• Title/Summary/Keyword: online distribution channel

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Comparative research on the preferences and choices of distribution channels depending on the consumption characteristics on fashion consumer - Focused on active Korean and Chinese seniors - (패션 소비자의 유통채널 선호 및 소비 특성에 따른 유통채널 선택에 관한 비교연구 - 한·중 액티브 시니어 비교를 중심으로 -)

  • Sang In Lee;Jihun Yu
    • The Research Journal of the Costume Culture
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    • v.31 no.3
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    • pp.361-378
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    • 2023
  • This research not only determined the preference of fashion brand distribution channels of active Korean and Chinese seniors who became major consumers in the fashion industry, but also analyzed the effect on these preferences and choices of distribution channels depending on personal consumption characteristics and differences between the two groups. Data was collected by a professional survey firm. SPSS 24.0 and AMOS 24.0 were used for empirical analysis, and frequency analysis, multiple response analysis, EFA, reliability analysis, CFA, SEM, and multiple-group comparison analysis were performed. As a result of multiple response analysis, the offline channel was revealed as the preferred fashion distribution channel for active Korean and Chinese seniors; the second most popular was the online channel. The results of multiple-group comparison analysis reveal differences between two groups in seeking emotional consumption via the offline channel; the effect was only evident for active Korean seniors. A difference in seeking emotional consumption via preference for online channel also existed, but only for active Chinese seniors. For these reasons, marketers targeting active Korean seniors will be effective to not only offer brand information by fashion display to let seniors understand the fashion brand, but also to have brand events to form positive emotions toward the fashion brand. Moreover, targeting active Chinese seniors will be necessary to transmit brand sensibility by utilizing metaverse marketing comprising various factors, so that consumers can enjoy the fashion brand.

The Influence Relationship among Consumers' Characteristics, Information Search, and Purchase Decision in On/Offline Retailing Environment (온/오프라인 유통환경에서 소비자특성, 정보탐색, 구매결정 간 영향관계에 관한 연구)

  • Chae, Jin Mie
    • The Korean Fashion and Textile Research Journal
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    • v.22 no.3
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    • pp.323-334
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    • 2020
  • This study analyzed the effects of consumers' characteristic variables on information search and purchase decisions in a decision-making process that validated the path model in purchasing apparel products. In constructing a structural equation model using AMOS 19.0., the variables including enjoyment pursuit, price pursuit, product involvement and product risk were selected as consumers' characteristic variables affecting the stage of information search. A questionnaire was distributed to consumers over 20 years old who purchased apparel products using offline and online channels within one year; consequently, we were able to analyze 468 effective data. The results were as follows. First, the path model of this research proved to be the appropriate model explaining the effects of consumers' characteristic variables on the stage of purchase decision-making. Second, enjoyment pursuit had a significant positive influence on offline information search; in addition, price pursuit and product risk affected the online information search significantly. Product involvement affected online information search as well as offline information search. Third, the offline information search affected offline purchase and online information search affected online purchase. However, consumer's channel switching behavior between the stage of information search and the stage of purchase decision was not proven. The findings suggest that companies need to develop distribution strategies according to consumers' characteristic factors that effect consumer's purchase decision-making.

The Influence of Portal Site News Services on Online Journalism in Korea: The Structural Transformation or the Power Change in the News Distribution (포털 뉴스서비스와 온라인 저널리즘의 지형: 뉴스 유통의 구조 변동 혹은 권력 변화)

  • Kim, Wi-Geun
    • Korean journal of communication and information
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    • v.66
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    • pp.5-27
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    • 2014
  • The past, present, and future of online journalism in Korea are inextricably bound up with the portal site news services. In traditional journalism, finite news media took hold on news consumption completely because of performing news production and distribution simultaneously. Since then, in the age of multi-media and multi-channel, the audience selection has become more important because of greatly increasing news media and then exploding news production. In online journalism, the news distribution have emerged as the most important field because of the intensive consuming the portal site news services making use of various news easier, the characteristic of news consumption focusing on not news media brands but news media contents, etc. Therefore, the news present landscape of Korean journalism oriented news distribution has been completed by that the portal site news services became the symbol of online journalism. That the portal site news services performing only news distribution have more influence than the paper based online newspapers and Internet based online newspapers producing news means the change of media power. By this, a conflict between news media and portal site news services appears at all times.

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An Analysis on the Omni-Channel Strategy of Distribution Enterprise in Domestic and International (국내·외 유통업체의 옴니채널 전략 활용현황 분석)

  • Oh, Jung-Ah
    • Korean Institute of Interior Design Journal
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    • v.25 no.5
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    • pp.111-120
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    • 2016
  • Unlike the past, brick-and-mortar is no longer on the priority list for the shopping activity. Instead, it is replaced by various non-store shopping alternatives, such as Internet, TV, catalog, mobile, etc. As consumers engage digitally, they made fewer trips to stores. Especially, as mobile shopping made the price comparison possible while shopping in the store, new shopping trend of 'showrooming' came to the fore as the serious issue. In order to cope with the this crisis, many brick-and-mortar retailers utilize omni-channel strategy for their countermeasure. This research paper is to suggest the omni-channel strategy that is applicable for the brick-and-mortar retailers. The results are as follows. First, in order to set up the connected-channel shopping environment, consumers have to be exposed to the environment that can deliver the continuous brand experience under the same price policy, brand and store management, etc, as integrating the various purchasing channels into one. Especially, in-store environment needs to change for the place where consumer experience is stressed for the most as using virtual reality devices with augmented reality technology. Also, the online digital kiosk, and tablet that consumer can order the products through the online channel while shopping in-store Second, the barrier-free in-store environment should be offered in order to increase the consumer convenience. This change will allow consumer communicate with the store environment more effectively. Lastly, brick-and-mortar should extend the physical territory as utilizing the offline's advantage and disadvantage through setting up the digital interactive wall or pop-up store for increasing the opportunity of customer interaction with the store. Moreover, visiting service for the elderly, housewife with the baby, or disabled person will be one of the effective substitute.

A Factors Effecting Online Social Decisions in Online Consumer Behavior

  • HAN, Sang-Seol
    • Journal of Distribution Science
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    • v.18 no.3
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    • pp.67-76
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    • 2020
  • Purpose: Consumers are affected by the purchase of a large number of opinions or support during the online purchasing process. This can be defined as the term of 'social decisions' on line. This paper seeks to explore the factors of influence on social decisions in on-line environment and to study in depth. Methodology: The purpose of this paper is to empirically examine the impact of factors on online social decisions. To verify the hypothesis of study, This study collected 256 from Seoul City, Gyeonggi Province and Chungcheong Province through Survey. Results: According to the research results, First, eWOM information usefulness have a positive impact on online social decisions, Second, online network connectedness have a positive impact on online social decisions. Third, innovative product have a positive impact on online social decisions. and the lower the category of knowledge, the more inclined it is to make online social decisions. Finally, social decisions have a positive impact on purchasing decisions about product. It is most significant that academic research has advanced consumer behavior in response to recent changes in the consumption environment. It is meaningful that we have studied in depth the changing consumer decision process in online channel environment.

Qualitative Study: The Development of Music Business Distribution Channels to Attract Potential Customers

  • Jeong-Eun PARK
    • Journal of Distribution Science
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    • v.21 no.6
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    • pp.13-20
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    • 2023
  • Purpose: This research explores the development of music business distribution channels to attract potential customers based on the current and prior literature. As a result, the research will provide solutions for practitioners in the music distribution channel how they create effective channel in new industry phase which has experienced significant changes due to technological advancement and consumer behavior. Research design, data, and methodology: To obtain textual data in the literature storage, the author conducted content analysis. Even though there are numerous textual resources, selecting only high-quality text data that is only peer-reviewed journal articles and books consistently indicate a high degree of reliability and validity to keep the advantage form content analysis approach. Results: The present study figured out that there are five strategies to attract potential consumers in the music distribution channel, such as (1) 'Marketing Mix', (2) 'Streaming Platforms and Online Music Stores', (3) 'Brick and Mortar Stores and Concerts, and Events', (4) 'Platforms Exclusives and Limited-Edition Merchandise', and 'Partnerships and collaborations. Conclusions: In sum, the practitioners need to consider include building relationships with the fans, studying and understanding their target market, utilizing multiple available distribution channels, embracing new technologies, and analyzing the effectiveness of the adopted distribution channels.

The Role of Empathy in Crowdfunding Channel Platform

  • BAN, Juil;LEE, Han-Suk
    • Journal of Distribution Science
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    • v.18 no.10
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    • pp.15-23
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    • 2020
  • Purpose: Crowdfunding can be a complementary channel in which start-ups or small companies can obtain financial help and take advantage of exploiting the online potential. To activate crowdfunding, it is necessary to consider a consumer's empathic responses. This article examines the role of empathy in the crowdfunding channel platform. We adopted the identification-commitment model to prove the role of empathy. Research design, data, and methodology: Participants were asked to read the charitable crowdfunding campaign. More than 300 young adults completed an online questionnaire and we analyzed it with structural equation modeling (SEM). To find out the role of empathy, we postulate several models which use empathy variable for different purposes. Results: We conclude that empathy has the role of moderator in the identification-commitment model. This means the high empathic response helped the relationship between identification and commitment. However, low empathic response can negatively influence the process of identification to commitment. Conclusions: This study found that virtual empathy is positively related to crowdfunding participation if we can elevate empathy in the crowdfunding channel platform. The findings also show that we need to consider empathic response when we want to raise funds for specific projects such as protecting the natural environment.

A Study on Influencing Factors of Channel Preference (스마트 환경에서 오프라인, 온라인, 옴니채널 선호도의 영향요인에 관한 한·중 비교연구)

  • Park, Jung-Ryeol;Kwon, Sun-Dong;Park, Hyun-Jung
    • Journal of Information Technology Applications and Management
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    • v.23 no.2
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    • pp.239-261
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    • 2016
  • Wide use of smart and high performing mobile device makes consumers use diverse distribution channels, composed of online and offline channel. Smart companies are trying to deploy omni channel. In order to successfully integrate these diverse channels, it is necessary to understand consumers' preference of channel choice. Thus, this study was focused on the influencing factors of channel preference such as price sensitivity, consumer innovativeness, time pressure, and need-for-touch. And this study compared these influencing factors between Korea and China, and drew meaningful message for e-commerce companies and offline distribution companies.

Influences of channel assessment on the usage levels of multi-channels by product category in decision making process for purchasing fashion products (패션상품 구매의사 결정과정에서의 상품유형별 채널평가가 멀티채널 이용도에 미치는 영향)

  • Park, Sung Ryul;Kim, Mi Sook
    • The Research Journal of the Costume Culture
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    • v.24 no.6
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    • pp.803-816
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    • 2016
  • The purposes of this study were to investigate the influences of channel assessments on the usage of multi-channels by product types, and the differences in the usage of multi-channels among product types in buying decision making process for fashion products. Data were collected from 510 consumers in their 20s to 50s with purchasing experiences through multi-channel distribution system and living in Seoul and Kyunggi province; 491 were analyzed after deleting incomplete questionnaires. Factor analysis, multiple regression analysis and one-way ANOVA were used for statistical analysis by using SPSS 18.0. The results were as follows: 5 factors were extracted for channel assessment: utility, accuracy, risk, price benefit and sharing information. Price benefits, utility and sharing information for online channel tended to influence positively on the usage of online channel and online+offline channels. Accuracy and low perceived risk of offline influenced positively on offline and on+offline channel usages. The usage levels of on-line and off-line channels for cosmetics were significantly lower than the usage levels for clothes and accessories on information search, evaluation of alternatives, and purchase stages. Significant differences were also found in the usage levels of multi-channels (on+off-line) on information search and evaluation of alternatives stages. The usage levels of the multi-channels for clothes were the highest followed by those of accessories and cosmetics in order.

Assessing Interactions Among Omnichannel Attributes, Customer Perceptions, Customer Experience, Channel Selection

  • NGUYEN, Hai Ninh;NGUYEN, Anh Duc
    • Journal of Distribution Science
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    • v.20 no.3
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    • pp.1-11
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    • 2022
  • Purpose: This study aims at understanding the impacts of three omnichannel attributes (channel transparency, channel uniformity, channel convenience) and four customer perceptions (perceived innovativeness, perceived personalization, perceived risk, perceived credibility) on customer experience and channel selection decision. Research design and methodology: A quantitative online survey with 356 shoppers was executed. The partial least squares linear structural model (PLS-SEM) and Smart PLS were adopted to analyze the collected data and test the proposed hypotheses. Results: The research findings indicate four dominant results: (i) The customers' channel selection is directly determined by customer experience; perceived innovativeness; perceived personalization; perceived risk; and perceived credibility; and (ii) among these, the perceived risk shows negative impact on the customer's experience and customers' channel selection whereas others reveal the positive status; (iii) The customer experience represents the most decisive impact on the channel selection, then perceived personalization, perceived credibility, perceived innovativeness, and perceived risk. (iv) Three proposed channel attributes (transparency, uniformity, convenience) significantly influence the overall customer experience. Conclusions: This research adds to the body of knowledge in omnichannel retailing, customer experience, and customer channel selection. Furthermore, this research provides omnichannel retailers with practical implications for improving customer channel selection.