• 제목/요약/키워드: observation-error model

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Combining Bias-correction on Regional Climate Simulations and ENSO Signal for Water Management: Case Study for Tampa Bay, Florida, U.S. (ENSO 패턴에 대한 MM5 강수 모의 결과의 유역단위 성능 평가: 플로리다 템파 지역을 중심으로)

  • Hwang, Syewoon;Hernandez, Jose
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
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    • v.14 no.4
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    • pp.143-154
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    • 2012
  • As demand of water resources and attentions to changes in climate (e.g., due to ENSO) increase, long/short term prediction of precipitation is getting necessary in water planning. This research evaluated the ability of MM5 to predict precipitation in the Tampa Bay region over 23 year period from 1986 to 2008. Additionally MM5 results were statistically bias-corrected using observation data at 33 stations over the study area using CDF-mapping approach and evaluated comparing to raw results for each ENSO phase (i.e., El Ni$\tilde{n}$o and La Ni$\tilde{n}$a). The bias-corrected model results accurately reproduced the monthly mean point precipitation values. Areal average daily/monthly precipitation predictions estimated using block-kriging algorithm showed fairly high accuracy with mean error of daily precipitation, 0.8 mm and mean error of monthly precipitation, 7.1 mm. The results evaluated according to ENSO phase showed that the accuracy in model output varies with the seasons and ENSO phases. Reasons for low predictions skills and alternatives for simulation improvement are discussed. A comprehensive evaluation including sensitivity to physics schemes, boundary conditions reanalysis products and updating land use maps is suggested to enhance model performance. We believe that the outcome of this research guides to a better implementation of regional climate modeling tools in water management at regional/seasonal scale.

Estimates on the Long-term Landform Changes Near Sinduri Beaches (신두리 해빈 장기해안지형변화 탐지 및 추정)

  • Yun, Konghyun;Lee, Chang Kyung;Kim, Gyung Soo
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.38 no.6_1
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    • pp.1315-1328
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    • 2022
  • Sinduri beach is a typical sedimentary landform that forms sand dunes due to the influence of the northwest wind in winter. Due to the its large scale and well-developed nature, it has been recognized for conservation value and is currently designated as Natural Monument No. 431, and continuous monitoring is required in terms of the preservation of topographical values. In this study, aerial images, drone images, and drone-based LiDAR data during 36 years were used for long-term topographical change observation of the Sinduri coastal sand dunes located in Taean-gun, Chungcheongnam-do. To implement this, the amount of change in elevation and volume for each period was calculated by applying the difference of Digital Elevation Model (DEM) based on raster calculation using the numerical elevation model generated from the raw data. Also, the amount of change in volume based on probability was calculated using the error propagation law for the intrinsic error of each data source. As a result, it can be seen that from 1986 to 2022, deposition of 35,119 m3 occurred in region of interest A (area: 17,960 m2) and 54,954 m3 of deposition occurred in region of interest B (area: 17,686 m2).

Sensitivity Analysis of the High-Resolution WISE-WRF Model with the Use of Surface Roughness Length in Seoul Metropolitan Areas (서울지역의 고해상도 WISE-WRF 모델의 지표면 거칠기 길이 개선에 따른 민감도 분석)

  • Jee, Joon-Bum;Jang, Min;Yi, Chaeyeon;Zo, Il-Sung;Kim, Bu-Yo;Park, Moon-Soo;Choi, Young-Jean
    • Atmosphere
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    • v.26 no.1
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    • pp.111-126
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    • 2016
  • In the numerical weather model, surface properties can be defined by various parameters such as terrain height, landuse, surface albedo, soil moisture, surface emissivity, roughness length and so on. And these parameters need to be improved in the Seoul metropolitan area that established high-rise and complex buildings by urbanization at a recent time. The surface roughness length map is developed from digital elevation model (DEM) and it is implemented to the high-resolution numerical weather (WISE-WRF) model. Simulated results from WISE-WRF model are analyzed the relationship between meteorological variables to changes in the surface roughness length. Friction speed and wind speed are improved with various surface roughness in urban, these variables affected to temperature and relative humidity and hence the surface roughness length will affect to the precipitation and Planetary Boundary Layer (PBL) height. When surface variables by the WISE-WRF model are validated with Automatic Weather System (AWS) observations, NEW experiment is able to simulate more accurate than ORG experiment in temperature and wind speed. Especially, wind speed is overestimated over $2.5m\;s^{-1}$ on some AWS stations in Seoul and surrounding area but it improved with positive correlation and Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) below $2.5m\;s^{-1}$ in whole area. There are close relationship between surface roughness length and wind speed, and the change of surface variables lead to the change of location and duration of precipitation. As a result, the accuracy of WISE-WRF model is improved with the new surface roughness length retrieved from DEM, and its surface roughness length is important role in the high-resolution WISE-WRF model. By the way, the result in this study need various validation from retrieved the surface roughness length to numerical weather model simulations with observation data.

Development of radar-based quantitative precipitation forecasting using spatial-scale decomposition method for urban flood management (도시홍수예보를 위한 공간규모분할기법을 이용한 레이더 강우예측 기법 개발)

  • Yoon, Seongsim
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.50 no.5
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    • pp.335-346
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    • 2017
  • This study generated the radar-based forecasted rainfall using spatial-scale decomposition method (SCDM) and evaluated the hydrological applicability with forecasted rainfall by KMA (MAPLE, KONOS) in terms of urban flood forecasting. SCDM is to separate the small-scale field (convective cell) and large-scale field (straitform cell) from radar rainfield. And each separated field is forecasted by translation model and storm tracker nowcasting model for improvement of QPF accuracy. As the evaluated results of various QPF for three rainfall events in Seoul and Metropolitan area, proposed method showed better prediction accuracy than MAPLE and KONOS considering the simplicity of the methodology. In addition, this study assessed the urban hydrological applicability for Gangnam basin. As the results, KONOS simulated the peak of water depth more accurately than MAPLE and SCDM, however cannot simulated the timeseries pattern of water depth. In the case of SCDM, the quantitative error was larger than observed water depth, but the simulated pattern was similar to observation. The SCDM will be useful information for flood forecasting if quantitative accuracy is improved through the adjustment technique and blending with NWP.

Exploratory Approach of Social Gameplay Behavior Pattern : Case Study of World of Warcrafts (소셜 게임플레이 행동패턴의 탐색적 접근 : World of Warcrafts를 중심으로)

  • Song, Seung-Keun
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.13 no.5
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    • pp.37-47
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    • 2013
  • The objective of this research is to discover the rule of gameplay related to the task interdependence to analyse the behavior pattern of social gameplay. Previous literatures related to the gameplay were reviewed and game which was suitable for the gameplay of the task interdependence was selected. A party-play includes a team of five people in the experiment during the gameplay with think-aloud method and video/audio data about action protocol and verbal report were collected. The video observation and protocol analysis were conducted to analyse data. The objective coding scheme were developed from consolidated sequence model task analysis. The player's behavior was analysed. The result was revealed that four rules and four modified rules were included into the total eight behavior pattern. A behavior graph integrated with five gameplay was written. The excellent cooperative spot and error and failure place could be identified. The social gameplay behavior graph is expected to be the key practical design guideline on whether the level design and balance design are proper.

Two Statistical Models for Automatic Word Spacing of Korean Sentences (한글 문장의 자동 띄어쓰기를 위한 두 가지 통계적 모델)

  • 이도길;이상주;임희석;임해창
    • Journal of KIISE:Software and Applications
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    • v.30 no.3_4
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    • pp.358-371
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    • 2003
  • Automatic word spacing is a process of deciding correct boundaries between words in a sentence including spacing errors. It is very important to increase the readability and to communicate the accurate meaning of text to the reader. The previous statistical approaches for automatic word spacing do not consider the previous spacing state, and thus can not help estimating inaccurate probabilities. In this paper, we propose two statistical word spacing models which can solve the problem of the previous statistical approaches. The proposed models are based on the observation that the automatic word spacing is regarded as a classification problem such as the POS tagging. The models can consider broader context and estimate more accurate probabilities by generalizing hidden Markov models. We have experimented the proposed models under a wide range of experimental conditions in order to compare them with the current state of the art, and also provided detailed error analysis of our models. The experimental results show that the proposed models have a syllable-unit accuracy of 98.33% and Eojeol-unit precision of 93.06% by the evaluation method considering compound nouns.

Potential Impacts of Future Extreme Storm Events on Streamflow and Sediment in Soyang-dam Watershed (기후변화에 따른 미래 극한호우사상이 소양강댐 유역의 유량 및 유사량에 미치는 영향)

  • Han, Jeong Ho;Lee, Dong Jun;Kang, Boosik;Chung, Se Woong;Jang, Won Seok;Lim, Kyoung Jae;Kim, Jonggun
    • Journal of Korean Society on Water Environment
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    • v.33 no.2
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    • pp.160-169
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    • 2017
  • The objective of this study are to analyze changes in future rainfall patterns in the Soyang-dam watershed according to the RCP 4.5 scenario of climate change. Second objective is to project peak flow and hourly sediment simulated for the future extreme rainfall events using the SWAT model. For these, accuracy of SWAT hourly simulation for the large scale watershed was evaluated in advance. The results of model calibration showed that simulated peak flow matched observation well with acceptable average relative error. The results of future rainfall pattern changes analysis indicated that extreme storm events will become more severe and frequent as climate change progresses. Especially, possibility of occurrence of large scale extreme storm events will be greater on the periods of 2030-2040 and 2050-2060. In addition, as shown in the SWAT hourly simulation for the future extreme storm events, more severe flood and turbid water can happen in the future compared with the most devastating storm event which occurred by the typhoon Ewiniar in 2006 year. Thus, countermeasures against future extreme storm event and turbid water are needed to cope with climate change.

GPS Software Development for Calculation of Cadastral Control Points (지적기준점 성과계산을 위한 GPS 소프트웨어 개발)

  • 우인제;이종기;김병국;이민석
    • Spatial Information Research
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.101-110
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    • 2004
  • Research that establish new cadastral survey model that use GPS to introduce GPS observation technique in cadastral survey and research that develop connection technologies are now abuzz. The purpose of this research is to keep in step in such trend and grasp present condition and performance of surveying connection to common use GPS data processing software, and analyze data processing algorithm, and develop suitable GPS data processing software in our real condition regarding GPS data processing and result of control point calculation. This research studies analysis common use software and error occurrence by data processing method that college and company have. Also, It analyzes algorithm that is applied to existing GPS data processing software. After that we study algorithm that is most suitable with cadastral survey and then develop cadastral survey calculation software for new cadastral control points.

  • PDF

Verification of the KMA Ocean Model NEMO against Argo Floats and Drift Buoys: a Comparison with the Up-to-date US Navy HYCOM (Argo 플로트와 표류부이 관측자료를 활용한 기상청 전지구 해양모델 (NEMO)의 검증: 최신 미해군 해양모델(HYCOM)과 비교)

  • Hyun, Seung-Hwon;Hwang, Seung-On;Lee, Sang-Min;Choo, Sung-Ho
    • Atmosphere
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    • v.32 no.1
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    • pp.71-84
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    • 2022
  • This paper describes verification results for the ocean analysis field produced by the Nucleus for European Modelling of the Ocean (NEMO) of the Korea Meteorological Administration (KMA) against observed Argo floats and drift buoys over the western Pacific Ocean and the equatorial Pacific during 2020~2021. This is confirmed by a comparison of the verification for the newly updated version of the HYbrid Coordinate Ocean Model/Navy Coupled Ocean Data Assimilation (HYCOM/NCODA) against same observations. NEMO shows that the vertical ocean temperature is much closer to the Argo floats than HYCOM for most seasons in terms of bias and root mean square error. On the other hand, there are overall considerable cold biases for HYCOM, which may be due to the more rapid decreasing temperature at the shallow thermocline in HYCOM. Conclusion demonstrated that the NEMO analysis for ocean temperature is more reliable than the analysis produced by the latest version of HYCOM as well as by the out-of-date HYCOM applied to the precedent study. The surface ocean current produced by NEMO also shows 14% closer to the AOML (Atlantic Oceanographic and Meteorological Laboratory) in situ drift buoys observations than HYCOM over the western Pacific Ocean. Over the equatorial Pacific, however, HYCOM shows slightly closer to AOML observation than NEMO in some seasons. Overall, this study suggests that the resulting information may be used to promote more use of NEMO analysis.

Bias-Aware Numerical Surface Temperature Prediction System in Cheonsu Bay during Summer and Sensitivity Experiments (편향보정을 고려한 수치모델 기반 여름철 천수만 수온예측시스템과 예측성능 개선을 위한 민감도 실험)

  • Young-Joo Jung;Byoung-Ju Choi;Jae-Sung Choi;Sung-Gwan Myoung;Joon-Young Yang;Chang-Hoon Han
    • Ocean and Polar Research
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    • v.46 no.1
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    • pp.17-30
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    • 2024
  • A real-time numerical prediction system was developed to predict sea surface temperature (SST) in Cheonsu Bay to minimize damages caused by marine heatwaves. This system assimilated observation data using an ensemble Kalman filter and produced 7-day forecasts. Bias in the temperature forecasts were corrected based on observed data, and the bias-corrected predictions were evaluated against observations. Using this real-time numerical prediction system, daily SSTs were predicted in real-time for 7 days from July to August 2021. The forecasted SSTs from the numerical model were adjusted using observational data for bias correction. To assess the accuracy of the numerical prediction system, real-time hourly surface temperature observations as well as temperature and salinity profiles observed along two meridional sections within Cheonsu Bay were compared with the numerical model results. The root mean square error (RMSE) of the forecasted temperatures was 0.58℃, reducing to 0.36℃ after bias-correction. This emphasizes the crucial role of bias correction using observational data. Sensitivity experiments revealed the importance of accurate input of freshwater influx information such as discharge time, discharge volume, freshwater temperature in predicting real-time temperatures in coastal ocean heavily influenced by freshwater discharge. This study demonstrated that assimilating observational data into coastal ocean numerical models and correcting biases in forecasted SSTs can improve the accuracy of temperature prediction. The prediction methods used in this study can be applied to temperature predictions in other coastal areas.