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  • Ahn Seok;Park Sang-Won;Yang Hong-So;Vang Mong-Sook;Park Ha-Ok
    • The Journal of Korean Academy of Prosthodontics
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    • v.44 no.1
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    • pp.1-9
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    • 2006
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the efficacy and substitute possibility of a newly developed flowable composite resins as a luting cement for translucent fiber post. Material & Method: Two kinds of 12 mm translucent fiber Post (D.T. Light-Post (Bisco, USA) and FRC Postec (Ivoclar vivadent, Liechtenstein) was inserted into the teflon mold (7 mm diameter, 9 mm long) and Filtek-Flow (3M ESPE. USA), a light activated flowable composite resin, was polymerized for 60 seconds through the post. Also, the post was cut from the tip to 9 mm, 6 mm, 3 mm, and Filtek-Flow was light cured according to each length. For comparison, 60 seconds light-cured and 24 hours self-cured two dual cured resin cement (Duo-cement (Bisco, USA) and 2 Panavia-F (Kuraray, Japan)) samples were prepared as control group. Also cavities (1 mm in width, 1 mm in depth and 12 mm in length) were prepared using acrylic plate and aluminum bar, and flowable composite resin was flied and light cured by the diffused light from the fiber post's side wall. The degree of polymerization was measured according to the distance from curing light using Vickers' hardness test. Result: Within the limitation of this study, the following conclusions were drawn: 1. Vickers' hardness of light cured dual cured resin cement and flowable composite resin decreased from Panavia-F, Filtek-Flow and Duo-cement accordingly (p<0.05). In the dual curing resin cement, light curing performed group showed higher surface hardness value than self cured only group (p<0.05). 2. Surface hardness ratio (light cured through fiber post /directly light cured) of D.T. Light-Post using Filtek-Flow showed about 70% in the 6 mm deep and about 50% in the 12 mm deep FRC Postec showed only 40% of surface hardness ratio. 3. Surface hardness ratio by diffused light from the post's side wall showed about 50% at 6 mm and 9 mm deep, and about 40% at 12 mm deep in D.T. Light-Post. However, FRC Postec showed about 40% at 6 mm deep, and almost no polymerization in 9 mm and 12 mm deep.

Characterization of the Germinated Rices to Examine an Application Potentials as Functional Rice Processed Foods (기능성 쌀가공식품 원료료의 활용가능성 검토를 위한 발아미의 특성조사)

  • Kang, Mi-Young;Lee, Yeon-Ri;Nam, Seok-Hyun
    • Korean Journal of Food Science and Technology
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    • v.35 no.4
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    • pp.696-701
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    • 2003
  • Rice seeds of 4 cultivars including Whachung and Nampung, of the non-waxy rice cultivars, and Shinsunchalbyeo and Whachungchabyeo, of the waxy rice cultivars, were germinated at 27C for 3 days to compare the changes in some physico-chemical properties of the starch granules and the starch-hydrolysing enzyme activities during germination, respectively. With the starch granules, the amount of long glucose chains from amylose molecules were reduced in the non-waxy rices, while the chain length increased in the waxy rices. In the distribution profile of the glucose chain length from amylose molecules, we could observed that the chain length with DP (degree of polymerization) ranged 33 to 66 increased with the decreasing rate of the chain length with that above 130, regardless of the waxiness of rices. In addition, we observed that in contrast to a increase in chain length with DP ranged 14 to 33, the amount of short chains from A chain fraction decreased. Germination induced slight reduction in the polymerization rate of starch granules, and decrease in both initiation and termination temperatures for the gelatinization. αAmylase activity of rices germinated for 3 days found to he higher than that of malt. Especially, the activity of Shinsunchalbyeo was revealed to be highest, about two fold higher than that of malt. In contrast, βamylase of the waxy rice found to be considerably less active than malt, although the waxy showed prevalent activity as compared to the non-waxy rices.

Purification of Alginate Lyase from Streptomyces violaceoruber and the Growth Activity of Intestinal Bacteria by Degree of Polymerization of Alginate Hydrolysates (Streptomyces violaceoruber 유래 Alginate Lyase의 정제 및 Sodium Alginate 가수분해 올리고당의 중합도별 Bifidobacterium spp.과 Lactobacillus spp.에 대한 생육활성)

  • Yoon, Min;Park, Young-Seo;Park, Gwi-Gun
    • Food Engineering Progress
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    • v.21 no.2
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    • pp.103-109
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    • 2017
  • Alginate lyase from Streptomyces violaceoruber was purified by DEAE sephacel chromatography and SP sepharose chromatography. The specific activity of the purified enzyme was 14.6 units/mg protein, representing a 40.6-fold purification of the crude extract. The final preparation thus obtained showed a single band on Tricine-SDS polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis whose molecular weight was determined to be 23.3 kDa. The polyMG block of sodium alginate was hydrolyzed by the purified alginate lyase and then separated by activated carbon column chromatography and bio gel P-2 gel filtration. The main hydrolysates were composed of hetero type M/G-oligosaccharides with the degrees of polymerization (D.P.) being 6 and 8. To investigate the effects of hetero type M/G-oligosaccharides from the sodium alginate on the growth of some intestinal bacteria, cells were cultivated individually on the modified-MRS medium containing D.P. 6 and 8 M/G-oligosaccharides. B. longumgrew 4.25-fold and 6.44-fold more effectively by the treatment of D.P. 6 and 8 M/G-oligosaccharides compared with those of standard MRS medium. In addition, B. bifidumgrew 3.3-fold and 5.4-fold more effectively by the treatment of D.P. 6 and 8 M/G-oligosaccharides. In conclusion, D.P. 8 was more effective than D.P. 6 hetero M/G-oligosaccharides as regards the growth of Bifidobacteriumspp. and Lactobacillus spp.

A study on damage prediction analysis for styrene monomer fire explosion accidents (스티렌 모노머 화재폭발사고 피해예측 분석에 관한 연구)

  • Hyung-Su Choi;Min-Je Choi;Guy-Sun Cho
    • Industry Promotion Research
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.37-44
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    • 2024
  • This study selected the worst-case scenario for fireball and vapor cloud explosion (VCE) of a styrene monomer storage tank installed in a petrochemical production plant and performed damage prediction and accident impact analysis. The range of influence of radiant heat and overpressure due to fireball and vapor VCE during the abnormal polymerization reaction of styrene monomer, the main component of the mixed residue oil storage tank, was quantitatively analyzed by applying the e-CA accident damage prediction program. The damage impact areas of radiant heat and explosion overpressure are analyzed to have a maximum radius of 1,150m and 626m, respectively. People within 1,150m of radiant heat of 4kW/m2 may have their skin swell when exposed to it for 20 seconds. In buildings within 626m, where an explosion overpressure of 21kPa is applied, steel structures may be damaged and separated from the foundation, and people may suffer physical injuries. In the event of a fire, explosion or leak, determine the risk standards such as the degree of risk and acceptability to workers in the work place, nearby residents, or surrounding facilities due to radiant heat or overpressure, identify the hazards and risks of the materials handled, and establish an emergency response system. It is expected that it will be helpful in establishing measures to minimize damage to workplaces through improvement and investment activities.

Optimization of an Extracellular Dextranase Production from Lipomyces starkeyi KCTC 17343 and Analysis of Its Dextran Hydrolysates (Lipomyces starkeyi KCTC 17343에 의한 extracellular dextranase 최적생산과 덱스트란 hydrolysates 분석)

  • Chang, Yoon-Hyuck;Yeom, Joong-Hyun;Jung, Kyung-Hwan;Chang, Byung-Chul;Shin, Jung-Hee;Yoo, Sun-Kyun
    • Journal of Life Science
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    • v.19 no.4
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    • pp.457-461
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    • 2009
  • We optimized dextranase culture conditions by batch fermentation using Lipomyces starkeyi KCTC 17343. Furthermore, dextranase was purified by an ultra-membrane, and then dextran hydrolyzates were characterized. Cell growth and dextranase production varied depending on the initial culture pH and temperature. The conditions of optimal dextranase production were met in a pH range of 4-5 and temperature between 2530C. At optimal fermentation conditions, total enzyme activity and specific enzyme activity were about 4.85 IU/ml and 0.79 IU/g cells, respectively. The specific growth rate was examined to be 0.076hr1. The production of dextranase in culture broth was very stably maintained after mid-log phase of growth. The enzyme hydrolyzed dextran into DP (degree of polymerization) 2 to 8 oligodextran series. Analysis of the composition of hydrolysates suggested that the enzyme produced is an endo-dextranase.

Study of cotton linter pre-treatment process for producing high quality regenerated fibers for fabrics (방직용 고품질 재생섬유 제조를 위한 면린터 전처리공정에 관한 연구)

  • Park, Hee Jeong;Han, Jung Su;Son, Ha Neul;Seo, Yung Bum
    • Journal of Korea Technical Association of The Pulp and Paper Industry
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    • v.45 no.3
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    • pp.27-35
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    • 2013
  • Cotton linter pre-treatment methods using electron beam and sulfuric acid were investigated to prepare high quality regenerated fibers for fabrics. So far, NaOH was used to reduce the degree of polymerization (DP) of the cotton linter for ease of dissolving by cellulose solvent. Two pre-treatment methods were developed to reduce the consumption of the chemicals (NaOH) and to control the DP of cellulose more precisely. Changes in α-cellulose contents and brightness by the pre-treatments were also important concerns. Both electron beam irradiation and sulfuric acid were shown to be effective on controlling the DP of cellulose and to reduce the chemical consumption, but reduced α-cellulose contents as well in this study. Sulfuric acid pre-treatment, which needed additional washing process after the pre-treatment when comparing to the electron beam irradiation method, gave the highest brightness and the highest reduction of α-cellulose content.

Changes in the Properties of Cotton Cellulose by Hydrogen Peroxide Bleaching (과산화수소 표백조건에 따른 면셀룰로오스의 특성 변화)

  • Heo, Yong-Dae;Sung, Yong Joo;Joung, Yang-Jin;Kim, Duk-Ki;Kim, Tae-Young
    • Journal of Korea Technical Association of The Pulp and Paper Industry
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    • v.45 no.3
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    • pp.59-68
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    • 2013
  • The cotton contains various impurities such as protein, wax, pectins, coloring matter, even though cotton has been a major source of pure cellulose. The purification processes have been commonly applied to obtain the pure cellulose. However the excessive purification treatments could lead to the damage in the cellulose structure which could result in the degradation of cellulose and the limited application of cotton cellulose. In this study, the changes in cellulose structural properties such as crystallinity and DP(degree of polymerization) by the various conditions of the purification processes were investigated. The less toxic agents such as hydrogen peroxide and sodium silicate were applied for the purification treatment in this study. The increase in the process times, the temperature and the applied amount of chemical agents resulted in the more purified cellulose. The DP of cotton cellulose was increased at the first weak conditions by the reduction of small molecules such as pectin, wax, and so on. Especially the 2 % addition amount of H2O2 with Na2SiO3 resulted in the higher value in the DP and the brightness compared to the 1.5 % addition amount of H2O2. However, the 4 % addition amount of H2O2 with Na2SiO3 showed the decreased value because of excessive treatment. In case of the changes in the crystallinity (Gjk), the highest value of the crystallinity was obtained by the 2% addition amount of H2O2 on the cotton cellulose, which showed similar with the change in the DP.

The Vertical and Lateral Ordering of PDMA-b-PS Block Copolymer Thin film via Control of Relative Humidity (습도의 영향에 따른 PDMA-b-PS 친수성 블록공중합체 박막의 패턴 조절)

  • Jung, Hyun-Jung;Kim, Tae-Joon;Bang, Joon-A
    • Korean Chemical Engineering Research
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    • v.49 no.3
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    • pp.352-356
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    • 2011
  • In this paper, we prepared new type of hydrophilic block copolymers that exhibit the long-ranged lateral ordering in thin film. It was previously demonstrated that poly(ethyleneoxide-b-styrene) and poly(ethyleneoxide-b-metharylate-b-styrene) block copolymer thin films have a high degree of lateral ordering after solvent annealing process. In these cases, the relative humidity plays an important role in long-ranged lateral ordering. However, the origin of the humidity effect on the orders of these hydrophilic block copolymers is not fully understood. To investigate the effect of the humidity further, we prepared other hydrophilic poly(N,N-dimethylacrylamide-b-styrene)(PDMA-b-PS) block copolymers via RAFT polymerization. As with PEO-containing block copolymers, PDMA-b-PS block copolymers exhibit the long-ranged lateral ordering after solvent annealing process.

Analysis of Produced By-products Due to Oil/Paper Degradation on Power Transformers (전력용 변압기의 열화에 의해 생성된 부산물의 분석)

  • Kim, Jae-Hoon;Han, Sang-Ok
    • The Transactions of The Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers
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    • v.56 no.9
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    • pp.1561-1565
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    • 2007
  • According to thermal degradation on power transformers, it is known that electrical, mechanical and chemical characteristics for power transformer's oil-paper are changed. In the chemical property, especially, when the kraft paper is aged, the cellulose polymer chains break down into shorter lengths. It causes decrease in both tensile strength and degree of polymerization of paper insulation. Also the paper breakdown is accompanied by an increase in the content of various furanic compounds within the dielectric liquid. It is known that furanic components in transformer oil come only from the decomposition of insulating paper rather than from the oil itself. Therefore the analysis of furanic degradation products provides a complementary technique to dissolved gas analysis for monitoring transformers when we evaluate the aging of insulating paper by the total concentration of carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide dissolved in oil only. Recently, the analysis of furanic compounds by high performance liquid chromatography(HPLC) using IEC 61198 method for estimating degradation of paper insulation in power transformers has been used more conveniently for assessment of oil-paper. It is know that the main products which is produced by aging are 2-furfuryl alcohol, 2-furaldehyde(furfural), 2-furoic acid, 2-acetylfuran, 5-methyl-2-furaldehyde, and 5-hydroxymethyl-2-furaldehyde. For investigating the accelerated aging process of oil-paper samples we manufactured accelerating aging equipment and we estimated variation of insulations at 140C temp. during 500 hours. Typical transformer proportions of copper, silicon steel and iron have been added to oil-paper insulation during the aging process. The oil-paper insulation samples have been measured at intervals of 100 hours. Finally we have analyzed that 2-furoic acid and 2-acetylfuran products of furanic compounds were detected by HPLC, and their concentrations were increased with accelerated aging time.

Effect of two-phase fabrication method for the optimum fit of light-polymerized record bases

  • Huh, Jung-Bo;Kang, Min-Goo;Shin, Sang-Wan;Ryu, Jae-Jun
    • The Journal of Advanced Prosthodontics
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    • v.2 no.3
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    • pp.102-105
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    • 2010
  • PURPOSE. The aims of this study were to suggest a method of fabrication of the record base using a light-polymerized resin by applying the two-phase fabrication method for the improvement of the fit of the record base and to compare the degree of fit according to the separation site. MATERIALS AND METHODS. In the edentulous cast of maxilla, four test groups were considered. In the first, second, third, and fourth test groups (n = 12 in each group) the separation was done at 0, 5, 10, and 15 mm, respectively below the alveolar crest along the palatal plane. For the control group, the record base was made without separating the two sections. The light-body silicone material was injected into the fitting surface of the record base. It was then placed onto the cast and finger pressure was applied to stabilize it in a seated position followed by immediate placement onto the universal test device. Finally, the mass of the impression material was measured after it was removed. ANOVA was performed using the SAS program. For the post-hoc test, the Wilcoxon Rank-Sum test and the Tukey-Kramer HSD test were performed (α = 0.05). RESULTS. The control group and Group 3, 4 showed significant differences. The Group 3 and 4 showed significantly smaller inside gaps than the control group which was not made with the two-phase fabrication method. CONCLUSION. The two-stage polymerized technique can improve the fit of the denture base particularly when the separation was made at 10 to 15 mm from the alveolar crest.