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The Heart Rate Monitoring System using Inverted Photoplethysmography  

Lee, Jun-Yeon (Dept. of Media Engineering, Tongmyung University)
Photoplethysmogram is widely used to measure heart rate and arterial blood oxygen saturation in human. This paper describes implementation a photoplethysmography monitoring system that uses 780nm and 940nm length infrared light in radial artery. That system used combinations of 8 LEDs and 2 photoelectricities. When recorded on the skin over radial artery, the radial pulse wave was inverted. The mechanism of inverted pulse wave skin, which was reduced during systolic period and increase during diastolic period of the cardiac cycle. Through this system, we discovered optimal environments and combinations of sensors in both penetration type and reflection type. These results suggest that radial arterial wall way reflect infrared ray.
inverted photoplethysmography; Heartrate signal; radial artery;
Citations & Related Records
Times Cited By KSCI : 1  (Citation Analysis)
연도 인용수 순위
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