Active sunlighting systems have been applied to deliver sunlight into the indoor space where natural light is insufficient, mainly because of the congested high-rise buildings in urban areas. Among various active sunlighting systems, a mirror sunlighting system which is simple structure and economically reasonable has been widely used in different types of spaces such as underground, north facing place and atrium. This study was to evaluate the mirror sunlighting systems, which were consisted of the first mirror of $3.5m{\times}2.5m$, the eight sets of the second mirrors of $1.0m{\times}1.25m$ and a sun tracker. Ten sets of the systems were installed for 40 apartment living rooms, the configuration of $3.5m(W){\times}4.0m(D){\times}2.5m(H)$ where sunlighting were not possible due to high retaining walls located in the front of the living rooms. The 45 HOBO data logger sensors for the indoor illuminance were equipped and 2 Li-cor photometers for outdoor illuminance. Both indoor and outdoor horizontal illuminances were monitored every second from 9am to 3pm on 17 January 2010 under clear sky condition. The results showed that the indoor illuminance of installed mirror sunlighting system was significant relationship with outdoor illuminance and increased the indoor illuminance level by 4.2 times on the whole floor space, by 8 times on the sun patch space of 6m2 and even by 2 times on the no sun patch space. In addition, the luminous conditions of the living room under real sky conditions met the KS recommendation for difficult task (600-1000-1500 lux) such as sewing and reading on whole floor space and sun patch space. It was proved that the benefits of mirror sunlighting systems included an effective technology for penetrating daylight into indoors where sunlighting was not possible and improving occupants' satisfaction and health, and contributing to energy saving in apartments during daytime.
The purpose of this study is the suggestion of tempos and genres to make a effective mood in a hotel and restaurant. As a result of this study, it was verified which genre and tempo is the most effective at each case of various restaurant. The result of this study shows that the genres and tempos of background music effect to a mood of customer, and a satisfaction related to a return visit and a recommendation. This paper offer a useful method when a manager want to change a ambience of business place. For example, a manager will be able to choose a change of background music instead of remodeling requiring much money. At the other case, a manager will be able to maximize a expression effect of business concept as following the suggestion of this study. This thesis suggests how a managers can simultaneously achieve a customer's satisfaction and a financial benefit by selection of music.
Purpose: The primary prevention for cervical cancer, the human papilloma virus (HPV) vaccination, has been available in South Korea and its importance has been emphasized publicly. The purpose of this study was to investigate the knowledge regarding HPV vaccination and identify the factors associated with HPV vaccination in female university students. Methods: A sample of 200 women among university students in Seoul was asked to answer a questionnaire on HPV-related knowledge and attitude, and influencing factors on HPV vaccination. Results: Among the respondents, 12.0% were HPV vaccinated. Overall HPV-related knowledge was low, and knowledge was not different between the vaccinated and unvaccinated groups. The vaccinated group demonstrated a higher score on the knowledge about the place where people could receive HPV vaccination and the cost of the vaccination than that of the unvaccinated group. The major influencing factor on vaccination was the parent's recommendation and the major barrier for vaccination was the cost of the vaccination. Conclusion: A broadened public campaign is recommended to increase the knowledge and positive attitude towards HPV vaccination for university female students as well as their parents.
To investigate the perception and preference of foreign visitors to Korean traditional foods, 206 visitors(male 142, female 61) were surveyed with questionnaires translating in English, Chinese and Japanese. Subjects had various nationality such as China(77.4%), America(20.9%), Japan(16.0%), Canada(6.5%), Southeast Asia(2.5%) and Europe(2.5%). The 70.2% of the respondents had been tried Korean dishes before visiting Korea on the recommendation of friends or acquaintances(59.9%) or by the advertisement, articles, and travel agency. Bulgogi and Kimchi were the most popular menu that they had been tried in their country and Bibimbop, Kalbi, Korean dumpling, Samgaetang and Chapchae were following. 29.8% of the respondents had never tried Korean dishes because of they didn't have a chance to try(43.1%) or there were no Korean restaurant near their place(25.5%) or they had no interest in Korean dishes(23.5%). As expected, Kimchi and Bulgogi were well known food, showing rank of highest recognition. Chun and Dduck were the dishes that they had heard or saw but not eaten and Goojeolpan and Shinsunro were the dishes that they had not heard or saw. Preference to Korean dishes shows the same tendency as perception, Bulgogi, Bibimbop, Kalbi and Kimchi were the highly preferred group and Samgaetang, Bindaedduck, Chapchae, Dumpling and Raengmyon were mildly preferred one and Cucumber Kimchi, Kalbitang, Chun, Namul, Dduck were lower group of preference and Shinsunro and Goojeolpan were rarely preferred. These result shows that it is needed to advertise Korean dishes and to make events for globalization of Korean food.
Journal of the Korean Society of Fisheries and Ocean Technology
This study intends to present a direction for the better reforming of fishers'onboard living conditions and proposals for preparing for ratification of the Work in Fishing Convention by means of making a comparison between standards on recent national fishing vessel accommodation facilities and standards on the Work in Fishing Convention and Its Recommendation, 2007, ILO. For the most part of standards on national fishing vessel accommodation facilities are somewhat insufficient to satisfy the provisions in Annex III of the Convention. Considering by items on fishing vessel accommodation facilities, the standards on insect protector, noise and vibration, heating and air conditioning, lighting, persons per sleeping room, recreational facility are not provided in national law. Headroom, separation of accommodation, sleeping room floor area, mattress size, mess room, galley and food storage are partially sufficient for the Convention. In case of sanitary facilities, national standards are not sufficient for the Convention. The other side, facilities related safety of ship and crew such as emergency escape etc., are fully sufficient for the Convention. These insufficiencies caused by different types of fishing vessel depend on originality of fishing method and practices. In the comparison between equivalent tonnage about vessel's length on convention and calculated tonnage of national existing fishing vessel, the difference are 226tons about length 24m and 501tons about length 45m. For that reason, headroom, persons per sleeping room, cabin of sicker and injured, sanitary facilities may decide to use gross tonnage in place of length (L) and the alleviating measure basis of convention. But in case of standards on sanitary facilities which are unsufficient for the Convention, specially in coastal fishing vessel length basis should be adopted with alleviating basis for less than length 24m.
The purpose of this study was to investigate the patterns of alternative therapy and to describe the characteristics of cancer patients used alternative therapy. The sample of this study were 232 consisted of cancer patients who visited at Pusan National University Hospital, Dong-a, Kosin University Hospital. The data were gathered from August, 1 to October, 30 1999 and analyzed by using SPSSWIN program for frequency, percentile and $X^2$-test. The important results of this study are as follows. 1. In population-sociological characteristics, sexual distribution showed female 52.6%, and the male 47.4%, age distribution showed that more than 60year old group are most as 31.5%. 2. In the disease characteristics, colon and rectal cancer patients were most as 19.0%. In the type of pain, the most of subjects were "dully pain" as 25.4%. In the pain level, 134 subjects complained pain, mean maximal pain score was $7.3{\pm}2.29$ in 10 points rating scale. 3. 132 patients (56.9%) among 232 cancer patients had used alternative therapy. The most common type of alternative therapy was dietary and nutritional therapy 44%, the place of use. home 43.2%, duration, less than 3 months, 56.8%. The most common motive was a recommendation by friends or family. The degree of satisfaction after the use of alternative therapy was high for 22.0%. 4. In the relation between general characteristic and utilization of alternative therapy, the only living area was showed a significant statistical differance($X^2$ = 4.070, P= .044). also in the relation between disease characteristic and utilization of alternative therapy, morbidity periods, the size of higher pain, the type of treatment were showed a significant statistical differance($X^2$= 7.964, 7.303, 3.565, P=.044, .026, .042). In conclusions, these findings indicate that cancer patients use various complementary and in alternative therapy. therefore, suggested that medical doctors or nurses verify the true effects or side-effects from the most common complementary or alternative therapies through experiments.
Purpose: Today, travelers are provided large amount information which includes Web sites and tourist magazines about introduction of tourist spot. Many approaches have been proposed to analyze the large amount of available information with the aim of discovering the most popular Points of Tourist Interest and routes. However, it is not easy for users to process the information in a short time. Therefore travelers prefer to receive pertinent information easier and have that information presented in a clear and concise manner. Research Design, Data and Methodology: Whether you are looking for banks by company, foreign exchange services, free wireless hotspots, touristic attractions, campsites, supermarkets, restaurants, cinemas, The aim of POI Tourism Services is to enable tourists to find spots that only the locals know, giving the tourists opportunity to the tourists to explore new areas of the place like never before. This paper proposes find the scope for a personalized service for tourist "Special Interest Tourism" recommendation for tourists who travel within India & for the benefit of Foreign Nationals who visit the country. Results: The major focus of the study is to understand the demand for such a service being integrated into the conventional tour package. The major findings made during the course of the show that the market for "Special Interest Tourism" based services stands at approximately 63%. Travel today is mainly for the people from the middle income group having a fixed budget while traveling and would like economic travel solutions that fit their budget. Conclusion: This accounts for a major part of the market for the service. Most tourist prefer to go on week end getaways or trips that last more than a week, this means that a specialized trip plan based on the travelers interests is feasible with these type of travelers. Maximum demand for "Special Interest Tourism" based services would be during the festive seasons.
The purpose of this study is to do an in-depth examination of Korean women in their 30's on the characteristics of their online fashion shopping, clothes-wearing, and presentation. In-depth interview and quantitative analysis were conducted as study methods. Results of this in-depth analysis showed that the factor with the most significant influence in their lifestyle was "childbirth." Childbirth was a major factor during fashion shopping and clothes-wearing. Also the results showed that the reason they used online shopping was for convenience, efficiency, rationality, pursuit of information, variety, and hedonism. In particular, women in their 30's had a higher motivation for efficiency and rationality compared to those in their 20's, and of those women, married working women showed the highest preference for fashion soho malls. Meanwhile, full-time homemakers, who pursued rationality, used open markets to search for fashion items based on price. Furthermore, the factors that women in their 30's considered during online shopping were price, design, purpose or situation for wearing the clothing, respectively. Compared to the women in their 20's, they emphasized recommendation, product properties, credibility, economy more than women in their 20's. Factors such as marriage and childbirth were more influential than occupation. Meanwhile, the factors that women in their 30's considered for wearing and presentation were time, place, and occasion(TPO), which all showed high importance in in-depth interview and quantitative analysis. Other factors were 'suitable image to self' and 'covering up body figure.'
Park, Hyoung-Sook;Cho, Gyoo-Yeong;Kim, Mi-Ok;Lee, Suk-Ryeun
Women's Health Nursing
Purpose: The purpose of this study was to describe the use pattern of alternative therapies in middle aged women. Method: The subjects of this study were 530 women from 40 to 64 years of age. The data of this study was patients' records. The data was gathered from April 1st, 2004 to June 30th, 2004. Data was analyzed statistically by using the SPSS/WIN 10.0 program. Result: It was shown that 63.5% of the subjects have utilized one or more types of alternative therapy. The most common type of alternative therapy was dietary and nutritional therapy 38.3%, and the place of use was the home 64.1%. The most common reason was a recommendation by friends. The degree of satisfaction after the use of alternative therapy was 95.2%. Among users of alternative therapies, the most frequent responses to each question were as follows; Motive of Use- "for health maintenance and promotion." (62.7%) In the relation ship between general characteristics and utilization of alternative therapy, religion(x2=12.33, p=.02), exercise(x2=8.21, p=.004), and health status(x2=14.95, p=.005) showed a significant statistical difference. Conclusion: We found that middle aged women used alternative therapies more frequently than other populations. Therefore, it is suggested that medical doctors or nurses verify the true effects or side-effects from the most therapies or nurses verify the true effects or side-effects from the most common complementary or alternative therapies through experiments.
Journal of Korean Academy of Fundamentals of Nursing
This retrospective descriptive study was conducted to survey the use of alternative therapy by chronicly ill patients. The subject of this study were 205 chronicly ill patients at Pusan National University Hospital. The data for this study were patient record. The data were gathered from August, 1 to September, 30 1998 and analyzed through SPSSWIN program for frequency, percentile and $x^2-test$. The important results of this study are as followings. Of population-sociological characteristics on studied objects, sexual distribution showed a similar percentage male 47.8% and the female 52.2%. Age distribution showed that the 60-69 year old group made up 31.5%, and was the highest. Of religion Buddism was the most frequest. The diagnosis distribution showed cancer at 28.8% and coronary artery disease at 16.1%. According to the results of the study, 51.2% of subjects had used alternative therapy. The most common type of alternative therapy was dietary and nutritional therapy, 40.2%, the place of use, home, 44.0%, duration, less than 3 months, 51.5%. The most common motive was a recommendation by friends or family. The degree of satisfaction after the use of alternative therapy was high for 21.0%, and slight for 53.3%. The reaction after the use of alternative therapy was increasing power for patients with coronary artery disease and cancer, sugar control for those with DM, and pain control for those with chronic arthrits. The study showed that for chronicly ill patients, age, religion, diagnosis name have an important effect on the use of alternative therapy. In conclusion, chronicly ill patients showed high-use of alternative therapy but they did not used alternative therapy as a healing method. Therefore we must provide an education program nurses and physicians. And we must provide more information or healing method's and support chronicly ill patients.
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제 16 조 (서비스 이용제한)
① 당 사이트는 회원이 서비스 이용내용에 있어서 본 약관 제 11조 내용을 위반하거나, 다음 각 호에 해당하는
경우 서비스 이용을 제한할 수 있습니다.
- 2년 이상 서비스를 이용한 적이 없는 경우
- 기타 정상적인 서비스 운영에 방해가 될 경우
② 상기 이용제한 규정에 따라 서비스를 이용하는 회원에게 서비스 이용에 대하여 별도 공지 없이 서비스 이용의
일시정지, 이용계약 해지 할 수 있습니다.
제 17 조 (전자우편주소 수집 금지)
회원은 전자우편주소 추출기 등을 이용하여 전자우편주소를 수집 또는 제3자에게 제공할 수 없습니다.
제 6 장 손해배상 및 기타사항
제 18 조 (손해배상)
당 사이트는 무료로 제공되는 서비스와 관련하여 회원에게 어떠한 손해가 발생하더라도 당 사이트가 고의 또는 과실로 인한 손해발생을 제외하고는 이에 대하여 책임을 부담하지 아니합니다.
제 19 조 (관할 법원)
서비스 이용으로 발생한 분쟁에 대해 소송이 제기되는 경우 민사 소송법상의 관할 법원에 제기합니다.
[부 칙]
1. (시행일) 이 약관은 2016년 9월 5일부터 적용되며, 종전 약관은 본 약관으로 대체되며, 개정된 약관의 적용일 이전 가입자도 개정된 약관의 적용을 받습니다.