• Title/Summary/Keyword: pH 조절

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고급산화공정을 이용한 1,4-dioxane분해 연구

  • Park, Won-Seok;Park, Jin-Do;Lee, Hak-Seong
    • Proceedings of the Korean Environmental Sciences Society Conference
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    • 2006.05a
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    • pp.365-369
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    • 2006
  • [ $O_3$ ]/catalyst를 이용한 고급산화공정에서 pH변화에 따른 1,4-dioxane의 화학적 분해 특성을 알아보기 위해 이 실험을 수행하였다. 초기 pH를 6, 8, 10으로 조절하여 변화를 보면 오존의 pH 완충효과에 의해 시간이 지남에 따라 알칼리와 산의 경우 중성 쪽으로 중화되는 것을 확인하였다. 그리고 시간에 따른 1,4-dioxane의 제거율은 pH 10 > pH 8 > pH 6 의 순서로 나타는 것을 보였다. 이는 오존이 산성에서는 안정하지만 알칼리성에서는 불안정함으로 인해 자기분해를 일으켜 OH라디칼의 생성을 촉진시켜 제거율이 높게 나타났다. 초기 pH를 조절한 실험, 초기 pH를 일정하게 유지한 실험에서의 50분 후의 최종 제거율은 비슷하였지만, 초기 pH를 일정하게 유지한 실험에서 제거율이 꾸준히 감소하는 것을 알 수 있었다.

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Effects of pH Adjustment on Characteristics of Surimi Using Pork Leg and Chicken Breast. (돈육 뒷다리부위와 닭가슴살을 활용하여 제조한 수리미의 특성에 미치는 pH 조절의 영향)

  • Jin, Sang-Keun;Kim, Il-Suk;Yang, Han-Sul;Park, Gu-Boo;Choi, Yeung-Joon;Shin, Taek-Soon;Kim, Byeong-Gyun
    • Journal of Life Science
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    • v.17 no.5 s.85
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    • pp.728-734
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    • 2007
  • In this study, we prepared surimi from pork leg and chicken breast by pH adjustments of 3.0 and 11.0. The content of crude protein, yield, water-holding capacity, redness, yellowness, myoglobin(Mb) and metmyoglobin(metMb) were significantly higher in the surimi manufactured from pork leg at adjustment pH 3.0 compared to the other surimi samples; whereas whiteness, myofibrillar protein, breaking force, deformation and gel strength were lower than other samples(P<0.05). The textural attributes were significantly higher in the surimi manufactured from pork leg at adjustment pH 11.0 compared to the other surimi samples; whereas Mb, metMb, cooking loss, breaking force, deformation and gel strength were lower than other samples(P<0.05). Again, the content of crude protein, yield, pH, breaking force, deformation, gel strength and lightness were significantly higher in the surimi manufactured from chicken breast at adjustment pH 3.0 compared to the other surimi samples; whereas myofibrillar protein, redness and metMb were higher than other samples(P<0.05). The content of myofibrillar protein, deformation, lightness and cohesiveness were significantly higher in the suriml manufactured from chicken breast at adjustment pH 11.0 compared to the other surimi samples; whereas Mb, cooking loss, yield and breaking force were higher than other samples(P<0.05). The chicken breast surimi had superior color and gel characteristics than manufactured from pork leg, and adjustment pH 11.0 had superior whiteness and cohesiveness than the pH 3.0 adjusted sample, however, there were no significant differences in sensory attributes among the surimi samples.

The Effect of Organic Acids on Dewatering Efficiency of Soybean Milk Residue by Hydraulic Press (유기산이 두유박의 압착 탈수율에 미치는 영향)

  • Pyun, Yu-Ryang;Cho, Won-Il;Lee, Yoon-Su;Kwon, Ick-Boo
    • Korean Journal of Food Science and Technology
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    • v.28 no.4
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    • pp.638-643
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    • 1996
  • The efficiency of dewatering of soybean milk residue was improved by hydraulic pressing after pH adjustment to 4.5 with organic acids such as acetic and lactic acids. Water content of raw soybean milk residue was reduced from 80% to 72% by pressing after pH adjustment, while only to 78% by the conventional hydraulic press. The water content of the residue after pH adjustment was further reduced to 63% by hydraulic pressing with ohmic heating. The pH adjustment facilitated separation of cake from the filter cloth and reduced the solid content of the expressed liquid from 10 to 3%.

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PH Effect of [Li,La]TiO3 Coating Solution on Electrochemical Property of Li[Ni0.35Co0.3Mn0.35]O2 Cathode ([Li,La]TiO3 코팅용액의 pH에 따른 Li[Ni0.35Co0.3Mn0.35]O2 양극의 전기화학적 특성)

  • Jung, Kwang-Hee;Kim, Seuk-Buom;Park, Yong-Joon
    • Journal of the Korean Electrochemical Society
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.77-82
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    • 2011
  • The surface of $Li[Ni_{0.35}Co_{0.3}Mn_{0.35}]O_2$ cathode was modified by $[Li,La]TiO_3$ coating using pH controlled coating solution. At low pH values (acidic solution), cathode powders, which is oxides, have a positive surface charge, whereas, they have a negative surface charge at high pH values. As a result, their charge could affect the formation of the coating layer on the surface of cathode powder. To determine the optimal pH value, the surface coating of the pristine powder was carried out at various pH values of the coating solution. The surface morphology of coated samples was characterization by SEM and TEM analyses. Impedance analysis and cyclic voltammogram presented that internal resistance of the cell was dependent upon the pH of coating solution.

Preparation of Sweet Potato Drinks and Its Quality Characteristics (고구마 음료의 제조와 그 품질 특성)

  • 김정수
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.24 no.6
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    • pp.943-947
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    • 1995
  • The sweet potato drinks were prepared with the reaction of sweet potato and complex enzyme(${\beta}-amylase,\;{\alpha}-amylase$, protease). The reducing sugar and soluble solid of sweet potato drinks were the highest on reaction of sweet potato : water(1 : 1) and complex enzyme(pH 4.5). In the color of the sweet potato drinks, hunter value(L, a, b) were the lowest on reaciton of sweet potato : water(1 : 1) and complex enzyme, and were the highest on reaciton of sweet potato : water(1 : 3) and complex enzyme(pH 4.5). In the sensory test of the sweet potato drinks, the sensory score(color, taste, flavor, texture) were the best on reaction of sweet potato : water(1 : 1) and complex enzyme(pH 4.5). These results demonstrated that the sweet potato drink was good to drink when sweet potato : water(1 : 1) were treated with complex enzyme at pH 4.5, $60^{\circ}C$ for 5 hrs.

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Preparation of Needle-like $\alpha$-Iron Oxide Using a Crystal Growth Controller. (결정 성장 조절제를 이용한 침상형 $\alpha$산화철의 제조)

  • Byeon, Tae-Bong;Son, Jin-Geun
    • Korean Journal of Materials Research
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    • v.6 no.8
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    • pp.768-778
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    • 1996
  • Iron oxide (hematite, $\alpha$-${Fe}_{2}{O}_{3}$) particles were prepared directly from aqueous solution using a crystal growth controller. Paticles properties and reaction mechanisum of products as a function of basicity, formation process and mechanism of needle-lkie hematite were investigated. hexagonal hermatite particles were formed in teh range below pH 9.0, ellipsoidal or rectangular hematite particles in the range of pH 10.75-11.75 respectively. In the range above pH 12.50, acicular $\alpha$-FeOOH was formed. Basicity of product solution produced in the range of pH 10.7511.75 was increased slightly as compared with basicity of reastants due to hydroxly ion(OH-) formed by dissociation crystal growth controller. Citric acid which is acted as a crystal growth controller was adsorbed in the form of itrate anion(R-COO-) on the ferric hydroxide and exerted important role on the formation to the needle-like $\alpha$-${Fe}_{2}{O}_{3}$ particles in this reaction system.

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Characterization and Functional Study of PyrR Orthologues from Genome Sequences of Bacteria (세균 게놈 유래성 PyrR Orthologue의 기능 분석)

  • 김사열;조현수;설경조;박승환
    • Microbiology and Biotechnology Letters
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    • v.31 no.2
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    • pp.103-110
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    • 2003
  • The regulation of pyrimidine nucleotide synthesis has been proved to be controlled by a regulatory protein PyrR-mediated attenuation in the Gram-positive bacteria. After several bacterial genome sequencing projects, we have discovered the PyrR orthologues in the databases for Haemophilus influenzae and Synechocystis and sp. PCC6803 genome sequences. To investigate whether these PyrR orthologue proteins regulate pyrimidine nucleotide synthesis as well as the cases of Bacillus, the PyrR regions of each strains were amplified by PCR and cloned with pUC19 or T-vector in Escherichia coli and with a shuttle vector pHPS9 for E. coli and B. subtilis. For the regulation test of the PyrR orthologues, the aspartate-transcarbamylase (ATCase) assay was carried out. From the results of the ATCase assay, it was confirmed that Synechocystis sp. PCC6803 could not restore by pyrimidines to a B. subtilis, PyrR but H. influenzae PyrR could. For Purification of PyrR orthologue proteins, PyrR orthologue genes were cloned into the expression vector (pET14b). Over-expressed product of PyrR orthologue genes was purified and analyzed by the SDS-PACE. The purified PyrR orthologue proteins from H. influenzae and Synechocystis sp. PCC6803 turned out to be molecular mass of 18 kDa and 21 kDa, respectively. The result of uracil phosphoribosyl transferase (UPRTase) assay with purified PyrR orthologue proteins showed that H. influenzae PyrR protein only has UPRTase activity. In addition, we could predict several regulatory mechanisms that PyrR orthologue proteins regulate pyrimidine de novo synthesis in bacteria, through phylogenetic analysis for PyrR orthologue protein sequences.

pH 조절에 의한 A. pullulans의 pullulan 생산성에 대한 영향

  • Kim, Jeong-Hwa;Hui, Ju-Yi;Kim, Mi-Ryeong;Lee, Ji-Hyeon;Kim, Seong-Gu
    • 한국생물공학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2000.04a
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    • pp.287-290
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    • 2000
  • The pullulan production and morphological change of Aureobasidium pullulans ATCC 42023 were investigated in shake-flasks and in 2.5L batch fermentor. In shake-flasks, maximum pullulan production was obtained with $11.98g/{\ell}$ when initial pH was 6.5. The batch fermentation was performed in the medium with pH control ranged pH 2.5-7.5. The maximum pullulan production of $13.31g/{\ell}$ was obtained with pH 4.5. However, the cell growth was the highest at pH 6.5.

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Effects of Culture Environments on Alkaline Protease Biosynthesis in Streptomyces sp. (Streptomyces속 세균에서 호염기성 단백질 분해효소 생합성에 미치는 배양환경의 영향)

  • 노용택;김종웅;이계준
    • Korean Journal of Microbiology
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    • v.28 no.2
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    • pp.162-168
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    • 1990
  • The aims of the present study were to evaluate the effects of culture conditions on the biosynthesis of extra-cellular alkaline protease in Streptomyces sp. The formation of aerial mycelia and spores were compared with the protease production in order to know the relations between the alkaline protease and the cell differentiation. As results, it was found that substrate concentration was very critical to regulate the formation of the protease, aerial mycelia, and spores, which were resulted from the changes of culture pH to acid. When the culture pH was adjusted with phosphate buffer from pH 6 to pH 9, the alkaline protease production was increased as the culture pH increased whereas aerial mycelia and spore formation were reversely related to the culture pH. Therefore, it was thought that the culture pH was an important factor to regulate the alkaline protease synthesis.

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Management of nutrient solution based on $NH_4H_2PO_$ concentration in deep flow culture of cherry tomato (방울토마토 담액수경재배시 $NH_4H_2PO_$ 농도에 기초한 배양액 조절)

  • 이문정;김성은;김영식
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society for Bio-Environment Control Conference
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    • 1995.10a
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    • pp.89-92
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    • 1995
  • 순환식 수경재배에서 배양액의 조성이나 농도를 정해놓고 일정기간 공급하면 배양액의 pH와 EC의 변화가 생긴다. 보통 배양액의 공급은 재배개시시에 다량 공급하고 그 이후에는 부족한 양만큼을 공급하게 되는데, 시작배양액과 추가배양액의 조성은 같아도 이온의 총량은 다르다. 때문에 재배기간중에 pH의 변화양상이 다르게 나타나는 것이다. 이러한 현상을 피하기 위하여 이온의 총량을 기초로 하여 추가배양액의 이온조성을 조정하여 공급하므로써 배양액의 pH를 안정하게 유지할 수 있을 것으로 추측한다. (중략)

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