• Title/Summary/Keyword: percent difference

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A Study on the Relation of Dysmenorrhea of some patients and Body Composition Analysis (일부 월경통 환자의 체성분 분석 결과와의 상관성에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Jin-Moo;Lee, Chang-Hoon;Cho, Jung-Hoon;Jang, Jun-Bock;Lee, Kyung-Sub;Jeong, Jae-Hyuk
    • The Journal of Korean Obstetrics and Gynecology
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    • v.20 no.3
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    • pp.155-163
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    • 2007
  • Purpose: Dysmenorrhea is a women's common disease. The aim of this study is to investigate the relation between body composition and VAS, VRS, MVRS of dysmenorrhea. Methods: The subject were 17 women who took body composition(body mass index, percent body fat, waist-hip ratio) analysis(Inbody 720) and answered the questionnaire have been calculated VAS, VRS and MVRS in Kangnam Korean Hospital, Kyunghee Univ. from Apr. 6, 2007 to Mar. 25, 2007. Results: There was statistically significant correlation between BMI and dysmenorrhea VRS, MVRS. There was statistically significant correlation between BMI and dysmenorrhea VRS, MVRS. There was statistically significant correlation between percent body fat and dysmenorrhea VRS, MVRS. There was statistically significant difference of dysmenorrhea VRS, MVRS between BMI underweight group and BMI normal or overweight group. There was statistically significant difference of dysmenorrhea VAS between waist-hip ratio normal group and waist-hip ratio abnormal group. Conclusion: Body composition analysis(body mass index, percent body fat, waist-hip ratio) is useful to predict pain grade of dysmenorrhea.

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Low-Molecular Collagen Peptide Supplementation and Body Fat Mass in Adults Aged ≥ 50 Years: A Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Trial

  • Jeongbin Park;Minji Kim;Hyeri Shin;Hyejin Ahn;Yoo Kyoung Park
    • Clinical Nutrition Research
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    • v.12 no.4
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    • pp.245-256
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    • 2023
  • A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial was conducted to confirm whether collagen peptide supplementation for 12 week has a beneficial effect on body fat control in older adults at a daily physical activity level. Participants were assigned to either the collagen group (15 g/day of collagen peptide) or the placebo group (placebo drink). Body composition was measured by bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA) and dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DEXA). In total, 74 participants (collagen group, n = 37; placebo group, n = 37) were included in the final analysis. The collagen group showed a significant reduction in total body fat mass compared with the placebo group, as evidenced by both BIA (p = 0.021) and DEXA (p = 0.041) measurements. Body fat mass and percent body fat of the whole body and trunk reduced at 12 weeks compared with baseline only in the collagen group (whole body: body fat mass, p = 0.002; percent body fat, p = 0.002; trunk: body fat mass, p = 0.001; percent body fat, p = 0.000). Total fat mass change (%) (collagen group, -0.49 ± 3.39; placebo group, 2.23 ± 4.20) showed a significant difference between the two groups (p = 0.041). Physical activity, dietary intake, and biochemical parameters showed no significant difference between the groups. The results confirmed that collagen peptide supplementation had a beneficial effect on body fat reduction in older adults aged ≥ 50 years with daily physical activity level. Thus, collagen peptide supplementation has a positive effect on age-related changes.

Comparision of Chest Radiographs and Pulmonary Function in Coal Workers' Pneumoconiosis and Welders' Lung (탄광부 진폐증과 용접공 폐증에 있어 흉부-X선 소견과 폐기능의 비교)

  • Park, Dong-Youl;Hwang, Joo-Ho;Kang, Byung-Son;Chung, Chan-Su;Kim, Wha-Jo
    • Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases
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    • v.42 no.5
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    • pp.713-722
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    • 1995
  • Background: Chest X-ray of coal workers' pneumoconiosis and shipyard welders' lung show similar and regular opacities mostly, it is very difficult that we distinguish the former from the latter by only chest X-ray. so we performed this study to understand the progression of the disease and to provide the disease by considering pulmonary function and other factors in proportion to the profusion of small regular opacities of chest X-ray in both groups. Method: 430 coal workers' pneumoconiosis were compared with 311 shipyard welders' lung by the number, the age, the duration of dust exposure, %vital capacity(%VC), %FEV1.0, the type of ventilatory impairment, the combined pulmonary disease according to the profusion of small regular opacities on the chest radiographs, which were classified into category 0/1, category 1, and category 2. Result: 1) the percent of category 2 in coal workers' pneumoconiosis was 54.4%. the percent of category 1, and category 2 in welders' lung were 60.0%, 7.4%. the progression to the category 2 was higher in coal workers' pneumoconiosis than in welders' lung 2) The mean age was higher in coal workers' pneumoconiosis than in welders' lung, significantly increased in proportion to the progresion of profusion of small regular opacities in both groups 3) There was no difference in the duration of dust exposure by category 1/0, but the duration of dust exposure by category 1, 2 in coal workers' pneumoconiosis more significantly increased than in welders' lung. the duration in the proportion of category 2 to category 0/1, 1 significantly increased in the proportion to small regular opacities in coal workers' pneumoconiosis. but there was no significant difference in the proportion to small regular opacities in duration of dust exposure in welders' lung. 4) There was no significant difference of mean values of %VC(%vital capacity)in both groups except for category 1. the mean values of %VC had no relationship between the progression of small regular opacities in both groups. 5) The mean values of %FEV1.0 decreased more significantly in coal workers' pneumoconiosis than in welders' lung except for category 0/1. and decreased significantly in proportion to the profusion of small regular opacities in coal workers' pneumoconiosis. there was significant difference of %FEV1.0 in the proportion of category 2 to category 011 in welders' lung. 6) there were no significant difference of %FEV1.0, %VC in smoker and nonsmoker in both groups. 7) With regard to the type of ventilation in both groups in coal workers' pneumoconiosis 21.4 percent of patients belonged to the restrictive type, 11.6 percent to the obstructive type, 5.6 percent to the combined type, but in welders' lung 21.8 percent to the restrictive type, 2.9 percent to the obstructive type, 1.9 percent to the combined type. 8. in the pulmonary disease, the incidence of the pulmonary tuberculosis was the most in both groups, was more in coal workers' pneumoconiosis than welders' lung Conclusion: If we compare coal workers' pneumoconiosis with electric arc welders'lung by considering pulmonary function and other factors in proportion to the profusion of chest X-ray, I think that we will have the better result in understanding the progression of the disease and provision of the disease in both groups.

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A Comparison of Sward Types on the Intake and Nutrients Utilization of Herbage by Korean Native Goats (산양에 의한 초지유형별 목초의 섭취량 및 영양가치 이용성 비교)

  • 이형석;이인덕
    • Journal of The Korean Society of Grassland and Forage Science
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    • v.15 no.4
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    • pp.297-302
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    • 1995
  • The objective of this experiment was to compare the dry matter intake, nutrients digestibility, nitrogen and energy utilization of hehage among the orchardgrass(OG) pure, orchardgrass(OG)-red clover(RC) mixture and complex rnixtures(C. mix) by Korean native goat. The results obtained were surnmerized as follows: 1. Crude protein(CP) content was higher in OG-RC and C. Mix diets than in OG pure diets(P<0.05). NDF content was higher in OG pure diets than other diets(P<0.05). But ADF, Lignin contents and gross energy did not differ among all diets. 2. Dry matter intake by Korean native goat tend to be high in OG-RC diets, and low in OG pure diets. But there was no significant difference statistically. Dry matter and cellular constituents digestibilities were higher for OG-RC and C. Mix diets than OG pure diet, but CP and NDF digestibilities were no significant difference among diets. 3. The amount of nitrogen consumed amount by Korean native goat in the OG-RC diet was higher than other diets. But, due to largely relative urinary and fecal nitrogen loss, Apparrently digested nitrogen and retained nitrogen percents were not significant difference among diets. 4. The amount of energy consumed by Korean native goat in OG-RC diet was higher than other diets. But, due to largely relative urinary and fecal energy loss, digestable energy percent was lower than C. Mix diets. But.metabolic energy percent was no significant difference among diets. Therefore, there was no significant differences among sward types for the utilization of nitrogen and energy by Korean native goats.

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The Efficacy of Chlorhexidine in Hemodialysis Vascular Access Device Disinfection (혈액투석 혈관통로 소독에 있어 클로르헥시딘의 효과)

  • Yang, Ji-Hyun;Yu, Young-Mi;Yu, Min-Gyeong;Moon, Sung-Mi;Park, Sue-Jean
    • Quality Improvement in Health Care
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    • v.23 no.1
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    • pp.55-67
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    • 2017
  • Purpose:The purpose of this study was to apply the disinfection method using chlorhexidine in practice on disinfection of vascular access for hemodialysis. Methods: This study was designed as a randomized controlled trial for examining effectiveness on infection of the vascular access device for hemodialysis when using chlorhexidine and betadine/alcohol. One-hundred-thirty study participants were separated into two groups randomly. Infection signs of the vascular access device for hemodialysis were observed and recorded before disinfection on vascular access device. Result: Before the study, there was no difference between the experimental group (chlorhexidine group) and the control group (betadine/alcohol group) in general characteristics and hematological index. Incidence of infection rate of chlorhexidine group was 0 percent and the betadine/alcohol group was 1.5 percent. There was no significant difference between the two groups. Conclusion: This study examined the effectiveness of prevention of infection with the disinfection method using chlorhexidine and betadine/alcohol. The disinfection method using chlorhexidine is considered an effective and alternative method of betadine/alcohol.

Analysis of Preservice Elementary Mathematics Teachers' Efficacy on Mathematics Teaching (초등학교 예비 수학교사들의 수학 교수 효능감 실태 분석)

  • Kang, Moonbong
    • Journal of Elementary Mathematics Education in Korea
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.35-53
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    • 2016
  • The purpose of this study is for investing and analysing preservice elementary mathematics teachers' efficacy on teaching mathematics. It was measured by Kang & Kim(2014)'s instrument; MTEI (Mathematics Teaching Efficacy Instrument). The survey was conducted on a sample of 164 participants who are the 2 or 4 grade in 3 universities of education. The findings of this study are that mathematics teaching efficacy of preservice elementary mathematics teachers in South Korea is 61 percent based on 100 percent. There was no significant difference between women teachers and men teachers, department of natural science and art & humanity when highschool, 2 grade and 4 grade. But, there was the significant difference between big city and province. The social-cultural factor point was much lower than any other factors' point.


  • Choi, Seon-Ok;Lee, Jong-Gap
    • Journal of the korean academy of Pediatric Dentistry
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.85-93
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    • 1980
  • This study was undertaken in order to observe the prevalence of congenital dental anomalies especially that of oligodontia and supernumerary teeth in 1024 children at age from 4 to 14 years, through history taking, oral examinations, roentgenographic observations of subjects, and statistic analysis was made. The following results were obtained: 1. The prevalence of oligodontia in 1024 children was $6.45{\pm}.8$ percent with a total of 122 teeth absent in sixty-six subjects, excluding 3rd molars, and most of children (86.4%) who have congenitally missing teeth showed abscence of one or two teeth individually. 2. The teeth most frequently absent were the mandibular second premolar, maxillary second premolar, maxillary lateral incisor, mandibular central incisor, and mandibular lateral incisor in order. 3. There was no statistically significant difference found in tooth abscence in the following comparisons; .Male vs Female .Bilateral vs Unilateral .Maxilla vs Mandible .Right vs Left 4. The prevalence of supernumerary teeth in 1024 children was $4.79{\pm}.67$ percent with a total of 59 supernumerary teeth in forty-nine subjects, all of children who have supernumerary teeth showed one or two supernumerary teeth individually. 5. Statistically significant difference was found in supernumerary teeth in the comparison of male vs female, and they were more frequent in male.

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Marker-Assisted Mating Applied in In-Situ Conservation of Indigenous Animals in Small Populations : (1) Choosing Mating Schemes for Maximum Heterozygosity

  • Wu, X.L.;Liu, R.Z.;Shi, Q.S.;Liu, X.C.;Li, X.;Wu, M.S.
    • Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences
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    • v.13 no.4
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    • pp.431-434
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    • 2000
  • Maintaining maximum genetic variability is of critical importance with in-situ conservation of animal species in small populations. Marker-assisted mating (MAM) was suggested to achieve maximum heterozygosity in offspring populations. The aims of this research was to investigate and decide the effectiveness and promising types of MAM to achieve this goal. Analysis of variance with simulation data revealed that the heterozygosity in offspring populations was significantly determined by sire heterozygosity from mating of non-inbred parent animals, and significantly by sire heterozygosity and percent parental difference in offspring reproduced by inbred parents. Seven types of marker-assisted mating schemes were examined, in which offspring exhibited heterozygosity that was -0.01 to 7.37% below or above that from random mating of non-inbred parent animals, and 0.00 to 16.39% above that from random mating of inbred parent animals. The great increase in offspring heterozygosity was observed with mating by tandem maximizing sire heterozygosity, percent parental difference, and dam heterozygosity. Random mating resulted in fluctuation of offspring heterozygosity. These results suggested that MAM was a promising method for maintaining maximum offspring variability in in-situ conservation of animal species in small populations.

Analysis of heat leak with the car acceleration for LNG tank of Natural Gas Vehicle (천연가스자동차용 LNG용기에서의 차량가속도와 Heat leak 관계 해석)

  • Minkasheva, Alena;Yu, Young-Min;Park, Yong-Kook;Kim, Sung-Joon
    • Journal of Industrial Technology
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    • v.26 no.B
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    • pp.11-20
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    • 2006
  • LNG is a valuable fuel since it offers some environmental, energy security and economic benefits over diesel. It could be used mainly in heavy-duty trucks and buses. Car acceleration induces the slope angle of the liquid fuel in the tank. Slope angle changes the surface area wetted by liquid fuel and consequently heat leak to the tank. This research is a result of numerical simulation of the heat leak with the car acceleration to LNG tank. The "Pro-HeatLeak" Fortran program is developed and the verification test of the developed program is done. The difference between numerical results and calculated results from MathCad verification test is less than 0.07 percent. The smallest heat leak is correspond to the case without oscillation. For the high car acceleration the value of heat leak is greater than that for the small acceleration. The difference between maximum and minimum heat leak for 10 gallons of fuel vapor in the tank is about 10 percent.

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Quality Characteristics of Sponge Cakes Occurred with Percentages of Persimmon Leaves Powder Added (감잎 분말 첨가 비율에 따른 스펀지 케이크의 품질 특성)

  • Choi, Gil-Young;Kim, Hyun-Duk;Bae, Jong-Ho
    • Culinary science and hospitality research
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    • v.13 no.4
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    • pp.269-278
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    • 2007
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate the taste and quality of persimmon leaves cakes with different-ly added(0, 4, 8, 12, 16%) persimmon leaves powder. The findings of this study were as follows; First, the proximate composition contents of persimmon leaves powder were analyzed as composed of 6.30% moisture, 19.20% crude protein, 2.80% crude fat, 18.93% crude ash, and 35.91% dietary fiber. Second, the specific gravity of sponge cakes was significantly increased with the amount of persimmon leaves powder added. As added percentage of persimmon leaves powder increased, L and b values were decreased and the color value was increased. Third, specific loaf volume was decreased as the percentage of persimmon leaves powder added increased. There was no significant difference in terms of baking loss percentage. Fourth, hardness and gumminess was increased as the percentage of persimmon leaves powder added increased in terms of textural characteristics. There was no significant difference of cohesiveness and springiness among samples. Fifth, the group of eight percent persimmon leaves powder added has the highest in color, flavor, taste, texture, and overall acceptance in sensory evaluation results. In conclusion, the sample group with 8 percent persimmon leaves powder added gave the best taste and quality to sponge cakes in this study.

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