• Title/Summary/Keyword: package information

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The Big Data Analytics Regarding the Cadastral Resurvey News Articles

  • Joo, Yong-Jin;Kim, Duck-Ho
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.32 no.6
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    • pp.651-659
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    • 2014
  • With the popularization of big data environment, big data have been highlighted as a key information strategy to establish national spatial data infrastructure for a scientific land policy and the extension of the creative economy. Especially interesting from our point of view is the cadastral information is a core national information source that forms the basis of spatial information that leads to people's daily life including the production and consumption of information related to real estate. The purpose of our paper is to suggest the scheme of big data analytics with respect to the articles of cadastral resurvey project in order to approach cadastral information in terms of spatial data integration. As specific research method, the TM (Text Mining) package from R was used to read various formats of news reports as texts, and nouns were extracted by using the KoNLP package. That is, we searched the main keywords regarding cadastral resurvey, performing extraction of compound noun and data mining analysis. And visualization of the results was presented. In addition, new reports related to cadastral resurvey between 2012 and 2014 were searched in newspapers, and nouns were extracted from the searched data for the data mining analysis of cadastral information. Furthermore, the approval rating, reliability, and improvement of rules were presented through correlation analyses among the extracted compound nouns. As a result of the correlation analysis among the most frequently used ones of the extracted nouns, five groups of data consisting of 133 keywords were generated. The most frequently appeared words were "cadastral resurvey," "civil complaint," "dispute," "cadastral survey," "lawsuit," "settlement," "mediation," "discrepant land," and "parcel." In Conclusions, the cadastral resurvey performed in some local governments has been proceeding smoothly as positive results. On the other hands, disputes from owner of land have been provoking a stream of complaints from parcel surveying for the cadastral resurvey. Through such keyword analysis, various public opinion and the types of civil complaints related to the cadastral resurvey project can be identified to prevent them through pre-emptive responses for direct call centre on the cadastral surveying, Electronic civil service and customer counseling, and high quality services about cadastral information can be provided. This study, therefore, provides a stepping stones for developing an account of big data analytics which is able to comprehensively examine and visualize a variety of news report and opinions in cadastral resurvey project promotion. Henceforth, this will contribute to establish the foundation for a framework of the information utilization, enabling scientific decision making with speediness and correctness.

The Effect of Technostress on the Utilization of Internet Information in Woman Farmers - Mediating Effect on Information Service Acceptability - (여성농업인의 테크노 스트레스가 인터넷 정보활용에 미치는 영향 - 정보서비스 수용성에 대한 매개 효과 -)

  • Kim, Hyun Young;Choi, Jung Shin;Choi, Yoon Ji;Jeong, Jin Yi
    • Journal of Agricultural Extension & Community Development
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    • v.28 no.1
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    • pp.25-39
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    • 2021
  • This study aims to identify the causation effect between technostress and utilization of Internet information and meditation effect of information service acceptability between technostress and Internet information utilization. The data were collected from 503 woman farmers aged 20 to 65 across the country. The analysis performed a three-stage mediated regression of Bron, & Kenny (1986), using the SPSS 21.0 statistical package. The importance of accepting information services has been identified in the Sobel test. According to the analysis of the medium effect on information service acceptability, information service acceptability has a partial medium effect on the technological stress of woman farmers and the level of Internet information utilization. In order to lower the technology of woman farmers in the future, it is necessary to find ways to improve new perceptions of information technology and increase acceptability of information services.

Information needs and Information-seeking behaviour of auto mechanics in Siwdu, Cape Coast, Ghana

  • Afful-Arthur, Paulina;Filson, Christopher Kwame
    • International Journal of Knowledge Content Development & Technology
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.7-18
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    • 2019
  • The main objective of the study is to find out the level of information-seeking behaviour of auto mechanics working at Siwdu and its impact on the work they do. Two methods of data collection instruments were used; these included a questionnaire and interview schedule. The researchers personally administered fifty-three questionnaires of which forty-eight completed ones were received. Twelve (12) people were interviewed at their respective workshops. The respondents were registered members of Siwdu Auto Mechanic Association and the total number of sixty respondents used represented 20% of total number of members. Quantitative data obtained mainly from the questionnaire were analysed using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) software version 20. Responses for the interview were analysed thematically. Some of the major findings are as follows: The majority of the respondents did not know how to get information from the library; some of the respondents preferred consulting their "Masters" for help; majority of the respondents had Android phones but did not know how to access relevant information; respondents were aware of the benefits of authentic information; and respondents recommended that Management of libraries should organise seminars and workshops for auto mechanics to enable them know how and where to access information. Information is needed by everybody to enhance efficiency therefore creating the awareness of the sources of information is a way of increasing productivity. Knowing the level of information-seeking behaviour of people in every manner of job is essential in the nation's human resource development.

Consumer Perspectives and Utilization of Drug Information in Korea (국내 의약품정보에 대한 소비자의 시각 및 활용도)

  • Lee, Iyn-Hyang;Kye, Seunghee;Lee, Sukhyang
    • Korean Journal of Clinical Pharmacy
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    • v.23 no.4
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    • pp.334-343
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    • 2013
  • Purpose: This study aims to investigate consumers' demand of and perspective on drug information domestically available and uncover hurdles that they faced while utilizing information. Methods: We conducted a survey of 101 consumers, face-to-face after obtaining informed consent. Chi-squared, or Fisher's exact tests, and multivariate logistic models were used to investigate the association between participants' perceptions and characteristics. Results: As results, participants showed the highest demand for "Adverse effects >90%"; "Drug interactions/Dosage/Drug-food interactions/Indication >80%", and utilized package inserts (52%), doctors (41%) and pharmacists (36%) most often as information sources. Generally, the most common difficulty consumers suffered with was that "it is hard to understand (51%)". With public sources of drug information, sixty one percent of participants were "unaware of the provision of information", resulting in strikingly low usage rates (5~11%). Subgroup analyses indicated that the older (${\geq}50$ years) and the disadvantaged might have been placed in the blind spot of information mostly developed online (p<0.05).Conclusion: In conclusion, public sources of drug information that have been developed online might fail to meet consumers' demand. Greater efforts should be made to balance the development of the information sources between online and offline, and to increase accessibility of the established information sources.

Development of a Project Management System for the Turnkey-based Plant Project (중공업 일괄수주공사를 위한 프로젝트 관리 시스템 개발 사례)

  • Ko, Chang-Seong;Rho, Jae-Jeung;Hyun, Jae-Myung;Kim, Myoung-Gwan
    • IE interfaces
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    • v.11 no.3
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    • pp.167-180
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    • 1998
  • This study is concerned with the development of a project management system for the turnkey-based plant project, which will help the site manager to plan, control, and report the project progress. This system has been developed as one of the modules of the integrated information system for the H Heavy Industry Co. and is composed of five subsystems; project information system, drawing-material management system, process management system, project progress report system. A/S management system. it also integrates commercial project management package in order to schedule the project activities and report the project progress to the owner. The main purpose of the system is to provide project information, including drawing, material, and progress, to the site manger in the real time and to accumulate site know-how for the turnkey-based plant project.

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Research Needs for TSV-Based 3D IC Architectural Floorplanning

  • Lim, Sung Kyu
    • Journal of information and communication convergence engineering
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.46-52
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    • 2014
  • This article presents key research needs in three-dimensional integrated circuit (3D IC) architectural floorplanning. Architectural floorplaning is done at a very early stage of 3D IC design process, where the goal is to quickly evaluate architectural designs described in register-transfer level (RTL) in terms of power, performance, and reliability. This evaluation is then fed back to architects for further improvement and/or modifications needed to meet the target constraints. We discuss the details of the following research needs in this article: block-level modeling, through-silicon-via (TSV) insertion and management, and chip/package co-evaluation. The goal of block-level modeling is to obtain physical, power, performance, and reliability information of architectural blocks. We then assemble the blocks into multiple tiers while connecting them using TSVs that are placed in between hard IPs and inside soft IPs. Once a full-stack 3D floorplanning is obtained, we evaluate it so that the feedback is provided back to architects.

A System of Personalized and Intelligent Tourism Content Service Based on Semantic Web (시맨틱 웹 기반의 개인화 지능형 문화관광 서비스 시스템)

  • Joo, Jaehun
    • The Journal of Information Systems
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    • v.18 no.3
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    • pp.211-229
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    • 2009
  • Recently, trends of information technology development include offerings of service for personalization, intelligence, and convergence. The research suggested a new tour system that tourists can make their tour packages by applying Semantic Web technology. The system includes ontologies and inference rules for offering intelligent and personalized service. Our system called MYT (Make Your Tour-package) was successfully demonstrated by employing realistic scenarios. Current version of the MYT system needs manager's intervention to link and integrate automatically ontology subsystem and Web service. In further study, the MYT will be extended to the system including a component integrating automatically subsystems and a component capturing and processing context data from RFID/USN.

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A Study on the Design of the Radar Data Integrating System (레이다 정보처리용 통합 정보처리 시스템 셜계에 관한 연구)

  • 이상웅;최진일;라극환;양기덕;조동래
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Telematics and Electronics B
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    • v.32B no.5
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    • pp.798-811
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    • 1995
  • In this study, radar data integrating and processing systems were designed for the data processing of various information from many kinds of radar in a single data processing system. The characteristics of the data integrating system were analyzed by the system simulation with the queueing theory. The designed data integrating systems can be divided into a centralized and a distributed type. In the system structure, we used UNIX message que as the real time processor and the queueing theory for the performance evaluation of the information flow in the systems. For the analysis of the performance of inforamtion flow in both models, queueing theory was applied to and implemented with the simulation package, OPNET system and C language. From the simulation result we could understand the system factors which effect the system performance and characteristics on the data processing.

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The satisfaction of systems and services of Agricultural Products on Electronic Commerce (농산물 전자상거래 시스템 및 서비스에 대한 만족도 연구)

  • Kim, Deok Hyeon;Seo, Jeon Won;Son, Jang Hwan
    • Agribusiness and Information Management
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.3-18
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    • 2009
  • This research aims to examine consumers' general types of information search and their unsatisfactory factors in purchasing agricultural products on electronic commerce and analyze consumers' behavioral characteristics. As study subjects, 802 consumers who have visited the home pages of 14 households or companies, whose home pages are actively managed, were sampled. As a research tool, pop-up post and e-mail were used as research tools and questionnaires were asked three times. The date on research result were analyzed using SPSS 13 statistics package in terms of frequency, percentage, descriptive statistics, one-way ANOVA and correlation analysis.

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A GraphML-based Visualization Framework for Workflow-Performers' Closeness Centrality Measurements

  • Kim, Min-Joon;Ahn, Hyun;Park, Minjae
    • KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems (TIIS)
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    • v.9 no.8
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    • pp.3216-3230
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    • 2015
  • A hot-issued research topic in the workflow intelligence arena is the emerging topic of "workflow-supported organizational social networks." These specialized social networks have been proposed to primarily represent the process-driven work-sharing and work-collaborating relationships among the workflow-performers fulfilling a series of workflow-related operations in a workflow-supported organization. We can discover those organizational social networks, and visualize its analysis results as organizational knowledge. In this paper, we are particularly interested in how to visualize the degrees of closeness centralities among workflow-performers by proposing a graphical representation schema based on the Graph Markup Language, which is named to ccWSSN-GraphML. Additionally, we expatiate on the functional expansion of the closeness centralization formulas so as for the visualization framework to handle a group of workflow procedures (or a workflow package) with organizational workflow-performers.