• 제목/요약/키워드: possibility of major accident

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전복 안정성을 고려한 SUV 현가장치 파라미터의 최적설계 (Optimum Design of SUV Suspension Parameters Considering Rollover Stability)

  • 이상범;장영진;임홍재;나도백
    • 한국생산제조학회지
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    • 제18권4호
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    • pp.410-416
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    • 2009
  • In recent years, the rollover accident of large class of vehicles has become important safety issue. Even though the rollover form a small percentage of all traffic accidents, they have a fatal effect upon the driver and passenger. Among the traffic accidents occurred in driving, the rollover is the major cause of traffic fatalities. Therefore, it is required to develop the analytical and experimental techniques for predicting rollover propensity of vehicles and also to improve the vehicle suspension design in the viewpoint of rollover resistance. In this study, the parameter sensitivities for the roll angle of SUV suspension are analyzed, and then the determined design parameters are optimized by using the regression model function of the response surface methods. The analysis results show that the roll angle of the optimized vehicle is decreased as compared with the initial vehicle and also the rollover possibility is decreased when the roll rate of the front suspension is larger than the roll rate of the rear suspension.

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Form Parameter 기법을 활용한 딥러닝 기반의 소형선박 초기복원성 계산에 관한 연구 (A Study on the Initial Stability Calculation of Small Vessels Using Deep Learning Based on the Form Parameter Method)

  • 이동근;오상진;임채옥;김진욱;신성철
    • 한국산업융합학회 논문집
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    • 제27권1호
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    • pp.161-172
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    • 2024
  • Approximately 89% of all capsizing accidents involve small vessels, and despite their relatively high accident rates, small vessels are not subject to ship stability regulations. Small vessels, where the provision of essential basic design documents for stability calculations is omitted, face challenges in directly calculating their stability. In this study, considering that the majority of domestic coastal small vessels are of the Chine-type design, the goal is to establish the major hull form characteristic data of vessels, which can be identified from design documents such as the general arrangement drawing, as input data. Through the application of a deep learning approach, specifically a multilayer neural network structure, we aim to infer hydrostatic curves, operational draft ranges, and more. The ultimate goal is to confirm the possibility of directly calculating the initial stability of small vessels.

Rectal Injury Associated with Pelvic Fracture

  • Gwak, Jihun;Lee, Min A;Yu, Byungchul;Choi, Kang Kook
    • Journal of Trauma and Injury
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    • 제29권4호
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    • pp.201-203
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    • 2016
  • Rectal injury is seen in 1-2% of all pelvic fractures, and lower urinary tract injury occurs in up to 7%. These injuries are rare, but if missed, can lead to a severe septic response. Rectal injury may be suspected by the presence of gross blood on digital rectal examination. However, this classic sign is not always present on physical examination. If an Antero-Posterior Compression type pelvic fracture is seen, we should consider the possibility of rectal and lower urinary tract injury. It is important to define the anatomic location of the rectal injury as it relates to the peritoneal reflection. Trauma to the intraperitoneal rectum should be managed as a colonic injury. Extraperitoneal rectal injury should be managed with fecal diversion regardless of primary repair. We present the case of a 46-year-old man who was referred to our hospital following a major trauma to the pelvis in a pedestrian accident.

Rod Migration into the Posterior Fossa after Harms Operation : Case Report and Review of Literatures

  • Chun, Hyoung-Joon;Bak, Koang-Hum;Kang, Tae-Hoon;Yi, Hyeong-Joong
    • Journal of Korean Neurosurgical Society
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    • 제47권3호
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    • pp.221-223
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    • 2010
  • C1 lateral mass and C2 pedicle (C1LM-C2P) fixation is a relatively new technique for atlantoaxial stabilization. Complications from C1LM-C2P fixation have been rarely reported. The authors report unilateral rod migration into the posterior fossa as a rare complication after this posterior C1-C2 stabilization technique. A 23-year-old man suffered severe head trauma and cervical spine injury after vehicle accident. He was unconscious for 2 months and regained consciousness. He underwent C1LM-C2P fixation for stabilization of type II odontoid process fracture described by Harms. The patient recovered without a major complication. Twenty months after operation, brain computed tomogram performed at psychology department for disability evaluation showed rod migration into the right cerebellar hemisphere. The patient had mild occipital headache and dizziness only regarding the misplaced rod. He refused further operation for rod removal. To our knowledge, this complication is the first report regarding rod migration after Harms method. We should be kept in mind the possibility of rod migration, and C1LM-C2P fixation should be performed with meticulous technique and long-term follow-up.

국내에서의 '외로운 늑대'(Lone Wolf) 테러리스트 발생 가능성에 관한 연구: IS 가담 '김 모'군의 사이버공간에서의 행적을 중심으로 (A Study on the Feasibility of 'Lone Wolf' Terrorists in Korea: Focusing on IS Defector Student Kim's On-Line Behavior)

  • 윤봉한;이상진;임종인
    • 한국전자거래학회지
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    • 제20권4호
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    • pp.127-150
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    • 2015
  • 9/11사건 이후 인터넷이 테러활동을 위한 주요 공간으로 등장하였고, '외로운 늑대'들은 사이버 공간에서 각종 테러 도구를 구입하고, 급진의식화에 이용하고 있다. 이러한 측면에서 2015년 1월 발생한 김 모 군의 이슬람국가(IS) 가담은 우리사회가 더 이상 '테러청정국가'가 아니라는 점을 경각시켜 주는 것과 동시에 '외로운 늑대' 테러리스트 발생 가능성에 대한 체계적인 연구의 필요성을 제기하고 있다. 이에 본 논문은 다양한 선행 논문과 담당 수사관 및 전문가 면담을 통해 확보한 자료를 기초로 '외로운 늑대 사이버 진화모델'을 개발하고, '김 군'의 '외로운 늑대' 진화과정을 분석하였다. 나아가, 다문화 사회화 국제 이동인구 증가 소외계층 급증 이념갈등 심화 등 우리 사회의 외로운 늑대 동인이 될 수 있는 요소들을 분석하여 '외로운 늑대'의 추가 발생 가능성을 예측하였다. 결론 부분에서는 한국에서 '외로운 늑대' 테러 예방을 위한 효과적인 정책적 대안들에 대해 살펴보았다.

괴병다속담(怪病多屬痰) 이론에 대한 비판적 (Critical Review on Theory of "Eccentric Diseases are Due to Phlegm")

  • 배성진;최준용;김기봉;하기태
    • 동의생리병리학회지
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    • 제34권6호
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    • pp.279-284
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    • 2020
  • The theory of "eccentric diseases are generally due to phlegm (怪病多屬痰)" means that phlegm is a major cause for intractable diseases including cerebrovascular accident, depression, insanity, and shock from strange things or evil sprint. It has been a key foundation for the diagnosis and treatment of phlegm in traditional Korean medicine. However, the origin of the theory is not clear and controversial. In this study, we critically reviewed the origin and developing process of the theory in the viewpoints of philology and pathology in Korean medicine. Wang Yin-Jun (王隱 君) did not claim that eccentric diseases are generally due to phlegm in Taidingyangshengzhu-lun (泰定養生主論). The miscitation by following medical literature caused the misunderstanding in the meaning of Taidingyangshengzhu-lun, that phlegm can cause variable symptoms and signs. In the Ming dynasty, some poor medical doctors had tended to diagnose any difficult case as phlegm syndrome and to use Kuntan-huan (滾痰丸) as a standard herbal formula for treating phlegm syndrome. However, the tendency to categorize delicate cases easily to phlegm syndrome is not desirable. Besides, the tendency to use Kuntan-huan as a basic formula for the phlegm syndrome might cause diverse and severe adverse effects. Thus, we cannot accept the theory of eccentric diseases is generally due to phlegm without a doubt. In conclusion, this theory might be a valuable aphorism in terms of considering the possibility of the secondary pathologic factors including phlegm and blood stasis which should be considered first in case of intractable diseases.

Activity-Action Diagram 기법을 활용한 한국형 화생방 교육훈련 프로그램 설계에 관한 연구 (A Study on the Design of CBRN Response Training Program in Korea Using Activity-Action Diagram Method)

  • Ham, Eun-Gu;Kim, Tae-Hwan
    • 한국재난정보학회 논문집
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    • 제10권1호
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    • pp.159-169
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    • 2014
  • 과학기술의 발달은 문명의 편리성을 동반하였으나 더불어 원자력 및 가스 등의 폭발, 유출사고 발생 그리고 세계각지에서 화생방 테러 발생 가능성을 가지고 있어 총괄적 대응노력이 국가적으로 시급한 과제로 대응하고 있다. 본 연구는 미국과 캐나다의 CBRN 교육프로그램을 조사 분석하여 우리나라 현실에 맞는 CBRN 교육훈련 프로그램을 개발하였다. 또한 한국형 화생방 교육훈련 프로그램 개발을 위하여 Activity-Action Diagram 기법을 활용 화생방 시나리오의 각 이벤트별로 대응 시 취해야 할 요구사항을 Activity로 정의하고 이의 세부적인 조치사항을 Action으로 정의하여 화생방 상황에 맞는 행동을 정의하여 실질적이고 체계적인 화생방교육훈련 프로그램을 제안함으로서 예방, 대응, 구조의 기능을 활성화하고 특히 CBRN 사태발생시 초기대응 교육훈련 프로그램을 구축하였다.

동북아 해역 권원중첩수역 공동개발합의와 공동환경보호합의 도출 방안 (A Study on the Ways to Joint Marine Development and Joint Marine Environmental Protection in Northeast Asia)

  • 김기순
    • Strategy21
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    • 통권37호
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    • pp.193-241
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    • 2015
  • China, Japan and Korea are the world's top 10 energy consumers, and so very interested in the development of seabed hydrocarbon resources in order to meet their energy demands. The East China Sea is the tri-junction area where three countries' entitlements on the maritime boundaries are overlapped. There are abundant oil reserves in the East China Sea, and therefore competitions among countries are growing to get control of them. Although these countries have concluded the bilateral agreements to jointly develop resources in the East China Sea, they do not function as well. Because joint development and management of seabed petroleum resources can lead to stable development system, and to lower possibility of legal and political disputes, the needs for joint development agreement among three countries are urgent. Meanwhile, Northeast Asian seas are semi-closed seas, which are geographically closed and vulnerable to marine pollution. Moreover there are a lot of nuclear power plants in coastal area, and seabed petroleum resources are being developed. So it is likely to occur nuclear and oil spill accidents. Fukushima nuclear disaster and Bohai Bay oil spill accident in 2011 are the cases to exhibit the potential of major marine pollution accidents in this area. It is anticipated that the risks become higher because power plants and offshore oil platforms are extending gradually. Therefore, the ways to seek the joint marine environmental protection agreement focused on regulation of nuclear power plant and offshore oil platform have to be considered. In this paper, we try to find the way to make joint development and joint environmental protection agreement in Northeast Asian seas. We concentrate on the measure to drive joint development of seabed petroleum deposits in East China Sea's overlap area, despite of maritime delimitation and territorial disputes, and we try to drive joint marine environmental protection system to respond to marine pollution and accidents due to offshore oil platform and nuclear power plants. Through these consideration, we seek solutions to deal with lack of energy, disputes of maritime territorial and boundary delimitation, and marine pollution in Northeast Asia.

공정열 및 수소생산을 위한 초고온가스로 열평형 분석 (Heat balance analysis for process heat and hydrogen generation in VHTR)

  • 박소영;허균영;유연재;이상일
    • 에너지공학
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    • 제25권4호
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    • pp.85-92
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    • 2016
  • 초고온가스로는 열출력 밀도가 낮아 노심용융의 가능성이 낮으며, 냉각재 상실사고 시 수소 발생 등으로 인한 폭발의 위험도 없다. 안전성 측면의 장점과 더불어 냉각재를 초고온으로 만들어 전력생산이외에 산업시설용 공정열로의 응용도 가능하다. 본 논문에서는 초고온가스로를 일차계통으로 하고, 전력 및 공정열 공급이 가능한 이차계통의 개념 설계를 담고 있다. 기존에 NGNP(Next Generation Nuclear Part)에서 제안한 350 MW 열출력 원자로 모델을 기반으로 수소생산 루프와는 별도로 전력생산을 위한 300 MW의 열에너지를 중간열교환기를 통해 이차계통으로 전달하는 참조모델을 개발하고, 이를 열역학적 측면에서 분석하였으며 이차계통 각 지점에서 주요 설계변수에 따른 효율분석과 최적화개념 연구를 수행하였다.

BTX 공정에서 Gas Detector Mapping 적정성 검토에 관한 연구 (A Study on Validation for Mapping of Gas Detectors at a BTX Plant)

  • 서지혜;한만형;김일권;천영우
    • 한국안전학회지
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    • 제32권5호
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    • pp.168-178
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    • 2017
  • In order to prevent major and chemical accidents, some of the plants which would like to install and operate hazard chemicals handling facilities must submit Off-site Consequence Analysis due to recent arisen leak accidents since 2015. A lot of chemical industrials choose gas detectors as mitigation equipment to early detect gas vapor. The way of placement of gas detectors has two methods; Code-based Design(CBD) and Performance-based Design. The CBD has principles for gas detectors to be installed with consideration for the place that is expected to accumulate gas, and the leak locations according to legal standards and technical guidelines, and has a possibility to be unable to detect by these rules to locate gas detectors by vapor density information. The PBD has two methods; a Geographic Method and Scenario based Method. The Scenario-based Method has been suggested to make up for the Geographic Coverage Method. This Scenario-based Method draw the best optimum placement of gas detectors by considering leak locations, leak speed information, leak directions and etc. However, the domestic placement guidelines just refers to the CBD. Therefore, this study is to compare existing placement location of gas detectors by the domestic CBD with placement locations, coverages and the number of gas detectors in accordance with the Scenario-based Method. Also this study has measures for early detecting interest of Vapor Cloud and suitable placement of gas detectors to prevent chemical accidents. The Phast software was selected to simulate vapor cloud dispersion to predict the consequence. There are two cases; an accident hole size of leak(8 mm) from API which is the highst accident hole size less than 24.5 mm, and a normal leak hole size from KOSHA Guide (1.8 mm). Detect3D was also selected to locate gas detectors efficiently and compare CBD results and PBD results. Currently, domestic methods of gas detectors do not consider any risk, but just depend on domestic code methods which lead to placement of gas detectors not to make personnels recognize tolerable or intolerable risks. The results of the Scenario-based Method, however, analyze the leak estimated range by simulating leak dispersion, and then it is able to tell tolerable risks. Thus it is considered that individuals will be able to place gas detectors reasonably by making objectives and roles flexibly according to situations in a specific plant.