• 제목/요약/키워드: post-fire

검색결과 208건 처리시간 0.025초

Prediction of post fire load deflection response of RC flexural members using simplistic numerical approach

  • Lakhani, Hitesh;Singh, Tarvinder;Sharma, Akanshu;Reddy, G.R.;Singh, R.K.
    • Structural Engineering and Mechanics
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    • 제50권6호
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    • pp.755-772
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    • 2014
  • A simplistic approach towards evaluation of complete load deflection response of Reinforced Concrete (RC) flexural members under post fire (residual) scenario is presented in this paper. The cross-section of the RC flexural member is divided into a number of sectors. Thermal analysis is performed to determine the temperature distribution across the section, for given fire duration. Temperature-dependent stress-strain curves for concrete and steel are then utilized to perform a moment-curvature analysis. The moment-curvature relationships are obtained for beams exposed to different fire durations. These are then utilized to obtain the load-deflection plots following pushover analysis. Moreover one of the important issues of modeling the initial stiffness giving due consideration to stiffness degradation due to material degradation and thermal cracking has also been addressed in a rational manner. The approach is straightforward and can be easily programmed in spreadsheets. The presented approach has been validated against the experiments, available in literature, on RC beam subjected to different fire durations viz. 1hr, 1.5hrs and 2hrs. Complete load-deflection curves have been obtained and compared with experimentally reported counterparts. The results also show a good match with the results obtained using more complicated approaches such as those involving Finite element (FE) modeling and conducting a transient thermal stress analysis. Further evaluation of the beams during fire (at elevated temperatures) was performed and a comparison of the mechanical behavior of RC beams under post fire and during fire scenarios is made. Detailed formulations, assumptions and step by step approach are reported in the paper. Due to the simplicity and ease of implementation, this approach can be used for evaluation of global performance of fire affected structures.

2019년 강원도 대형산불지역의 열해 피해로 인한 피해강도 변화 탐색 (Change Detection of Damaged Area and Burn Severity due to Heat Damage from Gangwon Large Fire Area in 2019)

  • 원명수;장근창;윤석희;이훈택
    • 대한원격탐사학회지
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    • 제35권6_2호
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    • pp.1083-1093
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    • 2019
  • 본 연구는 2019년 발생한 강원 고성·속초, 강릉·동해 대형산불 직후 산불의 영향으로 수목의 수관부가 완전 연소되거나, 직간접적인 열해 피해로 인해 고사되어 가는 과정을 다목적실용위성(KOMPSAT-2호, 3호) 영상자료를 활용하여 시간경과에 따른 산불 피해강도별 피해면적의 변화를 정확하게 산정하는데 목적이 있다. 피해강도별 피해면적 산출을 위해 산불 직후 위성영상자료와 15~18일 경과 후의 두 시기 영상자료를 이용하였다. 산불 직후와 일정기간 경과 후 촬영한 위성영상자료의 산불피해강도 분석결과는 '수관전소(Extreme)' 지역에서는 큰 변화가 없었으나 '수관열해(High)' 지역과 '지표화(Low)' 지역에서는 큰 면적차이를 보였다. 이러한 피해강도의 차이에 따른 피해면적의 변화는 산불 영향으로 인해 수관부가 서서히 갈색으로 변색되어 가는 과정에 의한 것으로 판단된다. 산불피해지역의 위성영상 분석결과와 현장사진, 드론 영상을 종합해 볼 때 산불 직후 3~4일 후부터 수관부의 갈변현상(Browning)이 나타나고 10~15일 경과 후엔 수관부의 갈변현상이 뚜렷해지는 것을 알 수 있었다. 본 연구결과를 통해 향후 대형산불지역의 신속한 피해면적 파악은 물론 수관열해로 인한 고사 기작을 파악함으로써 산불피해지 복구계획 수립을 위한 의사결정의 기초자료로 활용할 수 있을 것으로 사료된다.

A novel prediction model for post-fire elastic modulus of circular recycled aggregate concrete-filled steel tubular stub columns

  • Memarzadeh, Armin;Shahmansouri, Amir Ali;Poologanathan, Keerthan
    • Steel and Composite Structures
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    • 제44권3호
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    • pp.309-324
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    • 2022
  • The post-fire elastic stiffness and performance of concrete-filled steel tube (CFST) columns containing recycled aggregate concrete (RAC) has rarely been addressed, particularly in terms of material properties. This study was conducted with the aim of assessing the modulus of elasticity of recycled aggregate concrete-filled steel tube (RACFST) stub columns following thermal loading. The test data were employed to model and assess the elastic modulus of circular RACFST stub columns subjected to axial loading after exposure to elevated temperatures. The length/diameter ratio of the specimens was less than three to prevent the sensitivity of overall buckling for the stub columns. The gene expression programming (GEP) method was employed for the model development. The GEP model was derived based on a comprehensive experimental database of heated and non-heated RACFST stub columns that have been properly gathered from the open literature. In this study, by using specifications of 149 specimens, the variables were the steel section ratio, applied temperature, yielding strength of steel, compressive strength of plain concrete, and elastic modulus of steel tube and concrete core (RAC). Moreover, parametric and sensitivity analyses were also performed to determine the contribution of different effective parameters to the post-fire elastic modulus. Additionally, comparisons and verification of the effectiveness of the proposed model were made between the values obtained from the GEP model and the formulas proposed by different researchers. Through the analyses and comparisons of the developed model against formulas available in the literature, the acceptable accuracy of the model for predicting the post-fire modulus of elasticity of circular RACFST stub columns was seen.

Analysis of a damaged industrial hall subjected to the effects of fire

  • Kmet, Stanislav;Tomko, Michal;Demjan, Ivo;Pesek, Ladislav;Priganc, Sergej
    • Structural Engineering and Mechanics
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    • 제58권5호
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    • pp.757-781
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    • 2016
  • The results of diagnostics and analysis of an industrial hall located on the premises of a thermal power plant severely damaged by fire are presented in the paper. The comprehensive failure-related diagnostics, non-destructive and destructive tests of steel and concrete materials, geodetic surveying of selected structural members, numerical modelling, static analysis and reliability assessment were focused on two basic goals: The determination of the current technical condition of the load bearing structure and the assessment of its post fire resistance as well as assessing the degree of damage and subsequent design of reconstruction measures and arrangements which would enable the safe and reliable use of the building. The current mechanical properties of the steel material obtained from the tests and measured geometric characteristics of the structural members with imperfections were employed in finite element models to study the post-fire behaviour of the structure. In order to compare the behaviour of the numerically modelled steel roof truss, subjected to the effects of fire, with the real post-fire response of the damaged structure theoretically obtained resistance, critical temperature and the time at which the structure no longer meets the required reliability criteria under its given loading are compared with real values. A very good agreement between the simulated results and real characteristics of the structure after the fire was observed.

노인을 위한 소방안전교육 프로그램 개발 및 효과분석 (Study on the Development and the Effects of a Fire Safety Education Program for the Elderly)

  • 김영도;김영빈
    • 한국화재소방학회논문지
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    • 제32권3호
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    • pp.123-133
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    • 2018
  • 본 연구의 목적은 노인을 위한 소방안전교육 프로그램을 개발하고, 이 프로그램이 노인의 소방안전지식과 소방안전사고예방실천에 미치는 효과를 알아보는 것이다. 프로그램은 기초조사와 문헌고찰을 토대로 목적과 목표, 내용, 교수학습방법을 선정한 후 전문가 검증과 예비조사를 거쳐 개발하였다. 효과검증은 65세 이상 노인 48명을 실험군(노인을 위한 소방안전교육 프로그램 실시)과 대조군(인쇄된 강의자료만 제공)으로 나누어 비동등성 대조군 사전사후검사를 실시하였다. 각 집단의 사전-사후 검사점수를 대응표본 t-검증으로 분석한 결과, 프로그램을 실시한 실험군과 인쇄자료만 제공한 대조군 모두 사전-사후 점수 간에 통계적으로 유의미한 차이를 보였다. 그리고 공변량분석(ANCOVA) 결과 실험군의 사후검사 점수가 대조군의 사후검사 점수보다 높게 나타나, 인쇄자료에 비해 프로그램의 효과가 유의미하게 높음을 확인하였다.

Experimental and numerical studies on the shear connectors in steel-concrete composite beams at fire and post fire exposures

  • Mirza, Olivia;Shil, Sukanta Kumer;Rashed, M.G.;Wilkins, Kathryn
    • Steel and Composite Structures
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    • 제39권5호
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    • pp.529-542
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    • 2021
  • Shear connectors are required to build composite (concrete and steel) beams. They are placed at the interface of concrete and steel to transfer shear and normal forces between two structural components. Such composite beams are sensitive to provide structural integrity when exposed to fire as they loss strength, stiffness, and ductility at elevated temperature. The present study is designed to investigate the shear resistance and the failure modes of the headed stud shear connectors at fire exposure and post-fire exposure. The study includes ordinary concrete and concrete with carbon nanotubes (CNTs) to build composite (concrete-steel) beams with structural steel. Experimental push tests were conducted on composite beams at ambient and elevated temperatures, such as 200, 400 & 600℃. Moreover, push tests were performed on the composite beams after being exposed to 200, 400 & 600℃. Push test results illustrated the reduction of ultimate shear capacity and stiffness of headed stud shear connectors as the temperature increased. Although similar values of ultimate shear were obtained for the headed stud connectors in both ordinary and CNT concrete, the CNT modified concrete reduced the concrete spalling and cracking compared to ordinary concrete and was observed to be effective at temperatures greater than 400℃. All specimens showed a lower shear resistance at fire exposures compared to the corresponding post-fire exposures. Moreover, numerical simulation by Finite Element (FE) analyses were carried out at ambient temperature and at fire conditions. The FE analysis results show a good agreement with the experimental results. In the experimental studies, failure of all specimens occurred due to shear failure of headed stud, which was later validated by FE analyses using ABAQUS.

소방공무원 근무환경에 대한 안전보건 의식 연구 (A Study on the Safety and Health Consciousness for the Working Environment of Fire Fighter)

  • 이종호;김요한
    • 한국안전학회지
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    • 제30권1호
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    • pp.137-143
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    • 2015
  • Fire fighter are exposed to the situations which are hard to predict due to continuous and accidental changes which hinder their fire fighting activity. As these threats of safety accident act as fear factors, they are doing insecure fire fighting activities. Therefore, as unclear and abnormal risks of working environment such as the riskiness of expansion of disaster, instability, obstacles of activities, abnormality, urgency, etc. increase, safety accidents are caused. This study analyzes the actual condition of safety and health and awareness of fire fighter who are exposed safety accidents during their fire fighting activities and utilize such result as the basis data to secure safety of fire fighter, keep efficient safety control and prevent accidents. The results of analysis are as follows. As rescue works among all fire-fighting works shows the highest emotional stabilization and the highest post-traumatic stress disorder is shown in fire sergeant level positions, and fire fighters whose working period is 10-15 years, reinforcing safety training to long-term workers is necessary. As the result of survey regarding safety awareness, the highest awareness level was shown in fire sergeant level positions, and fire fighters whose working period is over 20 years, and when it comes to operation of fire fighting equipments, fire-fighting workers and workers having 1-4 years of working period showed high safety awareness. The more serious injury in a fire fighter experienced as the first injury after working as a fire-fighter, the more cause-and-effect relationship was shown between personal physical condition and work, and it is shown as obstacles of fire fighting activities and affects to post-traumatic stress disorder. Moreover, as after-work off duty activities also affect to official disaster, systematic improvement of working environment is required. Occupational medical work compatibility evaluation considering the distinct characteristics of works to secure fire-fighter' health care together with fire-fighting capability is shown to be necessary.

Experimental and numerical investigation on post-earthquake fire behaviour of the circular concrete-filled steel tube columns

  • Wang, Yu-Hang;Tang, Qi;Su, Mei-Ni;Tan, Ji-Ke;Wang, Wei-Yong;Lan, Yong-Sen;Deng, Xiao-Wei;Bai, Yong-Tao;Luo, Wei;Li, Xiao-Hua;Bai, Jiu-Lin
    • Steel and Composite Structures
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    • 제38권1호
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    • pp.17-31
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    • 2021
  • Post-earthquake fire is a common disaster which causes serious safety issues to infrastructures. This study aims to investigate the residual loading capacities of circular concrete-filled steel tube (CFST) columns under post-earthquake fire experimentally and numerically. The experimental programme contains two loading steps - pre-damage cyclic loading at room temperature and transient state tests with constant compression loads. Three finite element models are developed and validated against the test results. Upon validation, a total of 48 numerical results were generated in the parametric study to investigate the effects of thickness and strengths of steel tube, axial compression ratio and damage degree on the fire resistance of circular CFST columns. Based on the analysis on experimental and numerical results, the loading mechanism of circular CFST columns is discussed. A design method is proposed for the prediction of fire resistance time under different seismic pre-damage and compression loads. The predictions by the new method is compared with the newly generated experimental and numerical results and is found to be accurate and consistent with the mean value close to the unity and a coefficient of variation around 1%.

Modelling of the fire impact on CONSTOR RBMK-1500 cask thermal behavior in the open interim storage site

  • Robertas Poskas;Kestutis Rackaitis;Povilas Poskas;Hussam Jouhara
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • 제55권7호
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    • pp.2604-2612
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    • 2023
  • Spent nuclear fuel and long-lived radioactive waste must be carefully handled before disposing them off to a geological repository. After the pre-storage period in water pools, spent nuclear fuel is stored in casks, which are widely used for interim storage. Interim storage in casks is very important part in the whole cycle of nuclear energy generation. This paper presents the results of the numerical study that was performed to evaluate the thermal behavior of a metal-concrete CONSTOR RBMK-1500 cask loaded with spent nuclear fuel and placed in an open type interim storage facility which is under fire conditions (steady-state, fire, post-fire). The modelling was performed using the ANSYS Fluent code. Also, a local sensitivity analysis of thermal parameters on temperature variation was performed. The analysis demonstrated that the maximum increase in the fuel load temperatures is about 10 ℃ and 8 ℃ for 30 min 800 ℃ and 60 min 600 ℃ fires respectively. Therefore, during the fire and the post-fire periods, the fuel load temperatures did not exceed the 300 ℃ limiting temperature set for an RBMK SNF cladding for long-term storage. This ensures that fire accident does not cause overheating of fuel rods in a cask.

범용 3차원 유동해석용 전/후처리 장치의 개발 (Development of a Pre/Post Processor for a General CFD Code)

  • 허성범;허남건
    • 대한기계학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 대한기계학회 2002년도 학술대회지
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    • pp.67-70
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    • 2002
  • In the present study a pre/post-processor program has been developed to be used with a general CFD code. This program is capable of performing the basic functions of the pre/post-processing, which include mesh generation and post processing plots. Also through perspective projection, this program can be used to check the quality of generated mesh by moving around inside the mesh. The smoke visualization can be also performed with the present program to visualize the smoke behavior in the case of fire simulation. The examples of the program execution are given in paper.

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