• Title/Summary/Keyword: organic control

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Effects of Antibiotics, Copper Sulfate and Probiotics Supplementation on Performance and Ammonia Emission from Slurry in Growing Pigs (사료에 대한 항생제, 황산동 및 생균제 첨가가 육성돈의 생산성 및 슬러리의 암모니아 발생에 미치는 영향)

  • Han, Y.K.;Shin, H.T.
    • Journal of Animal Science and Technology
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    • v.47 no.4
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    • pp.537-546
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    • 2005
  • An experiment was conducted to determine the effect of supplementation of chlortetracycline (CTC,110ppm), copper sulfate(Cu, 125ppm) and two levels of probiotics(Prob I, 0.04%, Prob II, 0.1%), Bacillus licheniformis and Bacillus subtilis) on growth performance, nutrient digestibility and manure characteristics in growing pigs. A total of 50 pigs that averaged 20.78±±0.35kg BW and 50±±2.3d age were allocated in a randomized block design with two pigs per pen and 5 pens per treatment. Pigs and feeders were weighed 10-days interval for the 40-d trials to determine ADG, ADFI and feed:gain ratio(F:G). Average daily gain, feed intake, feed/gain and nutrient digestibility were not improved(P>0.10) by the supplementation of CTC, Cu and two levels of probiotics. There were significant(P<0.05) Cu effects on digestibility of crude protein, and probiotics effects on digestibilities on organic matter, crude protein and energy between first 20 days and subsequent 20 days. Fecal concentrations of copper were highly increased(P<0.001) by the copper supplementation. Total bacteria and coliform counts were not altered by the supplementation of CTC, Cu and two levels of probiotics. Ammonia emission from slurry, measured during first 3 weeks, was reduced (P<0.001) in pigs fed diet with 125 ppm copper from copper sulfate. Results indicate that CTC, Cu and Probiotics supplementation had a little or not positive effect on grower pig performance under sound environmental conditions. Further studies may be warranted to investigate the effects of dietary copper-either reduced or in combination with dietary ammonia control agents-on the ammonia emission characteristics of swine manure.

Investigation of radical scavenging and anti-inflammatory activity of the extract and fractions of Termitomyces albuminosus (계종버섯 추출물과 분획물의 라디칼 소거 활성과 항염증 활성 분석)

  • Kang, Min-Jae;Kim, Young-Jae;Hwang, Hyeon-Jeong;Kim, Moon-Ho;Sin, Jong-Moo;Shin, Pyung-Gyun;Kim, Gun-Do;Kim, Keun Ki
    • Journal of Mushroom
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.45-52
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    • 2020
  • Termitomyces albuminosus has been recognized to have the best mushrooms in China, in terms of taste and aroma. The efficacy of these mushrooms has been recorded in the botanical list. However, research on the development of their artificial culture methods is necessary. In this study, we prepared an organic solvent extract and a hot water extract to understand the development of compounds and functional foods with antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activities. The IC50 value of DPPH radical scavenging activity of the hot water extract (TA4) was 1.5 mg/mL and the IC50 value of the MeOH fraction (TA2) was 1.93 mg/mL. The anti-inflammatory activity was investigated by the inhibition of NO production. EtOAc fraction (TA1) is a crude extract, but 79% of NO production was inhibited at 100 ㎍/mL. NO was not produced at 200 ㎍/mL. TA1-5-6, from TA1 inhibited NO production by 15% as compared to the positive control at 15 ㎍/mL, and completely inhibited NO production at 30 ㎍/mL. No cytotoxicity was observed at 50 ㎍/mL. TA2-1-5 from the MeOH fraction (TA2) inhibited more than 75% of NO production at 30 ㎍/mL; cytotoxicity was very low even at 50 ㎍/mL. In conclusion, by selective solvent selection, it was possible to manufacture an extract with no cytotoxicity and excellent biological activities. Furthermore, the extracts showed potential for developing various functional foods and drugs.

Effect of Livestock Manure Application on the Productivity of Whole Crop Rice, Feed Value and Soil Fertility (가축분뇨 시용이 총체 벼의 생산성, 사료가치 및 토양의 화학성에 미치는 영향)

  • Lim, Young-Chul;Yoon, Sei-Hyung;Jung, Min-Woong;Kim, Won-Ho;Kim, Jong-Geun;Lee, Joung-Kyong;Seo, Sung;Park, Nam-Gun;Yook, Wan-Bang
    • Journal of The Korean Society of Grassland and Forage Science
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    • v.27 no.4
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    • pp.287-296
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    • 2007
  • The experimental work was conducted to determine the growth characteristics and yield of whole crop rice (cv. Suwon 468 and cv. Chuchungbeo) and soil properties using various type of livestock manure application on rice paddy land for 3 years (2003300520033005). Compared Suwon 468 and Chuchungbeo, Suwon 468 has longer plant height and more DM yield than that of Chuchungbeo. Among livestock manure type, plant height was longer in order of liquid swine manure (LSM) > composted swine manure (CSM) > chemical fertilizer (CF) > composted cattle manure (CCM). Number of branch on Chuchungbeo had more than that of Suwon 468. Among livestock manure type, number of branch had more in order of LSM > CSM > CF > CCM. DM yield of whole crop rice (WCR) was affected by various types of livestock manure application and increased in order CSM > CCM = LSM. DM yield on the effects of application level of LSM was highest in LSM 75% + CF 25%. Plant diseases such as rice blast, damage by insect, smut, sheath blight occurred in LSM and CSM and there was not significantly different among application level of LSM. The nitrogen content of WCR by CSM was the highest of all treatments and the ripened ratio by CSM was in contrary order. Moreover the feed value of WCR was not significantly different among treatments. Soil pH, organic matter and total nitrogen was not different by LSM application whereas phosphorus content increased by LSM application. Cu and Zn content increased by LSM and CSM application and were not different by CCM as compared to control plots.

Variations in Ammonium Removal Rate with Tidal State in the Macrotidal Han River Estuary: Potential Role of Nitrification (한강기수역에서의 암모늄 제거율 변화 및 질산화의 잠재적 역할)

  • Hyun, Jung-Ho;Chung, Kyung-Ho;Park, Yong-Chul;Choi, Joong-Ki
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    • v.4 no.1
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    • pp.33-39
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    • 1999
  • In order to understand the importance of tidal action and NH4+NH4+ -nitrification in the removal of dissolved oxygen (DO) and NH4+NH4+, concentrations of DO, NH4+NH4+, NO2NO2 and NO3NO3 were measured with time for water samples collected at different tidal state in the eutrophic macrotidal Han River estuary. Field measurements indicated that most environmental parameters, except for the water temperature and DO concentration, were tightly controlled by the eutrophic freshwater runoff and large-scale tidal action. Dark incubation of the water sample at 25C25C showed that the removal rates of DO and NH4+NH4+ in high tide sample were 2.76 μMO2d1μMO2d1 and 1.76 μMNd1μMNd1 respectively, and increased to 5.66 μMO2d1μMO2d1 and 3.36 μMNd1μMNd1 respectively, in low tide sample. These changes indicated that microbial degradation and uptake of organic matter and inorganic nutrients were more active during low tide. NH4+NH4+-nitrification responsible for total DO removal in low tide (23.81%) and NH4+NH4+ turnover rates due to NH4+NH4+-nitrification in low tide (0.18 d1d1) were approximately 3.7 times and 3 times, respectively, higher than those in high tide. These results indicated that NH4+NH4+ -nitrifying bacteria introduced into the Han River estuary during low tide played a significant role in the removal of DO and NH4+NH4+. The decreasing removal rates in DO and NH4+NH4+ with the increasing tidal level seemed to be associated with the salinity impact on the halophobic freshwater NH4+NH4+-nitrifying bacteria. The results implied that anthropogenic NH4+NH4+ sources should be treated prior to the freshwater runoff into the estuary for the effective control of NH4+NH4+ in the Han River estuary. These results also suggest that parallel ecological studies on the chemoautotrophic nitrifying bacteria are essential for the elucidation of nitrogen cycles in the eutrophic Han River estuary.

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Environmental effects from Natural Waters Contaminated with Acid Mine Drainage in the Abandoned Backun Mine Area (백운 폐광산의 방치된 폐석으로 인한 주변 수계의 환경적 영향)

  • 전서령;정재일;김대현
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.35 no.4
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    • pp.325-337
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    • 2002
  • We examined the contamination of stream water and stream sediments by heavy metal elements with respect to distance from the abandoned Backun Au-Ag-Cu mine. High contents of heavy metals (Pb, Zn, Cu, Cd, Mn, and Fe) and aluminum in the waters connected with mining and associated deposits (dumps, tailings) reduce water quality. In the mining area, Ca and SO44 are predominant cation and anion. The mining water is Ca-SO44 type and is enriched in heavy metals resulted from the weathering of sulfide minerals. This mine drainage water is weakly acid or neutral (pH; 6.5-7.1) because of neutralizing effect by other alkali and alkaline earth elements. The effluent from the mine adit is also weakly acid or neutral, and contains elevated concentrations of most elements due to reactions with ore and gangue minerals in the deposit. The concentration of ions in the Backun mining water is high in the mine adit drainage water and steeply decreased award to down stream. Buffering process can be reasonably considered as a partial natural control of pollution, since the ion concentration becomes lower and the pH value becomes neutralized. In order to evaluate mobility and bioavailability of metals, sequential extraction was used for stream sediments into five operationally defined groups: exchangeable, bound to carbonates, bound to FeMn oxide, bound to organic matter, and residual. The residual fraction was the most abundant pool for Cu(2l-92%), Zn(28-89%) and Pb(23-94%). Almost sediments are low concentrated with Cd(2.7-52.8 mg/kg) than any other elements. But Cd dominate with non stable fraction (68-97%). Upper stream sediments are contaminated with Pb, and down area sediments are enriched with Zn. It is indicate high mobility of Zn and Cd.

Bioavailability and Digestibility of Organic Calcium Sources by Bone Health Index (뼈건강 지표를 이용한 유기태 칼슘 급원의 생체이용성 및 소화율)

  • Han, Jeong-Ho;Kim, Eun-Mi;Cheong, Man-Ki;Chee, Sung-Kew;Chee, Kew-Mahn
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • v.43 no.1
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    • pp.12-25
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    • 2010
  • This study was carried out to evaluate the bioavailabilities and the digestibilities of oligopeptide chelated (peptide-Ca), anchovy bone (anchovy-Ca) and methionine hydroxyl analogue (MHA-Ca) calcium compared to those of calcium carbonate in rats. In exp1, CaCO3CaCO3, were added to the basal diet at level of 0, 30 and 60% calcium of the AIN-93G diet. In test groups, peptide-Ca, anchovy-Ca and MHA-Ca, were added to the basal diet to provide calcium at the level of 40% of AIN-93G. In exp1, the bioavailabilities were evaluated from the regression equation of the ratios of theological/ actual calcium intakes of each dietary treatment. In exp2, urine and feces was to evaluate the true- and apparent digestibility and apparent retention. In exp1, Ca-60% group had higher bone mineral density (BMD), bone mineral content (BMC) and bone breaking strength (BBS) than those of the other standard groups. The bone weight and ash content of the peptide-Ca and anchovy-Ca groups were significantly higher than those of the MHA-Ca. Bone calcium content were not significantly different from the test group. The bioavailability of the MHA-Ca group was shown higher BMD (71%), BS (38%) and BBS (27%) compared to another control group. But the regression coefficient for BMD, BS and BBS were lower compare with that of bone ash and BMC. In exp2, the true- and apparent digestibility of test groups were shown to over 90%. Peptide-Ca was not significantly different from other test group, but digestibility and retention were higher compare to other test groups. In conclusion, peptide-Ca, anchovy-Ca and MHA-Ca improved Ca bioavailability in the rats. The compounds were higher Ca digestibility compared with those of CaCO3CaCO3. It is assumed that difference of digestibility for test groups may be correlated to the bioavailability of test groups in BMD, BMC, BS, BBS and bone ash respectively.

Preparation of TiO2-SiO2 Powder by Modified Sol-Gel Method and their Photocatalytic Activities (수식 졸-겔법에 의한 TiO2-SiO2분체합성 및 광촉매활성)

  • Kim, Byung-Kwan;Mizuno, Noritaka;Yasui, Itaru
    • Applied Chemistry for Engineering
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    • v.7 no.6
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    • pp.1034-1042
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    • 1996
  • Various TiO2SiO2TiO2SiO2 composite powders were prepared by the modified sol-gel method using 1-dodecanol as DCCA (Dryng Control Chemical Additive ). Their characterizations were carried out and their photocatalytic catalysis was examined on the evolution reaction of hydrogen. The weight losses at 500C500C of only TiO2TiO2 and SiO2SiO2 powders were 33. 0wt% and 42.5wt%, respectively, and those of the TiO2/SiO2TiO2/SiO2 powders (TiO2/SiO2=25/75TiO2/SiO2=25/75, 50/50 and 75/25) were about 70.0±3.0wt70.0±3.0wt. The released substances from the powders were almost organic matters. The as-prepared powders except only TiO2TiO2 powder were amorphous. Transformation of anatase to rutil was hindered by SiO2SiO2 component and the crystallinity of anatase was decreased with increasing SiO2SiO2 contents. The as-prepared powders were bulky states. By heating at $600^{\circ}C$ for 1 hr TiO2SiO2TiO2SiO2 powders (TiO2=100TiO2=100, TiO2/SiO2=75/25,50/50TiO2/SiO2=75/25,50/50) showed agglomerates consisted of particles in submicron, but those of TiO2/SiO2=25/75TiO2/SiO2=25/75 and SiO2=100SiO2=100 were still bulky states. Specific surface area of the powders heat-treated at 600C600C for 1hr was increased with SiO2SiO2 concents and their pore sizes were also depended on SiO2SiO2 contents. The photocatalytic activity of TiO2/SiO2=75/25TiO2/SiO2=75/25 heat-treated at 600C600C for 1hr was 0.240mo1/h.g-cat as H2H2 evolution rate. This value was about 2.0 times that of P-25(Degussa P-25) as a standard photocatalyst.

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Changes of Quality Characteristics on the Cherry Tomatoes during the CA(Controlled Atmosphere) Storage (CA저장 중 방울토마토의 품질특성 변화)

  • 이현동;윤홍선;최종욱
    • Food Science and Preservation
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    • v.8 no.3
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    • pp.239-245
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    • 2001
  • The CA(Controlled Atmosphere) storage of cherry tomatoes were carried out under seven gas compositions including air. The weight loss of cherry tomatoes progressively increased with storage time. In the case of cherry tomatoes stored under CA conditions, increment of weight loss was reduced. However, cherry tomatoes (in air) tut about 15% weight at the end of storage. In CA stored cherry tomatoes lost about 10% weight at the same time. General trend was a decrease in titratable acidity with storage time. In air md 6.4% O22, 4.2% CO22, titratable acidity was lower than that in other storage conditions. During storage of cherry tomatoes, soluble solids increased till 8 days of storage, and then decreased. Stored cherry tomatoes in air and 6.4% O22+4.2% CO22 have lower values. Lycopene contents of cherry tomatoes with 6% O22 storage condition increased and cherry tomatoes with 1% O22+6% CO22 and 3% O22+3.1% CO22maintained s initial contents. In air, flesh firmness decrease till 8 days, and then increase. At 1% O22+6% CO22 ethanol contents were ten times to that of other experimental conditions. Air and 6% O22+7.8% CO22 condition had lowest value for the ethanol content. In changes of organic acid and citric acid decreased slowly during storage, malic acid in air and below 3% O22was disappeared at 8 days. Above 4% O22concentration malic acid contents were maintained till 16 days. In over all acceptability, air and 6.4% O22+7.8% CO22 condition took a good score from the panel. Quality of stored cherry tomatoes was not edible condition in 1% O22+6% CO22. CA storage cherry tomatoes took a good score in firmness and juiciness where as control received good score in color and sweetness. This result was explained that in air ad 6.4% O22+7.8% CO22stored cherry tomato was ripened and full color development, but in CA was break stage because of suppressed ripening.

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Optimizing Surfactant-Enhanced Solubilzation of LNAPL from Soil in Saturated Zone (포화지층내 저비중 비수용성 유기용매의 용해제거를 위한 계면활성제법의 최적 조작인자 도출)

  • 이재원;박규홍;박준범
    • Journal of the Korean Geotechnical Society
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.153-164
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    • 1999
  • The solubilization of BTEX was evaluated in aqueous surfactant solutions with and without several additives. Anionic surfactant(Sodium Dodecyl Sulfate, SDS) and nonionic surfactants (NEODOL(equation omitted)25-3 and SOFTANOL®90 were used as test surfactants. The effects of surfactant HLB(Hydrophile-Lipophile Balance) Number and hydrocarbon molar volume and polarity of BTEX on the MSR(Molar Solubilization Ratio), micelle-water partition coefficient of BTEX, and CMC(C,itical Micelle Concentration) were investigated. Optimizing treatment conditions applicable to enhanced solubilization was also studied by manupulating salinity or electrolyte control with additives of ethyl alcohol, hydrotrope, and electrolyte solution. The most effective surfactant for solubilization was found SOFTANOL®90, since HLB number of 13.6 is similar to those values of BTEX ranging between 11.4 and 12.2, which was also proved experimentally. Ethyl alchohol of 3% was the most effective additives in reducing CMC and improving solubilization among the conditions using SDS, NEODOL(equation omitted)25-3, and SOFTANOL®90 with three additives. The partitioning of BTEX between surfactant micelles and aqueous solutions was characterized by a mole fraction micelle-phase/aqueous phase partion coefficient, Km. Values of log Km. for BTEX compounds in surfactant solutions of this study range from 2.95 to 3.76(100mM SDS) and 2.95 to 3.49(117mM SOFTANOL®90. Log Km appears to be a linear function of log Kow for SDS and SOFTANOL®90. A knowledge of partitioning of BTEX in aqueous surfactant system can be a prerequisite for the understanding of the behavior of hydrophobic organic compounds in soil-water systems in which surfactants play a role in remediation of contaminated soil and facilitated transport.

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Effects of Molasses and Phellinus linteus Meal Addition on the Quality of Korean Herbal Medicine Meal Silage (상황버섯박과 당밀의 첨가가 한약제박 사일리지의 품질에 미치는 영향)

  • Jang, Seok-Hun;Oh, Hyun-Min;Kim, Sung-Bok;Cho, Chi-Hyun;Park, Noh-Sung;Lee, Bong-Duk;Lee, Hyung-Suk;Lee, Soo-Kee
    • Journal of The Korean Society of Grassland and Forage Science
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    • v.31 no.4
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    • pp.431-440
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    • 2011
  • This experiment was conducted to investigate the effects of molasses and Phellinus linteus meal supplementation on the quality of Korean herbal medicine silage. Herbal medicine meal silages were produced by the addition of 0, 15, and 30% of Phellinus linteus meal and 0, 1, and 2% of molasses (3×3 factorial design) and stored for 40 days at room temperature. There were three replicates per treatment. Its quality such as chemical composition, pH, organic acids, the number of microorganisms and in vitro dry matter disappearance were determined. As the Phellinus linteus meal level increased, crude protein and crude fat contents increased significantly, but the acid detergent fiber (ADF) content decreased significantly. As the addition of Phellinus linteus meal decreased, and molasses increased, pH tended to decrease, but the lactic acid content trended to increase. The acetic acid content was lower in a higher level (30%) of Phellinus linteus meal, and higher in a higher level (2%) of molasses. As the Phellinus linteus meal level increased, the butyric acid content decreased, and butyric acid of molasses treatment was higher than that of non-supplemented control. Molasses increased the number of Lactobacillus, but decreased the number of fungi in silage. A lower level of Phellinus linteus meal increased the number of Lactobacillus, but decreased the number of fungi. in vitro dry matter disappearance tended to increase by the addition of Phellinus linteus meal and molasses. It is concluded that the addition of molasses and Phellinus linteus to herbal medicine meal silage could enhance its nutritional quality. It is considered that proper levels of molasses and Phellinus linteus meal in herbal medicine meal silage were 2 % and 15% respectively.