• 제목/요약/키워드: parents and children's relationship

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A Study of the Relationship between Communication Patterns and Conflict between Old Parents and Adult Children (노부모와 성인자녀간의 의사소통 유형과 갈등에 관한 연구)

  • Shin, Il-Jin;Kim, Tae-Hyun
    • Journal of Families and Better Life
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    • v.9 no.1 s.17
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    • pp.27-44
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    • 1991
  • The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between communication pattern and conflict between old parents and their adult children. For this purose, 380 adult children are surveyed therefore the answers of survey are described by adult children only. The number of old parents turn to be 230 old fathers and 301 old mothers respectively, there numbers have included the case both parents are alive. The data were analysed several method with SPSS and the methods used for the analysis are Factor analysis, one way ANOVA, Scheffe-Test, Pearson's Correlation, Multple Regression. The results of this study are summarizd as follows ; 1) Old parents's communication patterns differ each other and under many variables. 2) In the conflicts between old parents and adult children differ each other and under many variables, too. 3) The relationship between communication patterens and conflict between old parent and adult children turn to be as follows : Two communication styles ie, the autoritarian style and insincere style increse conflicts. Frendly style have negatve affect to conflicts and decreses the conflicts. Sacrifice style is turn to have slightly affect the conflict.

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Comparison of Adult children's Quality of Relationship and Care Provision for Elderly Parents in the U.S. and Korea (한국과 미국 성인자녀의 노부모와의 관계의 질과 부양행동 비교연구)

  • Choi, Jeong Hye
    • 한국노년학
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    • v.29 no.2
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    • pp.611-627
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    • 2009
  • The purpose of this study is to compare in the U.S. and Korea regarding adult children's quality of relationship and care provision for their elderly parents. The study sample consist of 320 adult children in the U.S. and 554 adult children in Korea with at least one parent living. The U.S. study sample is drawn from the State of California, and the Korean sample is drawn from Gyeongsangnamdo Province. The study result shows that the U.S adult children score higher than the Korean adult children in the quality of relationship measure for their elderly parents. And Korean adult children score higher than the U.S. adult children in the care provision measure for their elderly parents. It is found that the most significant factor influencing American adult children's care provision is caregiving attitude for elderly parents, while for Korean adult children, it is the quality of the relationship between adult children and elderly parents. This study results can serve as a foundation for understanding the U.S. and Korean differences regarding adult children's support for their elderly parents and for providing a solution to caregiving issues for elderly parents.

The Correlation Between Internal-External Locus of Control and Children's Perception of Parents' Child Rearing Attitudes (아동(兒童)의 내(內)·외통제신념(外統制信念)과 지각(知覺)된 부모양육태도(父母養育態度)와의 관계(關係))

  • Kim, Jong Hee
    • Korean Journal of Child Studies
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    • v.4
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    • pp.11-21
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    • 1983
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between internal locus of control in children and parents' child rearing attitudes which children perceive. For this purpose, 198 fifth grade boys and 163 fifth grade girls were randomly selected and their perception of their parents' child rearing attitudes and their locus of control were measured. Children's locus of control was measured by A Locus of Control Scale For Children of Nowicki & Strickland (1973) which was translated into Korean and item analysis of which was done. Ami Children's perception of their Darents' child rearing attitudes measured by Parent-Child Relationship Inventory which was constructed in Korean Testing Center. For the data analysis, t-test and two-way analysis of variance were applied and Pearson correlation coefficient was computed. The results of the present study were as follows; 1. The correlations between children's perception of their parents' child rearing attitudes and locus of control in children were significant partly. Especially, internal children reported their parents as showing less rejective attitude and less different child rearing attitude between father and mother. 2, Sons were more influenced by their parents' child Learing attitudes than daughters in the development of locus of control 3. Maternal child rearing attitude was more influential than paternal child rearing attitude in the development of locus of control.

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Buddha's View on Children in the Family (불타(佛陀)의 재가아동관(在家兒童觀))

  • Pack, Kyung Im
    • Korean Journal of Child Studies
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    • v.2
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    • pp.55-66
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    • 1981
  • Research on children should be perferably made in reference with the past thinking if it is to be affirmed by the present and to predict the future. In this respect, Buddhism, which is one of the major original thinkings in the Orient as well as the most influential religion upon Koreans daily lives and attitudes, deserves to be researched in the light of education of children. In this thesis, I have made a trial to delve into the original Buddhistic scriptures to find out Buddha's outlook on home children and arrived at the following conclusions: 1. Concerning human development stages, Buddha regarded the starting point of human life from fertilization instead of birth, even at that ancient time, and the fetal life was devided into 4, 5, or 8 stages. 2. In spite of the numerous scriptures by Buddha, very little is written about children, and even these teaching did not regard the child as an independent entity. In addition, since Buddha was a person of superior enlightenment, he did not regard the age of human beings as of great importance. 3. On the relationship between parents and children, Buddha warned the extra ordinary attachment of parents toward children, because such attachment would be an obstacle in the search of truth. This idea was originated from his thought that the relationship between parents and children was not a single fixed one but of unlimited variation through numerous life times of reincarnation. This idea gives some illumination upon the problems of today's education where parent's exclusive attachment to their children and over-protection are hindrance for successful education. 4. Buddha put emphasis on parents' social duty, by which he meant that parents should care and accept not only their biological children but all children and all living things as if they were their own children. 5. Regardeding the children's role to their parents, Buddha taught that children should respect and support their parents under any condition. Buddha also emphasized that true filial piety was to help parents to improve their religious status by helping them attain the truth, morality, and wisdom. It is my intention to investigate Buddha's View tin children of entering pristhood.

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The Relationship between Chinese Parents' Reaction to Children's Negative Emotions and Children's Understanding of Emotions

  • Jin, Rihua;Lee, Young
    • Child Studies in Asia-Pacific Contexts
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    • v.4 no.2
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    • pp.109-126
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    • 2014
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate Chinese parents' reaction to their children's negative emotions and how these reactions relate to their children's understanding of emotions. Forty-two Chinese children (aged 4) and their parents participated in this study. Coping with Children's Negative Emotion Scale was given to parents to assess their reaction to their children's negative emotions. Children's emotional understanding was assessed using the modified emotional false-belief task and mixed emotion task. The results showed that Chinese parents gave supportive reactions more than non-supportive reactions to their children, and no difference in sex was found. The percentages of correct answers to false-belief task and mixed emotion task were low with no gender difference in both tasks. When age and sex of children were controlled, only fathers' supportive reactions to children's negative emotions significantly explained the variances in the level of children's understanding of emotions in both tasks. That is, children whose fathers showed greater supportive reactions to their negative emotions performed better at both tasks. It was concluded that fathers' supportive reactions to their children's negative emotions are very influential for emotional understanding among 4-year-old children in China.


  • Lim, Kwang-Ho;Kim, Nam-Hong
    • Journal of the korean academy of Pediatric Dentistry
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.215-232
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    • 1984
  • The purpose of this research was to analyze the relationship between parents' attitudes toward their children's dental health and dental plaque index. Dental plaque index was obtained through oral examination of 118 children(female 40, male 78) with primary dentition The maintenance status of children's dental health though parents' aids was evaluated by means of questionaire to which 79 persons among the 118 children's parents answered. The results were as follows : 1. In children with primary dentition, toothbrushing together with toothbrushing instruction and continuous reinforcement had decreased plaque accumulation progressively. 2. Dental plaque index before toothbrushing showed that dental plaque was accumulated more in the buccal surfaces of teeth in the maxilla and in the lingual surfaces of teeth in the mandible. It was higher in the posterior teeth than in the anterior teeth and in the maxillary teeth than in the mandibular teeth. 3. Dental plaque index of childern was inversely proportional to the level of education of their parents. 4. Those parents who have much knowledge of oral hygiene were more positive toward their children's oral hygiene.

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The Relationship between Parents' Recognition about the Importance of Basic Habits and Young Children's Basic Habits Development (기본생활습관의 중요성에 대한 부모의 인식과 유아의 기본생활습관 형성과의 관계)

  • Byun, Hyung-Sun;Kim, Song-Yee
    • Korean Journal of Human Ecology
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.133-141
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    • 2011
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate parents' recognition of the importance of their children's basic habits and how that effected their children's basic habit development, according to young children's age. The subjects of the research were 224 parents whose children were three to five years old, attending seven nurseries in Seoul and Gyeonggi-do. The results of this study were as follows. First, there was significant age difference in the parents' recognition of the importance of basic habits. As children were older, parents thought that children's basic habits got more important. Second, there was no significant difference between a mother or father's recognition about the importance of basic habits. Third, there were differences in the correlations between the parents' recognition and the teacher's ratings for the development of children's basic habits based on the children's age. In conclusion, the mothers' recognition of the importance of their children's basic habits with younger children was more related to the development of the children's basic habits.

Coresidence between Unmarried Children in Established Adulthood and Older Parents in Korea: Relationship Characteristics and Associations with Life Satisfaction (35세 이상 성인자녀와 부모의 동거: 세대관계 특성과 생활 만족도의 관련성)

  • Kim, Hyeji;Lee, Jaerim
    • Human Ecology Research
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    • v.59 no.3
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    • pp.369-386
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    • 2021
  • The purpose of this study was to examine which aspects of coresident intergenerational relationships were associated with the life satisfaction of unmarried children in established adulthood and of their parents. In this study, the coresident relationship characteristics included support exchange, emotion, interference-conflict, and perceptions of coresidence. Data were collected from (a) 250 never-married adults who were 35+ years old and lived in Seoul with at least one parent aged 75 years or younger and (b) 250 older adults who were 75 years old or younger and had at least one unmarried child aged 35+ years living in the same household. Our multiple regression analysis of unmarried children showed that the adult child's financial support, the adult child's psychological reliance on parents, the parent's psychological reliance on the child, and relationship quality were significantly related to higher levels of life satisfaction. In contrast, the parent's daily interference, daily conflicts, and anticipation of future care of parents were related to lower levels of life satisfaction. Second, the characteristics that were positively associated with the parent's life satisfaction were the parent's instrumental support, relationship quality, the coresident child's daily interference, positive perceptions of intergenerational coresidence, and expectation of future care of parents. In contrast, the parent's financial support, daily conflicts with the child, and taking intergenerational coresidence for granted were negatively related to the parent's life satisfaction. This study advances our understanding of coresidence between unmarried children in established adulthood and their older parents by focusing on the multiple aspects of intergenerational coresidence.

A Survey of the Growth State of the Children with Anorexia and the Perception of Their Parents (식욕부진을 주소로 내원한 환아의 현황 및 보호자 인식도 조사)

  • Yu, Sun Ae;Lee, Seung Yeon
    • The Journal of Pediatrics of Korean Medicine
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    • v.28 no.1
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    • pp.7-13
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    • 2014
  • Objectives Many parents are stressed from their children with anorexia, so this study was planned to investigate the growth state of the children with anorexia and the main concerns of their parents. Methods We searched some medical documents regarding 21 children with anorexia and performed questionnaires on their parents. Results 21 children (male 14, female 7) were studied, the average age of children was $53.62{\pm}20.46$ months, the average height was $102.93{\pm}12.36cm$, the average weight was $16.37{\pm}1.31kg$, the average BMI was $15.26{\pm}1.31$. 16(76.10%) parents have experienced stress regarding their children's slow weight increase. There was no relationship between BMI of the children and the degree of stress of their parents. The parents tend to scold or to give nutrition supplement to their children to solve the anorexia. Many of the parents considered their children has anorexia just by looking at the children's attitude towards to the meals or when children had food whatever it given only. Conclusions The children with anorexia were mostly developed poorly. However, the parents who had children were developing nicely were also stressed because of their children's picky eating behavior and the difficults in coaching their children food.

Adolescents′Delinquent Behavior According to Family Related Variables (가정환경 변인에 따른 청소년의 비행 연구)

  • 이은아;정혜정
    • Korean Journal of Human Ecology
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    • v.3 no.2
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    • pp.1-12
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    • 2000
  • The purpose of this research was to investigate the relationship of family related variables with adolescents'delinquent behaviors. Family related variables were consisted of (a) family's general characteristics (j.e., occupation, income, etc.) and (b) family relationship charateristics (j.e.. parents'child rearing attitude, parents' marital relationship, and communication level between parents and adolescent children) . Adolescents'delinquent behaviors were also analyzed according to adolescents'general charateristics such as sex, grade, birth order, school achievement level, and religion. The data were collected from 577 middle and high school students in Chonju by using self-administered questionnaire method. Results showed that there were significant differences in the frequency level of adolescents'delinquent behaviors across adolescents'sex, grade, birth order, school achievement level, and religion, and across mother's occupation. and subjective living level. The delinquent behaviors were also negatively correlated with most of family relationship characteristics. Results of multiple regression analyses indicated that communication of adolescent children with their father and mother's child rearing attitude were most significant variables influencing adolescents'delinquent behaviors.

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