• Title/Summary/Keyword: post-fire

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Estimation of Forest Productivity for Post-Wild-fire Restoration in East Coastal Areas (동해안 산불피해지 복구를 위한 산림생산력의 추정)

  • Koo, Kyo-Sang;Lee, Myung-Jong;Shin, Man-Yong
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.36-44
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    • 2010
  • In order to rehabilitate forest sites damaged by wildfire via natural or artificial restoration, it is important to determine right tree species, which can acclimate to biogeoclimatic environment at the sites. The objectives of this study were to develop site index equation of different tree species for estimating forest productivity and to provide information on species selection for post-wildfire restoration. Site index equation was developed based on environmental information from wildfire damaged areas in Gangneung, Goseong, Donghae, and Samcheok, where were located in east coastal areas of South Korea. Despite the small numbers (4~5) of environmental variables used for the development of the site index equations, statistical analysis (e.g. mean difference, standard deviation of difference, and standard error of difference) showed relatively low bias and variation, suggesting that those equations can provide relatively high capability of estimation and practical applicability with high effectiveness. The small numbers of the variables enabled the model to be applied in a wide range of usages including determination of appropriate tree species for post-wildfire restoration. The estimation of forest site productivity showed the possibility of large distribution in east coastal region as the best site for Korean ash (Fraxinus rhynchophylla) and original oak (Quercus variabilis) that can be used for firebreak in the region. These results imply that damages by forest fire can be reduced significantly by replacing existing pure coniferous forests in the area with ones dominated by broad-leaved deciduous stands, which can play an important role as fire break and/or prevent a transition from surface fire to crown fire.

Development of Stochastic Model and Simulation for Spatial Process Using Remotely Sensed Data : Fire Arrival Process (원격탐사자료를 이용한 공간적 현상의 모형화 및 시뮬레이션 : 자연화재발생의 경우)

  • 정명희
    • Spatial Information Research
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    • v.6 no.1
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    • pp.77-90
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    • 1998
  • The complex interactions of climate, topography, geology, biota and hwnan activities result in the land cover patterns, which are impacted by natural disturbances such as fire, earthquake and flood. Natural disturbances disrupt ecosystem communities and change the physical environment, thereby generating a new landscape. Community ecologists believe that disturbance is critical in determining how diverse ecological systems function. Fires were once a major agent of disturbance in the North American tall grass prairies, African savannas, and Australian bush. The major focus of this research was to develop stochastic model of spatial process of disturbance or spatial events and simulate the process based on the developed model and it was applied to the fire arrival process in the Great Victoria Desert of Australia, where wildfires generate a mosaic of patches of habitat at various stages of post-fire succession. For this research, Landsat Multi-Spectral Scanner(MSS) data covering the period from 1972 to 1994 were utilized. Fire arrival process is characterized as a spatial point pattern irregularly distributed within a region of space. Here, nonhomogeneous planar Poisson process is proposed as a model for the fire arrival process and rejection sampling thinning the homogeneous Poisson process is used for its simulation.

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A Study on Safety Policies Toward Aging Society (고령화사회를 대비한 소방방재정책에 관한 연구)

  • Lee Eui-Pyeong
    • Fire Science and Engineering
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    • v.19 no.1 s.57
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    • pp.29-45
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    • 2005
  • Korean society became an 'aging society' in 2000 years with a population of 65 years and over occupying 7.2% of the whole population. And we expect that a population of 65 years and over will occupy 14.4% in 2019 years, so Korean society will enter into an 'aged society' Older adults can't react correctly and rapidly to the disaster due to the decline of the physical function, therefore victims of older adults due to the disaster will increase as much as aging proceeds. For reducing sacrifices of older adults due to the disaster, 1 suggest that the propulsion of the disaster service policy for disaster week people like older adults, the policy of minimizing casualties due to fires, reinforcement of fire resources and enlargement of disaster services in rural communities, offering information about disaster services and reinforcement of functions of public relations, making new connection systems (e.g. educating welfare and post officials as volunteer fire officials), supplement of fire fighters, and the policy of lightening fire equipments.

Ant Assemblages in a Burned Forest in South Korea: Recovery Process and Restoration Method (산불이 난 산림에서의 개미군집: 회복과정과 복원방법)

  • Kwon, Tae-Sung
    • Korean journal of applied entomology
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    • v.54 no.4
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    • pp.327-333
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    • 2015
  • In order to identify the post-fire changes of ant assemblages after a forest fire, ants were surveyed at three survey sites (artificial reforestation site, natural reforestation site, and unburned forest site) in a burned forest area for eight years from 2005 using pitfall traps. 24 species were collected, and Nylanderia flavipes was the most abundant. Ant species preferring forest habitats (e.g. Aphaenogaster japonica. Lasius spathepus, and Plagiolepis flavescens) more occurred at the unburned forest site and the natural reforestation site, whereas ant species preferring open habitat (e.g., Formica japonica, Camponotus japonicus, and Tetramorium caespitum) more occurred at the artificial reforestation site. Ordination analysis indicated that ant communities of the artificial reforestation site were more changed compared with those of the natural reforestation site after the fire. The communities of the natural reforestation site were restored to the pre-fire state in five to six years after fire, whereas those of the artificial forest site seemed to take about 25 years to restore.

Forest Stand and Site Characteristics in Post Forest Fire Area and Management Treatments for Optimal Vegetation Restoration (산화지의 입지와 임분특성 및 경영시업에 따른 식생변화 추이분석)

  • Lee, Kwang-Soo;Kim, Suk-Kwon;Bae, Sang-Won;Lee, Kyung-Jae;Kang, Young-Jae;Jung, Su-Young;Moon, Hyun-Shik
    • Journal of agriculture & life science
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    • v.43 no.6
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    • pp.19-27
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    • 2009
  • This study was carried out to obtain the basic model to estimate damage degree from the correlation analysis between forest fire and site environment factors and to clarify the restoration trends thorough multi-temporal survey by observing species diversity followed by various treatments at damaged forest area over time. From the derived model, the damage degree of forest fire was higher in the area of dense coniferous stands composed of simple story at the elevation of about 100m and 200m, and on steeper slope area over 30 degree. As results of this study, fire damaged trees are needed to cut down and a mixed stand with deciduous and coniferous species from the same area is desirable for the future species composition on fire damaged forest. Thus, site characteristics, local species, and mixed stands are the main consideration to enhance the vegetation recovery.

Survival Analysis of Forest Fire-Damaged Korean Red Pine (Pinus densiflora) using the Cox's Proportional Hazard Model (콕스 비례위험모형을 이용한 산불피해 소나무의 생존분석)

  • Jeong Hyeon Bae;Yu Gyeong Jung;Su Jung Ahn;Won Seok Kang;Young Geun Lee
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.113 no.2
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    • pp.187-197
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    • 2024
  • In this study, we aimed to identify the factors influencing post-fire mortality in Korean red pine (Pinus densiflora) using Cox's proportional hazards model and analyze the impact of these factors. We monitored the mortality rate of fire-damaged pine trees for seven years after a forest fire. Our survival analysis revealed that the risk of mortality increased with higher values of the delta normalized difference vegetation index (dNDVI), delat normalized burn ratio (dNBR), bark scorch index (BSI), bark scorch height (BSH) and slope. Conversely, the risk of mortality decreased with higher elevation, greater diameter at breast height (DBH), and higher value of delta moisture stress index (dMSI) (p < 0.01). Verification of the proportional hazards assumption for each variable showed that all factors, except slope aspect, were suitable for the model and significantly influenced fire occurrence. Among the variables, BSI caused the greatest change in the survival curves (p < 0.0001). The environmental change factors determined through remote sensing also significantly influenced the survival rates (p < 0.0001). These results will be useful in establishing restoration plans considering the potential mortality risk of Korean red pine after a forest fire.

A Study on the Smoke Hazard Increase of Flame-retardant-treated Interior Decorative Textile -Focused on Viscose Rayon Textile Wallcovering- (난연 처리된 실내장식섬유의 연기 위해성 증가에 관한 연구 -비스코스 레이온 섬유 벽지를 중심으로-)

  • Lee, Joonhan;Kim, Sun Mee
    • Journal of Fashion Business
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    • v.24 no.3
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    • pp.30-39
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    • 2020
  • This study was conducted to identify problems in domestic flame-retardant performance specifications. Currently, the domestic wallcovering anti-inflammatory regulations are not prepared for damage caused by smoke, with the carbonized area as the main function. In particular, given that smoke is the main cause of human casualties and injuries in a fire, it is reasonable that the flame density and toxicity of the wallcovering should also be the main performance indicators. The scope and method of research in this study were as follows. First, a prior study related to fire on various wallcoverings was considered. Second, it raised questions about the effects of smoke in the event of a fire and domestic anti-inflammatory performance tests. Third, textile wallcovering samples were manufactured with viscose rayon for experimental verification of the problems and tested by Korean and EU standards without flame retardant processing to analyze the differences between each regulation. Fourth, the performance of flame retardant wallcovering according to Korean standards was evaluated using smoke density and harmful gas testing methods. The results of each test were as follows. Non-fire retardant wallcovering was rejected by Korea standards. However, B-s1.d0 in Europe. Smoke density testing and harmful gas by domestic combustion processing on the same sample showed that the smoke density increased about 4.3 times more than before, and the harmful gas test showed that the suspension of the post-processing sample slowed earlier than the non-processed sample.

A Case Study of the Effects of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder on Operational Fire Service Personnel Within the Lancashire Fire and Rescue Service

  • Khan, Khalid;Charters, Jonathan;Graham, Tony L.;Nasriani, Hamid R.;Ndlovu, Shephard;Mai, Jianqiang
    • Safety and Health at Work
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    • v.9 no.3
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    • pp.277-289
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    • 2018
  • Background: Lancashire Fire and Rescue Service (LFRS), the subject of this evaluative research document employs 1400 people. 80% of employees are operational firefighters and officers whom operate across a range of duty systems and support functions, providing prevention, protection and emergency response to the communities of Lancashire. Methods: The overarching purpose of this epidemiological study is to assess the prevalence of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) amongst operational LFRS personnel and to analyse the effects upon those who may be suffering from it, whether brought about by a single traumatic event or by repeated exposure to traumatic occurrences over a period of time. A combination of primary and secondary research was carried out. Primary data was collated using two recognised clinical questionnaires and statistical analysis was conducted with the aid of the software package SPSS. Results: The findings and statistical analysis showed that out of the 100 people surveyed, 30% of respondents had signs of probable distress. Of this quota, 4% showed symptoms of PTSD. The study considers how an organisation can recognise and manage PTSD and provides recommendations to assist in better recognising and managing the associated risks. Conclusion: Based upon the findings, the authors conclude that the level of PTSD within LFRS is slightly lower than those found in other studies undertaken within the Fire and Rescue Service sector. The paper provides recommendations for future studies and a series of actions for consideration by LFRS senior management to improve PTSD support services for employees.

A Comparative Study on the Relationship among Posttraumatic Stress, Psychological Wellbeing, and Depression by SEM - Focusing on Policemen and Firefighters (구조방정식모형에 의한 외상후 스트레스와 심리적 복지감 및 우울 간의 관계 비교 고찰 - 경찰공무원과 소방공무원을 중심으로)

  • Bae, Jeom-Mo
    • Fire Science and Engineering
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    • v.26 no.6
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    • pp.109-117
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    • 2012
  • The author analyzed and compared the relationship mechanism among measured variables effecting to posttraumatic stress and posttraumatic stress, psychological wellbeing, and depression in the case of 360 policemen and 360 firefighters working in Korean police stations and fire stations by the structural equation modeling. The results showed that firefighters' posttraumatic stress deteriorated psychological wellbeing and depression more than policemen's posttraumatic stress did. In conclusion, systematic prevention and management program for posttraumatic stress and mental health of public servants are needed.

The Factors Influencing Empowerment of 119 Emergency Medical Technicians (119 구급대원의 임파워먼트에 영향을 미치는 요인)

  • Choo, Sung-Joo;Park, Ok-Im;Kang, Hee-Sun
    • Korean Journal of Occupational Health Nursing
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.153-162
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    • 2011
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study is to investigate the impact of job stress, self-efficacy and empowerment of 119 Emergency medical technicians in Jeollanam-do. Methods: This study used the data collected from 346 respondents working for first aid in a fire station. To answer research questions, this study employed frequency analysis, reliability test, F (t)-test, ANOVA, Scheffe' post-hoc test, and multiple-regression analysis. Results: In terms of demographic characteristics, marital status and age had significant impact on job stress, but sex and education did not. In terms of job characteristics, first placement, rank, and tenure made significant difference on job stress, whereas certificate, department, and area did not. These results address that general characteristics, self-efficacy and job stress are critical variables on empowerment. Conclusion: From the research findings, it is concluded that fire fighters' job stress can be reduced if professional development programs are given to them, which is likely to provide better public services such as first aids and welfare, as well as to increase job satisfaction.