• Title/Summary/Keyword: online distribution channel

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Impacts of Perceived Innovativeness of Convenience Store on Consumer Brand Engagement and Store Loyalty (편의점의 혁신성이 인지적 인게지먼트와 정서적 인게이지먼트, 그리고 점포충성도에 미치는 영향)

  • LEE, Young-Eun;LEE, Yong-Ki
    • The Korean Journal of Franchise Management
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.35-46
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    • 2022
  • Purpose: With the rapid changes in the technical development and the trend of consumption trend, the convenience store industry is facing an unprecedented competitive situation in the consumption environment where the boundary between online and offline is broken due to the stagnation of offline distribution channels and the spread of online shopping. The biggest innovation strategy of the major convenience store brands in recent years are introducing the O2O (Online to Offline) platform and presenting new products and services beyond the boundaries of online and offline to transform themselves into Omni Channel stores. The study is designed to analyze the effect of innovativeness of convenience store as a stimulus in O2O platform which customers perceive on store loyalty, the final response to external stimuli, through customer engagement with convenience store brands. Specifically, the innovativeness of convenience stores was divided into types of core activities in corporate marketing and focused on innovations in services, products(proposals), promotions and experiences. Research design, data, and methodology: Various hypotheses have been developed to achieve this research purpose. The data were collected from 1,128 questionnaires the age between 15 and 60 who had experience using retail store apps and delivery apps and were analyzed using SPSS 22.0 and SmartPLS 3.3.7 program. Measurement model analysis was carried out to assess convergent and discriminant validity. Also, common method bias was tested using the values of VIF (variance inflation factor). The hypotheses were tested using structural equation modeling with SmartPLS 3.3.7 program. Results: First, service innovation has a positive effect on cognitive engagement. Second, product, promotion and experience innovation have a positive effect on cognitive and affective engagement. Third, cognitive influences affective engagement. Finally, both cognitive and affective engagement affect store loyalty, but affective engagement has a stronger effect on store loyalty than cognitive engagement. Conclusions: All four types of innovation and cognitive engagement have a positive effect on emotional engagement, which has a stronger effect on store loyalty than cognitive engagement. Thus, while innovation can build loyalty through emotional engagement, innovation strategies must be designed and pursued with caution in terms of impact through cognitive engagement may not achieve the planned goals.

An Empirical Study on Consumer Value Factors in the Sustainable Competitiveness of Mobile Shopping Channels (모바일 쇼핑채널의 지속가능한 경쟁력에 영향을 미치는 소비자 가치 요인에 관한 연구)

  • Huh, Hoon;Kim, Sun Young
    • Journal of Korean Society of Industrial and Systems Engineering
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    • v.45 no.3
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    • pp.163-172
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    • 2022
  • The development of ICT technology has created new channels for product sales and promotion, which not only make information accessible to customers as easy as possible, but also provide consumers with much more absolute and comparative information. Modern consumers are exposed so many shopping channels currently, especially mobile-based channels have grown significantly and have become the center of the market. It is true that mobile shopping has led the growth of overall online shopping with the recent development of mobile devices such as smartphones and related software. The importance of strengthening corporate competitiveness and mobile-based management strategies through on line channels continues to increase. At this point, this study attempted to investigate the influencing factors by focusing on the entire distribution channel and mobile shopping channels. As most of previous studies were focused on Internet shopping malls or specific channels, So the research on mobile channels can be judged to be timely and appropriate. Furthermore, it can be said that mobile shopping channels are now presenting empirical implications. In conclusion, it provides practical implications to examine the management strategy of mobile shopping channels from the perspective of consumer value.

The Effects of Consumer Perception of Contactless Method on Shopping Switching Intention in Fashion Products Purchase-Focusing on the Experiential Value's Moderating Effects of Offline Fashion Stores- (패션제품구매에서의 콘택트리스 방식에 대한 소비자 인식이 쇼핑전환의도에 미치는 영향 -오프라인 패션매장의 경험적 가치의 조절효과를 중심으로-)

  • Jeong, Dayun
    • Journal of Fashion Business
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    • v.26 no.3
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    • pp.1-18
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    • 2022
  • The COVID-19 pandemic has not only increased customer preference for contactless methods but also created digital business opportunities in a variety of industries. Particularly in the fashion industry, contactless distribution and contactless shopping have increased significantly. This study identifies the changed consumers' perception of contactless shopping, which has been expanded due to the COVID-19 pandemic and analyzes specific factors that influence shopping switching intention to derive efficient marketing plans for post COVID-19 era. The study targeted Korean male and female consumers. The perceived value, usefulness, and alternative attractiveness of contactless shopping had a significant effect on shopping switching intention, and a moderating effect of offline fashion stores was confirmed. These results indicate that customers' experience in a fashion store influences their next online and offline shoping. This study, therefore, proposed the direction that the fashion industry should advance from a marketing perspective in the post COVID-19 era.

The Impact of Nature of Purchase and Purchase Utility on Purchase Intention According to Retailtainment (리테일테인먼트에 따라 구매특성과 구매효용이 구매의도에 미치는 영향)

  • Oh, Hyun-Seok;Cheon, Hongsik J.
    • Journal of Distribution Science
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    • v.16 no.12
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    • pp.57-68
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    • 2018
  • Purpose - The development of technologies lead the volume of sale on online market increase but an off-line shopping center is still a core component in the omni-channel strategy. It is generally thought that high-level retailtainment on brick and mortar store affects purchase intentions positively, but some previous studies dispute that and have reported that retailtainment does not affect purchase intentions. So we have studied the additional factors' effect - the nature of purchase and utility - with retailtainment. Research design, data, and methodology - There are 8 treatment groups which were assigned by the method of retailtainment (high vs. low), nature of purchase (essential vs. non-essential), and utility (acquisition vs. transaction). A total of 240 subjects (office workers = 163, 68%; undergraduates = 77, 32%; average age = 30s; female = 39%) were divided into groups and exposed to one of the eight scenarios. Participant's purchase intention was the dependent, and ANOVA and L-matrix were used to analyze for main and interactive effects between factors. Results - First, the main effect and interactive effect between retailtainment and the nature of purchase are significant. We also found that the contrast between essential and non-essential at low-level retailtainment is higher than that of high-level retailtainment. Second, in the case of retailtainment and utility, transaction utility under high-level retailtainment affects purchase intentions positively. Third, between the nature of the purchase and utility, the main effect of the nature of purchase and the interactive effect is significant, but the main effect of utility is not significant. In the case of non-essential goods, the purchase intention was high when transaction utility was provided but in the case of essential goods, acquisition utility increased purchase intentions. Finally, when transaction utility is given, purchase intentions of essential goods increase under low retailtainment, and the purchase intentions of non-essential goods increase under high retailtainment. Conclusions - When customers buy essential goods, discounts decrease purchase intentions. During the season for bargain sales, purchase intentions increase when retailtainment of essential goods is low, and retailtainment of non-essential goods is high.

Omnichannel's Perception Effect on Omnichannel Use and Customer-Brand Relationship (옴니채널의 지각된 편리성과 유용성이 옴니채널 사용과 소비자-브랜드 관계에 미치는 영향)

  • Yim, Duk-Soon;Han, Sang-Seol
    • Journal of Distribution Science
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    • v.14 no.7
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    • pp.83-90
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    • 2016
  • Purpose - This study focuses on new type distribution channel that named as Omnichannel. Omnichannel is developed from Multichannel which is used in many distribution channels to buy or selling goods. Omnichannel basically needs an Information and Communications Technologies(ICT) to use, so researcher conduct a Technology Acceptance Model(TAM) to research model. Customer-brand relationship was used as dependent variable to focus on the role of Omnichannel. Research design, data, and methodology - The subject of this study is customer who purchase goods or service through omnichannel. Based on the literature from the preceding research analysis of TAM and customer-brand relationship, this study was constructed by the reference to previous studies, final research model design for figure out casual relationship among perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness, omnichannel use and customer-brand relationship. From 2016 February 3 to March 17, questionnaire survey targeted customers who use online and offline channels. 273 questionnaire survey had conducted, then, 252 survey data were available for empirical analysis. Researcher provide descriptive statistics for checking generality. Cronbach's alpha value was used to check the reliability of data. Exploratory factor analysis was used for purification of values and eigenvalue checking. After EFA, Confirmatory factor analysis was used to prepare structural equation modeling with executing structural equation modeling for confirming hypothesis which developed by researcher. Results - The main results of this empirical study are as follows. First, omnichannel's perceived ease of use has positive significant effect on perceived usefulness(estimate: 0.579). Moreover, omnichannel's perceived ease of use and perceived usefulness has positive significant effect on omnichannel use(estimate: 0.325,0.648). Second, using omnichannel has positive significant effect on brand-customer relationship(estimate: 0.521). Every hypothesis adopted as researcher designed. This study found out the intermediate relationship between perceived ease of use and omnichannel use by investigating hypothesis. Conclusions - Base on the empirical result, this study confirmed that TAM theory perceived has relation with omnichannel. First, factors of TAM has positive effect on omnichannel use, so it highlights the important role of customer based interface and usefulness. Especially, perceived usefulness has high indirect influence on ease of use and use of omnichannel. It seems that when customers try to decide use or not use omnichannel, customers focus on percept benefits from omnichannel. Thus, a provider should applicate attractive price table, accurate product or service information and high switching cost strategy to emphasize the usefulness of omnichannel. Second, using omnichannel enhances the relationship between customers and brand, because there are more time and frequency to serve customers. It is important because good relationship between customers can increase the future's financial performance through word of mouse, positive brand image and loyalty to brand or company. Finally, despite of empirical result and implications, this study has limitations. First, there are only a few previous studies about omnicahnnel, so literature reviews are restricted. While set up the factors which can affect the use of omnichannel, next study should be considered with broader theories or models(ex: contingency theory). Second, omnichannel has developed from multichannel, so comparative analysis is needed between these methods because there is a possibility about different forte character of each distribution system on customer's consuming patterns.

The Effects of Mobile Social Commerce Characteristics on the Purchase Intention -Focusing on the Mediating Effects of Shopping Values- (모바일 소셜 커머스 특성이 구매의도에 미치는 영향 -쇼핑가치의 매개효과를 중심으로-)

  • Choi, Beet-Na;Han, Kyung-Il
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.16 no.8
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    • pp.89-98
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    • 2018
  • The emergence of the mobile commerce market as a new megatrend, mobile shopping is becoming an important distribution channel in the domestic online shopping market. The purpose of this study is to classify shopping values perceived by mobile social commerce users into a utilitarian value and a hedonic value explained and to empirically examine the effects of social commerce characteristics on the purchase intention and shopping values in mobile social commerce. conclusion, this implies that site providers and sellers need to try to supply cheaper and more economical products than those offline and provide the most effective and optimum information and service so sellers and consumers can exchange messages with each other and create meanings.

The effect of information source and content informativeness on acceptance intention in a live commerce shopping environment - The mediating effects of trust - (라이브 커머스 쇼핑환경에서 정보원 특성과 콘텐츠 정보성이 소비자 수용의도에 미치는 효과 - 신뢰의 매개효과를 중심으로 -)

  • Choi, Mi Young
    • The Research Journal of the Costume Culture
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    • v.29 no.4
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    • pp.554-571
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    • 2021
  • The purpose of this study is to investigate the mediating effect of trust when a media broadcaster (such as a disc jockey [DJ]) acting as an information source and the content they provide during live commerce streaming affect acceptance intention. Live commerce is increasing rapidly, offering a new fashion distribution channel by supplementing possible shortcomings of existing online shopping. Data was collected for the empirical study from female consumers in their 20s who actively accepted fashion technology. Statistical analysis of the data was conducted using IBM SPSS Macro Process 3.5. First, the reliability and validity of the variables for information source characteristics, content informativeness, trust, and acceptance intention were verified, and each variable was confirmed as a single factor. Bootstrap analysis was performed using Macro Process Model 4 to reveal the effects of information source characteristics and content informativeness on acceptance intention. As a result of analyzing the mediating effect for each path model with trust as a parameter, it was found that both the direct and indirect effects of the mediating path were significant. This result means that the characteristics of information sources and content informativeness are partially mediated by trust. Therefore, to promote consumer behavior in a live commerce shopping environment, it is necessary to enhance trust. This can be achieved by a media broadcaster with fashion expertise to increase the perception of the attractiveness of the information source and to improve the usefulness of the fashion information being delivered.

The Effect of Addictive Shopping Orientation on Post-purchase Emotions and Behaviors (패션제품 중독구매성향이 구매 후 감정 및 행동에 미치는 영향)

  • Lee, Jin-Hwa;Lee, Jeong-O
    • Management & Information Systems Review
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    • v.30 no.4
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    • pp.195-227
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    • 2011
  • There is no doubt that distribution channels and services greatly satisfy consumers' desires. Lots of products and services, stimulate consumers to purchase products to relieve their depressed feeling/stress temporarily, leading them gradually to a shopping addiction. Shopping addiction generates lots of problems, damaging not only consumers themselves but also other consumers and the entire society. Therefore, the purposes of this study were 1) to examine psychological factors that affected addictive shopping orientation of consumers, 2) to explore the effects addictive shopping orientation on the post-purchase emotions(positive emotion/negative emotion), 3) to examine the effect of post-purchase emotions on post-purchase behaviors (repurchasing/refund and exchange/negative word of mouth). 4) the study explored the differences in terms of effects of addictive shopping orientations on post-purchase emotions and behaviors, depending on the retailing channel (online and off line). The study performed a questionnaire survey for female adults older than 18 years old, living Seoul and Pusan areas. By using 404 copies for questionnaires, factor analysis, reliability analysis, and Amos 7.0 were used for the data analysis. It was found that psychological variables, self-esteem, compensatory buying and impulsiveness, had significant effects on addictive shopping orientations. Addictive shopping orientations affect both positive and negative post-purchase emotions in case of off-line shopping. Negative post-purchase emotions have higher impact on the postpurchase behaviors than positive post-purchase emotions.

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Market evaluation and entry strategies for oyster mushroom 'Hwanggeumsantari(Pleurotus pulmonarius)' (느타리버섯 '황금산타리(Pleurotus pulmonarius)'의 시장성 평가와 시장 진입 전략)

  • Nam-Won Park;Yeon-Jin Kim;Chae-Young Lee;Jeong-Han Kim;Jong-In Choi;Yun-Hae Lee
    • Journal of Mushroom
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    • v.22 no.3
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    • pp.122-127
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    • 2024
  • This study was conducted to evaluate the market potential of 'Hwanggeumsantari', a new oyster mushroom variety developed in Gyeonggi Province in 2019, and to derive effective market entry strategies. To objectively assess the marketability of 'Hwanggeumsantari' from various perspectives, a panel of 50 consumers was formed, and surveys and interviews were conducted. Additionally, two Focus Group Interviews were held with distributors in the agri-food sector. The results showed that potential consumers were positive about the color and texture of 'Hwanggeumsantari', but expressed relatively less satisfaction with its shelf life and aroma. Distributors, through tow Focus Group Interviews, evaluated that the product had sufficient market competitiveness, but called for efforts to improve cultivation techniques and enhance price competitiveness. Based on the results of market evaluations by consumers and distributors, a SWOT analysis was conducted. The main strengths identified were its outstanding color and texture, while the main weakness was its freshness issue. Meanwhile, the growing demand for healthy foods and various online sales channels could provide market entry opportunities for 'Hwanggeumsantari', but high sensitivity to price in the case of premium pricing could pose a threat. Consequently, a market entry strategy for 'Hwanggeumsantari' was proposed using a 4P mix approach based on the SWOT analysis results. The product strategy emphasized premium positioning, small packaging, and the development of packaging technology to maintain freshness. The price strategy proposed premium pricing and the operation of incentive programs. The distribution strategy suggested channel diversification, direct stores, or direct sales, while the promotion strategy emphasized storytelling and collaboration with influencers.

A Study on the Education and Training system in Korean Animation Industry - Suggestions about Curriculum in a Department of Animation in Korean Universities from the Perspective of Arts and Cultural Management (한국 애니메이션 인력 양성 시스템에 대한 연구 - 대학 애니메이션 교육 과정에 대한 예술경영적 제언)

  • Kang, Yunju
    • Cartoon and Animation Studies
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    • s.34
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    • pp.317-344
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    • 2014
  • Perspectives on the basis of arts and cultural management, this study intends to suggest improvements in core curriculums that are required in order for South Korea, a country that has initiated into the animation industry through outsourcing from big-budget animation production countries such as America and Japan, to develop its own strong base in creative animation industry. The perspectives of arts management in this context means an integration nexus between human studies, social science and management, and suggestions are as follow: First, it is crucial to understand the current trend of animation industry structure across the globe, as well as to develop the ability of co-production. Animation industry often requires technical skills, capital strength and human resources, each having equal importance. Therefore, thorough analysis of the three components in worldwide animation industry must be preceded for animation production services. To do so, collaboration with major animation creation countries is the best option and is highly encouraged, so that the national animation curriculum shall be enhanced to meet such demands and hence develop various abilities. The second is a good understanding of new-media and new-platforms. Not only the traditional distributor of animation such as television and theater, the distribution system expands its scope to a variety of online sources including pod-casts and the Internet. Under these circumstances, a deep understanding towards animation distribution system and an analysis of the new consumer channel are also of paramount importance for animation production. Third, a possibility of animation supply chain through diversified routes and media have paved the way for a possible animation production services and distribution without a mega-budget. Thus, new curriculum shall need to reinforce marketing and management aspects that will in turn help individuals to establish a self-employed creative business. Last but not least, this study further includes illustration of current curriculum of animation studies in national universities, followed by detailed suggestions for the curriculum improvements based on the above mentioned three factors. It was observed that the current curriculums have been solely focused on practical works and technical skills of animation and art studies; a four-year-course colleges that provide animation courses usually lack components of human studies, social science and management. Thus, this study proposes essential contexts of management studies that are needed for individual business and also curriculum improvements that are derived from the analysis of the current industry and the new media.