• 제목/요약/키워드: oral medicine

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Efficacy of Pamidronate in Nephropathic Children with Ongoing Long Term Corticosteroid Therapy (장기 스테로이드 치료요법 중인 신질환 환자에서 Pamidronate의 효과)

  • Hong Hyun-Kee;Kim Eun-Seong;Kim Sung-Do;Cho Byoung-Soo
    • Childhood Kidney Diseases
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.43-50
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    • 2004
  • Background : Steroid-induced osteoporosis(SIO) is one of the serious complications of long-term steroid therapy, especially in growing children. Recently bisphosphonates have been used to treat or prevent SIO in adult, which is rare in children with glomerular diseases. We studied the effect of pamidronate on SIO using dual energy X-ray absorptiometry and biochemical markers of bone turnover. Methods : Forty four children receiving moderate-to-high doses of steroids were enrolled. They had no history of bone, liver, or endocrine disease. Patients were stratified by their baseline bone mineral density(BMD) findings. All patients received corticosteroids for 3 month and oral calcium supplementation(500 mg/day) daily. Among them, 28 patients were treated with placebo and 16 were treated with pamidronate(125 mg) for 3 months. Blood chemistry and bone mineral density(BMD) were measured at baseline, and 3months. In addition, parathyroid hormone(PTH), serum osteocalcin, and urinary dipyridinoline levels were evaluated. Results : In overall population, the mean lumbar spine BMD decreased from $0.754{\pm}0.211(g/cm^2)$ to $0.728{\pm}0.208(g/cm^2)$ in the placebo group(P<0.05) and increased from $0.652{\pm}0.194(g/cm^2)$ to $0.658{\pm}0.226(g/cm^2)$ in the pamidronate group(P>0.05). Conclusion : Pamidronate appears to be effective in preventing SIO in children with glomerular diseases requiring long-term steroids therapy. Further careful observation and follow-up might be needed for children receiving bisphosphonates such as pamidronate.

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Development and Validation of the Determination of Sorafenib in Human Plasma using Tandem Mass Spectrometry Coupled with Liquid Chromatography (고속액체크로마토그래피 텐덤질량분석기법을 이용한 사람 혈장 내 소라페닙 농도분석법의 개발 및 검정)

  • Park, Daejin;Lee, Sunggon;Kim, Woomi
    • Journal of Life Science
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    • v.22 no.11
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    • pp.1456-1462
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    • 2012
  • Sorafenib is a multikinase inhibitor and an oral anticancer drug approved for the treatment of patients with advanced renal cell carcinoma and those with unresectable hepatocellular carcinoma. The purpose of this study was to develop an efficient method of the determination of sorafenib in human plasma using tandem mass spectrometry coupled with liquid chromatography (LC/MS/MS) and validate the method by the guidelines of the Korean Food and Drug Administration (KFDA). Plasma samples ($100{\mu}l$) were added with chlorantraniliprole as an internal standard and then mixed with the 0.1% formic acid-containing extraction solution composed of isopropyl alcohol and ethyl acetate (1:4, v/v). After centrifugation, the supernatant was concentrated at $45^{\circ}C$ under negative pressure and centrifugal force. The residue was reconstituted with a mobile phase and injected into the HPLC instrument using a reverse phase Waters XTerra$^{TM}$ C18 column (particle size $3.5{\mu}m$). Liquid chromatography was carried out within the run time of 5 min using a mobile phase composed of buffer (0.1% formic acid and 10 mM ammonium formate), methanol, and acetonitrile (1:6:3, v/v/v). The analytes were monitored by tandem mass spectrometry in the multiple reaction monitoring method programmed to detect sorafenib at 'm/z 465.2 ${\rightarrow}$ 252.5' and chlorantraniliprole at 'm/z 484.4 ${\rightarrow}$ 286.2' with positive electrospray ionization mode ($ES^+$). The result showed the proper linearity ($r^2$ > 0.99) over the range of 2,000-5,000 ng/ml with good accuracy (90.7-103.9%) and precision (less than 10%). The newly developed method using LC/MS/MS was validated by the guideline of KFDA and identified as more sensitive compared to the previous methods.

A Study on Antioxidative Effects of Sipyimiguanjungtang and Osuyubujayijungtang, Korean Traditional Prescriptions for Soum Constitutes, in Brain and Liver of Rat (소음인(少陰人) 십이미관중탕(十二味寬中湯), 오수유부자이중탕(吳茱萸附子理中湯)이 흰쥐의 뇌(腦)와 간조직(肝組織)의 항산화(抗酸化) 기전(機轉)에 미치는 영향(影響))

  • Jung, Bong-yeon;Song, Il-byung
    • Journal of Sasang Constitution and Immune Medicine
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    • v.11 no.2
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    • pp.227-250
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    • 1999
  • The free radical theory of aging was introduced in 1956 by Denham Harman. This aging theory proposed that normal aging results from random deleterious damage to tissues by free radical and supplying antioxidant lead to decrease oxidative damage, inhibit aging process. In this study, we investigated antioxidantive effects of four Korean constitutional prescriptions for 'Soum' constitution - Palmulgunjatang(Y1), Sipyimiguanjungtang(Y2), Osuyubujayijungtang(Y3) and Seungyangyikkibujatang(Y4). Antioxidative activity of this prescriptions was examined by 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhyrdazyl radicals, superoxide anion radicals, peroxyl radical, hydroxyl radical scavenging effects and erythrocyte hemolysis inhibitory effects. Y2 and Y3 were shown to have relatively high antioxidative activity on this methods. In additions, result of the cytoprotective effects of Korean constitutional prescriptions agianst 2,2'-azobis(amidinopropane) dihydrochloride (AAPH), a free radical initiator, induced cytotoxcity in human hepatoblastoma cell line was similarly obtained. On the basis of this result, we assayed the antioxidative effects of Y2 and Y3 on experimental oxidative damage, induced in mouse by 100mg/kg AAPH. Male ICR mouse were given oral administration of 500mg/kg Y2 and Y3 for 4 weeks. Thiobarbuturic acid reactive substance (TBARS) and protein degradation level in liver, plasma and brain as index of oxidative damage were decreased and thiol compound, total antioxidant status in plasma were increased by Y2 administration. But, Y3 injected group was decreased only protein degradation level in brain. Also, glutathione, a potent water-soluble endogenous antioxidant, concentration was increased by Y2 and Y3 administration in liver and brain. However, superoxide dismutase and catalase activity as a major antioxidative enzyme in vivo were not shown change by Y2 and Y3 administration. On the basis of these result, Y2 have an antioxidative effects on both water-soluble fraction and lipid-solube fraction in cell and tissues. But, Y3 has a lower antioxidative effects on lipid-soluble fraction than Y2 in cell and tissues. These results suggest that Y2 has a antioxidative effects by protect the tissue against oxygen free radical mediated oxidative damage and Y3 has a limited antioxidaitve effects on water-soluble fraction in vivo. Therefore, we make report that Y2 is more effective prescriptions for anti-aging or therapeutics of diseases.

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Health Behavior and Health Condition of the Rural Young-Old and the Rural Old-Old in an Agricultural District (농촌 전기노인과 후기노인의 건강행태와 건강상태)

  • Hwang, Seong-Ho;Lee, Myeong-Sook;Lee, Sung-Kook
    • Journal of agricultural medicine and community health
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    • v.36 no.4
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    • pp.207-217
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    • 2011
  • Objectives: The purpose of this study is to garner useful information through a comparative analysis of health behaviors and health states between the young-old and old-old elderly in a rural Korean area. Methods: We define the young-old elderly as those 65 to 74 years of age, and the old-old as those over 70. The survey was administered in October and November of 2009 at senior citizen centers in Sangju City, Kyongsangbuk-do, South Korea. The number of subjects surveyed approximated the demographics of the aged population of the administrative district of centers of 24 eup, myeon, and dong. Results: Compared with the young-old elderly, the old-old were vulnerable to population sociological characteristics. While there were many cases of contraction of diseases, only a small percentage of old-old elderly were engaged in regular exercise. In addition, the old-old elderly lagged behind the young-old in terms of physical activity, mental and oral health, hearing, and vision. Conclusions: The vulnerability of the old-old elderly in terms of physical and mental health needs to be acknowledged as various characteristics of the elderly that appears according an age group. A variety of disease prevention and health promotion programs that focus on the health behavior and status of the young-old and old-old elderly need to be developed and put into practice.

Eliminatory Effect of Health Drink Containing Hovenia Dulcis Thunb Extract on Ethanol-Induced Hangover in Rats (헛개나무 열매 추출물을 함유한 건강음료의 숙취 제거 효과)

  • Park, Eun-Mi;Ye, Eun-Ju;Kim, Soo-Jung;Choi, Hyun-Im;Bae, Man-Jong
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Culture
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    • v.21 no.1
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    • pp.71-75
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    • 2006
  • This study was conducted to investigate the eliminatory effect of health drink containing Hovenia dulcis Thunb extract on ethanol-induced hangover in rats. Male Sprague-Dawley rats weighing $200{\pm}10\;g$ were given health drink (10 mL/kg) or other company product(10 mL/kg) 30 min before or after 40% ethanol (5 g/kg body weight) ingestion. To study the effect of health drink on blood ethanol concentration, blood was taken from caudal artery at 1, 3, 5 hr and the animal were sacrificed 24 hr after ethanol ingestion. From 1 to 5 hr, health drink pre- or postdosing significantly decreased the ethanol levels in the blood. The acetaldehyde concentration showed decrement in health drink group and other company product group. The activities of ethanol, alcohol dehydrogenase and aldehyde dehydrogenase measured at postdosing, were also not altered by the administration of health drink. Alanine aminotransferase and aspartate aminotransferase activities showed unaltered resulted in all experimental groups compared with the normal group. These results suggest that oral intake of health drink containing Hovenia dulcis Thunb is effective on elimination of ethanol-induced hangover.

Immunogenicity and Safety of a Haemophilus influenzae Type b Polysaccharide-Tetanus Toxoid Conjugate Vaccine (PRP-T: HiberixTM) in Korean Infants (우리나라 영아에서 PRP-T(HiberixTM)백신의 면역원성 및 안전성에 대한 연구)

  • Chung, Eun Hee;Kim, Yae Jean;Kim, Yun Kyung;Kim, Dong Ho;Seo, Jeong Wan;Lee, Hoan Jong
    • Pediatric Infection and Vaccine
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    • v.10 no.1
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    • pp.71-80
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    • 2003
  • Purpose : Four kinds of Haemophilus influenzae type b protein conjugate vaccines, PRPD, PRP-T, PRP-OMP and PRP-CRM197, have been developed, and PRP-T vaccines are currently produced by two manufacturer, $ActHib^{(R)}$ by Aventis and $Hiberix^{TM}$ by GlaxoSmith-Kline Biologicals. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the immunogenicity and safety of $Hiberix^{TM}$ in Korean infants. Methods : Seventy-three healthy infants(43 male infants) were recruited for this study after parental informed consent was obtained. Each infant was vaccinated at 2, 4 and 6 months of age with the study vaccine. At each visit, infants were also immunized with DTaP, trivalent oral polio vaccine and hepatitis B vaccine when indicated. The serum anti-PRP antibody was measured at prevaccination, 2 month later after the 2nd dose, and 1 month later after the 3rd dose by the ELISA method. The local and systemic adverse reactions of vaccination were monitored for 3 consecutive days after each immunization. Immunogenicity of vaccine was evaluated in infants who received all the scheduled immunization and the adverse reactions were evaluated for infants who received at least one dose of the study vaccine. Results : Among seventy three infants, enrolled in this study; sixty three(37 male infants) completed all the scheduled immunizations. The geometric mean titer(GMT) of anti-PRP antibodies at prevaccination was 0.17 ${\mu}g/mL$(95% confidence interval[CI]; 0.13~0.22). The GMT of anti-PRP antibodies increased to 4.14 ${\mu}g/mL$(95% CI; 2.65~6.48) at 2 month later after the 2nd dose of PRP-T and 14.65 ${\mu}g/mL$(95% CI; 10.83~19.81) at 1 month later after the 3rd dose. Anti-PRP antibody ${\geq}0.15$ ${\mu}g/mL$, was observed in 98.4%(95% CI; 91.8~100) after 2 doses and 100%(95% CI; 100~100) after 3 doses. Anti-PRP antibody ${\geq}1.0$ ${\mu}g/mL$, was obtained in 77.8%(95% CI; 67.5~88.0) after 2 doses, and 98.4%(95% CI; 95.3~100) after 3 doses. Most of the adverse reaction after vaccination were mild. Irritability, the most common systemic reaction, was observed in 45.5%, followed by drowsiness(30.5%), poor feeding(26.7%) and fever(5.6%). Among the local reactions tenderness was observed in 7.9%, redness(${\geq}5$ mm) in 2.8% and swelling(${\geq}5$ mm) in 1.8%. Conclusion : The PRP-T vaccine used in this study was highly immunogenic and safe in Korean young infants. The finding that high GMT and high frequency of infants with a protective titer achieved after 2 doses is consistent with the previous studies which were done with a PRP-T vaccine of other manufacturer. This study suggests that the immunization schedule of PRP-T vaccine for Korean infants may need re-evaluation.

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The ethnic difference of the prevalence of SfaN polymorphism in the nonsyndromic cleft palate (비증후군성 구개열에서 SfaN1 polymorphism발현빈도의 인종적 차이에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Myung-Hee;Nahm, Dong-Seok;Rotaru, Horatiu;Hurubeanu, Lucia;Choi, Je-Yong;Chae, Chang-Hoon;Kim, Seong-Gon
    • The korean journal of orthodontics
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    • v.34 no.3 s.104
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    • pp.261-267
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    • 2004
  • Nonsyndromic cleft lip and/or palate (NSCLP) is one of the most common congenital deformities and its prevalence in Far East Asia, such as within Korean and Japanese populations, is relatively high. However, in the eastern part of Europe, clefts are relatively rare situations. These ethnic differences infer a genetic background of the disease. The objective of this study was to compare the frequency of single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) in $TGF-{\beta}3$ between Korean and Romanian cleft families. Korean cleft families samples were collected from twenty-six families (n=78) and Romanian cleft families samples were collected from eighteen families (n=41). For sequencing, the blood or saliva of the subjects was sampled. A single nucleotide polymorphism was observed in the intron 5 of $TGF-{\beta}3$ (Al8141G). The frequency of each allele was significantly different between the Korean and Romanian samples. The Ah allele was present in 18 out of 78 Korean samples (23.1%) and in 27 out of 41 Romanian samples (65.9%). The AG was present in 27 (34.6%) out of 78 Koreans and in 13 (31.7%) out of 41 Romanians. The GG was found in 33 (42.3%) Koreans and in 1 (2.4%) Romanian. The difference between the groups was significant (p<0.001). In conclusion, the frequency of observed SNP was significantly different between the two countries. SNP in $TGF-{\beta}3$ in the Korean population seemed to have a higher possibility of occurrence for nonsyndromic cleft palate than the Romanian population.

Aqueous Extracts of Jibaekjihwang-tang Ameliorate Ovariectomy-induced Climacterium Symptoms in Mouse (난소적출 마우스에서 지백지황탕 열수 추출물의 갱년기 장애 개선 효과 평가)

  • Lee, Seung-Hye;Kim, Dong-Chul
    • The Journal of Korean Obstetrics and Gynecology
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    • v.30 no.2
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    • pp.16-36
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    • 2017
  • Objectives: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the anti-climacterium effects of Jibaekjihwang-tang (JBJHT), especially on estrogenic, anti-obesity, hypolipidemic, hepatoprotective against fatty liver and anti-osteoporotic effects by Ovariectomy (OVX) mice. Methods: In order to evaluate anti-climacterium effects of JBJHT, we used bilateral OVX female ddY mice. In this study, six groups were used; sham control, OVX control, estradiol, JBJHT 500, 250 and 125 mg/kg treated groups. Since 28 days after OVX surgery, JBJHT extracts were orally treated, and $17{\beta}$-estradiol $0.03{\mu}g/head$ were subcutaneously injected for 84 days, once a day. And then, we observed anti-climacterium effects classified into five categories; estrogenic, anti-obesity, hypolipidemic, hepatoprotective against fatty liver and anti-osteoporotic effects. The results were compared with $17{\beta}$-estradiol $0.03{\mu}g/head$/day subcutaneous treated OVX mice. Results: OVX control mice showed noticeable hypertrophic changes of adipocytes in abdominal fat pads, fatty liver, uterine atrophic changes, decreases of bone strength were also observed in OVX control. However, these estrogen-deficient climacterium symptoms were significantly and dose-dependently inhibited by JBJHT 500, 250 and 125 mg/kg treatment. Moreover, JBJHT 500 mg/kg showed comparable inhibitory effects as compared to those of estradiol $0.03{\mu}g/head$/day subcutaneous treatment. Conclusions: The results suggest that oral administration of JBJHT 500, 250 and 125 mg/kg has clear dose-dependent anti-climacterium effects in OVX mice.

Teratological Evaluation of Azinphos-Methyl in Rat Fetuses (Azinphos-methyl이 랫트 태아에 미치는 기형학적 연구)

  • Cho, Myung-Haing;Lee, Chang-Eop;Lee, Yong-Soon
    • Toxicological Research
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    • v.4 no.1
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    • pp.55-84
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    • 1988
  • This study was carried out to investigate the teratological potential of azinphos-methyl in the rat fetuses and to establish the nature of the effects on organogenesis and intrauterine development. The Sprague-Dawley female rats (180-210g) without previous litter were used in this study. Azinphos-methyl dosages of 0.094mg/kg, 0.4mg/kg, 1.5mg/kg were selected based on the acute intragastric $LD_{50}$ of 15mg/kg in the rat. Azinphos-methyl in water (Treatment Group), non-treatment control (Negative Control), water control (Sham Control), were administered by oral route and aqueous solution of acetyl salicylic acid (Positive Control) was administered by gavage at rate of 10 ml/kg of body weight from day 6 through 15. The results obtained were summarized as follows. 1. Decreased body weight of dams was observed in animals treated with aspirin and azinphos-methyl 1.5 mg/kg from day 7 through 14. (P<0.01) 2. There was an apparent decrement in the absolute liver weight in the azinphos-methyl 1.5 mg/kg treated group (P<0.05). However, the absolute and relative kidney weight in aspirin group (P<0.05, P<0.01) and the absolute and relative ovary weight in aspirin, azinphos-methyl treatment groups (P<0.01, P<0.05) were increased. 3. Decreased protein contents of dam's liver was observed in the aspirin and high dose azinphos-methyl treated group of animals (P<0.01). 4. The number of male-female ratio per dam increased in azinphos-methyl 1.5 mg/kg group but there was an apparent decrement in the body weight of fetuses in aspirin and high dose azinphos-methyl group (P<0.01, P<0.05). Total immature and resorbed fetuses were increased in aspirin group and the number of dead fetuses were also increased in azinphos-methyl 1.5mg/kg treated group of animals. (P<0.01, P<0.05). 5. In soft tissue defects, diaphragmatic hernia in diaphragm, anophthalmia, enlarged olfactory bulb, hydrocephalus, absence of third and lateral ventricle in skull, hydronephrosis in kidney, atrophy of left ventricle wall, enlarged apex in heart were observed. Especially, defects of diaphragm, heart and eye ball showed peak incidences in the high dose azinphosmethyl and aspirin group. (P<0.01). 6. Variations in the ossification patterns of skull, sternebrae, tail, forelimbs and hindlimbs showed peak incidences in the aspirin and high dose azinphos-methyl group. (P<0.01). 7. In the developmental indices of offspring, the mortality of aspirin and azinphos-methyl 1.5mg/kg treated group was higher than that of negative control. And, there was an apparent decrement in the body weight of fetuses (P<0.01) and considerable differences were obtained in pivoting, development of fur, auditory function, vision, quadrupled muscle development and testes descent in aspirin and azinphos-methyl 1.5mg/kg group. (P<0.01).

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Experimental study on Cervi Cornu on Adjuvant Arthritis in rats (록각(鹿角)의 Adjuvant 관절염(關節炎)에 대한 실험적(實驗的) 연구(硏究))

  • Shin, Ji-Won;Park, Jai-Young;Park, Hee-Soo
    • Journal of Pharmacopuncture
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    • v.5 no.1 s.8
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    • pp.113-133
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    • 2002
  • Objective: To investigate effects of Cervi Cornu on Adjuvant Athritis in rats, the edema inhibit rate, the anaJgesic effects, the number of WBC, RA facter, Platelet, the quantity of CRP, total protein, albumin and globuline in the blood serum were measured in the arthritis part. Results: The results obtained as fonows ; 1. After arthritis of Sprague dawley(SD) rats was induced by injecting Freund's complete adjuvant for 2 weeks, any treatment was not for Control group, acupunctured for Treat Ⅰ group. normal saJine was ora] administrated for the Treat Ⅱ group, Cervi Cornu Ex. was oral administrated for Treat Ⅲ, and Cervi Cornu Herbal-acupullcture was injected for Trea Ⅳ group during 2 weeks every other day. Selected point was on pressure pain point in both groups. And then the edema inhibit rate were checked. The edema inhibit rate was $46.03\%$ in Treat I group, $43.24\%$ Treat IV group, $37.44\%$ in Treat III. there was significance in the edema inhibit rate between Control group and Treat group, in order of Treat Ⅰ, Ⅳ, Ⅲ.(p<0.05) 2. The analgesic effects was $7.58{\pm}1.80$(${\times}10$gm) in Control group. $11.00{\pm}1.10$(${\times}10$gm) in Treat Ⅰ group. $99.92{\pm}1.28$(${\times}10$gm) in Treat Ⅲ group and $14.67{\pm}1.03$(${\times}10$gm) in Treat Ⅳ group. There was significance in the analgesic effects between Control group and Treat group(p<0.05) 3. The number of WBC was $14.72{\pm}1.48$(${\times}10^3$㎕) in control Group, $10.26{\pm}1.13$(${\times}10^3$㎕) in Treat Ⅰ group, $11.00{\pm}1.13$(${\times}103$㎕) in Treat Ⅱ Group and $9.63{\pm}1.75$(${\times}10^3$㎕) in Treat Ⅳ group. There was significance in the number of WBC between Control group and Treat group(p<0.05) 4. The content of total protein in the blood serum were $6.13{\pm}0.05$g/dl in control group, $5.73{\pm}0.14$g/dl in Treat I group, $5.88{\pm}0.13$g/dl in Treat Ⅲ group and $5.90{\pm}0.13$g/dl in Treat IV group. There was significance in The content of total protein in the blood serum between Control group and Treat group(p<0.05) 5. The contests of albumin in the blood serum were $2.32{\pm}0.12$g/dl in the Control group, $2.35{\pm}0.05$g/dl in Treat Ⅰ group, $2.35{\pm}0.05$g/dl in Treat Ⅱ group, $2.30{\pm}0.06$g/dl in Treat Ⅲ group, $2.42{\pm}0.08$g/dl in Treat IV group. There was no significance in The content of albumin in the blood serum between Control group and Treat group(p<0.05) 6. The contests of globulin in the blood semm were $3.68{\pm}0.08$g/dl in the Control group, $3.43{\pm}0.12$g/dl in Treat Ⅰ group, $3.55{\pm}0.10$g/dl in Treat IV group. There was significance in The content of globulin in the blood serum between Control group and Treat group(p<0.05) 7. The numbers of RA factor were $3.47{\pm}0.54$IU/ml in Control group and $2.38{\pm}0.50$IU/ml in Treat Ⅱ group. There was significance inThe numbers of RA factor between Control group and Treat group(p<0.05) 8. The numbers of platelet were $1126.33{\pm}1126.33{\pm}85.93{times}10^3$/㎕ in Control group, $1043.33{\pm}80.80{times}10^3$/㎕ in Treat Ⅰ group, $1116.82{\pm}77.93{times}10^3$/㎕ in Treat Ⅱ group, $1164.17{\pm}94.02{times}10^3$/㎕l in Treat Ⅲ group, $1076.67{\pm}54.84{times}10^3$/㎕ in Treat Ⅳ group. There was no significance in The numbers of platelet between Control group and Treat group(p<0.05) 9. The quantity of CRP were $0.05{\pm}0.01$mg/ml in Control group, $0.05{\pm}0.01$mg/ml in Treat Ⅰ group, $0.06{\pm}0.01$mg/ml in Treat Ⅱ group, $0.05{\pm}0.00$mg/ml in Treat Ⅲ group, $0.05{\pm}0.00$mg/ml in Treat Ⅳ group. There was no significance in The quantity of CRP between Control group and Treat group(p<0.05) Concluslon : From these results, it is shown Cervi Comu Herbal-acupuncture more efffective thaJJ Cervi Cornu Ex. on Adjuvant Arthritis in rats.