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Effects of Egg Yolk Antibody Powder (IgY) Supplementation on Growth Performance, Blood Component Profile, Intestinal Microflora, and Immunoglobulin G in Meat Ducks (난황항체제제(IgY) 첨가가 육용오리의 생산성, 혈액성상, 장내 미생물 및 면역글로불린 함량에 미치는 영향)

  • Jeon, Ik Soo;Kang, Hwan Ku;Kim, Chan Ho;Hwangbo, Jong;Park, Seong Bok
    • Korean Journal of Poultry Science
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    • v.43 no.3
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    • pp.143-148
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    • 2016
  • This study was conducted to investigate the effect of dietary egg yolk antibody (IgY) powder supplementation on the growth performance, blood component profile, intestinal microflora, and immunoglobulin G in ducks. A total of 300 1-day-old ducks (Cherry Valley) were randomly divided into 5 groups, with 3 replicates of 20 birds. The treatment groups were the negative (NC), positive (PC), egg yolk antibody powder 0.1% (T1), egg yolk antibody powder 0.5% (T2), and egg yolk antibody powder 1.0% (T3) groups. In the growth performance of ducks during the entire experimental period, the IgY groups and positive control group (PC) showed significantly higher (P<0.05) body weights and body weight gains compared to the negative control group (NC). However, no significant differences were observed in the feed intake and feed conversion ratio. The blood component profiles showed that the IgY 0.1 and 1.0% groups decreased in total cholesterol content compared to the NC group. The aspartate aminotransferase (AST) and alanine aminotranferease (ALT) contents were lower in the IgY 1.0% group, but there were no significant differences. Regrading the leukocyte content after feeding IgY, the heterophil: lymphocyte ratio decreased in the IgY groups, especially in the IgY 0.1% group, which had a lower content than the other groups. However, these results showed no significant differences. The Lactobacillus count in the intestines significantly increased (P<0.05) in the IgY 0.1 and 0.5% groups, the level of IgY increased, and the Escherichia coli count decreased. However, no significant difference was observed in the total plate count. The immunoglobulin G content was lower in the IgY groups than in the NC group, and compared with the IgY groups, the IgY 0.5% had a lower content, which was not a significant difference.

Comparison of Chemical Properties of Soil and Ginsenoside Content of Ginseng under Organic and Conventional Cultivation Systems (유기농 인삼과 관행 인삼의 토양화학성 및 진세노이드 함량 비교)

  • Mo, Hwang-Sung;Lim, Jin-Soo;Yu, Jin;Park, Kee-Choon
    • Korean Journal of Organic Agriculture
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    • v.23 no.3
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    • pp.509-522
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    • 2015
  • Organic ginseng farming has rapidly increased in response to consumer demand for a safe product which improves health. Differences in soil nutrient concentration and ginsenoside content between organic and conventional ginseng farming have, however, not yet been properly studied. Therefore the aim of the present study was to compare soil nutrient concentration and ginsenoside content between these two farming systems. NO3N, P2O5, and K were significantly different between organic and conventional ginseng farming. The total content of ginsenoside and individual ginsenoside components were higher in organically grown ginseng than in ginseng from conventional farming, although there is no significant difference. Particularly, protopanaxadiol saponins were higher than protopanaxatriol saponins in ginseng from organic farming compared to ginseng produced by conventional farming. NO3N content in soils showed a negative correlation with the content of ginsenosides Rb2 and Rd. In addition, P2O5 showed a negative correlation with ginsenosides Rb1, Rc, and PD/PT ratio. Organic matter showed a positive crrelation with ginsenosides Re. To increase the ginsenoside content of ginseng, we recommend increasing organic matter and decreasing NO3N and P2O5 contents in the soil.

Effect of Lactobacillus rhamnosus hsryfm 1301 on the Gut Microbiota and Lipid Metabolism in Rats Fed a High-Fat Diet

  • Chen, Dawei;Yang, Zhenquan;Chen, Xia;Huang, Yujun;Yin, Boxing;Guo, Feixiang;Zhao, Haiqing;Huang, Jiadi;Wu, Yun;Gu, Ruixia
    • Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology
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    • v.25 no.5
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    • pp.687-695
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    • 2015
  • Accumulating evidence indicates that lactic acid bacteria could improve host physiology and lipid metabolism. To investigate the effect of the gut microbiota on host lipid metabolism, a hyperlipidemic rat model was established by feeding rats a high-fat diet for 28 days, and the gut microbiota of the rats was analyzed using real-time PCR before and after administration of Lactobacillus rhamnosus hsryfm 1301 and its fermented milk for 28 days. The findings showed that the Lactobacillus spp., Bifidobacterium spp., Bacteroides spp., and Enterococcus spp. content in the hyperlipidemic rats gut was increased significantly (p < 0.05), while the Clostridium leptum and Enterobacter spp. content was decreased significantly after intervening with L. rhamnosus hrsyfm 1301 and its fermented milk for 28 days (p < 0.05). Furthermore, the lipid levels of the serum and the liver were decreased significantly (p < 0.05) and the fecal water content was increased significantly (p < 0.05) in the hyperlipidemic rats after the intervention, and hepatocyte fatty degeneration of liver tissues was also prevented. A positive correlation was observed between the Clostridium leptum content and the level of serum cholesterol, triglycerides, low-density lipoprotein, and high-density lipoprotein, and a negative correlation was observed between the Enterobacter spp. content and the Lactobacillus spp. and Bifidobacterium spp. content in the hyperlipidemic rats gut. These results suggest that the gut microbiota and lipid metabolism of hyperlipidemic rats could be improved by supplementation with L. rhamnosus hsryfm 1301 and its fermented milk.

The Physicochemical Properties of Starch from Tongil-type Rice Varieties

  • Jong-Hee Shin;Chae-Min Han;Young-Un Song;Sang-Kuk Kim;Jung-Gi Ryu
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    • v.68 no.3
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    • pp.99-105
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    • 2023
  • Starch characteristics and pasting properties of Tongil-type rice varieties with different amylose content were analyzed. Three different Tongil-type rice varieties and one Japonica-type rice variety were examined for their properties. Tongil-type rice varieties have longer panicles and higher rice yield (721-765 kg per 10a) than Boramchan, a Japonica-type high-yield rice variety. The protein content of the Tongil-type rice variety was higher than that of Boramchan. Japonica-type rice varieties had lower amylose content than Japonica-type rice varieties, except for Amimyeon (Milyang355). Amimyeon had higher protein content than the other varieties, and its amylose content was particularly high at 39.2%. The distribution of starch granule sizes of the four varieties was similar, and the particle size corresponding to D50 was approximately 87.8-81.9 ㎛. The pasting properties of rice flour varied among varieties. The Dasanbyeo and Hanarum2 amylogram patterns were similar. These two varieties had a higher peak viscosity (PV) and lower setback (SB) than Boramchan. In the case of Amimyeon, the hot paste viscosity (HPV), cool paste viscosity (CPV), and SB were significantly higher than those of the other Toingil-type varieties, and the breakdown (BD) was very low, showing pasting properties significantly different from that of the other varieties. The onset (To), peak (Tp), and conclusion temperature (Tc) of gelatinization of rice flour from Amimyeon were lower than those of the other tested varieties. In addition, the gelatinization temperature, measured using differnetial scanning calorimetry (DSC), and BD, measured using al rapid visco analyzer (RVA) were low in Amimyeon. Amylose content showed a high positive correlation with pasting time (PTi), HPV, and SB and a negative correlation with PV and BD.

A Study on Janvenile Delinquents' View of Parental Attitudes (비행 청소년의 부모관 인식에 관한 일 연구)

  • 장선경
    • Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association
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    • v.27 no.4
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    • pp.123-137
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    • 1989
  • The purpose of this study is to examine parental attitudes perceived by juvenile delinquents and to provide the basic material on the problem of juvenile delinquency. For this purpose, this study examines 1) the relation-ship between the juvenile delinquents' social demographic characteristics and the juvenile delinquents' view of parental attitudes 2) the correlation between the juvenile delinquents' social demographic characteristics and the content and the motive of delinquency, 3) the content and the motive of delinquency in accordance with the juvenile delinquents' view of parental attitudes. For the subject of this study, 318 juvenile delinquents who were in the custody of the institution in An-Yang were selected, and questionnaire sheets were used. Of 318 questionnaire sheets, 221 sheets were analyzed by statistical methods, and the data were analyzed by frequency, percentage, average, t-test, x-test, and F-test; 1. There is a significant difference in the juvenile delinquents' view of their fathers in accordance with their fathers' age. Namely, the younger the father is, the more the juvenile delinquent wants his father to be less negative. There is a significant difference in the juvenile delinquents' view of their mothers according to the existence of step-sibling. Juveniles with step-siblings deny their mothers' inconsistent attitude more than the juveniles without a step-sibling. 2. The social demographic characteristics influencing the content of juvenile delinquency are juvenile's age, the degree of education, the father's age, the style of possessing house and the region of a dwelling. The motive of delinquency show a significant difference according to the juvenile's age. 3. According to the results of studying the correlation between the view of parental attitudes and the content and the motive of delinquency, there is a significant difference in the father's protective attitude, and the content of delinquency as well as in the mother's positive denial, her rigid control, her inconsistent attitude and the content of delinquency. The subordinate domains are opposite to the traditional conception that the father is stern and the mother is peronssive. Today our society encourages the parents' equal and democratic attitude toward their children and the juvenile's view of parental attitudes is discordant with the reality. The juvenile delinquents' view of parental attitudes reflects the equalitariansim of the contemporary society but is influenced by the traditional view of the parents.

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Distribution Characteristics of Gold in the Volcanic Rocks, Korea (국내에 분포하는 화산암류중 금의 분포특징에 관한 연구)

  • Yoon, Chung-Han;Oh, Keun-Chang
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.29 no.3
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    • pp.257-267
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    • 1996
  • One hundred of thirty volcanic rocks col1ected from the Jeju island, Jeongog, Guryongpo and other areas were analyzed for major elements and trace elements with Au by inductively coupled argon plasma and graphite furnace atomic absorptiom spectrometry. The Au content is the highest values (0.2~43.4 ppb, average; 10.34 ppb) from the Jeju island volcanic rocks and the lowest (0.5~11.0 ppb, average; 1.23 ppb) from the Guryongpo volcanic area. The content of Au tends to be higher in the Quarternary volcanic rocks than Tertiary or Cretaceous volcanic rocks. The Au content of the calc alkali volcanic rocks tends to increase from mafic to felsic volcanic rocks, but that of the alkalic volcanic rocks tends to increase from felsic to mafic volcanic rocks. The Au content of the volcanic rocks collected from the Jeju island shows the highest values in the feldspar olivine basalts. Elements or oxides which have positive or negative correlations with Au are Ag, Mo, Rb, V, Y, K2O, MgO and SiO2, but other elements analyzed are not shown correlations with Au. It has a tendency to show that samples from the Jeju with 5 ppb gold and more are plotted in the non-Dupal area and those with less than 5 ppb gold in the Dupal area, while those from the Jeongog with 5 ppb gold and more are plotted in the Dupal area and those with less than 5 ppb gold in the non-Dupal area, in the Ba/Nb-La/Nb, Zr/Nb-Ba/Nb diagrams. It shows that samples from the Jeju and Guryongpo with high gold content are plotted in the within-plate, while those with low gold content are plotted in the arc-related area, and those from the Jeongog are scattered in the TiO2Al2O3, Zr/A12O3TiO2/Al2O3 diagrams.

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Production of Mass and Nutrient Content of Decaying Boles in Mature Deciduous Forest in Kwangnung Experimental Forest Station, Korea

  • You, Young-Han;Kim, Joon-Ho
    • 한국생태학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2002.08a
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    • pp.127-131
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    • 2002
  • In order to elucidate the characteristics of standing crop biomass, production and nutrient content of dead bole in mature ecosystem, we surveyed the dynamics of decaying bole of old-aged deciduous forest in 1993 and 2002 in Kwangnung Experimental Forest Station. In addition, we and estimated annual bole production, water content, wood density and nutrient content and compared the results with that of temperate ecosystem. Total dead wood biomass was estimated to be 5.6ton/ha in 1993 and 17.6ton/ha in 2002. Standing dead tree accounted for a total of 1.1ton/ha in 1993 and 4.8ton/ha in 2002, which was 20% and 27% of the sum of dead bole mass in 1993 and 2002, respectively. Annual production of bole biomass was 1.3 ton/ha/yr. These values fall into the low range of dead wood biomass for the mature temperate ecosystems. Tree species composing standing bole was mainly Quercus and Carpinus trees. This bole species composition resembles alive species composition of this forest. Water content of bole increased as positive logarithmically, but wood density of bole decreased as negative exponentially along with the progress of decay. N, P, Ca and Mg concentrations in decaying boles generally increased with decay, except for K. Annual nutrient input via dead bole is 1.6kg/ha/yr for N, 0.04 kg/ha/yr for P. 1.0 kg/ha/yr for K, 1.7kg/ha/yr for Ca and 0.3 kg/ha/yr for Mg, respectively.

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Production of Mass and Nutrient Content of Decaying Boles in Mature Deciduous Forest in Kwangnung Experimental Forest Station, Korea

  • You, Young-Han;Kim, Joon-Ho
    • The Korean Journal of Ecology
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    • v.25 no.4
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    • pp.261-265
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    • 2002
  • In order to elucidate the characteristics of standing crop biomass, production and nutrient content of dead bole in mature ecosystem, we surveyed the dynamics of decaying bole of old-aged deciduous forest in 1993 and 2002 in Kwangnung Experimetal Forest Station. In addition, we and estimated annual bole production, water content, wood density and nutrient content and compared the results with that of temperate ecosystem. Total dead wood biomass was estimated to be 5.6ton/ha in 1993 and 17.6 ton/ha in 2002. Standing dead tree accounted for a total of 1.1 ton/ha in 1993 and 4.8 ton/ha in 2002, which was 20% and 27% of the sum of dead bole mass in 1993 and 2002, respectively. Annual production of bole biomass was 1.3 ton/ha/yr. These values fall into the low range of dead wood biomass for the mature temperate ecosystems. Tree species composing standing bole was mainly Quercus and Carpinus trees. This bole species composition resembles alive species composition of this forest. Water content of bole increased as positive logarithmically, but wood density of bole decreased as negative exponentially along with the progress of decay. N, P, Ca and Mg concentrations in decaying boles generally increased with decay, except for K. Annual nutrient input via dead bole is 1.6 kg/ha/yr for N, 0.04 kg/ha/yr for P, 1.0 kg/ha/yr for K, 1.7 kg/ha/yr for Ca and 0.3 kg/ha/yr for Mg, respectively.

Maturity Grouping of Korean Soybean Cultivars and Character Relationships According to the Planting Date

  • Ha, Tae-Jeong;Lim, Sea-Gyu;Shin, Seong-Hyu;Choi, Kyung-Jin;Baek, In-Youl;Lee, Sang-Chul;Park, Keum-Yong;Shin, Sang-Ouk
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    • v.54 no.1
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    • pp.104-118
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    • 2009
  • This study was carried out to classify Korean soybean varieties base on maturity group (MG) and to find character relationships according to planting date for high quality soybean seed production adapted to early season cultivation environment of Miryang. Results of maturity grouping of Korean soybean varieties showed that Keunol (3 cultivars), belonged to Group 0; Seonnok and Danmi in Group II, Shinrok in Group III, Seonyu (17 cultivars), in Group IV, Taekwang (44 cultivars) in Group V, Daewon (25 cultivars) in Group VI, and Kwangdu and Keumdu in Group VII. Agronomic characteristics of 100 soybean varieties were compared based on MG, cultivation year and seeding date. Soybean varieties belonging to the MG VIVII showed longer days to flowering and growth period, high lodging density and higher yield. Seed quality analysis revealed that as maturity was delayed, seed weight becomes heavier while seed cracks become abundant. In addition, occurrence of purple seed and phomopsis were higher in MG 0III. Protein content was higher in MG 0III, and isoflavone content was higher as maturity was delayed. On the other hand, lipid content was generally similar across MGs. Correlation analysis of major agronomic characters showed positive relationships between days to flowering and growth days, seed weight and lodging in MG IVV, seed crack and growth days in MG 0III, seed crack and days to flowering in MG IVV and MG VIVII, seed crack and lodging in MG IVV and MG VIVII, seed crack and seed weight in MG IVV and MG VIVII, purple seed and growth days in MG IVV, purple seed and seed weight in MG VIVII, phomopsis and growth days in MG IVV and MG VIVII, and phomopsis and purple seed in MG IVV and MG VIVII. In contrast, a negative relationship was observed between seed weight and lodging in MG 0III. Correlating yield and major characters revealed negative relationships between days to flowering and growth days in MG 0III and MG IVV, whereas positive relationships were obtained on MG VIVII seeded on April 30. Lodging, seed weight and seed crack were all negatively correlated with yield in the MG IVV and MG VIVII. Soybean cultivars identified as adaptable to early season planting for production of high quality soy curd and fermented soybean paste were Seonyu, Kwangdu, and Soho while those suited for the manufacture of soybean sprouts were Sobaeknanul, Kwangan, Sowon, and Bosuk. Geomjeong 2 chosen as best for mixing with rice.

Clinical Implication of Prostaglandin E2 Content in Lumbar Disc Disease (추간판내 Prostaglandin E2 양의 임상적 의의)

  • Kim, Hyung Seok;Cho, Ki Hong;Kim, Ki Young;Ahn, Young Hwan;Ahn, Young Min;Yoon, Soo Han;Cho, Kyung Gi
    • Journal of Korean Neurosurgical Society
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    • v.29 no.10
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    • pp.1340-1344
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    • 2000
  • Objective : A prospective biochemical assay of prostaglandin E2 content in symptomatic lumbar disc materials was done in order to clarify the pathogenesis of lumbar radiculopathy. Patients and Methods : Forty-eight disc specimens were purified by a standard solid-phase extraction procedure and analyzed by an enzymelinked immunosorbent assay for prostaglandin E2. Clinical and anatomic correlations were evaluated with analysis of variance and t-test. Results : Acute herniated lumbar disc diseases tended to be associated with a higher prostaglandin E2 content than degenerative lumbar disc disease. Sequestered discs tended to be associated with a higher prostaglandin E2 content than extruded discs, which also showed higher prostaglandin E2 content than protruded ones. A sciatica and positive straight leg raising test appeared to be associated with a higher prostaglandin E2 content than a negative test. Conclusion : This result suggests that the level of prostaglandin E2 would be correlated with clinical symptom and sign in the inflammatory process of lumbar disc herniation.

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