• Title/Summary/Keyword: ore deposit

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The Results of Drilling in Weondong Mine Area, the Taebaegsan Mineralized District, Republic of Korea (강원도 태백산지역 원동광산 시추탐사연구)

  • Lee, Jae-Ho
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.44 no.4
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    • pp.313-320
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    • 2011
  • The Taebaegsan Mineralized District is the most prospective region for the useful mineral commodities such as a coal, non-metallic, metallic mineral in South Korea. From a general point of view, Cambro- Ordovician limestone formations, Myobong slate and Pungchon (Daegi) limestone, are the most fertilizable formations in the Taebaegsan Mineralized District. The geology around Weondong mine area consists mainly of Carboniferous-Triassic formations and Cambro-Ordovician formations intruded by rhyolite/quartz porphyry. The great overthrusted fault of N40~$50^{\circ}E$ direction, so called Weondong overthrust fault, is observed in the central part of the mine area and the NS fault system cuts the overthrusted fault. By postulating from the favorable geological and structural condition around Weondong area, the possibility of deep seated hidden ore bodies is expected. In 2010, on the basis of the results of LOTEM and CSAMT survey, the cross-hole survey was performed for the investigation of the hidden polymetallic ore body in the deep parts of the Weondong mine area and the grade of the newly-discovered orebody is as follows; (1) The cut-off grade for lead-zinc 3%; an weighted average grade 5.50% (2.7 m), (2) The cutoff grade for copper 0.1%; an weighted average grade 0.91% (14.65 m), (3) The cut-off grade for iron 30%; an weighted average grade 38.18% (3.3 m), (4) $WO_3$ for each cut-off grade(0.01%, 0.05%, 0.1%); an weighted average grade 0.29 wt. % (8.8 m), 1.15 wt. % (2.1 m), 1.97 wt. % (1.2 m), (5) $MoS_2$ for each cut-off grade(0.01%, 0.1%); an weighted average grade 0.15 wt. % (6.3S m), 0.28 wt. % (3.15 m), (6) $Ta_2O_5$ for each cut-off grade (0.01%, 0.1%); an weighted average grade 0.13% (19.S m), 1.11% (1.8 m), (7) $Nb_2O_5$ for each cut-offgrade (0.01%, 0.1%); an weighted average grade 0.06% 11.5 m), 0.15% (3.0 m).

Review on Research Result for Bophi Vum Chrome Mineralized Zone in Northwestern Myanmar (미얀마 북서부 보피붐 크롬광화대 연구결과 리뷰)

  • Heo, Chul-Ho;Ryoo, Chung-Ryul;Park, Gyesoon
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.52 no.5
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    • pp.499-508
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    • 2019
  • Based on the preliminary surveys for the occurrences of the Muwellut chrome-nickel mineralized zone ($800km^2$) in northwestern Myanmar, Bophivum area was selected as the detailed exploration area after considering data source, geological potential, metallogenic province, necessity of resource development on target mineral, exploration activity, grade, ore deposit type, nearby operating mine, infrastructure and exploration prediction effect. From 2013 to 2016, KIGAM and DGSE carried out geological and geochemical survey with 1:1,000 scale, magnetic survey(areal extent, $1.672km^2$), trench survey(19 trench, total length 392 m), pitting survey(18 pit, total depth 42.6m), exploration drilling(6holes 600m, 2015; 13holes 617.4m). We analyzed Cr and Ni contents of 77 drill cores with specific gravity in Yangon DGSE analytical center. Considering surface geological survey, geochemical exploration, magnetic survey, trench survey and drilling data, we divided Bophivum area into 8 blocks. Resource estimation are divided into measured and indicated resources. Measured resource is about 9,790t and indicated resource is about 12,080t with the average grade of Cr 11.8% and Ni 0.34%. In case of Bophivum area, if we develop by tying up Webula chrome mineralized zone in the south, it will be possible to upgrade the medium-scale mine. Geologically, the ophiolite belt are distributed in the western and eastern part in Myanmar. So, the exploration technology obtained from exploation in Bophivum area will be helpful to discover the hidden chromitite ore body in Myanmar ophiolite belt in the future.

Physicochemical Characteristics of Tailings from the Various Types of Mineral Deposits (광상유형에 따른 광물찌꺼기의 물리화학적 특성)

  • Lee, Pyeong-Koo;Youm, Seung-Jun;Jung, Myung-Chae;Lee, Jin-Soo;Kwon, Hyun-Ho
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.43 no.3
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    • pp.235-248
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    • 2010
  • To construct the standard methods for evaluation of physicochemical characteristics of tailings in Korea, specific gravity, paste pH, grain size, mineral compositions and heavy metal concentrations of total 26 tailings from 21 metallic mines were analyzed. Specific gravity of tailings ranged from 2.61 to 4.31 (avg. 3.04), and sand and silt grain were dominant in the tailings. Ranges of paste pH were 2.1-9.5 in tailings (7.1-9.2 at magmatic, skarn and hydrothermal replacement deposits and 2.1-9.5 at hydrothermal vein deposits). Additionally, hydrothermal vein deposits could be reclassified into three categories: (1) paste pH>7.0, (2) 4.0

Skarn Evolution and Fe-(Cu) Mineralization at the Pocheon Deposit, Korea (한국 포천 광상의 스카른 진화과정 및 철(-동)광화작용)

  • Go, Ji-Su;Choi, Seon-Gyu;Kim, Chang Seong;Kim, Jong Wook;Seo, Jieun
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.47 no.4
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    • pp.335-349
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    • 2014
  • The Pocheon skarn deposit, located at the northwestern part of the Precambrian Gyeonggi massif in South Korea, occurs at the contact between the Cretaceous Myeongseongsan granite and the Precambrian carbonate rocks, and is also controlled by N-S-trending shear zone. The skarn distribution and mineralogy reflects both structural and lithological controls. Three types of skarn formations based on mineral assemblages in the Pocheon skarn exist; a sodiccalcic skarn and a magnesian skarn mainly developed in the dolostone, and a calcic skarn developed in the limestone. Iron mineralization occurs in the sodic-calcic and magnesian skarn zone, locally superimposed by copper mineralization during retrograde skarn stage. The sodic-calcic skarn is composed of acmite, diopside, albite, garnet, magnetite, maghemite, anhydrite, apatite, and sphene. Retrograde alteration consists of tremolite, phlogopite, epidote, sericite, gypum, chlorite, quartz, calcite, and sulfides. Magnesian skarn mainly consists of diopside and forsterite. Pyroxene and olivine are mainly altered to tremolite, with minor phlogopite, talc, and serpentine. The calcic skarn during prograde stage mainly consists of garnet, pyroxene and wollastonite. Retrograde alteration consists of epidote, vesuvianite, amphibole, biotite, magnetite, chlorite, quartz, calcite, and sulfides. Microprobe analyses indicate that the majority of the Pocheon skarn minerals are enriched by Na-Mg composition and have high $Fe^{3+}/Fe^{2+}$, $Mg^{2+}/Fe^{2+}$, and $Al^{3+}/Fe^{2+}$ ratios. Clinopyroxene is acmitic and diopsidic composition, whereas garnet is relatively grossular-rich. Amphiboles are largely of tremolite, pargasite, and magnesian hastingsite composition. The prograde anhydrous skarn assemblages formed at about $400^{\circ}{\sim}500^{\circ}C$ in a highly oxidized environment ($fO_2=10^{-23}{\sim}10^{-26}$) under a condition of about 0.5 kbar pressure and $X(CO_2)=0.10$. With increasing fluid/rock interaction during retrograde skarn, epidote, amphibole, sulfides and calcite formed as temperature decreased to approximately $250^{\circ}{\sim}400^{\circ}C$ at $X(CO_2)=0.10$.

Occurrences and Physicochemical Properties of Japanese Bentonite Deposits (일본 벤토나이트 광상의 부존특성 및 광석의 물리화학적 특성)

  • Song Min-Sub;Koh Sang-Mo;Takagi Tetsuichi
    • Journal of the Mineralogical Society of Korea
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    • v.17 no.3
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    • pp.245-265
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    • 2004
  • This study was to compare the geological occurrences and geneses of the Myogi, Tsukinuno, Dobuyama and Kawasaki bentonite deposits distributed in the Tertiary sedimentary basins of NE Japan, and to compare the mineralogical and physicochemical properties of their bentonites. The Japanese bentonite deposits are mainly distributed in the Green-tuff region which was formed in Neogene. The shape of ore body of the Myogi, Tsukinuno and Kawasaki deposits formed by the diagenesis are layered and stratiform. In contrast to this, the Dobuyama deposit formed by hydrothermal alteration shows the cone shape. The mineralization age of four deposits are 1.8 ~ 21 Ha from Early Miocene to Pliocene. The Dobuyama bentonite with the highest montmorillonite content shows the highest surface area, CEC, MB adsorption, and strengths. The Tsukinuno bentonite with a little high montmorillonite content is characterized by strong alkalinity, high viscosity and swelling. The Kawasaki bentonite, the Na-Ca mixed type, shows higher viscosity and swelling than the Ca-type Dobuyama bentonite. The Myogi bentonite with the lowest montmorillonite content shows the properties of low viscosity, In adsorption, strengths and a little high CEC and surface area. The high CEC and surface area of this deposit is due to the sufficient occurrence of zeolite. A strong dispersion in the Na-type bentonite and a strong flocculation in the Ca-type bentonite took place, and both the types show a slow flocculation with time. The physicochemical properties of the bentonite are mainly controlled by the montmorillonite content, interlayer cations, and impurity minerals such as zeolite. But bentonites inconsistent to this factors are sometimes occurred. This is maybe due to the crystal chemistry such as layer charge of montmorillonite and crystal morphology of montmorillonite such as aspect ratio.

Evolution of Hydrothermal Fluids at Daehwa Mo-W Deposit (대화 Mo-W 열수 맥상 광상의 유체 진화 특성)

  • Jo, Jin Hee;Choi, Sang Hoon
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.46 no.1
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    • pp.11-19
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    • 2013
  • The Daehwa Mo-W deposit is located within the Gyeonggi massif. Quartz and calcite vein mineralization occurred in the Precambrian gneiss and Jurassic granites. Three main types (Type I: liquid-rich $H_2O$ type, Type II: vapor-rich $H_2O$ type, Type III: $CO_2-H_2O$ type) of fluid inclusions were observed and are classified herein based on their phase relations at room temperature. Within ore shoots, type III fluid inclusions have been classified into four subtypes (type IIIa, IIIb, IIIc and IIId) based on their volume percent of aqueous and carbonaceous ($CO_2$) phase at room temperatures combined with their total homogenization behavior and homogenization behavior of $CO_2$ phase. Homogenization temperatures of primary type I fluid inclusions in the quartz range from $374^{\circ}C$ to $161^{\circ}C$ with salinities between 13.6 and 0.5 equiv. wt.% NaCl. Homogenization temperatures of primary type III fluid inclusions in quartz of main generation, are in the range of $303^{\circ}C$ to $251^{\circ}C$. Clathrate melting temperatures of the type III fluid inclusions were 7.3 to $9.5^{\circ}C$, corresponding to salinities of 5.2 to 1.0 equiv. wt. % NaCl. Melting and homogenization temperatures of $CO_2$ phase of type III fluid inclusions were -57.4 to $-56.6^{\circ}C$ and 29.0 to $30.8^{\circ}C$, respectively. Fluid inclusion data indicate a complex geochemical evolution of hydrothermal fluids. The Daehwa early hydrothermal system is characterized by $H_2O-CO_2$-NaCl fluid at about $400^{\circ}C$. The main mineralization occurred by $CO_2$ immiscibility at temperatures of about 300 to $250^{\circ}C$. At the late base-metal mineralization aqueous fluid formed by mixing with cooler and less saline meteoric groundwater.

Occurrence and Chemical Composition of Chlorite and White Mica from Drilling Core (No. 04-1) at Gubong Au-Ag Deposit Area, Republic of Korea (구봉 금-은 광상일대 시추코아(04-1)에서 산출되는 녹니석과 백색운모의 산상 및 화학조성)

  • Bong Chul Yoo
    • Korean Journal of Mineralogy and Petrology
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    • v.36 no.4
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    • pp.273-288
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    • 2023
  • The Gubong Au-Ag deposit, which has been one of the largest deposits (Unsan, Daeyudong, Kwangyang) in Korea, consists of eight lens-shaped quartz veins (a mix of orogenic-type and intrusion-related types) that filled fractures along fault zones within Precambrian metasedimentary rock. Korea Mining Promotion Corporation found a quartz vein (referred to as the No. 6 vein with a grade of 27.9 g/t Au and a width of 0.9 m) at a depth of -728 ML by drilling (No. 90-12) conducted in 1989. Korea Mining Promotion Corporation conducted drilling (No. 04-1) in 2004 to investigate the redevelopment's possibility of the No. 6 vein. The author studied the occurrence and chemical composition of chlorite and white mica using wallrock, wallrock alteration and quartz vein samples collected from the No. 04-1 drilling core in 2004. The alteration of studied samples occurs chloritization, sericitization, silicification and pyritization. Chlorite and white mica from mineralized zone at a depth of -275 ML occur with quartz, K-feldspar, calcite, rutile and pyrite in wallrock alteration zone and quartz vein. Chlorite and white mica from ore vein (No. 6 vein) at a depth of -779 ML occur with quartz, calcite, apatite, zircon, rutile, ilmenite, pyrrhotite and pyrite in wallrock alteration zone and quartz vein. Chlorite from a depth of -779 ML has a higher content of Al and Mg elements and a lower content of Si and Fe elements than chlorite from a depth of -275 ML. Also, Chlorites from a depth of -275 ML and -779 ML have higher content of Si element than theoretical chlorite. Compositional variation in chlorite from a depth of -275 ML was mainly caused by phengitic or Tschermark substitution [Al3+,VI + Al3+,IV <-> (Fe2+ or Mg2+)VI + (Si4+)IV], but compositional variation from a depth of -779 ML was mainly caused by octahedral Fe2+ <-> Mg2+ (Mn2+) substitution. The interlayer cation site occupancy (K+Na+Ca+Ba+Sr = 0.76~0.82 apfu, 0.72~0.91 apfu) of white mica from a depth of -275 ML and -779 ML have lower contents than theoretical dioctahedral micas, but octahedral site occupancy (Fe+Mg+Mn+Ti+Cr+V+Ni = 2.09~2.13 apfu, 2.06~2.14 apfu) have higher contents than theoretical dioctahedral micas. Compositional variation in white mica from a depth of -275 ML was caused by phengitic or Tschermark substitution [(Al3+)VI + (Al3+)IV <-> (Fe2+ or Mg2+)VI + (Si4+)IV], illitic substitution and direct (Fe3+)VI <-> (Al3+)VI substitution. But, compositional variation in white mica from a depth of -779 ML was caused by phengitic or Tschermark substitution [(Al3+)VI + (Al3+)IV <-> (Fe2+ or Mg2+)VI + (Si4+)IV] and direct (Fe3+)VI <-> (Al3+)VI substitution.

Environmental effects from Natural Waters Contaminated with Acid Mine Drainage in the Abandoned Backun Mine Area (백운 폐광산의 방치된 폐석으로 인한 주변 수계의 환경적 영향)

  • 전서령;정재일;김대현
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.35 no.4
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    • pp.325-337
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    • 2002
  • We examined the contamination of stream water and stream sediments by heavy metal elements with respect to distance from the abandoned Backun Au-Ag-Cu mine. High contents of heavy metals (Pb, Zn, Cu, Cd, Mn, and Fe) and aluminum in the waters connected with mining and associated deposits (dumps, tailings) reduce water quality. In the mining area, Ca and SO$_4$ are predominant cation and anion. The mining water is Ca-SO$_4$ type and is enriched in heavy metals resulted from the weathering of sulfide minerals. This mine drainage water is weakly acid or neutral (pH; 6.5-7.1) because of neutralizing effect by other alkali and alkaline earth elements. The effluent from the mine adit is also weakly acid or neutral, and contains elevated concentrations of most elements due to reactions with ore and gangue minerals in the deposit. The concentration of ions in the Backun mining water is high in the mine adit drainage water and steeply decreased award to down stream. Buffering process can be reasonably considered as a partial natural control of pollution, since the ion concentration becomes lower and the pH value becomes neutralized. In order to evaluate mobility and bioavailability of metals, sequential extraction was used for stream sediments into five operationally defined groups: exchangeable, bound to carbonates, bound to FeMn oxide, bound to organic matter, and residual. The residual fraction was the most abundant pool for Cu(2l-92%), Zn(28-89%) and Pb(23-94%). Almost sediments are low concentrated with Cd(2.7-52.8 mg/kg) than any other elements. But Cd dominate with non stable fraction (68-97%). Upper stream sediments are contaminated with Pb, and down area sediments are enriched with Zn. It is indicate high mobility of Zn and Cd.

Preliminary Report on the Geology of Sangdong Scheelite Mine (상동광산(上東鑛山) 지질광상(地質鑛床) 조사보고(調査報告))

  • Kim, Ok Joon;Park, Hi In
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.3 no.1
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    • pp.25-34
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    • 1970
  • Very few articles are available on geologic structure and genesis of Sangdong scheelite-deposits in spite of the fact that the mine is one of the leading tungsten producer in the world. Sangdong scheelite deposits, embedded in Myobong slate of Cambrian age at the southem limb of the Hambaek syncline which strikes $N70{\sim}80^{\circ}W$ and dips $15{\sim}30^{\circ}$ northeast, comprise six parallel veins in coincide with the bedding plane of Myobong formation, namely four footwall veins, a main vein, and a hangingwall vein. Four footwall veins are discontinuous and diminish both directions in short distance and were worked at near surface in old time. Hangingwall vein is emplaced in brecciated zone in contact plane of Myobong slate and overlying Pungchon limestone bed of Cambrian age and has not been worked until recent. The main vein, presently working, continues more than 1,500 m in both strike and dip sides and has a thickness varying 3.5 to 5 m. Characteristic is the distinct zonal arrangement of the main vein along strike side which gives a clue to the genesis of the deposits. The zones symmetrically arranged in both sides from center are, in order of center to both margins, muscovite-biotite-quartz zone, biotite-hornblende-quartz zone and garnet-diopside zone. The zones grade into each other with no boundary, and minable part of the vein streches in the former two zones extending roughly 1,000 m in strike side and over 1,100 m in dip side to which mining is underway at present. The quartz in both muscovite-biotite-quartz and biotite-hornblende-quartz zones is not network type of later intrusion, but the primary constituent of the special type of rock that forms the main vein. The minable zone has been enriched several times by numerous quartz veins along post-mineral fractures in the vein which carry scheelite, molybdenite, bismuthinite, fluorite and other sulfide minerals. These quartz veins varying from few centimeter to few tens of centimeter in width are roughly parallel to the main vein although few of them are diagonal, and distributed in rich zones not beyond the vein into both walls and garnet-diopside zone. Ore grade ranges from 1.5~2.5% $WO_3$ in center zone to less than 0.5% in garnet-diopside zone at margin, biotite-hornblende-quartz zone being inbetween in garde. The grade is, in general, proportional to the content of primary quartz. Judging from regional structure in mid-central parts of South Korea, Hambaek syncline was formed by the disturbance at the end of Triassic period with which bedding thrust and accompanied feather cracks in footwall side were created in Myobong slate and brecciated zone in contact plane between Myobong slate and Pungchon limestone. These fractures acted as a pathway of hot solution from interior which was in turn differentiated in situ to form deposit of the main vein with zonal arrangement. The footwall veins were developed along feather cracks accompanied with the main thrust by intrusion of biotite-hornblende-quartz vein and the hangingwall vein in shear zone along contact plane by replacement. The main vein thus formed was enriched at later stage by hydrothermal solutions now represented by quartz veins. The main mineralization and subsequent hydrothermal enrichments had probably taken place in post-Triassic to pre-Cretaceous periods. The veins were slightly displaced by post-mineral faults which cross diagonally the vein. This hypothesis differs from those done by previous workers who postulated that the deposits were formed by pyrometasomatic to contact replacement of the intercalated thin limestone bed in Myobong slate at the end of Cretaceous period.

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A Review on Treasure No.1167, Unified Silla Buddhist Bell from Uncheon-dong, Cheongju, about Its Form and Conservational Scientific Features (보물 제1167호 청주 운천동 출토 통일신라 범종의 형태와 보존과학적 특성 고찰)

  • Kim, Hyun-jeong;Kim, Su-gi
    • Korean Journal of Heritage: History & Science
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    • v.40
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    • pp.357-386
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    • 2007
  • At present, thirteen Buddhist bells of Unified Silla are known to the world: Six in Korea, five in Japan and two other bells, and three out of them are impossible to make out its original form. Therefore, we divided the form of Unified Silla Buddhist bells based on the ten other bells, and we tried out to prove the manufacturing technology by the comparison of the research material of Uncheon-dong bell and existing research materials of other bells, in other to find their linkage based on the alloy elemental composition. We divided Unified Silla Buddhist bell into two types: Type I has symmetric apsaras and regular patterns on its face and it was made in early Silla period; type II has asymmetric apsaras and irregular pattern arrangement and made in late Silla period. In particular, Uncheon-dong Buddhist bells is very similar to Komyoji[光明寺] temple bell from ninth century in Japan. It is peculiar that the apsaras on Uncheon-dong bell play vertical music instruments that are never seen in Unified Silla Buddhist bell. Most of Unified Silla Buddhist bell are compounded with Cu-Sn or Cu-Sn-Pb system. From eighth and ninth century, bells were cast with even composition of copper, tin and lead, and the bronze alloy ratio was similar to the record in Gogonggi[考工記], Jurye[周禮], a book from ancient China. Particularly, Uncheon-dong bell is in a rare case of Cu-Sn-Pb-As system. As had been rarely used in Unified Silla Buddhist bells, so we presented the relative research materials. As has the same nature as Pb. Because As easily volatilize at high temperature, it is hard to use. But it has its merit of solidity and durability. Pb enhances fluidity and thereby expresses the patterns more distinct; As makes the bell stronger. The result of lead isotope ratio could not exactly reveal a concrete producing center. However, over the analysis of our samples, hereby we suggest Uncheon-dong bell was made of materials from just one ore deposit.