• Title/Summary/Keyword: photometric measurements

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  • Bondar, A.;Galazutdinov, G.;Patriarchi, P.;Krelowski, J.
    • Journal of The Korean Astronomical Society
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    • v.39 no.3
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    • pp.73-80
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    • 2006
  • We analyze the extinction law towards several B1V stars-members of our Galaxy, searching for possible discrepancies from the galactic average extinction curve. Our photometric data allow to build extinction curves in a very broad range: from extreme UV till infrared. Two-colour diagrams, based on the collected photometric data from the ANS UV satellite, published UBV measurements and on the infrared 2MASS data of the selected stars, are constructed. Slopes of the fitted straight lines are used to build the average extinction curve and to search for discrepant objects. The selected stars have also been observed spectroscopically from the Terskol and ESO Observatories; these spectra allow to check their Sp/L's. The spectra of only about 30% of the initially selected objects resemble closely that of HD144470, considered as the standard of B1 V type. Other spectra either show some emission features or belong clearly to another spectral types. They are not used to build the extinction curve. Two-colour diagrams, constructed for the selected B1 V stars, showing no emission stellar features, prove that the interstellar extinction law is homogeneous in the Galaxy. Both the shape of the curve and the total-to-selective extinction ratio do not differ from the galactic average and the canonical value(3.1) respectively. The circumstellar emissions usually cause some discrepancies from the average interstellar extinction law; the discrepancies observed in the extraterrestrial ultraviolet, usually follow some misclassifications.

On the long-term stability of the Y4KCam shutter

  • Lee, Jae-Woo
    • The Bulletin of The Korean Astronomical Society
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    • v.40 no.1
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    • pp.82.1-82.1
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    • 2015
  • We investigate the long-term spatial drift of the center and the temporal variation of the shutter delay time map of Y4KCam mounted on the CTIO 1.0m telescope. We have collected shutter delay time maps for over 7 years as a part of long-term survey program. We find that the center of the shutter delay time map can drift up to $450{\mu}m$ on the CCD. This effect can result in a small amount of error unless the proper shutter delay time correction, but it does not appear to cause any significant problems in photometric measurements. We obtain the mean value of the shutter delay time of $69.1{\pm}0.9$ msec and find no temporal variation of the shutter delay time of Y4KCam for over 7 years, indicative of the mechanical stability of the shutter. We suggest that using a master shutter delay time correction frame would be sufficient to achieve high precision photometry and this does not add up errors more than ~ 2.5 mmag across the CCD frame with exposure times longer than 1 sec.

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An Analysis of the Somatotype of Elderly Women (노인여성의 측면체형 분석)

  • 최인순
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Costume
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    • v.34
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    • pp.19-36
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    • 1997
  • through Sid View Silhouette The purpose of this study was to pro-vide basic information for elderly women's clothing construction and to develop dress forms that can reflect the charac-teristics of their bodies. The subjects were 251 elderly women aged from 60 to 81. Data were collected from 34 photographic measurements of each subject and analyzed by factor analysis cluster analysis analysis of variance. The results were as follows: 1. A decrease in height the bustline drops as age increase. From a lateral view point most of the subjects have straight posture with protruding ab-domens but the somatotype gradually bends bends forward with age. 2) Five factors were extracted from photometric measurement which explain 81.0% of variance. 3 Through cluster analysis using 5 fac-tor scores four types were categorized. Type I was turning over somatotype Type II was swayback somatotype Type III was straight somatotype Type IV was bending somatotype according to its po-sition to the relative plumb liner and their side view contour.

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Low Resolution Near-Infrared Stellar Spectra Observed by CIBER

  • Kim, MinGyu;Lee, Hyung Mok
    • The Bulletin of The Korean Astronomical Society
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    • v.41 no.1
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    • pp.76.2-76.2
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    • 2016
  • We present near-infrared (0.8 - 1.8 microns) spectra of 63 bright (J_mag < 10) stars observed with Low Resolution Spectrometer (LRS) onboard the rocket-borne Cosmic Infrared Background Experiment (CIBER). Two Micron All Sky Survey (2MASS) photometry information is used to find cross-matched stars after reduction and extraction of the spectra. We identify the spectral types of observed stars by comparing with spectral templates from the Infrared Telescope Facility (IRTF) library. All the observed spectra are consistent with late F to M stellar spectral types, and we identify various infrared absorption lines. As our observations are performed above the Earth's atmosphere, our spectra are free from telluric contamination. Including HST/NICMOS and Cassini/VIMS, the spectral coverage has rarely been achieved in space, and the methods developed here can inform statistical studies with future low-resolution spectral measurements such as GAIA photometric and radial velocity spectrometer.

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    • Publications of The Korean Astronomical Society
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    • v.30 no.2
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    • pp.611-616
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    • 2015
  • The Antarctic high plateau offers exceptional conditions for infrared and terahertz astronomy, as well as for programs requiring long, uninterrupted periods for measurements made with high cadence and photometric precision (i.e. time domain astronomy). In this review we summarise the special conditions of the Antarctic plateau which facilitate these observing regimes. We also outline some high profile science programs in each that could be conducted most effectively from the Antarctic high plateau, involving the first light in the Universe, the life cycle of our Galaxy, and the equation of state for the Universe. Three high plateau sites are under particular consideration for furthering such scientific programs{Dome A, Dome F and Ridge A. We summarise the activity underway at each site, which includes the building of new stations and the construction of facilities for optical, infrared and terahertz astronomy, as well as the plans for their future development.

Period Study and Light Curve Synthesis of BD Andromedae

  • Kim, Chun-Hwey;Song, Mi-Hwa;Yoon, Joh-Na;Han, Wong-Yong;Choi, Young-Joon
    • The Bulletin of The Korean Astronomical Society
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    • v.36 no.2
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    • pp.141.1-141.1
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    • 2011
  • New CCD BVR light curves of BD And are presented. Our light curves with nearly equal depths for both primary and secondary eclipses show well-defined photometric waves outside eclipse for all of BVR bandpasses. The orbital period is greatly revised as $0.^d92580519$ which is twice longer than that known previously. Sixteen timings from our observations and thirteen ones from the SuperWASP measurements were calculated. All available timings over 76 years, including ours, were analyzed to figure out the dynamical behavior of the system. It was found that the recent CCD O-C residuals varied in a cyclical way with a period of $9.^y18$ and a semi-amplitude of $0.^d0046$. The secondary period of $9.^y18$ is the most shortest one among those which have been ever found in the short period RS CVn binary stars. The periodic variation most likely arises from the light-travel time effect due to a low-mass ($m_3{\sim}0.88\;M_{\odot}$) tertiary companion moving in an orbit with an large eccentricity ($e_3$=0.70) and a low inclination ($i_3{\sim}28^{\circ}$). The Applegate mechanism could not operate properly in both components because the model parameters require too much large luminosity changes of ${\Delta}L/L_{p,s}$ > 10. The new light curves were synthesized using the 2003 version of Wilson-Divinney code. It was found useful to model two huge spots on the surface of the hotter star and a third-light in order to minimize the residuals from the observations. Astronomical basic parameters were deduced from our photometric solution.

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The First Photometric Study of the Neglected Contact Binary GX Aurigae

  • Park, Jang-Ho;Lee, Jae Woo;Kim, Chun-Hwey
    • The Bulletin of The Korean Astronomical Society
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    • v.41 no.1
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    • pp.41.3-42
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    • 2016
  • New CCD photometric observations of GX Aur have been made between 2004 and 2015. Our light curves are the first ever compiled and display the variable O'Connell effect. The light variations are satisfactorily modeled by including time-varying cool-spots on the component stars. Our light curve synthesis indicates that the eclipsing pair is an A-type contact binary with parameters of i = 81.1 deg, ${\Delta}T=36K$, q = 0.950 and f = 46%. Including our 25 timing measurements, a total of 83 times of minimum light spanning about 66 yr were used for a period study. It was found that the orbital period of GX Aur has varied due to two periodic oscillations superposed on an upward-opening parabolic variation. The long-term period increase rate is deduced as $+9.636{\times}10^{-10}d\;yr^{-1}$, which can be produced as a mass transfer from the secondary star to the primary at a rate of $3.136{\times}10^{-6}M_{\odot}\;yr^{-1}$, among the largest rates for contact systems. The periods and semi-amplitudes of the two periodic variations are about $P_3=8.7yr$ and $P_4=21.2yr$, and $K_3=0.011d$ and $K_4=0.017d$, respectively. The most reasonable explanation for both cycles is a pair of light-travel-time effects driven by the possible existence of an unseen third and fourth components with projected masses of $M_3=0.91M_{\odot}$ and $M_4=1.09M_{\odot}$ in eccentric orbits of $e_3=0.13$ and $e_4=0.73$. Because no third light was detected in the light curve synthesis, each circumbinary object could be a compact star or a binary itself.

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Analysis on the Surface Luminance of Outdoor Lighting by Viewing Distance (경관조명의 시점거리별 표면휘도 특성분식)

  • Choi, Yoon-Seok;Jeong, In-Young;Ahn, Hyun-Tae;Kim, Jeong-Tai
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Illuminating and Electrical Installation Engineers
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    • v.20 no.6
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    • pp.18-25
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    • 2006
  • Existing outdoor lighting evaluation methods for the city beautification at night, the measurements are limited by one point to analyze the photometric data. However, this methods could not represent the diversity of photometric result from the distance. This study aims to propose the new outdoor lighting evaluation method of structure surface luminance in accordance with the measuring distance. For the purpose, the field measurement and simulation of an illuminated structure were conducted by CS-100, Digital Photometry Instrument ProMetric 1400, and the Lightscape v 3.2 from the distance of 100[m], 300[m], 500[m]. The result shows that evaluation of the surface luminance by the distance should be measured from about 100[m] of an illuminated object for getting the familiar result from computer simulation.

The first five-year results of Seoul National University AGN Monitoring Project

  • Wang, Shu;Woo, Jong-Hak;Son, Donghoon;Shin, Jaejin;Cho, Hojin
    • The Bulletin of The Korean Astronomical Society
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    • v.46 no.1
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    • pp.54.4-55
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    • 2021
  • The Seoul National University AGN Monitoring Project (SAMP) is a welldesigned long-term AGN reverberation mapping project. SAMP focuses on the luminous AGNs out to z~0.5 with relative long time lags between AGN continuum and broad emission lines and aims to probe the high-end of the AGN broad line region (BLR) size-luminosity (R-L) relation. The pilot observations started in October 2015 for 100 AGNs to confirm the variability and the H and [O III] emission line strengths. Based on the initial variability test, 48 quasars has been continued spectroscopic monitoring since Feb. 2016 with Lick 3m and MDM 2.4m telescopes with a cadence of ~20 days. Supporting photometric monitoring in B and V band was conducted at multiple facilities including the MDM 1.3m, LOAO, and DOAO telescopes with a cadence of ~10 days. By the time of Feb. 2021, we have obtained five years spectroscopic and photometric data. More than 30 AGNs shows significant variability in five-year baseline and 16 of them show well detected lags between B-band and H. Here, we report some examples of SAMP light curves and lag detections using the first five-year data as well as the location of our 16 targets in the AGN BLR R-L relation. These measurements are consistent with the existing R-L relation and located at the high-end. With the coming data, SAMP are hopefully to report more AGNs with well detected lags. Our results demonstrate the general feasibility and potential of long-term reverberation project with medium cadence for luminous AGNs.

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  • Park, Jang-Ho;Lee, Jae Woo
    • Journal of The Korean Astronomical Society
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    • v.55 no.1
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    • pp.1-9
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    • 2022
  • We present the photometric properties of V608 Cas from detailed studies of light curves and eclipse timings. The light curve synthesis indicates that the eclipsing pair is an overcontact binary with parameters of ∆T = 155 K, q = 0.328, and f = 26%. We detected the third light ℓ3, which corresponds to about 8% and 5% of the total systemic light in V and R bands, respectively. Including our 6 timing measurements, a total of 38 times of minimum light were used for a period study. It was found that the orbital period of V608 Cas has varied in some combination of an upward parabola and two periodic variations. The continuous period increase with a rate of +3.99 × 10-7 d yr-1 can be interpreted as a mass transfer from the secondary component to the primary star at a rate of 1.51 × 10-7 M yr-1. The periods and semi-amplitudes of the two periodic variations are about P3 = 16.0 yr and P4 = 26.3 yr, and K3 = 0.0341 d and K4 = 0.0305 d, respectively. The most likely explanation of both cycles is a pair of light-traveling time effects operated by the possible presence of third and fourth components with estimated masses of M3 = 2.20 M and M4 = 1.27 M in eccentric orbits of e3 = 0.66 and e4 = 0.52. Because the contribution of ℓ3 is very low compared to the estimated masses of two circumbinary objects, they can be inferred as very faint compact objects.