• Title/Summary/Keyword: penetration mechanism

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Analysis of pipe roof method test with a reduced-scale model (축소모형 강관추진실험 경향 분석)

  • Eum, Ki-Young;Jung, Kwan-Dong;Lee, Sung-Hyuk;Cheon, Jeong-Yeon;Jang, Hee-Jung;Lee, Jong-Tae
    • Proceedings of the KSR Conference
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    • 2010.06a
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    • pp.664-670
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    • 2010
  • The study on mechanical behavior of the structure at the site includes experimental method and numerical analysis method. Experimental method is categorized into true-scale test and laboratory model test. A laboratory model test is to monitor the failure mechanism with a model simulated similar with a real ground so as to identify the quantitative result, while a true-scale model test is the approach which enables to identify the potential problems that may occur with a simulated construction situation similar with a real site circumstance. Thus this study was intended to carry out the experimental test of non open-cut excavation by pipe roof method which is mostly common in domestic sites. as well as was aimed at identifying the ground behavior occurred during pipe penetration using laboratory model test. Appropriate reduced-scale model was selected, taking into account of domestic geological characteristics and operation characteristics of traditional and high-speed rail trains and the qualitative evaluation of displacement was carried out based on a certain ground loss volume depending on excavation after categorizing trackbed settlement pattern by depth of top soil.

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Vp28 of Shrimp White Spot Syndrome Virus Is Involved in the Attachment and Penetration into Shrimp Cells

  • Yi, Guohua;Wang, Zhimin;Qi, Yipeng;Yao, Lunguang;Qian, Juan;Hu, Longbo
    • BMB Reports
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    • v.37 no.6
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    • pp.726-734
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    • 2004
  • White spot disease (WSD) is caused by the white spot syndrome virus (WSSV), which results in devastating losses to the shrimp farming industry around the world. However, the mechanism of virus entry and spread into the shrimp cells is unknown. A binding assay in vitro demonstrated VP28-EGFP (envelope protein VP28 fused with enhanced green fluorescence protein) binding to shrimp cells. This provides direct evidence that VP28-EGFP can bind to shrimp cells at pH 6.0 within 0.5 h. However, the protein was observed to enter the cytoplasm 3 h post-adsorption. Meanwhile, the plaque inhibition test showed that the polyclonal antibody against VP28 (a major envelope protein of WSSV) could neutralize the WSSV and block an infection with the virus. The result of competition ELISA further confirmed that the envelope protein VP28 could compete with WSSV to bind to shrimp cells. Overall, VP28 of the WSSV can bind to shrimp cells as an attachment protein, and can help the virus enter the cytoplasm.

Effects of prenatal cocaine exposure on the developing rat :Pharmacological and neurobehavioral studies

  • Park, Sun-Ju
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Applied Pharmacology
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    • 1996.11a
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    • pp.171-172
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    • 1996
  • Cocaine is a powerful reinforcer that has become a popular drug of abuse in man. CNS effects that are related to the abuse of cocaine include feeling of well-being and euphoria. Brain dopamine systems are thought to mediate reinforcement and it is often assumed that cocaine's inhibition of dopamine uptake is the mechanism underlying its reinforcing effects. With increase in cocaine use among general population in recent years, adverse effects of the drug have occurred in all social strata and age groups. Therefore, it has been recognized that the epidemic of cocaine abuse is a growing major concerning public health. One of the most troubling aspects of cocaine abuse is its use by pregnant women. Drug abuse during pregnancy puts two lives at risk. Cocaine produces toxic effects on the fetus at concerntrations that are apparently nontoxic to the mother. Not only does cocaine cross the placenta via diffusion and via rapid penetration to mucous membranes, due to its high lipid solubility, but cocaine can also be found in breast milk, the effects of the cocaine can persist long after the child is born. Although it is known that prenatal cocaine exposure is associated with developmental risk to the fetus ana newborn, few studies have been conducted to assess the mechanisms whereby either short-term or long-term administration of cocaine can exert its harmful effects on the mother or the child. Therefore, it was our great interest to investigate the pharmacological and neurobehavioral changes in offspring that are prenatally exposed to cocaine.

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A Study on the Ground Improvement by Compaction Grouting System (CGS에 의한 기초지반보강에 관한 연구)

  • 천병식;권형석
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Railway
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    • v.2 no.4
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    • pp.9-19
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    • 1999
  • The use of compaction grouting evolved in 1950's to correct structural settlement of buildings. Over the almost 50 years, the technology has been developed and is currently used in wide range of applications. Compaction grouting, the injection of a very stiff, 'zero-slump' mortar grout under relatively high pressure, displaces and compacts soils. It can effectively repair natural or man-made soil strength deficiencies in variety of soil formations. Major applications of compaction grouting include densifying loose soils or fill voids caused by sinkholes, poorly compacted fills, broken utilities, improper dewatering, or soft ground tunneling excavation. Other applications include preventing liquefaction, re-leveling settled structures, and using compaction grout bulbs as structural elements of minipiles or underpinning. In this paper, on the basis of the case history constructed in this year, a study has been performed to analyze the basic mechanism of the compaction grouting. Also, the effectiveness of the ground improvement and the bearing capacity of the compaction pile has been verified by the Cone Penetration Test(CPT) and Load Test. Relatively uniform compaction grouting column could be maintained by planning the quality control in the course of grouting. And, the Qualify Control Plan has been conceived using grout pressure, volume of grout and drilling depth.

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The Heart Rate Monitoring System using Inverted Photoplethysmography (반전 용적맥파 신호를 이용한 심박 모니터링 시스템)

  • Lee, Jun-Yeon
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.17 no.3
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    • pp.105-111
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    • 2012
  • Photoplethysmogram is widely used to measure heart rate and arterial blood oxygen saturation in human. This paper describes implementation a photoplethysmography monitoring system that uses 780nm and 940nm length infrared light in radial artery. That system used combinations of 8 LEDs and 2 photoelectricities. When recorded on the skin over radial artery, the radial pulse wave was inverted. The mechanism of inverted pulse wave skin, which was reduced during systolic period and increase during diastolic period of the cardiac cycle. Through this system, we discovered optimal environments and combinations of sensors in both penetration type and reflection type. These results suggest that radial arterial wall way reflect infrared ray.

The solution for preventing the expansion of cable joint caused by methane($CH_4$) gas to Water proof type of power cable (도체 수밀형 전력케이블의 가교잔사 가스에 의한 직선접속재 부풀음 현상 방지 대책)

  • Kim, Jong-Won;Lee, Ki-Soo;Paek, Heum-Soo;Choi, Bong-Nam;Park, Hee-Cheol
    • Proceedings of the KIEE Conference
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    • 2000.07c
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    • pp.2020-2022
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    • 2000
  • The cross-linked polyethylene(herein after XLPE) insulated power cable emit the methane($CH_4$)gas in the course of chemical cross-linking process. The general stranded conductor easily discharge this methane gas through the gap of each stranded wires. But the special stranded conductor that filled with semi-conducting rubber compound to prevent water penetration which is applied to water proof type of cable(22.9kV CN/CV-W), disturb the methane gas emission. The pre-mold type cable joint shall be expanded gradually by emit of gas left in XLPE insulation. For example, sometimes the corona problem outbreak on a new power distribution line, resulted from the gap between the sleeve and semi-conductive layer of cable joint. If above mentioned problem especially happened on the way of operating. We have to shut down the line and try to discharge the methane gas in cable joint. In this point, we would like to explain the mechanism of methane gas & cable joint and our test result briefly. At last, we are pleased to introduce the solution for preventing reoccurrence of this problem.

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Development of a Pick-up Device for Plug-Seedlings (플러그묘 취출장치 개발)

  • 최원철;김대철;김경욱
    • Journal of Biosystems Engineering
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    • v.26 no.5
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    • pp.415-422
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    • 2001
  • A seedling pick-up device for vegetable transplanters was developed and its work performance was evaluated at the laboratory. The pick-up device extracts seedlings from a 200-cell tray of seedlings and transfers them to the place where they are to be transplanted into the soil. The device consists of a path generator, pick-up pins and a pin driver. The path generator is a five-bar mechanism comprised of a fixed link, a driving link, a driven link, a connecting link and a slider. The slider is constrained to move along the driven link and a fixed slot of combined straight-line and circular paths. The connecting link joins the driving link and the slider. When the slider moves along the straight-line path of the slot it takes seedlings out from the cell and transfers them to the transplanting hopper when moving along the circular path. A proto-type of the pick-up device was built and tested under the various operational conditions such as age of seedling, approach direction and penetration depth of pins to the cell, holding method of seedling and extracting velocity. The device extracted 30 seedlings per minute with the maximum success ratio of 97% using the seedlings of 23 days old. Some design details were also discussed and suggested to enhance the performance of the device.

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Research Trend of Antiviral Natural Products for Companion Animal (천연물 유래의 반려동물 항바이러스활성물질 연구 동향)

  • Kang, Byeong Ku;Yang, Seo Young;Kim, Young Ho
    • Korean Journal of Pharmacognosy
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    • v.50 no.1
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    • pp.1-10
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    • 2019
  • Recently, companion animal culture has grown rapidly and mature, raising interest in preventing and treating animal diseases. In particular, viral infection was a serious threat to companion animal health because there was no proper antiviral drugs. Synthetic antiviral drugs have limitations such as low efficiency, toxicity, and occurrence of resistant viruses. Therefore, attempts to find new anti-viral drugs from natural sources have continued. This review focused on the natural products and active substances that exhibit antiviral activity against three viruses: canine distemper virus (CDV), canine parvovirus (CPV), and feline calicivirus (FCV) that cause fatal diseases in dogs and cats. Natural plant extracts, flavonoids, polysaccharides, alkaloids and saponins showed antiviral activity with various mechanisms and differences in activity depending on the structure. Especially, quercetin and epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG) showed antiviral activity through a multi-mechanism that interferes with the attachment and penetration stages of the virus and inhibits the viral polymerase within the cell. Some natural plant extracts showed a virucidal activity and showed the potential effect as a preventative agent to prevent the viral infection. This review is expected to provide research trend on the development of antiviral natural products for companion animals.

Confinement Effect Analysis Of Suction Pile In Ground Soil On The Basis Of Natural Frequency Measurement (고유진동수 기반 석션기초의 지반구속효과 분석)

  • Ryu, Moo Sung;Lee, Jun Shin;Lee, Jong Hwa;Seo, Yun Ho
    • KEPCO Journal on Electric Power and Energy
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.31-36
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    • 2022
  • This paper presents the measuring process of dynamic properties of offshore wind power foundation and provides consideration of each step. This Guideline enables to maintain consistent measuring procedure and therefore increase the reliability of test results. Small scaled suction bucket foundation was fabricated to represent the commercial support structure installation mechanism and two cases(free-free, free-fixed) of dynamic tests were performed at workshop. From the tests, the importance of dynamic properties of connection part between suction bucket and tower was figured out. More over, types and configuration of measuring devices are recommended which can help find the natural frequency of wind turbine foundation correctly. In field test, it was found that the natural frequency of suction bucket foundation was increased linearly with the penetration depth due to the confining effect of ambient soil. Meanwhile, it was not easy to get an enough excitation force with normal impact hammer because the N.F of suction bucket model was in the lower range of 0 Hz ~ 5 Hz. Therefore, new excitation method which has enough force and can excite lower frequency range was devised. This study will help develop safety check procedure of suction bucket foundation in field at each installation stage using the N.F measurement.

Penetrations of flupyrazofos against Plutella xylostella(Lepidoptera :Yponomeutidae) and Spodoptera exigua(Lepidoptera : Noctuidae) (배추좀나방과 파밤나방에 대한 flupyrazofos의 체벽 투과량)

  • Lee, Sang-Guei;Hwang, Chang-Yeon;Han, Man-Jong;Yoo, Jai-Ki;Lee, Hoi-Seon
    • The Korean Journal of Pesticide Science
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    • v.4 no.1
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    • pp.44-50
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    • 2000
  • Tolerance mechanism to flupyrazofos was examined with Plutella xylostella (L.) and Spodoptera exigua by investigating the penetration rate of flupyrazofos into larvae body. On determining effective washing of $^{14}C$-flupyrazofos, the washing volume to recover over 98% of $^{14}C$-flupyrazofos was observed at three times (each time: 1 mL). To select a suitable solvent, the recovery rates of each solvent in 3rd instar larvae of DBM were above 98%, but the washing rates of acetone, hexane and ethyl-acetate were 85.1%, 67.2% and 68.4%, respectively. In the BAW larvae, although the recovery rates of each solvent were above 99%, the washing rates of acetone, hexane and ethyl-acetate were 83.5%, 65.9% and 71.7%, respectively. The $PT_{50}$ values of $^{14}C$-flupyrazofos were 0.731 h (44 min) in the DBM larva and 0.504 h (30 min) in the BAW larva. Radiocarbon in acetone washing (external fraction) decreased more quickly in the BAW larva than in the DBM larva, and amount of radiocarbon in larvae body increased more quickly with time in the DBM larva than in the BAW larva. In contrast, amount of radiocarbon in excreta increased more rapidly with time in the BAW larva than in the DBM larva.

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