaf width, and leaf petiole length than the control (0mgL1). Uniconazole concentration greater than 1mgL1 resulted in similar plant growth as the plant in the control (0mgL1). High concentration (35mgL1) of ethephon resulted in the shortest leaf length, and the greatest chlorophyll content. Inhibition of stretchiness was observed even in the lowest concentration treatments. Among the PGRs, paclobutrazol was most effective in suppressing plant stretchiness. In both cultivars, ethephon and paclobutrazol, but not daminozide and uniconazole, significantly inhibited stretchiness. The results suggested that plant growth retardants (ethephon or paclobutrazol) selected in this study may be used as the most effective agents for inhibition of stretchiness in Spathiphyllum.

Effect of Temperature, Glasshouse Forcing Date and GA3 on the Growth and Flowering of Hydrangea macrophylla Ser. (온도, 입실시기 및 GA3 처리가 수국의 생육 및 개화에 미치는 영향)

  • Lee, Hee Doo;Kim, Si Dong;Kim, Ju Hyoung;Lee, Jong Won;Kim, Tae Jung;Lee, Cheol Hee
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    • v.16 no.4
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    • pp.260-265
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    • 2008
  • Studies were carried out to elucidate the effect of temperature, glasshouse forcing date and GA3 on the growth and flowering of pot Hydrangea macrophylla Ser. The plant height was elongated in the 5C treatments as 38 cm compared with 20C treatment as 6.7 cm, and stem length showed the similar results. The leaf length and width was broadened in the lower temperature, and stem diameter showed the same tendency. The first flowering date in the 15C and 20C treatment shortened markedly than 5C treatment. Days to flowering date of 5C was 161 day, while it shortened as 88 day in the 15C treatment. The flowering rate was 75.8~90.7% in the temperature. The plant height was elongated in the late glasshouse forcing date, and the leaf length and width showed the similar tendency. The plant height increased in the higher concentration of GA3 compared to the control, and leaf length and width showed the similar results. The first flowering day was advanced by 7 days in the GA3 50mgL1 treatment which had been transferred to greenhouse on Dec. 30 compared with the control of which first flowering day was March 17, and the days to first flowering was conspicuously shortened in the late glasshouse forcing treatment. The width of flower cluster was increased in the GA3 at Dec. 30 glasshouse forcing treatment. The flowering rate was markedly decreased as 62.3% in the control of Nov. 15 treatment, but was increased as 97.9% of GA3 50mgL1 of Jan. 15 treatment.

Studies on the Development of Acid Tolerant and Superior Nitrogen Fixation Symbionts for Pasture on Hilly Land -II. Selection of Acid Tolerant R. meliloti in virto and Inoculation Effect in Soils (야산(野山) 목초지용(牧草地用) 내산성(耐酸性) 우수(優秀) 질소고정균주(窒素固定菌株) 개발(開發) -II. 내산성(耐酸性) R. meliloti 의 기내선발(器內選拔) 및 토양(土壤) 접종효과(接種效果))

  • Kang, Ui-Gum;Choi, Ju-Hyeon;Cho, Kang-Jin;Jung, Yeun-Tae;Cho, Moo-Je
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.22 no.1
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    • pp.72-77
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    • 1989
  • A study was conducted to obtain acid tolerant and superior Rhizobium meliloti strain for alfalfa on hilly acid soils. With host plant, eight isolates of R, meliloti selected in the vicinity of Milyang were evaluated for their ability to establish symbiotic effectiveness in acidified tube culture medium and vermiculite pot with different urea levels. Among isolates "YA03" was characterized for the ability to manifest to acid tolerance in three different soils of which pH were 5.0, 6.0, and 7.5. The results obtained were summarized as follows: 1. Of eight isolates "YA03" and "YA09" performed nodule in the tube medium of pH5.0, and in the symbiotic effectiveness YA03 was superior to others. 2. Alfalfa growth and N2fixing activity by the inoculation of "YA03" isolate were better than others at the level of urea 1.25mM as well as nonurea. 3. Application of urea with inoculation of "YA03" islate to alfalfa was one of the effective factors for symbiotic effectiveness. 4. In infertile soil of pH5.0 inoculation of R. meliloti "YA03" to alfalfa caused the increase of shoot dry matter of 320% as compared to the control, and the total amount of yield was 131% as much yield in moderate fertile soil of pH7.5. Finally R. meliloti "YA03" isolate was selected as an acid tolerant strain.

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Assessment of Fertilizer Efficiency of Pharmaceutical Byproduct and Cosmetic Industry Wastewater Sludge as Raw Materials of Compost (제약업종 부산물 및 화장품 제조업 폐수처리오니의 비효검정)

  • Lim, Dong-Kyu;Kwon, Soon-Ik;Lee, Seung-Hwan;So, Kyu-Ho;Sung, Ki-Suk;Koh, Mun-Hwan
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.38 no.2
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    • pp.108-117
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    • 2005
  • Pharmaceutical byproduct sludge and cosmetic industry wastewater sludge can be used as a raw material of compost. Effects of three types of pharmaceutical byproduct sludge and one type of cosmetic industry wastewater sludge on soil properties and red pepper growth were investigated in a field based concrete pot (2×2m). These sludges and pig manure ($5Mg\;ha^{-1}$, dry basis) were incorporated into the upper of loam soil 30 days prior to transplanting red pepper. Changes in soil properties and contents of heavy metals and toxic organic compounds in soil and plant were measured. And also plant growth measurement and bioassay of soil phytotoxicity were included. Contents of heavy metals were increased in the soils treated with the sludges. Plant growth in the sludge treatments were mostly inferior to that of NPK treatment, especially in early stage. Content of N in plant was lower in all sludge treatments at early and middle growth stages, and it was especially caused by characteristics and concentration of nitrogen and organic matter of sludges. Total yield of red pepper was highest in the NPK treatment and followed by pharmaceutical sludge 3, pig manure, pharmaceutical sludge 1, and pharmaceutical sludge 2, and the yield of cosmetic sludge treatment was considerably lower than others. HEM and PAHs contents in soil of cosmetic sludge treatment were 4.80mgkg1 and 2,263.2μgkg1, respectively. Root elongation of lettuce exposed to the water extract of soil treated with cosmetic sludge was about 20% of that found in the test with soil extract of non fertilization treatment. At present, raw materials of compost were authorized according to the contents of organic matter, heavy metals and product processing. Toxic organic compounds analysis and bioassay would be helpful for authorization and assessment of suitability of raw materials of compost.

Studies on the Various Utilization of Microbial Formulation for the Production of Vegetable Crops (원예작물(園藝作物) 생산성(生産性)에 미치는 미생물(微生物) 제제(製劑)의 복합적(複合的) 이용연구(利用硏究))

  • Kim, Kwang-Sik;Kim, Young-Woong;Choi, Young-Soo
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.28 no.2
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    • pp.191-205
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    • 1995
  • The carrier materials used for the development of bacterial inoculants to be effective in field were made with various carrier materials of two major forms, alginate bead and powder inoculants. Inoculants were prepared after mixing those carrier materials with Pseudomonas fluorescens SSL3 and Bacillus subtilis B5, and the treatment effects of each inoculants was investigated on cucumber, tomato, pepper and potato. Survival density of SSL3 and B5 in various carrier materials for duration of storage and the bead inoculants were better than the powder. In the powders, survival rate increased in carrier materials treated 5% skimilk. The growth condition of microorganisms in carrier materials is good at powder. When they were preserved in the long period, contamination is problem. Scanning(200 to 600nm) of the P. fluorescens SSL3 supernatant in centrifuged MKB broth incubated for 48h had two main peaks, pyochelin(300nm) and pyoverdin(400nm). The potato yield in field experiments of spring, treated with bead formulas showed increase of 22~29% in whole potato breeds as compared with control, because the bead formulas degraded, and released the antibiotic microorganisms in slow and constant rate. In the pot experiment, there were significant difference in soil, wheatbran, and bead formed wheatbran.

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Biological Control of Root-knot Nematode by Streptomyces sampsonii KK1024 (Streptomyces sampsonii KK1024를 이용한 뿌리혹선충 (Root-knot nematode)의 생물학적 방제)

  • Kim, Sang-Su;Kang, Seon-I;Kim, Jin-Si;Lee, Yong-Sung;Hong, Sung-Hyun;Naing, Kyaw Wai;Kim, Kil-Yong
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.44 no.6
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    • pp.1150-1157
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    • 2011
  • Streptomyces sampsonii KK1024 having strong chitinolytic activity was isolated from crab-shell rich soil at Muan, Jeolanamdo. The KK1024 produced chitinase, protease, gelatinase and lipase. When 50% of KK1024 culture broth was treated to juveniles and eggs of root-knot nematode, juvenile mortality at 3 days was 81.67% and egg hatch rate at 5 days was 2.00%. When 183.7μgmL1 of crude enzyme produced by KK1024 was treated, juvenile mortality at 3 days was 96.00% and egg hatch rate at 5 days was 5.33%. At 1% of butanol extract from KK1024, juvenile mortality was highest with 90.00% and egg hatch rate was lowest with 0%. The comparison of the effect of KK1024 culture broth with only medium, synthetic fertilizer, and commercial nematicide on tomato growth and nematode infection was examined in pot trials. KK1024 culture broth showed lower number of egg mass and gall in plant, and population of juveniles in soil compared with only medium and synthetic fertilizer treatment, but not in commercial nematicide. However, the highest shoot weight and length was discovered in KK1024 culture broth. These results suggest that Streptomyces sampsonii KK1024 producing lytic enzymes and nematicidal compounds can be one of candidates for biocontrol agents against root-knot nematodes.

Effect of Different Levels of Applications of Illite on the Growth of Red Pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) in Bed Soil (상토에서 일라이트의 혼합비율에 따른 고추 육묘시 생육효과)

  • Lee, Seok-Eon;Kim, Hong-Ki;Kwon, Sang-Moon;Kim, Hee-Jung;Yoo, Ri-Bi;Baek, Ki-Tae;Lee, Moon-Soon;Woo, Sun-Hee;Park, Man;Chung, Keun-Yook
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.43 no.6
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    • pp.852-857
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    • 2010
  • This study was performed to explore the effect of the clay mineral illite on the improvement of bed soil and plant growth. Red pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) was used as a model vegetable crop. The experiment was performed during the whole six weeks in the glass house of the Chungbuk National University. Its seedlings were cultivated in the bed soil normally used for horticultural purpose. Of the seedlings cultured, the healthy and regular size of seed were selected and cultivated in the pots. They were treated with two forms of illite, particulate (PA) and powder (PW), at the following application rates: standard application[P1 (PA1, PW1), 1:20 (w/w)], two times[P2 (PA2, PW2), 1:10 (w/w)], and four times[P4 (PA4, PW4), 1:5 (w/w)] of standard application. Untreatment (P0) was used as a control pot. At six weeks of cultivation, their growth lengths were correspondingly increased as the application rate was increased ranging from P0, P1, P2, and to P4. Their growth length was a little greater on the application of powder illite (PW) than on the particulate illite (PA). Based on the plant analysis for the root, leaf, stem of red pepper, the uptake amounts of K, Ca, and Mg, were correspondingly increased, as the application rate was increased ranging from P0, P1, P2, and to P4, respectively. At the same application rate, their amounts taken up in the respective parts were higher on the application of PW illite than on the PA one. Especially the amounts of Ca and Mg were higher in the stem, leaf than root. Consequently, it appears that the illite treatment, especially, PW form of illite, enhance the growth of red pepper in the glass house during the whole six weeks of experiment.