• Title/Summary/Keyword: postnatal depression

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Effects of Self Efficacy, Body Image and Family Support on Postpartum Depression in Early Postpartum Mothers (산욕초기 산모의 산후우울에 자기효능감, 신체상, 가족지지가 미치는 영향)

  • Lee, Ji-Won;Eo, Yong-Sook;Moon, Eun-Hye
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.16 no.6
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    • pp.4011-4020
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    • 2015
  • The purpose of this study was to determine the self efficacy, body image and family support affect on postpartum depression in early postpartum mothers. The data was collected 306 mothers on the first week after delivery from one hospital located in B city. The instruments were a survey of general characteristics, obstetrical characteristics, the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale(EPDS), self-efficacy, body image and family support. Data was analysed using descriptive statistics, Pearson correlation coefficients, and stepwise multiple regression. The results revealed that the average item score of the EPDS was 6.09. The significant predictors of postpartum depression were body image, emotional state in pregnancy, and family support. These variables had a 38.4% explainability. The results indicate that the postpartum mothers should be screened for postpartum depression early in the postpartum period and it's necessary to implement nursing intervention focused on to enhance the body image and family support, especially the weak emotional state mothers in pregnancy.

Plasma Levels of Cytokines in Patients with Postpartum Depression (산후우울증 환자에서 혈장 Cytokine의 농도변화에 대한 전향적 연구)

  • Lee, Younjung;Kim, Yong-Ku;Kim, Kye-Hyun;Lee, Bun-Hee
    • Korean Journal of Psychosomatic Medicine
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    • v.28 no.2
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    • pp.177-184
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    • 2020
  • Objectives : Postpartum depression is known to occur in 10-15% of mothers. The concentration of cytokine varies depending on stress, depression, pregnancy and general medical conditions. We hypothesized that the concentration of cytokines may be related to reproduction and childbirth, and that women with postpartum depression would show alterations in cytokines levels. Methods : A total of 104 pregnant women were selected as subjects, and 60 non-pregnant women were selected as normal controls. Symptoms of depression were evaluated in the pregnant study subjects using the diagnostic criteria outlined in the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale (EPDS). The pregnant subjects were divided into three groups perinatal non-depression controls (n=61), postpartum depression-recovery (n=18), and postpartum depression (n=25). Results : The plasma concentration of TGF-β1, IGF-1 was higher in the pregnant group than in non-pregnant controls (TGF-β1 ; p<0.01, IGF-1 ; p=0.026). At 24 weeks of pregnancy and 6 weeks of delivery, there were no significant differences in the plasma concentration of TGF-β1, IGF-1, β-NGF, IL-2, IL-4, IL-6, IFN-γ, TNF-α between the three groups. There was no statistically significant difference in all three groups during the course of depression in pregnant women. Conclusions : This study found significant difference in plasma cytokines concentrations between non-pregnant controls and perinatal non-depression controls.

Longitudinal Study on the Changes of Mothers' Stress and Cortisol From Pregnancy to Postpartum Period (출산 전후 어머니 스트레스 변화의 종단적 연구)

  • Lee Hyun-Jung;Hyun On-Kang;Rha Jong-Hay
    • The Korean Journal of Community Living Science
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    • v.17 no.3
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    • pp.109-121
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    • 2006
  • This study examines the relationship between mother's stress and cortisol level during late pregnancy and how it changes into postpartum periods. Thirty one families were recruited from Daejeon and Incheon in South Korea. The major findings were as follows: (1) The level of mothers' cortisol followed the typical diurnal pattern of decline throughout the day. Further longitudinal analysis revealed that the level of Korean mothers' cortisol steadily lowered from the 8th prenatal month to the 6th postnatal month. (2) During pregnancy, mothers reported to experience changes in physical activities, daily routines, eating habits, types or amount of social activities and sleeping habits. Among these they were stressed the most by changes in physical activities and social activities. (3) The results of postpartum depression tests conducted at two months after giving birth showed mothers at this time were mostly stressed from difficulty sleeping and unnecessary self criticism. (4) The level of psycho social stress in mothers at six months after giving birth was mainly on social roles and the questions about self reliance marked the highest points. (5) Overall, there was a tendency for the level of maternal stress to decrease definitely from before and after the delivery and even though the level of stress was steadily decreasing up to 6th postpartum month it was not as sharp as those of before and after the birth of the babies. The level of cortisol analysis also showed the same obvious tendency.

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A Case Report of Postabortal Syndrome Patient (유산 후 산후풍 환자 1례에 대한 임상보고)

  • Kim, Se-Hwa;Hwang, Deok-Sang;Lee, Jin-Moo;Lee, Kyung-Sub;Lee, Chang-Hoon;Jang, Jun-Bock
    • The Journal of Korean Obstetrics and Gynecology
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    • v.27 no.4
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    • pp.97-108
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    • 2014
  • Objectives: This study is to report the clinical effect of oriental medicine on a patient suffering from postabortal syndrome with somatic pain disorder, Qi deficiency and depression. Methods: The patient had a miscarriage by cervical incompetence in 24 weeks' gestation even though she had operated cervical cerclage in 20 weeks' gestation. The patient received herbal medication, acupuncture, moxibustion during 20 days of outpatient treatment. The clinical effects were evaluated through VAS (Visual Analogue Scale) and EPDS (Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale Test). Results: The clinical symptoms of somatic pain and Qi deficiency were reduced during the treatment. The EPDS score also decreased from 19 points (high risk level) to 8 points (low risk level). Conclusions: This case study showed that herbal medicine, acupuncture and moxibustion treatment appeared to effectively reduce postabortal syndrome. Since patients previously experienced cervical incompetence tend to have habitual abortion for next pregnancy, further long term observation and preventive treatment are needed in this case for next safe pregnancy and childbirth.

Does a nurse-led postpartum self-care program for first-time mothers in Bangladesh improve postpartum fatigue, depressive mood, and maternal functioning?: a non-synchronized quasi-experimental study

  • Khatun, Fahima;Lee, Tae Wha;Lee, Hye Jung;Park, Jeongok;Song, Ju Eun;Kim, Sue
    • Women's Health Nursing
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    • v.27 no.3
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    • pp.196-208
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    • 2021
  • Purpose: This study aimed to test the efficacy of a nurse-led postpartum self-care (NLPPSC) intervention at reducing postpartum fatigue (PPF) and depressive mood and promoting maternal functioning among first-time mothers in Bangladesh. Methods: A non-synchronized quasi-experimental design was used. First-time mothers were recruited during postpartum and assigned to the experimental or control group (34 each). The experimental group received the NLPPSC in the hospital, a 1-day intervention that focused on increasing self-efficacy. The control group received usual care. Data on PPF, depressive mood, maternal functioning, self-care behaviors, postpartum self-efficacy, and self-care knowledge were collected at postpartum 2 weeks (attrition 23.5%) and 6 weeks (attrition 16.1%). Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, bivariate statistics, and linear mixed model analysis. Results: One-third (33.3%) of new mothers experienced depressive mood (Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale scores of ≥13 points). The NLPPSC intervention was statistically significant in decreasing PPF (β=-6.17, SE=1.81, t=-3.39, p<.01) and increased maternal functioning at postpartum 6 weeks in the experimental group (β=13.72, t=3.73, p<.01) compared to the control. Knowledge was also statistically significant for increased maternal functioning over time (β=.37, SE=.18, t=2.03, p<.05). However, there were no statistically significant differences in depressive mood over time. Conclusion: The NLPPSC intervention was feasible and effective in improving fatigue and maternal functioning in Bangladeshi mothers by postpartum 6 weeks and thus supports implementing the NLPPSC intervention for new mothers after childbirth.

Development and application of a couple-centered antenatal education program in Korea

  • Koh, Minseon;Kim, Jisoon;Yoo, Hyeji;Kim, Sun A;Ahn, Sukhee
    • Women's Health Nursing
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    • v.27 no.2
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    • pp.141-152
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    • 2021
  • Purpose: This study was conducted to develop a couple-centered antenatal education program and to test the program's feasibility. Methods: With a preliminary-experimental study design, 33 pregnant couples who were expecting their first child participated in this study. The program consisted of four sessions (1 hour/session/week) of education and counseling. Data were collected before and after the intervention from September 2018 to April 2019 at a women's hospital in Daejeon, Korea, with demographic data forms, the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale, Perceived Stress Scale, Maternal-Fetal Attachment Scale, Korean Newborn Care Confidence Scale, Wijma Delivery Expectancy/Experience Questionnaire, and Dyadic Adjustment Scale-10. Results: The pregnant women and their husbands were on average 32.30±3.10 and 33.21±6.25 years old, respectively. The mean marriage duration was 2.34±1.63 years, the gestational age was 31.30±2.66 weeks, and 78.8% of the couples had a planned pregnancy. After the program, both the pregnant women and their husbands showed significant improvements in attachment to the fetus and confidence in providing infant care. Prenatal depression, prenatal stress, and fear of childbirth in pregnant women significantly decreased after completing the program. However, the dyadic adjustment score did not change significantly either in the pregnant women or their husbands. Conclusion: A couple-centered antenatal education program seems to be effective for couples adjusting to parenthood, but further studies should explore ways to have a positive impact on couples' relationships.

Maternal separation in mice leads to anxiety-like/aggressive behavior and increases immunoreactivity for glutamic acid decarboxylase and parvalbumin in the adolescence ventral hippocampus

  • Eu-Gene Kim;Wonseok Chang;SangYep Shin;Anjana Silwal Adhikari;Geun Hee Seol;Dae-Yong Song;Sun Seek Min
    • The Korean Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology
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    • v.27 no.1
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    • pp.113-125
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    • 2023
  • It has been reported that stressful events in early life influence behavior in adulthood and are associated with different psychiatric disorders, such as major depression, post-traumatic stress disorder, bipolar disorder, and anxiety disorder. Maternal separation (MS) is a representative animal model for reproducing childhood stress. It is used as an animal model for depression, and has well-known effects, such as increasing anxiety behavior and causing abnormalities in the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis. This study investigated the effect of MS on anxiety or aggression-like behavior and the number of GABAergic neurons in the hippocampus. Mice were separated from their dams for four hours per day for 19 d from postnatal day two. Elevated plus maze (EPM) test, resident-intruder (RI) test, and counted glutamic acid decarboxylase 67 (GAD67) or parvalbumin (PV) positive cells in the hippocampus were executed using immunohistochemistry. The maternal segregation group exhibited increased anxiety and aggression in the EPM test and the RI test. GAD67-positive neurons were increased in the hippocampal regions we observed: dentate gyrus (DG), CA3, CA1, subiculum, presubiculum, and parasubiculum. PV-positive neurons were increased in the DG, CA3, presubiculum, and parasubiculum. Consistent with behavioral changes, corticosterone was increased in the MS group, suggesting that the behavioral changes induced by MS were expressed through the effect on the HPA axis. Altogether, MS alters anxiety and aggression levels, possibly through alteration of cytoarchitecture and output of the ventral hippocampus that induces the dysfunction of the HPA axis.

The experiences of depressed pregnant women participating in a cognitive behavioral therapy program via video communication: an exploratory qualitative study (우울한 임신 여성의 화상 인지행동치료 프로그램 참여 경험: 탐색적 질적연구)

  • Eunjoo Lee;Mijung Kim;Youngsuk Park
    • Women's Health Nursing
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    • v.28 no.4
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    • pp.275-285
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    • 2022
  • Purpose: This study explored the experiences of pregnant women with depressed mood participating in a group cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) program using video communication, based on Beck's cognitive theory. Methods: The participants were six pregnant women out of 13 women who had participated in an 8-session group CBT program using video communication for women with depressed mood (Edinburgh Postnatal Depression score of ≥9). Data were collected from February 20 through March 25, 2021. In-depth individual interviews were conducted through a video conferencing platform at 1 month post-baseline. Thematic analysis was done. Results: Three themes, 10 subthemes, and 38 concepts were derived from experiences of participating in the 4-week group CBT program (twice a week). The first theme, entitled "continuing realization" had subthemes of "a negative and instable self," "a selfish judgment that excludes others," and "a strong belief in self-control." The second theme, entitled "attempt to change for restoration" had subthemes of "shift to rational thinking," "freedom from suppressed beliefs," "tolerance of other people," and "courage for self-expression." The third theme, entitled "departure for a positive life," had subthemes of "emotional healing," "faith in oneself," and "reestablishing the criteria for happiness." Conclusion: Pregnant women with depressed mood expressed that continuing realizations and attempts to change supported their transition toward a positive direction of healing. Thus, they were able to change their distorted thinking into rational thinking through CBT using video communication. These findings support the use of group CBT using video communication with pregnant women who have depressed mood.

Status and Influencing factors of health behavior in pregnant women in Yanbian area (연변지역 임부의 건강행위 이행실태 및 영향요인)

  • Zhang, Hai-Lian;Li, Chun-Yu;Kim, Hyun-Li
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.16 no.11
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    • pp.7863-7869
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    • 2015
  • Purpose: To Examine the status of health behavior and identify the influencing factors of health behavior among pregnant women. Method: The participants were 1011 pregnant women who visited outpatient hospital of in Yanbian, China. Participants were interviewed using Chinese version of Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale(EPDS), Perceived Social Supports(PSSS), general self-efficacy, and characteristics. Descriptive statistics, t-test, ANOVA, pearson correlation coefficient, binary logistic regression were used for data analysis with SPSS 19.0. Results: The mean score of health behavior was $28.93{\pm}6.59$ scores(0~45 scores). Antepartum depression(OR=0.94[0.90-0.98]), perceived social supports(OR=1.07[1.05-1.09]), self-efficacy(OR=1.36[1.04-1.79]) were predictor of health behavior among pregnant women, on the contrary to this the characteristics of pregnant women were not statistically significant. Conclusion: The implement of the health behavior among pregnant women was not ideal. It's necessary to develop a health behavior intervention focus on antepartum depression, social support, and self-efficacy for pregnant women.

The Effect of Corticosteroid on the Diabetic-Pregnant Rats and Their Fetuses (Corticosteroid가 Streptozotocin 유발 당뇨 흰쥐와 태자에 미치는 영향)

  • 정기화;정춘식;주경미
    • Biomolecules & Therapeutics
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    • v.5 no.3
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    • pp.253-259
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    • 1997
  • The effect of corticosteroid on the diabetic pregnant rats and their fetuses was investigated. Streptozotocin (STB) was injected into the pregnant rats on the fifth day of pregnancy. Dexamethasone (DXM) was injected into the pregnant rats on the 17th, 18th, 19th and 20th days of pregnancy In prenatal rats, the body weight, an abortion rate, number of fetus, the ratio of lecithin/sphingomyelin (L/S) and the levels of blood glucose and phosphatidylglycerol (PG) were determined. In the postnatal rats, the body weight, the levels of blood glucose, fetal number, stillbirth rate, an organ weight and the levels of hepatic glycogen, protein and triglyceride were determined. The body weight of fetuses was lower in the DXM group and higher in the STZ group than the those of control group. Blood glucose of fetuses produced hypoglycemia in the STZ group compared with the control group. A significant increase in the abortion and stillbirth rates was observed in STZ group. The levels of glycogen, protein and triglyceride in fetus liver and the weight of pancreas were significantly increased in the 572 and STZ+DXM groups compared with the control group. The L/S ratio and the level of PG in the amniotic (quid were significantly decreased in STZ group compared with the control group, whereas those of the STZ+DXM group were similar to the control group. It has been observed that corticosteroid administration on the STZ-induced diabetic rats during final stage of pregnancy can prevent the respiratory depression syndrome of neonatal rats.

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