• Title/Summary/Keyword: percent difference

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Performance Evaluation of ECG Compression Algorithms using Classification of Signals based PQSRT Wave Features (PQRST파 특징 기반 신호의 분류를 이용한 심전도 압축 알고리즘 성능 평가)

  • Koo, Jung-Joo;Choi, Goang-Seog
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences
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    • v.37 no.4C
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    • pp.313-320
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    • 2012
  • An ECG(Electrocardiogram) compression can increase the processing speed of system as well as reduce amount of signal transmission and data storage of long-term records. Whereas conventional performance evaluations of loss or lossless compression algorithms measure PRD(Percent RMS Difference) and CR(Compression Ratio) in the viewpoint of engineers, this paper focused on the performance evaluations of compression algorithms in the viewpoint of diagnostician who diagnosis ECG. Generally, for not effecting the diagnosis in the ECG compression, the position, length, amplitude and waveform of the restored signal of PQRST wave should not be damaged. AZTEC, a typical ECG compression algorithm, is validated its effectiveness in conventional performance evaluation. In this paper, we propose novel performance evaluation of AZTEC in the viewpoint of diagnostician.

Convergence with International Financial Reporting Standard and Its Effect on Stock Return: Evidence from Malaysia

  • ZAKARIA, Zukarnain;SORAYA, Evi Oktoviana;ISMAIL, Mohd Roslan
    • The Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business
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    • v.8 no.12
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    • pp.153-158
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    • 2021
  • Convergence is the process of gradual adoption of a certain accounting standard issued by different regulatory bodies. The aim is to achieve uniformity and standardization across borders to open opportunities for international investment and collaboration. The implementation of IFRS, in theory, encourages more transactions by presenting financial statements in a simple and understandable manner for all investors and other businesses interested in the company. Using event study methodology, this study investigates whether Malaysian companies' adoption of IFRS is recognized by the investment community. A total of 89 public listed companies in Bursa Malaysia are involved in this study. The results show that about 62.8 percent of the companies that adopted IFRS-based financial statements experienced an increase in their average abnormal return after the announcement. However, the paired sample test results show that only 5.6 percent out of 89 companies studied experience a significant difference in abnormal return before and after the announcement. The inexistence of the average abnormal return difference between before and after the announcement may indicate that IFRS-based financial statements do not have any new market informational content. This study found little evidence to show that convergence with IFRS affects the company's stock price in Malaysia.

A Study on Water Holding Capacity of Fish Meat Paste Products (어육(魚肉) 연제품(煉製品)의 보수력(保水力)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究))

  • Kim, Mu-Nam;Jo, Sang-Joon;Lee, Kang-Ho;Choi, Jin-Ho
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.43-52
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    • 1978
  • It is well known that water holding capacity plays an important role in processing such meat products as frankfurter-type sausage and fish meat paste products as kamaboko and fish sausage. Consumer qualities of meat products, such as appearance, flavor, as well as drip and shrinkage on cooking, depend greatly on the degree of water binding. In this paper, the water holding capacities of fish paste and salt added paste of white corvenia, Argyrosomus argentatus and file fish, Novodon modestus were measured by centrifuging and press method before and after cooking. And the effects of the addition of phosphates and starch to enhance water binding and stabilize gel formation were also discussed. In addition, the experimental conditions which are suitable to determine the water binding of fish meat paste product were suggested. The results were expressed in percent of water absorbed by the filter paper when pressed or released by pressor or centrifuge to the weight of sample. From the results. a proper condition to measure the water holding capacity of fish meat paste was that 3.0 g of sample which was previously added with 10 percent water was centrifuged at 13,400 G or 12,000 rpm for 15 minutes for the centriguging method and for press method, 0.3 g sample with 10 percent of water added was extracted by an oil pressor at $30\;kg/cm^2$ for 1 minute. Water holding capacity of fresh paste of white corvenia was relatively higher than that of file fish and the difference between species of fish was greater than the difference between measurments by two methods. Sodium chloride had a great effect on enhancing the water holding capacity of fish meat paste giving better effect when 3.0 percent of salt was added. Phosphates used except calcium phosphate revealed a certain enhancement in water binding, yielding best effect at 0.3 percent addition, and metaphosphate seemed to be more effective in order. The addition of corn starch, however, appeared to be not so effective for enhancement of water binding in fresh-salt-added fish meat paste but in cooked fish paste which might be attributed to absorption of water by starch grain and swelling during the heating and consequently enforced gel strength of cooked fish paste. And the water holding capacity of cooked fish paste was proportionally related to its gel strength.

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A study on the necessity of oral health promotion program for children visiting local child care centers: the case of Incheon (지역아동센터 방문아동을 위한 구강건강증진 프로그램 필요에 대한 연구 -인천광역시를 중심으로-)

  • Han, Su-Jin;Hwang, Yoon-Sook
    • Journal of Korean society of Dental Hygiene
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.91-103
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    • 2007
  • The purpose of this study was to pave the way for the development of oral health promotion programs for children from the low-income class. The subjects in this study were 322 children from the city of Incheon. Some of them visited local childcare centers, and the others attended six different adjacent elementary schools. Their awareness of oral health, oral health behavior and preventive-treatment experience were investigated in May 2005, and whether there were any characteristics in their visit of dental institutions was checked. Besides, whether their parents advised them to brush their teeth before turning in was examined. The findings of the study were as follows: 1. 22.0 percent of the children investigated were visiting local childcare centers, and 78.0 percent weren't. The guardians of the former group largely received high-school(50.7%) and middle-school or lower education(22.5%), and those of the latter group mostly received high-school(41.0%) and college- or higher education(35.5%)(pE0.001). The common monthly mean house-hold income of the former was one million won or less(54.9%) or ranged from 1.01 to 2.00 million won(19.7%), and the most prevalent monthly mean household income of the latter was between 2.01 and 3.50 million won(28.7%). The second most dominant monthly mean household income of the latter ranged from 1.01 to 2.00 million won(28.3%), and the third most common one was 3.50 million won or more(12.0%)(pE0.001). 2. The most prevalent daily toothbrushing frequency among the local childcare center visitors was twice(39.4%), followed by three times(19.7%). The third largest group of the visitors brushed their teeth after each meal(19.7%). The most dominant daily toothbrushing frequency among the non-users of local child care centers was twice(54.2%), followed by three times(29.1%)(pE0.01). As to the way of toothbrushing, 58.2 percent of the visitors and 74.9 percent of the non-visitors brushed their teeth by turning their toothbrush or up and down(pF0.05). 62.0 percent of the former and 74.9 percent of the latter always brushed their teeth before turning in, and whether they visited local childcare centers made a significant difference to that(pE0.05). 3. 69.7 percent of the non-visitors were always advised by their parents to do toothbrushing before turning in, and the visitors who were given the same advice all the time numbered 29.6 percent(pE0.001). 4. 56.4 percent of the visitors and 72.1 percent of the non-visitors had ever visited dental institutions over the past year. Dental hospitals and clinics were identified as the dental institutions that they visited the most, and they mostly received dental-caries treatment or had a tooth out there. 49.3 percent of the visitors and 35.1 percent of the non-visitors had ever had a toothache. 5. Sealant was experienced by 42.3 percent of the visitors and 46.2 percent of the non-visitors to prevent dental caries(pF0.05). 33.8 percent of the visitors underwent fluoride application, and that rate was higher than that of the non-visitors with the same experience that stood at 22.7 percent(pE0.05). The visitors mainly acquired knowledge on oral health through other channels that weren't specified in the questionnaire(28.2%), and the non-visitors did it mostly at dental clinics(39.0%)(pE0.001).

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A Study of Nursing Activities Performed by Nursing Personnel in Postanesthetic Room (회복실의 간호업무에 관한 조사 연구)

  • 최경숙
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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    • v.7 no.2
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    • pp.22-30
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    • 1977
  • An analysis of the Nursing activities was carried out during the period of October 6 - 10, 1975 for five days, at postanesthetic room in Seoul National University Hospital. Continuous Time Study method was applied to this study by Observing and checking the activities performed by 8 nursing personnel at head nurse, staff nurse, and nurse aide level. Six nursing Students and 6 staff nurses observed and recorded all activities during the day and the evening for 5 days after certain process of training. Following results were obtained I 1. Percentages of nursing activity os were identified at each level of nursing personnel according to the skill Level 1) Thirty three point forty two Percent of the total head nurse's activities were spent by administrative activities, 21,33% by Clerical activities, 10.63% by Nursing activities, 6.54% by Messenger activities, 4.0% by Housekeeping activities, and 24. 08% by Unclassified activities, 2) Forty point forty two percent of the total staff nurses'activities were spent by Nursing activities, 12.7% by Administrative activities, 8.03% by Housekeeping activities, 3.08% by Clerical activities, 2.03% by Messenger activities, 0.08% by Dietary activities, and 34.19 o/e by Unclassified activities. 3) Thirty six point sixty three percent of the total nurse aide's activities were spent by Messenger activities, 14.4% by Housekeeping activities, 2.2% by Nursing activities, 1.0% by Clerical activities, 0.83% by Administrative activities, and 44.94% by Unclassified activities, 2. Percentages of nursing activities were identified at each level of nursing personnel according to area of activity. 1) Thirty three point ninety six percent of the total head nurse's activities were spent by Unit - Centered activities, 30.26% by Patient - Centered activities, 8.69 % by Personnel - Centered activities and 24.09 o/o by Other - Centered activities. 2) Fifty two point seventy four percent of the total staff nurses' activities were spent by Patient - Centered activities, 11.5 % by Unit -Centered activities, 1.68 % by Personnel -Centered activities and 34.02% by Other - Centered activities. 3) Forty nine point sixty seven Percent of the total Nurse aide's activities were spent by Unit -Centered activities, 5.13% by Patient -Centered activities, 0.27% by Personnel -Centered activities and 44.93%by Other -Centered activities. 3. Percentages of staff nurses' activities were identified at each skill Level according to their shifts. 1) Forty four point eighty one percent of the total day time activities were spent by Nursing activities, 13.62% by Administrative activities, 6.37% by Housekeeping activities, 2.08% by Clerical activities, 1.74 % by Messenger activities, 0.07% by Dietary activities and31.31 o/o by Unclassified activities. 2) Thirty three point eighty seven percent of the total evening time activities were spent by nursing activities, 10.51% by Housekeeping activities, 10.0% by Administrative activities, 4.58% by Clerical activities, 2.46% by Messenger activities, 0.09% by Dietary activities and 38.49% by Unclassified activities, 4. There was no great difference among activities of 5 days.

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Association of Leukotriene C4 Synthase Gene Polymorphism with Clinical Response to Montelukast in Childhood Asthma (소아 천식환자에서 Leukotriene C4 Synthase 유전자 다형태와 Montelukast의 임상적 효과와의 연관성)

  • Shin, Kyung Sue;Kim, Youn Woo
    • Clinical and Experimental Pediatrics
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    • v.48 no.7
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    • pp.766-771
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    • 2005
  • Purpose : Cysteinyl leukotrienes are important inflammatory mediators in the pathogenesis of asthma; therefore interruption of cysteinyl leukotrienes by leukotriene receptor antagonists improves clinical symptoms in the management of patients with mild to moderate asthma. We evaluated whether clinical response to montelukast, a leukotriene receptor antagonist, in childhood asthma was predicted by genotypes of leukotriene $C_4$ synthase($LTC_4S$) promoter gene polymorphism. Methods : An 8-week prospective, open trial of montelukast was carried out in 161 children with mild to moderate asthma. Genotyping of $LTC_4S$ gene polymorphism was determined by restriction fragment length polymorphism. Results : The distribution of the $LTC_4S$ genotypes AA, AC, and CC was 70.8 percent, 23.6 percent, and 5.6 percent, respectively in asthma group and 74.0 percent, 22.6 percent, and 3.4 percent, respectively in control group. A statistically significant difference in the distribution of $LTC_4S$ genotype was not observed between the asthma and the control groups, and there was no significant difference between the $LTC_4S$ genotype and asthma severity. The responders to montelukast were significantly prevalent in the mild asthma group(P<0.05). There was no significant difference in the distribution of the responders compared to non-responders within genotype in the total asthma group or the moderate asthma group. However, the responsiveness for montelukast was significant difference within genotype for both AA and AC/CC in the mild asthma group : The AA genotype was more included in the responder group(P<0.05). Conclusion : In the mild persistent asthma group, the A allele of $LTC_4S$ polymorphism may be regarded as a predictable factor for clinical response to montelukast. However, LTC4S polymorphism was not significantly associated with the clinical response to montelukast in asthmatic children.

2-Subset Difference Scheme for Broadcast Encryption (효율적인 동보메시지 암호화를 위한 2-부분 차집합 기법)

  • Jang Ji-Yong;Song Joo-Seok;Nyang Dae-Hun
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information Security & Cryptology
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    • v.16 no.4
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    • pp.27-32
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    • 2006
  • Broadcast Encryption allows a center to broadcast encrypted message to a set of users so that only privileged users can decrypt them. In this paper, we propose an efficient broadcast encryption scheme based on the 'Subset Difference' (SD) scheme. It reduces the transmission overhead by 50 percent while the storage overhead remains the same but the computational overhead somewhat increases.


  • Pasikatan, M.C.;Manaligod, H.T.;Barredo, I.R.;Lantin, R.M.;Bell, M.A.
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society for Agricultural Machinery Conference
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    • 1996.06c
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    • pp.926-936
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    • 1996
  • Field hulling of high-moisture paddy followed by brown rice drying offers many advantages over the present paddy harvesting and drying offers many advantages over the present paddy harvesting and drying system. We did a preliminary study of the parameters for efficient hulling of high-moisture paddy using the IRRI Centrifugal Huller and two India rice varieties. Hulling capacity , hulling efficiency , brown rice recovery and percent whole bown rice were generally best at the impeller peripheral speed of 44m/s. A second pass through the huller increased hulling capacity , brown rice revery and hulling efficiency, but reduced percent whole brown rice. To solve this , we recommed separation of paddy after hulling and aspiration such that only unhulled and partially -hulled grains will be fed back to the huller. Paddy at even 23% m.c. could be effectively hulled by the impeller-type huller , but the results were generally better at 14 to 17% m.c. Only in percent whole brown rice did the 17 to 23% m.c. range performed better than that of 14% m.c. Difference invarietal response to hulling was observed.

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A Study on Obesity and Nutrition Knowledge in Male Employees who have High Educational Background (고학력 남자 직장인의 비만도의 영양지식조사)

  • 변진원
    • The Korean Journal of Food And Nutrition
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    • v.12 no.3
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    • pp.312-319
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    • 1999
  • This study was carried out to examine obesity and nutrition knowledge in male employees who had high educational background. The subjects in this study were 213 persons aged 20 to 40(52.6% among them were 20s) Ninety six percent of them graduated university. Most of them took exercise regularly and showed less smoking tends but drank frequently. Twenty two point one percent of the subjects had diseases specially gastrointestinal disease. anthropometric results were height:172.1cm; weight :70.5kg;BMI:23.8;fat mass:16.1kg; fat percentage :21.3% ;LBM :55.4kg ; and TBW : 40.9kg BMI and fat percent were used for screening obesity. According to BMI the normal group (20∼25) was 64.6% the oberweight group (25∼27) was 18.4% the underweight group (<20) was 9.9% and the obese group (>27) was 7.1% Based on fat percentage, the normal group (14%∼23%) was 58.5% the obese group(>23%) was 36.0% and the underweight group(<14%) was 6.5%. There was significant relationship be-tween age or marriage and BMI or fat percentage. But the rest of socio-dmographic and health-related factors didn't affect signifincantly. There was no difference in nutrition knowledge of subjects by obesity rate however obese group was more sensitive to the foods related to weight gain.

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Comparison of PET image quality using simultaneous PET/MR by attenuation correction with various MR pulse sequences

  • Park, Chan Rok;Lee, Youngjin
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • v.51 no.6
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    • pp.1610-1615
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    • 2019
  • Positron emission tomography (PET)/magnetic resonance (MR) scanning has the advantage of less additional exposure to radiation than does PET/computed tomography (CT). In particular, MR based attenuation correction (MR AC) can greatly affect the image quality of PET and is frequently obtained using various MR sequences. Thus, the purpose of the current study was to quantitatively compare the image quality between MR non-AC (MR NAC) and MR AC in PET images with three MR sequences. Percent image uniformity (PIU), percent contrast recovery (PCR), and percent background variability (PBV) were estimated to evaluate the quality of PET images with MR AC. Based on the results of PIU, 15.2% increase in the average quality was observed for PET images with MR AC than for PET images with MR NAC. In addition, 28.6% and 71.1% improvement in the average results of PCR and PBV respectively, was observed for PET images with MR AC compared with that with MR NAC. Moreover, no significant difference was observed among the average values using three MR sequences. In conclusion, the current study demonstrated that PET with MR AC improved the image quality and can be help diagnosis in all MR sequence cases.