• Title/Summary/Keyword: pot

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Biological Control of Spodoptera depravata (Butler) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) Using Entomopathogenic Nematodes (곤충병원성 선충을 이용한 잔디밤나방, Spodoptera depravata(Butler)(나비목: 밤나방과)의 생물적 방제)

  • 강영진;이동운;추호렬;이상명;권태웅;신홍균
    • Korean journal of applied entomology
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    • v.43 no.1
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    • pp.61-70
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    • 2004
  • Environmentally sound control of Japanese lawngrass cutworm, Spodoptera depravata with Korean entomopathogenic nematodes (Heterorhabditis sp. Gyeongsan, Steinernema carpocapsae GSNI , S. glaseri Dongrae, S. longicaudum Nonsan, and S. monticolum Jiri) was evaluated in the laboratory and field. In addition, effect of turf height on the pathogenicity of entomopathogenic nematodes and density of ant (Formica japonica) and spine-tailed earwigs (Forficula scudderi) were investigated in the field. The corrected mortality of 3rd instar of S. depravata larvae was 53.3% to 66.7% 5 days later after treatment of entomopathogenic nematodes. LC50LC50 value of S. carpocapsae GSN1 and S. monticolum Jiri against 3rd instar of S. depravata was 6.9 and 3.9, respectively. Pathogenicity of S. carpocapsae GSN1 was different depending on larval stages, i.e., mortality of 2nd instar was the highest representing 73.3% but decreased from 3rd instar. Turf height affected pathogenicity of entomopathogenic nematodes. Mortality of 4th instar of S. depravata was 40.0% by S. carpocapsae GSN1 and 33.3% by S. monticolum Jiri, and 83.3% by fenitrothion, respectively, in the turf height of 14mm, but those were lower in 45mm. The corrected mortality of S. depravata larvae was lower at the entomopathgenic nematode plots than fenitrothion plot in the distribution field of Formica japonica. However, reduction rate of F japonica was higher in fenitrothion by 56.7% compared with 0% in S. carpocapsae GSN1 and 6.7% in S. monticolum Jiri. Turf height influenced control of S. depravate in S. carpocapsae GSN1 and fenitrothion. Control value of S. carpocapsae GSN1 was 62.2% in the turf height of 3-4cm, but not effective at all in 6-8cm and 12-14cm. However, there was not significantly different in fenitrothion plots. Forficula Scudderi was also reduced only in fenitrothion plots. Reduction rate was 100% in 3-4cm, 41.7% in 6-8cm, and 16.7% in 12-14cm, respectively.

Soil Moisture Influence on Growth and Nutrient Uptake of Seedlings in Denuded Forest Land (황폐지(荒廢地) 토양수분(土壤水分)이 묘목(苗木)의 생장(生長) 및 양분흡수(養分吸水)에 미치는 영향(影響))

  • Lee, Soo-Wook;Kim, Chi-Moon;Song, Ho-Kyeong
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.38 no.1
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    • pp.46-54
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    • 1978
  • In afforestation of denuded forest land soil conditions play a very important role in early growth of cover vegetations. This study was designed for understanding the effect of soil moisture regime on growth and nutrient uptake of some seedlings. Cover vegetations such as Pinus rigida Miller, Robinia pseudoacacia L. and Lespedeza bicolor Turcz. were planted in pot with the soil transported from denuded forest land in Musu-ri Sannae-Myeon. Daedeog-Kun, Chungnam Province. There were 3 moisture treatments and 4 fertility levels in P2O5P2O5 with 4 replications. Influence on growth was observed by the variation in dry weight and nutrient uptake was studied in nitrogen, phosphate and kalium. Results are as follows: 1. For Pinus rigida seedlings decrease in soil moisture tension increases growth of dry weight and enhance the uptake of kalium. Increase in P2O5P2O5 fertility level tends to decrease the uptake of kalium rather than increase in P2O5P2O5 uptake. 2. In Robinia pseudoacacia increase in soil moisture content stimulates the uptake of nitrogen and kalium. Increase in P2O5P2O5 level enhances the uptake of P2O5P2O5 and increases growth of dry weight. 3. In Lespedeza bicolor increase in soil moisture content has a tendency of decrease in nitrogen uptake. Increase in P2O5P2O5 level increases the growth of dry weight as well as the uptake of P2O5P2O5.

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Effects of Simulated Acid Rain on Nutrient Contents of Pinus densiflora S. et Z. and Forsythia koreana Nak. Seedlings (인공산성우(人工酸性雨)가 소나무 및 개나리묘(苗)의 식물체내(植物體內) 함유성분(含有成分)에 미치는 영향(影響))

  • Cheong, Yong Moon
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.77 no.3
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    • pp.259-268
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    • 1988
  • For the purpose of examining the effects of simulated acid rain on nutrient contents of plant tissues in Pintos densiflora seedlings and Forsythia koreana rooted cuttings, the experimental design of randomized block arrangement with three replications was implemented in the experimental field of Yesan National Agricultural Junior College. One-year-old Pinus densiflora seedlings and Forsythia koreana cuttings were planted in the pots filled the mixed soils(nursery soil : forest soil of siliceous sandy loam=1 : 1 v/v) in the early spring of 1986. The regime of artificial acid rain, in terms of spray frequency per month and spray amount at single treatment per plot, was simulated on the basis of climatological data averaged from 30 years records. Simulated acid rain(pH 2.0, pH 4.0, and pH 5.5 as control) containing sulfuric and nutric acid in the ratio of 3 : 2(chemical equivalant basis) diluted with ground water were treated on the experimental plants under condition of cutting off the natural precipitation with vinyl tunnel, during the growing season(May 1 to August 31) in 1986. The results obtained in this study were as follow : (1) As for the nitrogen contents in plant tissues, P. densiflora increased significantly in one-year-old stembranch and root tissues, and F. koreana increased significantly in leaf and root tissues, as the pH levels of acid rain decreased. (2) The available phosphate contents in root tissues of P. densiflora, and in leaf and root tissues of F. koreana were significantly decreased, as the pH levels of acid rain decreased. (3) K2OK2O, CaO and MgO contents in plant tissues were significantly decreased in the both species as the pH levels decreased. And the effects of acid rain on F. koreana were higher than those of P. densiflora. (4) Sulfur contents of plant tissues in the both species were increased at pH 2.0 treatment. There were significant differences among three acid rain treatments in leaf and root tissues of P. densiflora, and in all parts of F. koreana. (5) In the effects of simulated acid rain on the both species and the tested soils, in general, F. koreana revealed higher sensitiveness than P. densiflora, and the lower pH levels of simulated acid rain were treated, the more sharp reaction was showed.

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Cultivational Possibilities of Camellia sinensis L. in the Mountain-area of West-Gyeongnam Province, Korea (경남 서부 산간지의 차나무 (Camellia sinensis L.) 재배 가능성)

  • Lee Seong-Tae;Shon Gil-Man;Kang Jin-ho;Lee Yong-Ho
    • Korean Journal of Plant Resources
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.1-7
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    • 2005
  • This study was conducted to investigate the possibility of cultivating tea plants planted in the mountain area of west Gyeongnam province, Korea for 2 years from March 27th, 2001 to July 30th 2003. Ninety each plants collected from 5 different sife were cultivated in nursery cup pot(ϕ16cm)(ϕ16cm). in the greenhouse condition and transplanted in 5 different location and monitored their survival growing state etc. The results obtained are as follow : 1. Survival rate tea plants after transfer to soil was relatively high Gaya-myeon Hanyang-gun with 90.0%90.0% and the lowest in Buksang-meyon Geochang-gun with 80.0%80.0%. The tea plant collected from Gaya-myeon showed the best growing activity at early stage. 2. For the second year of harvesting time, survival rate was the highest in Machun-myeon Hamyang-gun with 92.2%92.2% and the lowest was Buksang-myeon Geochang-gun with 76.7%76.7%. 3. For the 3rd year of harvesting time, it was impossible to data collection because of the most upper parts of plants were killed by severe freezing weather condition. In the Baekjeon-myeon, Hamyang-gun Buksang-myeon, Ungyang-myeon Geochang-gun, which are severly cold(below10C)(below10C) in winter season, seems not a suitable places for tea plant cultivation since it is very different to harvest the young loaves in growing season. In conclnsion we could select two sites Gaya-myeon, Hapcheon-gun, Machun-myeon, Hamyang-gun, as tea plant cultivation in the mountain area of west-Gyeongnam province, korea.

Effects of Combined Micronutrient(Fe, Mn, Cu, Zn, Mo and B) Application on Forage Traits in Pure and Mixed Swards of Orchardgrass and White Clover III. Changes in the contents and yields of N-compounds(crude/pure protein and soluble N-compounds) in forage plants (Orchardgrass 및 White Clover의 단파 및 혼파 재배에서 미량요소(Fe, Mn, Cu, Zn, Mo, B)의 조합시비가 목초의 특성에 미치는 영향 III. 목초 중 질소화합물(조/순단백질 및 수용성 질소화합물)의 함량 및 수량 변화)

  • 정연규
    • Journal of The Korean Society of Grassland and Forage Science
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    • v.24 no.1
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    • pp.1-10
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    • 2004
  • This pot experiment was conducted to investigate the effects of combined micronutrient application(T1T1;control, T2T2; Fe, T3T3; Fe+Mn, T4T4; Fe+Mn+Cu, T5T5 ; Fe+Mn+Cu+Zn, T6T6 ; Fe+Mn+Cu+Zn+Mo, T7T7 ; Fe+Mn+Cu+Zn+Mo+B) on forage performance of pure and mixed cultures of orchardgrass and white clover. The third part was concerned with the changes in the contents and yields of N-compounds (crude/pure protein and soluble N-compounds) in forages. The results obtained are summarized as follows: 1. The contents of N-compounds(crude/pure protein and soluble N-compounds) were generally different according to the forage species, whether it was a pure or mixed culture, and additional fertilization, especially N. In orchardgrass, these contents were relatively low at the T3T3 and T6T6 in both pure and mixed cultures. In white clover, these contents were relatively decreased by the T1T1, T3T3, and T6T6 in mixed culture. 2. The treatments influenced relatively more on the yields of crude/pure protein than on the dry matter yields of forages, and this tendency was more significant in white clover than in orchardgrass. 3. In white clover, the great differences in the yields of crude protein by the treatments occurred especially in mixed culture and at 5th cut without no additional fertilization. In white clover, the positive effects of optimum treatments on the yields of crude protein seemed to be decreased by the additional fertilization, especially N. In mixed culture, the favorable growth of white clover by the optimum treatments tended to be positively related to the favorable contents and yields of N-compounds. The changes in the yields of pure protein were similar to the tendency of crude protein

Effects of Combined Micronutrient(Fe, Mn, Cu, Zn, Mo and B) Application on Forage Traits in Pure and Mixed Swards of Orchardgrass and White Clover IV. Changes in the contents of micronutrients in forage plants (Orchardgrass 및 White Clover의 단파 및 혼파 재배에서 미량요소(Fe, Mn, Cu, Zn, Mo, B)의 조합시비가 목초의 여러 특성에 미치는 영향 IV. 목초 중 미량요소(Fe, Mn, Cu, Zn, Mo, B)의 함량 변화)

  • Jung, Yeun-Kyu
    • Journal of The Korean Society of Grassland and Forage Science
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    • v.24 no.1
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    • pp.11-20
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    • 2004
  • This pot experiment was conducted to investigate the effects of combined micronutrient application(T1T1;control, T2T2; Fe, T3T3; Fe+Mn, T4T4: Fe+Mn+Cu, T5T5 ; Fe+Mn+Cu+Zn, T6T6 ; Fe+Mn+Cu+Zn+Mo, T7T7 ;Fe+Mn+Cu+Zn+Mo+B) on forage performance of pure and mixed cultures of orchardgrass and white clover. This 4th part was related to the changes in the contents of micronutrients(Fe, Mn, Cu, Zn, Mo, and B) in forages. The results obtained are summarized as follows: 1. General differences have been showed in the contents of micronutrients based on the treatments, forage species, pure/mixed culture, cutting order, and additional fertilization, especially N. Compared to pure culture, orchardgrass showed relatively high contents of Mn and Zn, and low contents of B and Fe in mixed culture. White clover, however, tended to be exactly opposed to the above trends. The contents of Cu and Mo did not show any differences between pure and mixed cultures. 2. In relative comparison, the T7T7 influenced negatively on the contents of Cu, Zn, and Mo in orchardgrass. The T7T7 also influenced negatively on the contents of Mo in white clover. However, the T7T7 influenced positively on the contents of Mn in orchardgrass, and also influenced positively on the contents of Fe, Mn, and Cu in white clover. Because of the antagonism between Fe and Mn, the Fe contents in both forages were significantly decreased by the T3T3. Under the various conditions, the differences among Fe contents tended to be more significant in white clover than in orchardgrass. 3. At the T6T6 and T7T7, the Mo contents in both forages tended to be relatively high. The Mo contents, however, were somewhat decreased by the T7T7 7/. The Mo-toxicity, which was caused by the high Mo-contents, tended to be diminished, and was likely to be prevented by the optimum B/Mo ratio and B application(T7T7 ).

Sprouting Characteristics and Herbicidal Responses of Purple Nutsedge (향부자 괴경의 출아특성과 제초제에 대한 반응)

  • Kim, J.S.;Shin, W.K.;Kim, T.J.;Cho, K.Y.
    • Korean Journal of Weed Science
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.120-127
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    • 1994
  • To establish an efficient herbicide screening method for purple nutsedge(Cyperus rotundus) control, its sprouting characteristics, tuber production and responses on several herbicides were investigated under greenhouse condition. The tubers stored at 4C4C after sterilization with the diluted prochloraz(Spotac) solution showed higher sprouting than the non-sterilized did. The harvested tubers were not dormant, and the sterilized tubers which stored at low temperature had a sprouting capability of about 80% after 6 months. If the fresh weight of purple nutsedge tubers was decreased to below 48%, they could not sprout. However, the tubers soaked in water and then stored at low temperature could sprout by 88% even 6 months later. Sprouting and initial growth of tuber were much better at 35C35C-day/25C25C-night than at 30/20C20C or 25/15C15C. The half-sected tubers, which were prepared by setting the intact tuber of above 1.2g latitudinally, were shown similar initial growth to the intact but those sected crucifically were not. These results suggest that the half-sected tuber itself can be used as a material on herbicide screening. About 1000 tubers could be harvested when 10 tubers planted in a pot(56×35×16cm56×35×16cm) filled with the artificial soil were cultivated in greenhouse of 35C35C-day/25C25C-night for 3 months(April-July, 1993). Chlorimuron, Bentazon and Norflurazon were selected as the standards for the screening because of providing relatively effective control on purple nutsedge in both soil-surface and foliar spray treatment.

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Behaviors of Arsenic in Paddy Soils and Effects of Absorbed Arsenic on Physiological and Ecological Characteristics of Rice Plant lll. Effect of Water Management on As Uptake and the Growth of Rice Plant at As Added Soil (토양중(土壤中) 비소(砒素)의 행동(行動)과 수도(水稻)의 비소흡수(砒素吸收)에 의(依)한 피해생리(被害生理) 생태(生態)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究);Ⅲ.물관리(管理)가 수도의 비소흡수(砒素吸收) 및 생육(生育)에 미치는 영향(影響))

  • Lee, Min-Hyo;Lim, Soo-Kill-H
    • Korean Journal of Environmental Agriculture
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    • v.6 no.1
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    • pp.1-6
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    • 1987
  • A pot experiment was conducted to find out the effect of water management on the growth and uptake of arsenic and inorganic nutrients of rice plant at As added soil. The arsenic were added to soil at the levels of As 0, 10, 50, 100 and 150 ppm, respectively. Water management was done with two ways: intermittent irrigation from ten days after transplanting, and continuous submersion until harvest. Higher soil As levels increased As content in plant but reduced growth rate. Aresenic content in plant was considerably reduced with intermittent irrigation compared to continuous submersion. Rice growth showed also same trend. With increasing As levels in soil, N content in plant was increased but P, K, Ca, Mg, SiO2SiO2, Fe and Mn content in plant were tend to be decreased. These inorganic nutrients in plant were also much absorbed in continuous submersion compared to intermittent irrigation. Soil pH was slightly increased with increasing As levels in soil while soil Eh has no relationship with soil As levels. On the other hand, soil pH was higher in the treatment of continuous submersion than that of intermittent irrigation but soil Eh showed reverse trend. With increasing As levels in soil, water soluble-As and Ca-As fractions in soil tend to be increased with continuous submersion, but these fractions has no tendency with intermittant irrigation.

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Effects of Paper Sludge Application on the Chemical Properties of Paddy Soil and Growth of Paddy Rice;IV. Effects of Paper Sludge Application on the Seasonal Variations of Volatie Lower Fatty Acids in Paddy Soil (제지(製紙)슬러지의 시용(施用)이 논 토양(土壤)의 화학성(化學性)과 수도생육(水稻生育)에 미치는 영향(影響);IV. 슬러지시용(施用)이 토양중(土壤中) 휘발성저급지방산변화(揮發性低級脂肪酸變化)에 미치는 영향(影響))

  • Heo, Jong-Soo;Kim, Kwang-Sik;Ha, Ho-Sung
    • Korean Journal of Environmental Agriculture
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.34-42
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    • 1988
  • To investigate the effects of paper sludge on seasonal variations of volatile lower fatty acids in paddy soil, paper sludge was applied to pots at the rate of either 300, 600, 900 or 1,200 kg/l0a which was either preadjusted at a C/N ratio of 30 : 1 or not adjusted. The decomposition rate of paper sludge, the evolution of CO2CO2, and the fractions of volatile lower fatty acids in the soil were determined. The results are summarized as follows: 1. Paper sludge was decomposed to 35443544, and its C/N ratio was 55825582, respectively, at 120 days after treatment. 2. The evolution of CO2CO2, in the soil was proportional to the amount of paper sludge added. Significant positive correlations were observed the CO2CO2 evolution was compared with the decomposition rate of paper sludge, and volatile fatty acid contents in soil. 3. Acetic, propionic, butyric, i-butyric, valeric and i-valeric acids were identified in all the soils investigated. The content of the total volatile fatty acids in the soil increased with as the application of paper sludge increased. The formation of the acids was the highest at 25 days after treatment, and thereafter the contents of the acids decreased as time elapsed. 4. The volatile fatty acids in the soil inhibited the growth of paddy rice in early stages. The contents of acetic, propionic and i-valeric acids in the soil negatively, correlated with the uptake of N, P2O5P2O5, K2OK2O, CaO, MgO and SiO2SiO2 in the paddy rice at 25 days after transplantation. In addition, the uptake of P2O5P2O5 and CaO in the paddy rice negatively correlated with the content of butyric acid in the soil. 5. The content of total volatile fatty acids positively correlated with the content of Fe++Fe++ and Mn++Mn++ in the soil at 25 days after transplantation. A significantly positive correlation was observed between Fe++Fe++ and acetic acid contents in the soil.

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Affect of Pharmaceutical Byproduct and Cosmetic Industry Wastewater Sludge as Raw Materials of Compost on Damage of Red Pepper Cultivation (제약업종 부산물 및 화장품 제조업 폐수처리오니의 고추 비해에 미치는 영향)

  • Lim, Dong-Kyu;Lee, Sang-Beom;Kwon, Soon-Ik;Lee, Seung-Hwan;So, Kyu-Ho;Sung, Ki-Suk;Koh, Mun-Hwan
    • Korean Journal of Environmental Agriculture
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    • v.23 no.4
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    • pp.211-219
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    • 2004
  • Three sludge types from pharmaceutical byproducts and one sludge type from cosmetic waste-water sludge as raw materials of compost were used in a field based concrete pot (4m24m2, 2m×2m2m×2m) for investigating damage of red pepper cultivation. These sludges and pig manure (1 Mg/10a, dry basis) were incorporated into the upper of clay loam soil prior to transplanting with red pepper. Changes in concentration and properties of heavy metal for both of soil and plant were investigated 4 times during of red pepper growth. Plant height and stem diameter of red pepper in sludge treatments except to Pharmaceutical sludge 3 were poor than those of NPK treatment. This result were regarded as an effect of incompleted decomposition sludge which has a lot of organic matter concentration. Amount of total As was increased rapidly Jul. 8. in soil, total Zn Cu Pb Cd were in harvest time, and 1 N-HCl extractable Zn Cu Pb Cd As were in harvest at middle stage and then decreased. Amounts of nitrogen in plant (leaf and stem) were high in Phamaceutical Sludge 1 and fig Manure treatment in early and middle stage because of organic matter and nitrogen concentrations and characteristics. Amounts of Zn, Pb, and Ni in leaf and amount of Zn and Pb in stem were increased in harvest time so that we need to have a concern in detail. Total yield of red pepper was Pig Manure > Phamaceutical Sludge 3 > Phamaceutical Sludge 1 > NPK > Phamaceutical Sludge 2 and Cosmetic Sludge treatment was decreased considerably to compare to others. Amounts of Zn and Cu in green and red pepper in harvest time were higher than the other heavy metals. Finally these results can use to utilize that finding damage on crop for authorization and suitability estimation of raw material of compost.