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Effect of Vitamin C Supplementation on Blood Sugar and Serum Lipid in NIDDM Patients (비타민 C 보충이 인슐린 비의존형 당뇨병 환자의 혈당 및 혈청지질에 미치는 영향)

  • Lee, Yun-Mi;Park, Hyoung-Sook
    • The Korean Journal of Rehabilitation Nursing
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    • v.5 no.2
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    • pp.99-112
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    • 2002
  • The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of oral vitamin C supplements on blood sugar and serum lipid level(total cholesterol, triglyceride, high density lipoprotein, low density lipoprotein) in non-insulin independent diabetes mellitus. The study design was a non equivalent control group pre-test post-test design. Data for the study were collected from June 24 to August 31, 2001. The ninty-five research subject were assigned to experimental group(51) and control group(44). Vitamin C(3g/day) was given to 51 subjects for 4 weeks. Following a 12h overnight fasting, blood sample was obstaind at baseline and at the end of 4week - supplementation. Blood samples were taken for plasma vitamin C concentration, fasting blood sugar, HbA1c and serum lipid level. The pre-equivalent test was used by Chi-squre, t-test and two group's pre and post experimental differences were analyzed by t-tset to compare with each other. The results of this study were as follows ; 1. The difference between the two groups in plasma vitamin C concentration was significant(t=-12.950, p=.000). 2. The difference between the two groups in fasting blood sugar was significant(t=5.293, p=.000). 3. The difference between the two groups in HbA1c was not significant(t=1.758, p=.082). 4. The difference between the two groups in total cholesterol, HDL, LDL was significant(t=3.786, p=.000 ; t=-5.515, p=.000 ; t= 4.169, p = .000). These results suggest that megadose vitamin C supplementation be effective in lowering fasting blood sugar, serum lipids and increasing plasma vitamin C. Thus dietary measures to increase plasma vitamin C may be on important health strategy for reducing the compliance of diabetic patients.

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A Study on the Hypoglycemic Effect and Safety of Combined-Therapy of Baekhogainsam-tang and Hypoglycemic Agent for Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Patients without Complications: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis (합병증을 동반하지 않은 2형 당뇨병 환자에 대한 백호가인삼탕과 혈당강하제 병행치료의 혈당 강하 효과 및 안전성 연구 : 체계적 문헌 고찰과 메타분석)

  • Shin, Jae-ik;Baek, Ji-soo;Shin, Seon-mi;Cho, Chung-sik
    • The Journal of Internal Korean Medicine
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    • v.42 no.4
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    • pp.672-686
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    • 2021
  • Objectives: The purpose of this study is to assess the efficacy and safety of Baekhogainsam-tang for type 2 diabetes without complications by systemic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials (RCTs). Methods: For a systematic review and meta-analysis, we set a key question in accordance with PICOT-SD. We searched the following up to March 31. 2021: PubMed, EMBASE, The Cochrane Library, CNKI, CiNii, KISS, KMBASE, OASIS, and ScienceON. A meta-analysis was conducted by synthesizing the results, including fasting plasma glucose level, postprandial 2-hour plasma glucose level, and Glycated Hemoglobin (HbA1c). Results: A total of five trials are included in this systemic review. The treatment group (Baekhogainsam-tang plus conventional treatment) showed more statistically significant effect than did the control group (conventional treatment only) in fasting plasma glucose level, postprandial 2-hour plasma glucose level, and glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c). Conclusions: Baekhogainsam-tang showed statistically significant effects in hypoglycemic effect and in improving insulin resistance. However, the number of studies included in the meta-analysis was insufficient, and the BIT used in the included studies was not standardized. This topic requires further attention and more clinical research.

Age and weight at first mating affects plasma leptin concentration but no effects on reproductive performance of gilts

  • Lee, SuHyup;Hosseindoust, Abdolreza;Choi, YoHan;Kim, MinJu;Kim, KwangYeol;Lee, JunHyung;Kim, YoungHwa;Chae, ByungJo
    • Journal of Animal Science and Technology
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    • v.61 no.5
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    • pp.285-293
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    • 2019
  • The objective of this study was to verify the best mating age of gilts at the first parity. Gilts (n = 86) were divided into nine groups in a factorial arrangement with three Ages (AG1, 220d; AG2, 220 to 240 d; AG3, 240d), and three weights (WT1 140kg; WT2, 140 to 149 kg; WT3, 150kg). A higher body weight gain in AG2 sows during gestation. Sows in AG2 group showed a higher body weight gain at first parity and backfat gain in the parity 2 and 3 during gestation. A greater insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1) was observed in AG1 sows compared with AG3 sows at weaning in the second parity. Sows in WT1 group showed a significant positive effect on the plasma IGF-1 at breeding and weaning time in parity 2. Sows in AG3 group showed a higher plasma leptin at breeding, farrowing, and weaning in the parity 1, and at farrowing in parity 2. Sows in WT3 group showed a higher plasma leptin at breeding, farrowing, and weaning in the parities 1 and 2. Considering the insignificant longevity results, the most efficient time for gilts insemination can be at 220 d when their body weight is 140 kg or lower.

Response of Muscle Protein Synthesis to the Infusion of Insulin-like Growth Factor-I and Fasting in Young Chickens

  • Kita, K.;Shibata, T.;Aman Yaman, M.;Nagao, K.;Okumura, J.
    • Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences
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    • v.15 no.12
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    • pp.1760-1764
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    • 2002
  • In order to elucidate the physiological function of circulating IGF-I on muscle protein synthesis in the chicken under malnutritional conditions, we administrated recombinant chicken IGF-I using a osmotic mini pump to fasted young chickens and measured the rate of muscle protein synthesis and plasma metabolite. The pumps delivered IGF-I at the rate of 22μg/d{300μg(kgbodyweightd)1}. Fractional rate of protein synthesis in the muscle was measured using a large dose injection of L-[2,63H]phenylalanine. Constant infusion of chicken IGF-I did not affect plasma glucose level. Significant interaction between dietary treatment and IGF-I infusion was observed in plasma NEFA and total cholesterol concentrations. When chicks were fasted, IGF-I infusion decreased plasma NEFA and total cholesterol concentrations. On the other hand, IGF-I administration did not affect plasma levels of both metabolites. Fasting reduced plasma triglyceride concentration significantly. IGF-I infusion also decreased the level of plasma triglyceride. Plasma IGF-I concentration of young chickens was halved by fasting for 1 d. IGF-I infusion using an osmotic minipump for 1 d increased plasma IGF-I concentration in fasted chicks to the level of fed chicks. Fasting decreased body weight and the loss of body weight was significantly ameliorated by IGF-I infusion. There was a significant interaction between dietary treatment and IGF-I infusion in the fractional rate of breast muscle protein synthesis. There was no effect of IGF-I infusion on muscle protein synthesis in fed chicks. Muscle protein synthesis reduced by fasting was ameliorated by IGF-I infusion, but did not reach to the level of fed control. Muscle weight of fasted chicks infused with IGF-I was similar to fasted birds without IGF-I infusion, which suggests that muscle protein degradation would be increased by IGF-I infusion as well as protein synthesis in fasted chicks.

Nutritional and Tissue Specificity of IGF-I and IGFBP-2 Gene Expression in Growing Chickens - A Review -

  • Kita, K.;Nagao, K.;Okumura, J.
    • Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences
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    • v.18 no.5
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    • pp.747-754
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    • 2005
  • Nutritional regulation of gene expression associated with growth and feeding behavior in avian species can become an important technique to improve poultry production according to the supply of nutrients in the diet. Insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I) found in chickens has been characterized to be a 70 amino acid polypeptide and plays an important role in growth and metabolism. Although it is been well known that IGF-I is highly associated with embryonic development and post-hatching growth, changes in the distribution of IGF-I gene expression throughout early- to late-embryogenesis have not been studied so far. We revealed that the developmental pattern of IGF-I gene expression during embryogenesis differed among various tissues. No bands of IGF-I mRNA were detected in embryonic liver at 7 days of incubation, and thereafter the amount of hepatic IGF-I mRNA was increased from 14 to 20 days of incubation. In eyes, a peak in IGF-I mRNA levels occurred at mid-embryogenesis, but by contrast, IGF-I mRNA was barely detectable in the heart throughout all incubation periods. In the muscle, no significant difference in IGF-I gene expression was observed during different stages of embryogenesis. After hatching, hepatic IGF-I gene expression as well as plasma IGF-I concentration increases rapidly with age, reaches a peak before sexual maturity, and then declines. The IGF-I gene expression is very sensitive to changes in nutritional conditions. Food-restriction and fasting decreased hepatic IGF-I gene expression and refeeding restored IGF-I gene expression to the level of fed chickens. Dietary protein is also a very strong factor in changing hepatic IGF-I gene expression. Refeeding with dietary protein alone successfully restored hepatic IGF-I gene expression of fasted chickens to the level of fed controls. In most circumstances, IGF-I makes a complex with specific high-affinity IGF-binding proteins (IGFBPs). So far, four different IGFBPs have been identified in avian species and the major IGFBP in chicken plasma has been reported to be IGFBP-2. We studied the relationship between nutritional status and IGFBP-2 gene expression in various tissues of young chickens. In the liver of fed chickens, almost no IGFBP-2 mRNA was detected. However, fasting markedly increased hepatic IGFBP-2 gene expression, and the level was reduced after refeeding. In the gizzard of well-fed young chickens, IGFBP-2 gene expression was detected and fasting significantly elevated gizzard IGFBP-2 mRNA levels to about double that of fed controls. After refeeding, gizzard IGFBP-2 gene expression decreased similar to hepatic IGFBP-2 gene expression. In the brain, IGFBP-2 mRNA was observed in fed chickens and had significantly decreased by fasting. In the kidney, IGFBP-2 gene expression was observed but not influenced by fasting and refeeding. Recently, we have demonstrated in vivo that gizzard and hepatic IGFBP-2 gene expression in fasted chickens was rapidly reduced by intravenous administration of insulin, as indicated that in young chickens the reduction in gizzard and hepatic IGFBP-2 gene expression in vivo stimulated by malnutrition may be, in part, regulated by means of the increase in plasma insulin concentration via an insulin-response element. The influence of dietary protein source (isolated soybean protein vs. casein) and the supplementation of essential amino acids on gizzard IGFBP-2 gene expression was examined. In both soybean protein and casein diet groups, the deficiency of essential amino acids stimulated chickens to increase gizzard IGFBP-2 gene expression. Although amino acid supplementation of a soybean protein diet significantly decreased gizzard IGFBP-2 mRNA levels, a similar reduction was not observed in chickens fed a casein diet supplemented with amino acids. This overview of nutritional regulation of IGF-I and IGFBP-2 gene expression in young chickens would serve for the establishment of the supply of nutrients to diets to improve poultry production.

Clinical significance of acanthosis nigricans in children and adolescents with obesity induced metabolic complications (비만으로 인한 대사적 합병증을 가진 소아 및 청소년에서 흑색가시세포증의 임상적 의의)

  • Chueh, Hee Won;Cho, Gyu Rang;Yoo, Jaeho
    • Clinical and Experimental Pediatrics
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    • v.50 no.10
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    • pp.987-994
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    • 2007
  • Purpose : This study investigated the clinical significance of AN in children and adolescents with obesity induced metabolic complications. Methods : Forty-nine patients who had obesity induced metabolic complications were participated in this cross-sectional study. Obesity induced metabolic complications are as follows: hypertension, dyslipidemia, impaired fasting glucose (IFG), impaired glucose tolerance (IGT), nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH), homeostasis model assessment of insulin resistance (HOMA-IR)>3.16. Clinical characteristics, such as, age, percentage-weight-for-height (PWH), pubertal status, blood pressure (BP), fasting plasma insulin level, fasting and post-oral glucose tolerance test 2-hour glucose levels, liver function test, lipid profile, HOMA-IR were compared according to the presence of AN. Results : Sixty-five percent of patients had AN, 57.1% NASH, 57.1% dyslipidemia, 55.1% hypertension, 46.9% IFG, 24.5% HOMA-IR>3.16 and 16.2% IGT. The patients who were moderately to severely obese with AN had higher incidence of IGT and HOMA-IR>3.16. The patients with AN had significantly higher diastolic BP (79.4±6.9 vs 75.4±5.6mmHg), fasting levels of plasma insulin (10.6±6.0 vs 6.2±5.4μIU/mL), HOMA-IR index (2.6±1.4 vs 1.4±1.3) and PWH (42.4±13.0 vs 34.3±1.8). The increasing tendency for the presence of AN was significantly related to the cumulative number of obesity induced metabolic complications. Binary logistic regression analysis revealed that the presence of AN was significantly associated with fasting plasma insulin level, PWH and IFG. Conclusion : AN could be useful as a clinical surrogate of obesity induced metabolic complications.

Effect of Fermented Yacon (Smallanthus Sonchifolius) Leaves Tea on Blood Glucose Levels and Glucose Metabolism in High-Fat Diet and Streptozotocin-Induced Type 2 Diabetic Mice (야콘잎 발효차가 고지방식이와 스트렙토조토신으로 유도한 제2형 당뇨마우스의 혈당 및 당대사에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, In-Sook;Lee, Jin;Lee, Jeom-Sook;Shin, Dong-Young;Kim, Myung-Joo;Lee, Mi-Kyung
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • v.43 no.4
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    • pp.333-341
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    • 2010
  • The aim of this study was to investigate the hypolgycemic activity of water extract of fermented yacon (Smallanthus sonchifolius) leaves tea (Yacon LWE) in high-fat diet (HFD)/streptozotocin (STZ)-induced diabetic mice. Male ICR mice were fed with a HFD (37% calories from fat) for 4 weeks prior to intraperitoneal injection with STZ (100 mg/kg body weight). Diabetic mice were supplemented with two doses of Yacon LWE (0.16% and 0.8%, wt/wt) for 6 weeks. The supplementation of high-dose Yacon LWE significantly lowered blood glucose levels and plasma ALT and AST activities compared with the control group. High-dose Yacon LWE also improved the insulin tolerance without any changes in plasma and pancreatic insulin concentrations in HFD/STZ-induced diabetic mice. Yacon LWE supplementation increased the insulin staining of pancreatic β-cells in a dose-dependent manner. Both 0.16% and 0.8% of Yacon LWE significantly elevated plasma leptin concentration, hepatic glucokinase activity and glucokinase/glucose-6-phosphatase ratio compared with the control group. However, glycosylated hemoglobin concentration was not different among the groups. These results suggest that high-dose Yacon LWE lowers the blood glucose level partly by enhancing insulin sensitivity and hepatic glucose metabolism in type 2 diabetic mice.

Relationships of Plasma Insulin-like Growth Factor (IGF)-I and IGF-II Concentrations to Litter Size (Landrace와 Yorkshire 돼지에서 혈장의 Insulin-like Growth Factor (IGF)-I과 IGF-II 농도와 산자수 및 비유성적과의 관계)

  • Lee, C. Y.;Baik, K. H.;Lee, D. H.;Park, H. C.
    • Journal of Animal Science and Technology
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    • v.45 no.1
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    • pp.33-40
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    • 2003
  • The present study was undertaken to find relationships of plasma insulin-like growth factor (IGF)-I and IGF-II concentrations to litter size and lactation performance. Sixty pure-bred Landrace and Yorkshire pigs having similar farrowing weeks which had been selected from a large number of pregnant gilts and sows were divided into low- (<μ-0.5SD) and high-litter size (>μ+0.5 SD) lines under a 2 (breed)×2 (line) factorial arrange of treatments. After adjusting the litter size to nine piglets per sow at farrowing, total litter weight was measured at three weeks postpartum at weaning as an index of milk yield. Blood samples were obtained from the jugular vein at day (d)-90 pregnancy (Px) and at d-15 postpartum. The litter size or the number of piglets born during the present experiment and the average litter size during the entire parities up to the present one were greater in the high-line than in the low-line by 3.7 and 2.4 piglets, respectively (P<0.01); effect of the breed on litter size was not significant. Plasma IGF-II concentration at d-90 Px was greater in the high-line than in the low-line. Litter size and d-90 Px IGF-I concentration were negatively correlated in Landrace (r=-0.46; P<0.05) and tended to be negatively correlated in Yorkshire (r=-0.31; P=0.09), which resulted in a significant negative correlation between these two variables in total animals (r=-0.35; P<0.01). Litter weight at weaning was not different between the two breeds or lines. Relationships between the litter weight and IGF concentration were not consistent across the breed × physiological stage combinations. Results suggest that d-90 Px IGF concentrations may be indicative of the litter size at impending farrowing.

Milk Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA) Profile and Metabolic Responses of Dairy Cows Fed with High-temperature-micro-time (HTMT) Treated Diets Containing High Quantity Extruded Soybean (ESB)

  • Lee, H.G.;Hong, Z.S.;Wang, J.H.;Xu, C.X.;Jin, Y.C.;Kim, T.K.;Kim, Y.J.;Song, M.K.;Choi, Yun.-Jaei
    • Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences
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    • v.22 no.11
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    • pp.1504-1512
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    • 2009
  • A feeding trial was conducted to examine the effect of high-temperature-micro-time (HTMT) processing of diets containing extruded soybean (ESB) in high quantity on milk fat production, metabolic responses, and the formation of conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) and trans-vaccenic acid (TVA). Twenty-one multiparous Holstein cows in mid-lactation were blocked according to milk yield in the previous lactation. Cows within each block were randomly assigned to either normal concentrate or HTMT treated diets containing ESB (7.5% HTMT-ESB and 15% HTMT-ESB). It was hypothesized that the HTMT-ESB would affect the undegradable fatty acids in the rumen and, thus, would modify the fatty acid profile of milk fat. Both 7.5% and 15% HTMT-ESB did not affect milk yield, fat, protein, lactose and solid-not-fat (SNF), but the proportion of cis-9, trans-11 CLA in milk fat was significantly increased by these treatments. Content of TVA in milk fat was not affected by HTMT-ESB. The HTMT-ESB influenced the fatty acid profile in milk fat, but there was little difference between 7.5% and 15% of supplementation. HTMT-ESB feeding significantly decreased the concentration of plasma insulin and glucose, while plasma growth hormone (GH), triglyceride (TG), non-esterified fatty acid (NEFA) and HDLcholesterol were increased by 7.5% and 15% ESB-HTMT supplementation in comparison to the control group (p<0.05). However, no significant difference was observed in plasma LDL-cholesterol, insulin like growth factor (IGF)-1, T3, T4, and leptin concentrations among treatments (p>0.05). The present results showed that cis-9, trans-11 CLA production was increased by HTMT treatment of dietary ESB without reduction of milk fat, and the unchanged milk fat and yield was assumed to be associated with the constant level of thyroid hormones, leptin, and IGF-1.

Effect of Oral Sport Beverages with Medicinal Herbs Added on Short-term Recovery from Exercise-induced Fatigue (한의약소재 스포츠음료수 섭취가 운동-유발성 피로의 단시간 회복에 미치는 영향)

  • Na Hyun-Jong;Lee Kyu-Lark;Kang Ho-Youl
    • The Journal of Korean Medicine
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    • v.27 no.1 s.65
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    • pp.36-46
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    • 2006
  • Objectives : Ginseng Research Group in Korea Food Research Institute developed Saeng Mac San (KFRI-2)and Je Ho Tang (KFRI-3) with their sensory factors more acceptable. And we examined their effects on the short-term recovery capacity for cycling exercise (EX) maintained to all-out. Methods : Seven healthy young subjects (aged 24.0±2.1yr) were volunteered at this double blind test. Each of KFRI-2, 3, a commercial sport beverage and control (CON) was offered randomly on a series of EX protocol including 65% VO2max-90min EX (D-ride). 1h-recovery and 85% VO2max EX to all-out (P-ride) under the control of their heart rate (HR) and rating perception of exertion (RPE). Blood samples were collected before D-ride, 30, 60 and 90min in D-ride, 30 and 60min in the recovery period and each 10min in P-ride. Plasma analysis items were glucose, insulin, cortisol (CORT), testosterone (TEST), free fatty acid (FFA), Na+, Cl-and K+. The collected data (Means±SE) were analysed by two-way ANOVA and statistically significant differences between treatments (p<0.05) by LSD.; the significant level in FFA, Na+, Cl-and Na+ was p<0.01 Results : At 30min during recovery. plasma glucose level in KFRI-3 was significantly higher than CON, and also insulin in KFRI-3 was than CON and KFRI-2. FFA in KFRI-3 was significantly lower than CON during recovery. Na+ in KFRI-3 significantly higher than CON at 90min in D-ride, and also KFRI-2 was at 60min during recovery. However CORT, TEST, Cl-and Na+ in treated beverages were not significant. KFRI-2, 3 elevated the time for P-ride more than CON did. Conclusions : KFRI-2, 3 elevated the time for P-ride about 12% more than CON did. It is based on rapid recovery of plasma glucose level and inhibition of lipolysis during recovery.

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